Trump calls Mexico an abuser of US America has had enough

Rising prices don't decrease demand?

Cool. I learn so much new stuff here, every freaking day.

Eventually, but he will cave before it gets to that point.

As I was explaining to someone else on here, with the 5% tariff, most retailers will up the Mexican goods by 2 to 3 percent and then add a percent or two to 100 other times to even it out. This way they do not lose the market base for the individual products and the changes are small enough to not be noticeable.

Your concerns about his caving, and that the tariff is too small to really hurt them, are valid concerns.

ON the other hand, let US remember that the alternative to TRump, is for America to keep being the World's Bitch on Immigration and Trade.

Do you believe that Mexicans have the RIGHT to move into our nation, and stay here, regardless of our wishes?

I do not think that they do, I just do not think that the tariff is the ultimate tool to fix every problem.
The GOP leadership were assholes enough, that I think it would have flown just fine to call them out on not living up to their past anti-immigration rhetoric.

Don't you think that would have been fair and just to do?

Why does fair and just have to do with politics?

Trump knew doing so would likely cost him the Senate as well as the House...he is not the brightest bulb on the tree but he is not stupid enough to do that.

Keeping his promises is what will secure his political support.

If he beat the REpublicans in congress enough, they would have caved.

And a REpublican congress that was dragged kicking and screaming to do it's actual JOB, would win against dems who want to stop that.

He needs the Repubs in the Senate more than they need him.

THe Republicans in the Senate, pissed off their entire base, when they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.

If they havent' caught on yet, they need Trump and to support TRump, to get back into our good graces, if they even want to win again.

Who do you think you are kidding. Next time your Senator comes up for election you will vote for the (R) no matter what they have done, or not done
The GOP leadership were assholes enough, that I think it would have flown just fine to call them out on not living up to their past anti-immigration rhetoric.

Don't you think that would have been fair and just to do?

Why does fair and just have to do with politics?

Trump knew doing so would likely cost him the Senate as well as the House...he is not the brightest bulb on the tree but he is not stupid enough to do that.

Keeping his promises is what will secure his political support.

If he beat the REpublicans in congress enough, they would have caved.

And a REpublican congress that was dragged kicking and screaming to do it's actual JOB, would win against dems who want to stop that.

He needs the Repubs in the Senate more than they need him.

THe Republicans in the Senate, pissed off their entire base, when they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.

If they havent' caught on yet, they need Trump and to support TRump, to get back into our good graces, if they even want to win again.

Who do you think you are kidding. Next time your Senator comes up for election you will vote for the (R) no matter what they have done, or not done

Only because we already have enough do nothing democrats in congress.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Trump acts like a 8 year old snot-nosed brat writhing on the floor at the toy aisle at Walmart because no one will buy him a toy.

Mexico is abusing America by allowing US corporations to build plants there to make stuff & ship it into the US. How ugly.

It is obviously Mexico's fault that the US has a thirst for illegal drugs. If we did not use drugs, there would be no drug cartels. The US usually has a trade surplus with Mexico....until recently under Trump.

Mexico does do lot with the refugees out of Central America.

Trump has no idea how to fix the mess he created. Now he stomps his feet, yell & scream & blame Mexico.

David Ramirez...before I shred your ass could you please confirm your twisted motive...What percentage of Brown human cockroach are you and are you posting from Tijuana right now?

My motive??? To stop Trump from destroying our country with his stupid tariffs & pissing off our friends in Mexico.

But hey, Mr Bigoted Fuck, bring it on,. I love to argue with ignorant people.

Hahaha...”destroying our country”
The best thing Trump could possibly do for the people of this nation is shut the border down entirely and send 20-40 filthy wetbacks back to Mexico...and that’s an unarguable fact.
As I said, NO OTHER NATION fucks Americans over like that disgusting shithole full of cockroaches does.
Well I don't know how the rest of the people feel, but I am not drinking Mexican beer, booze, Hats or other stuff. I don't care if they close the border and put 22000 troops on the border. Need help I have gun and will travel. I DON'T CARE.
Why does fair and just have to do with politics?

Trump knew doing so would likely cost him the Senate as well as the House...he is not the brightest bulb on the tree but he is not stupid enough to do that.

Keeping his promises is what will secure his political support.

If he beat the REpublicans in congress enough, they would have caved.

And a REpublican congress that was dragged kicking and screaming to do it's actual JOB, would win against dems who want to stop that.

He needs the Repubs in the Senate more than they need him.

THe Republicans in the Senate, pissed off their entire base, when they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.

If they havent' caught on yet, they need Trump and to support TRump, to get back into our good graces, if they even want to win again.

Who do you think you are kidding. Next time your Senator comes up for election you will vote for the (R) no matter what they have done, or not done

Only because we already have enough do nothing democrats in congress.

