Trump calls Mexico an abuser of US America has had enough

The GOP leadership were assholes enough, that I think it would have flown just fine to call them out on not living up to their past anti-immigration rhetoric.

Don't you think that would have been fair and just to do?

Why does fair and just have to do with politics?

Trump knew doing so would likely cost him the Senate as well as the House...he is not the brightest bulb on the tree but he is not stupid enough to do that.

Keeping his promises is what will secure his political support.

If he beat the REpublicans in congress enough, they would have caved.

And a REpublican congress that was dragged kicking and screaming to do it's actual JOB, would win against dems who want to stop that.

He needs the Repubs in the Senate more than they need him.

THe Republicans in the Senate, pissed off their entire base, when they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.

If they havent' caught on yet, they need Trump and to support TRump, to get back into our good graces, if they even want to win again.

Who do you think you are kidding. Next time your Senator comes up for election you will vote for the (R) no matter what they have done, or not done
As they ponder if they should move beside a dumbass ignorant bigoted piece of shit playing Country music while parading around their yard in that mullet, drinking beer with a gun stuck down the back of their pants..

You’re such an ignorant fool you don’t even realize that those things you mention are in fact American elements expected to be found in America...Real American’s like to be surrounded by elements of America...weird how that works huh?
Actually I described ignorant people, you know, your America.

My America is not full of bigoted assfucks like you.

We all live in the same America and people like me have to carry fat losers like you.
I have worked all my life, assfuck.

Me too. But I am guessing I earn more since you’re a Democrat and hence pay more into the system.
Guessing??? You mean dreaming.
As they ponder if they should move beside a dumbass ignorant bigoted piece of shit playing Country music while parading around their yard in that mullet, drinking beer with a gun stuck down the back of their pants..

You’re such an ignorant fool you don’t even realize that those things you mention are in fact American elements expected to be found in America...Real American’s like to be surrounded by elements of America...weird how that works huh?
Actually I described ignorant people, you know, your America.

My America is not full of bigoted assfucks like you.

We all live in the same America and people like me have to carry fat losers like you.
I have worked all my life, assfuck.

I have worked all my life, assfuck.

Everybody says that. I admit losing a job in bust and another one for years during Chancy 08' crash (under Zero hard to find another one). Lost a third in a merger under BO and finally found a little Temp work under the Manchurian muslim led to fulltime when DJT Tax plan hit. It was rough when 401K dropped 50% facing living on it & h ouse at 1/2 value. Yet everyone else worked seamlessly?
So the Bush recession cost you work & you blame failures on Obama. I get it.
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty

And you are full of shit.

Illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year. Every one of them should be booted out of America.

If anyone owes anything Mexico owes us the billions we spend on illegals. Most of whom are their citizens.

You are a moron.
We have bombed other countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than Mexico has.
And are you suggesting we bomb Mexico to rubble? :iyfyus.jpg:

Are you stupid?
I asked a simple question and yet, you cannot answer it. Who's the stupid one?

You asked a retarded troll question and I responded by mocking you. :itsok:
I asked a legit question based on the comment you made: "We have bombed other countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than Mexico has."

Perhaps you can explain the point of your post IF NOT to infer that we should bomb Mexico to rubble.
Why does fair and just have to do with politics?

Trump knew doing so would likely cost him the Senate as well as the House...he is not the brightest bulb on the tree but he is not stupid enough to do that.

Keeping his promises is what will secure his political support.

If he beat the REpublicans in congress enough, they would have caved.

And a REpublican congress that was dragged kicking and screaming to do it's actual JOB, would win against dems who want to stop that.

He needs the Repubs in the Senate more than they need him.

THe Republicans in the Senate, pissed off their entire base, when they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.

If they havent' caught on yet, they need Trump and to support TRump, to get back into our good graces, if they even want to win again.

Who do you think you are kidding. Next time your Senator comes up for election you will vote for the (R) no matter what they have done, or not done
At least we know that your Senators will 99% of the time together in everything. You will vote for death camps one day. You cause misery for people. We all want free things now. And may one of your nutjobs kill some more. One good thing though. He didn't take the chitt and fought back the only we could.
We have bombed other countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than Mexico has.
And are you suggesting we bomb Mexico to rubble? :iyfyus.jpg:

Are you stupid?
I asked a simple question and yet, you cannot answer it. Who's the stupid one?

