Trump calls Mexico an abuser of US America has had enough

Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
I really wonder how much the Drug cartels give to the president of Mexico and what Banko is he putting it in.
I really ponder how much the Russians give to the President of the United States and which bank he is putting it.
Mexicans who come to the USA are fleeing poverty----an
improvement in THEIR ECONOMY would serve to keep
them HOME

You are a moron. Its not America's responsibility to provide anything to illegal Mexican invaders.

Its up to the Mexican government to provide a good economy for Mexicans.

You sure are tree stump dumb.
OK, Spend all that money trying to keep them out instead of working with Mexico to make it so they don't want to come here.

You would spend all say cleaning up the water on your basemrnt floor instead of fixing the leak.

This is how stupid you & Trump are.

Keep dealing with refugee instead of helping solve the situations in those Central American countries.

Trumpettes are stupid people

We can't do anything about he Mexican economy.

Mexico is the only entity that can fix that.

We also can't fix the economies of Central America.

Its not our responsibility to fix anyone's economy but our own.

If you want to spend time curing the ills of the world then have at it you stupid shit.

What we can do is build the wall and boot the 20 million illegals who are here right the hell out. We will also save billions every year.

You non Trumpers are stupid people.

So we can't help them but Trump can hurt them? If the US can hurt therm, they can help them.

We can help them better fight the drug cartels since we fund them.

We can help Central American countries fight the dtrug lords which are making them dangerous places & forcing people to flee,.

If we don't help in the world, good luck with keep trade lines open. Or do you actually think we can survive with out trade and allies.

The basement is flooding and you are too stupid to plug the leak.

Hope he does hurt them. Then they will make an effort to keep their citizens in Mexico instead of crossing our border illegally so they can cost us billions each year. That might be your idea of a fix but it sure as hell ain't mine.

Let the rest of the world take care of itself. We've wasted enough money and time on them.

The basement is flooding and you can bet your ass I know how to plug the leak even if your stupid ass doesn't.
So why don;t you want to plug the refugee "leak" instead of mopping up every day at the botder?
The wall will plug the leaks. Then we can boot those 20 million out and that's the last mopping up we will need to do.

You are another complete and utter fool.
The wall will plug the leaks. Then we can boot those 20 million out and that's the last mopping up we will need to do.

You are another complete and utter fool.

The wall is like building a dam that doesn't cover the entire length of the room. What good does that do?

But there you are spending tens of billions while bitching about a lot less to help the sources of these refugees.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Yes because Trump has just negotiated all these trade deals, the Iran nuclear deal, the NK nuclear deal, etc

Your fat assed orange buddy has only one trade deal, yet to be approved. That was the tweaking of NAFTA with Mexico. Wait, you mean the stupid fuck ciut a deal with Mexico & NEVER addresses immigration????

The wall will plug the leaks. Then we can boot those 20 million out and that's the last mopping up we will need to do.

You are another complete and utter fool.

The wall is like building a dam that doesn't cover the entire length of the room. What good does that do?

But there you are spending tens of billions while bitching about a lot less to help the sources of these refugees.

It covers the US/Mexican border where 99% of illegals cross.

Oh and those billions we save can be used for other things.

I couldn't care less about why these illegals cross the border. The only thing I care about is stopping them.
Your concerns about his caving, and that the tariff is too small to really hurt them, are valid concerns.

ON the other hand, let US remember that the alternative to TRump, is for America to keep being the World's Bitch on Immigration and Trade.

Do you believe that Mexicans have the RIGHT to move into our nation, and stay here, regardless of our wishes?

I do not think that they do, I just do not think that the tariff is the ultimate tool to fix every problem.

THe alternative to Trump winning, is that we remain Mexico's bitch on Trade and Immigration.

That is the choices facing US. Win with Trump or lose.

The US usually has a trade surplus with Mexico.

You really need to quit being so uninformed.

Link please.

Wow, look up trade balance US Mexico. You might be surprised how much smarter you can become when you quit bitching about links i& just do some research.

I did, and it seems that you are very much wrong.

My point stands.

THe alternative to Trump winning, is that we remain Mexico's bitch on Trade and Immigration.

That is the choices facing US. Win with Trump or lose.
You really missed the year long discussing, during the campaign, how those macro economic numbers ignore the damage done to the US working poor?

Especially on this site?

Nope, I did not miss those talking points during the campaigns, nor have I missed you people parroting them every chance you get.

It is total hogwash.

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So, what is your response to that point then? Cause nothing in your last two posts here, show that you have one.

The point is we are not getting fucked on the trade deals, that is just a lie told by politicians to win votes. Our economic numbers are ample evidence we are not being fucked over.

Yes, there is a small segment of society being left behind, as their always is. Henry Ford screwed the blacksmiths and the buggy whip makers. But the solution was not to turn back time like your ilk want to do now.

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I live in the rust belt. The segment of society being left behind, looks pretty big to me.
A lot of that rust was not the result of Mexico at all. Large equipment mfrs like Lima & Bucyrus Erie got beat out bu other US companies. I still run into BE rigs in Mexico.

Mexico was a relatively small part, compared to other trade partners.

The point stands. The segment left behind by those good macroeconomic numbers, looks pretty big to me here.
You really missed the year long discussing, during the campaign, how those macro economic numbers ignore the damage done to the US working poor?

Especially on this site?

Nope, I did not miss those talking points during the campaigns, nor have I missed you people parroting them every chance you get.

It is total hogwash.

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So, what is your response to that point then? Cause nothing in your last two posts here, show that you have one.