You asked a retarded troll question and I responded by mocking you. :itsok:
I asked a legit question based on the comment you made: "We have bombed other countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than Mexico has."

Perhaps you can explain the point of your post IF NOT to infer that we should bomb Mexico to rubble.

Apparently its over your head, or you are trolling. Its one or the other.
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty

And you are full of shit.

Illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year. Every one of them should be booted out of America.

If anyone owes anything Mexico owes us the billions we spend on illegals. Most of whom are their citizens.

You are a moron.

Mexicans who come to the USA are fleeing poverty----an
improvement in THEIR ECONOMY would serve to keep
them HOME
You’re such an ignorant fool you don’t even realize that those things you mention are in fact American elements expected to be found in America...Real American’s like to be surrounded by elements of America...weird how that works huh?
Actually I described ignorant people, you know, your America.

My America is not full of bigoted assfucks like you.

We all live in the same America and people like me have to carry fat losers like you.
I have worked all my life, assfuck.

I have worked all my life, assfuck.

Everybody says that. I admit losing a job in bust and another one for years during Chancy 08' crash (under Zero hard to find another one). Lost a third in a merger under BO and finally found a little Temp work under the Manchurian muslim led to fulltime when DJT Tax plan hit. It was rough when 401K dropped 50% facing living on it & h ouse at 1/2 value. Yet everyone else worked seamlessly?
So the Bush recession cost you work & you blame failures on Obama. I get it.

FakeDave, you're a Democrat. Just admit it.
Keeping his promises is what will secure his political support.

If he beat the REpublicans in congress enough, they would have caved.

And a REpublican congress that was dragged kicking and screaming to do it's actual JOB, would win against dems who want to stop that.

He needs the Repubs in the Senate more than they need him.

THe Republicans in the Senate, pissed off their entire base, when they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.

If they havent' caught on yet, they need Trump and to support TRump, to get back into our good graces, if they even want to win again.

Who do you think you are kidding. Next time your Senator comes up for election you will vote for the (R) no matter what they have done, or not done
At least we know that your Senators will 99% of the time together in everything. You will vote for death camps one day. You cause misery for people. We all want free things now. And may one of your nutjobs kill some more. One good thing though. He didn't take the chitt and fought back the only we could.
You "know that", huh? :71:
And are you suggesting we bomb Mexico to rubble? :iyfyus.jpg:

Are you stupid?
I asked a simple question and yet, you cannot answer it. Who's the stupid one?

You asked a retarded troll question and I responded by mocking you. :itsok:
I asked a legit question based on the comment you made: "We have bombed other countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than Mexico has."

Perhaps you can explain the point of your post IF NOT to infer that we should bomb Mexico to rubble.

Apparently its over your head, or you are trolling. Its one or the other.
And...yet again, you dodge explaining the point of your post. Do you often post things that you cannot (or will not) explain what they mean? Does this carry over into RL?
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty

And you are full of shit.

Illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year. Every one of them should be booted out of America.

If anyone owes anything Mexico owes us the billions we spend on illegals. Most of whom are their citizens.

You are a moron.

Mexicans who come to the USA are fleeing poverty----an
improvement in THEIR ECONOMY would serve to keep
them HOME

You are a moron. Its not America's responsibility to provide anything to illegal Mexican invaders.

Its up to the Mexican government to provide a good economy for Mexicans.

You sure are tree stump dumb.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Trump is a TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT, who has done nothing but play games all of his adult life - projecting an image of wealth and success amid a history of catastrophic business failures, shady business practices, criminal investigations, and outright fraud. American banks will not lend to him because of the amount of money they've lost on his projects and his bankrtupcies.

Trump has abused the business laws of the USA throughout his life, milking bankruptcies and failures for all of the cash he could stuff in his own pockets while his investors and business partners lost everything. 3000+ lawsuits, over $1 billion in losses reported to the IRS - all bailled out by his father. The worst record of bankruptcy and money lost in American history, and only one real business success. But the Trump PR team works overtime selling you the Trump image - rich, handsome and successful, a man who truly has it all. None of it is real and Trump is terrified you're about to find out just what a total desperate loser he really is.