The point is we are not getting fucked on the trade deals, that is just a lie told by politicians to win votes. Our economic numbers are ample evidence we are not being fucked over.

Yes, there is a small segment of society being left behind, as their always is. Henry Ford screwed the blacksmiths and the buggy whip makers. But the solution was not to turn back time like your ilk want to do now.

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I live in the rust belt. The segment of society being left behind, looks pretty big to me.

An Oreo cookie looks petty big to an ant.

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And whole towns and neighborhoods, and even cities, devastated and left without hope, look pretty big to people, who are not sociopaths.
Nope, I did not miss those talking points during the campaigns, nor have I missed you people parroting them every chance you get.

It is total hogwash.

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So, what is your response to that point then? Cause nothing in your last two posts here, show that you have one.

The point is we are not getting fucked on the trade deals, that is just a lie told by politicians to win votes. Our economic numbers are ample evidence we are not being fucked over.

Yes, there is a small segment of society being left behind, as their always is. Henry Ford screwed the blacksmiths and the buggy whip makers. But the solution was not to turn back time like your ilk want to do now.

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I live in the rust belt. The segment of society being left behind, looks pretty big to me.

An Oreo cookie looks petty big to an ant.

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And whole towns and neighborhoods, and even cities, devastated and left without hope, look pretty big to people, who are not sociopaths.

They look big to the people that live there...not to anyone else.
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty
Wait, what? I thought the USA was supposed to be a non-secular, multi-religious nation? Are you telling me we're a Christian nation now, and have to throw ourselves on the cross for other Christian nations?

Oh, by the way, fuck your notion. The Pope wouldn't throw himself on the cross to save Mexico, and neither should the USA.

“We are a nation of all religions”.. irosie91 will ask us to throw fags off buildings in her next post.

I read your posts here and there and I wonder, WTF is wrong with you?

You dropped on your head as a kid?
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty
Wait, what? I thought the USA was supposed to be a non-secular, multi-religious nation? Are you telling me we're a Christian nation now, and have to throw ourselves on the cross for other Christian nations?

Oh, by the way, fuck your notion. The Pope wouldn't throw himself on the cross to save Mexico, and neither should the USA.

“We are a nation of all religions”.. irosie91 will ask us to throw fags off buildings in her next post.

I read your posts here and there and I wonder, WTF is wrong with you?

You dropped on your head as a kid?

Those who were “dropped on their head as a kid” are easy to spot...the men prefer a mans anus over a beautiful vagina, they believe a man can look down at his penis yet be a woman, they believe they have a right to other people’s shit, they hate American sovereignty...they’re super fucked in the head. You’ll know when you run across one.
The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty
Wait, what? I thought the USA was supposed to be a non-secular, multi-religious nation? Are you telling me we're a Christian nation now, and have to throw ourselves on the cross for other Christian nations?

Oh, by the way, fuck your notion. The Pope wouldn't throw himself on the cross to save Mexico, and neither should the USA.

“We are a nation of all religions”.. irosie91 will ask us to throw fags off buildings in her next post.

I read your posts here and there and I wonder, WTF is wrong with you?

You dropped on your head as a kid?

Those who were “dropped on their head as a kid” are easy to spot...the men prefer a mans anus over a beautiful vagina, they believe a man can look down at his penis yet be a woman, they believe they have a right to other people’s shit, they hate American sovereignty...they’re super fucked in the head. You’ll know when you run across one.

Tell us more of your perverse life, not that there is anything wrong with that.

You closet homos make me laugh. You know squat about what you revel when you post.

The USA has a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN responsibility to pull Mexico out of
its crippling poverty
Wait, what? I thought the USA was supposed to be a non-secular, multi-religious nation? Are you telling me we're a Christian nation now, and have to throw ourselves on the cross for other Christian nations?

Oh, by the way, fuck your notion. The Pope wouldn't throw himself on the cross to save Mexico, and neither should the USA.

“We are a nation of all religions”.. irosie91 will ask us to throw fags off buildings in her next post.

I read your posts here and there and I wonder, WTF is wrong with you?

You dropped on your head as a kid?

Those who were “dropped on their head as a kid” are easy to spot...the men prefer a mans anus over a beautiful vagina, they believe a man can look down at his penis yet be a woman, they believe they have a right to other people’s shit, they hate American sovereignty...they’re super fucked in the head. You’ll know when you run across one.

Tell us more of your perverse life, not that there is anything wrong with that.

You closet homos make me laugh. You know squat about what you revel when you post.


You make no sense bud...try harder.
Wait, what? I thought the USA was supposed to be a non-secular, multi-religious nation? Are you telling me we're a Christian nation now, and have to throw ourselves on the cross for other Christian nations?

Oh, by the way, fuck your notion. The Pope wouldn't throw himself on the cross to save Mexico, and neither should the USA.

“We are a nation of all religions”.. irosie91 will ask us to throw fags off buildings in her next post.

I read your posts here and there and I wonder, WTF is wrong with you?

You dropped on your head as a kid?

Those who were “dropped on their head as a kid” are easy to spot...the men prefer a mans anus over a beautiful vagina, they believe a man can look down at his penis yet be a woman, they believe they have a right to other people’s shit, they hate American sovereignty...they’re super fucked in the head. You’ll know when you run across one.

Tell us more of your perverse life, not that there is anything wrong with that.

You closet homos make me laugh. You know squat about what you revel when you post.


You make no sense bud...try harder.

No, you are too stupid to understand.

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