The only people dumber and more desperate than Trump are his supporters.
Actually I described ignorant people, you know, your America.

My America is not full of bigoted assfucks like you.

We all live in the same America and people like me have to carry fat losers like you.
I have worked all my life, assfuck.

I have worked all my life, assfuck.

Everybody says that. I admit losing a job in bust and another one for years during Chancy 08' crash (under Zero hard to find another one). Lost a third in a merger under BO and finally found a little Temp work under the Manchurian muslim led to fulltime when DJT Tax plan hit. It was rough when 401K dropped 50% facing living on it & h ouse at 1/2 value. Yet everyone else worked seamlessly?
So the Bush recession cost you work & you blame failures on Obama. I get it.
I am not a Democrat.

FakeDave, you're a Democrat. Just admit it.
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty

And you are full of shit.

Illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year. Every one of them should be booted out of America.

If anyone owes anything Mexico owes us the billions we spend on illegals. Most of whom are their citizens.

You are a moron.

Mexicans who come to the USA are fleeing poverty----an
improvement in THEIR ECONOMY would serve to keep
them HOME

You are a moron. Its not America's responsibility to provide anything to illegal Mexican invaders.

Its up to the Mexican government to provide a good economy for Mexicans.

You sure are tree stump dumb.
OK, Spend all that money trying to keep them out instead of working with Mexico to make it so they don't want to come here.

You would spend all say cleaning up the water on your basemrnt floor instead of fixing the leak.

This is how stupid you & Trump are.

Keep dealing with refugee instead of helping solve the situations in those Central American countries.

Trumpettes are stupid people
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty

And you are full of shit.

Illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year. Every one of them should be booted out of America.

If anyone owes anything Mexico owes us the billions we spend on illegals. Most of whom are their citizens.

You are a moron.

Mexicans who come to the USA are fleeing poverty----an
improvement in THEIR ECONOMY would serve to keep
them HOME

You are a moron. Its not America's responsibility to provide anything to illegal Mexican invaders.

Its up to the Mexican government to provide a good economy for Mexicans.

You sure are tree stump dumb.
OK, Spend all that money trying to keep them out instead of working with Mexico to make it so they don't want to come here.

You would spend all say cleaning up the water on your basemrnt floor instead of fixing the leak.

This is how stupid you & Trump are.

Keep dealing with refugee instead of helping solve the situations in those Central American countries.

Trumpettes are stupid people

We can't do anything about he Mexican economy.

Mexico is the only entity that can fix that.

We also can't fix the economies of Central America.

Its not our responsibility to fix anyone's economy but our own.

If you want to spend time curing the ills of the world then have at it you stupid shit.

What we can do is build the wall and boot the 20 million illegals who are here right the hell out. We will also save billions every year.

You non Trumpers are stupid people.
Last edited:
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty

And you are full of shit.

Illegals cost we the tax payer billions every year. Every one of them should be booted out of America.

If anyone owes anything Mexico owes us the billions we spend on illegals. Most of whom are their citizens.

You are a moron.

Mexicans who come to the USA are fleeing poverty----an
improvement in THEIR ECONOMY would serve to keep
them HOME

You are a moron. Its not America's responsibility to provide anything to illegal Mexican invaders.

Its up to the Mexican government to provide a good economy for Mexicans.

You sure are tree stump dumb.
OK, Spend all that money trying to keep them out instead of working with Mexico to make it so they don't want to come here.

You would spend all say cleaning up the water on your basemrnt floor instead of fixing the leak.

This is how stupid you & Trump are.

Keep dealing with refugee instead of helping solve the situations in those Central American countries.

Trumpettes are stupid people

We can't do anything about he Mexican economy.

Mexico is the only entity that can fix that.

We also can't fix the economies of Central America.

Its not our responsibility to fix anyone's economy but our own.

What we can do is build the wall and boot the 20 million illegals who are here right the hell out. We will also save billions every year.

You non Trumpers are stupid people.

since when have democrats become ISOLATIONISTS?
(oh---now I remember---it happened when I gave up on the

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