And both parites know and count on the fact they have your votes no matter is what makes the duopoly survive.
Rising prices don't decrease demand?

Cool. I learn so much new stuff here, every freaking day.

Eventually, but he will cave before it gets to that point.

As I was explaining to someone else on here, with the 5% tariff, most retailers will up the Mexican goods by 2 to 3 percent and then add a percent or two to 100 other times to even it out. This way they do not lose the market base for the individual products and the changes are small enough to not be noticeable.

Your concerns about his caving, and that the tariff is too small to really hurt them, are valid concerns.

ON the other hand, let US remember that the alternative to TRump, is for America to keep being the World's Bitch on Immigration and Trade.

Do you believe that Mexicans have the RIGHT to move into our nation, and stay here, regardless of our wishes?

I do not think that they do, I just do not think that the tariff is the ultimate tool to fix every problem.

THe alternative to Trump winning, is that we remain Mexico's bitch on Trade and Immigration.

That is the choices facing US. Win with Trump or lose.
The GOP leadership were assholes enough, that I think it would have flown just fine to call them out on not living up to their past anti-immigration rhetoric.

Don't you think that would have been fair and just to do?

Why does fair and just have to do with politics?

Trump knew doing so would likely cost him the Senate as well as the House...he is not the brightest bulb on the tree but he is not stupid enough to do that.

Keeping his promises is what will secure his political support.

If he beat the REpublicans in congress enough, they would have caved.

And a REpublican congress that was dragged kicking and screaming to do it's actual JOB, would win against dems who want to stop that.

He needs the Repubs in the Senate more than they need him.

THe Republicans in the Senate, pissed off their entire base, when they tried to steal the nomination from Trump.

If they havent' caught on yet, they need Trump and to support TRump, to get back into our good graces, if they even want to win again.

Who do you think you are kidding. Next time your Senator comes up for election you will vote for the (R) no matter what they have done, or not done

Well, i admit that it is unlikely that I would even vote for an anti-american democrat, but if the GOP is no better, I might just sit my ass at home and day fuck it.

And even if I gin up the motivation to go out and vote for the "lesser evil", it does not take too many of us NOT to do that, for them to lose.

I can believe that they are too stupid to have realized that. I will email them tomorrow to spell it out for them.
I love Ancient bygone Mayan culture. But they didn't speak Spanish. Mexico is a colony of Spain. Which is a white western imperialistic culture. Just like Anglo English speaking culture here in the north. .And then there the is the French Quebecois. We all have our cultural preferences, don't we?
With MaryL, that I didn't take Spanish, I took French, but I also don't trust all the hate post on Mexico. You know, I hear plenty of people hated Spain's Crusade Pope-Given, And All of its results. Plenty of people.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
As they ponder if they should move beside a dumbass ignorant bigoted piece of shit playing Country music while parading around their yard in that mullet, drinking beer with a gun stuck down the back of their pants..

You’re such an ignorant fool you don’t even realize that those things you mention are in fact American elements expected to be found in America...Real American’s like to be surrounded by elements of America...weird how that works huh?
Wow, you're even dumber than I thought you were.

THe alternative to Trump winning, is that we remain Mexico's bitch on Trade and Immigration.

That is the choices facing US. Win with Trump or lose.

Mexico's bitch on Trade??? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

That must be why Mexico's economy is so amazing while here in the US we are stuck with less than 4% UE, more jobs than people to fill them and a record setting stretch of economic growth.

You people crack me up when you parrot the talking points
THe alternative to Trump winning, is that we remain Mexico's bitch on Trade and Immigration.

That is the choices facing US. Win with Trump or lose.

Mexico's bitch on Trade??? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

That must be why Mexico's economy is so amazing while here in the US we are stuck with less than 4% UE, more jobs than people to fill them and a record setting stretch of economic growth.

You people crack me up when you parrot the talking points

You really missed the year long discussing, during the campaign, how those macro economic numbers ignore the damage done to the US working poor?

Especially on this site?
THe alternative to Trump winning, is that we remain Mexico's bitch on Trade and Immigration.

That is the choices facing US. Win with Trump or lose.

Mexico's bitch on Trade??? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

That must be why Mexico's economy is so amazing while here in the US we are stuck with less than 4% UE, more jobs than people to fill them and a record setting stretch of economic growth.

You people crack me up when you parrot the talking points

You really missed the year long discussing, during the campaign, how those macro economic numbers ignore the damage done to the US working poor?

Especially on this site?

Nope, I did not miss those talking points during the campaigns, nor have I missed you people parroting them every chance you get.

It is total hogwash.

Sent from my iPhone using
Yes it did. For a time those phony asylum seekers would be sent and held in Mexico, Until? An Obama judge wanted to weaken America.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.

You seek asylum in the first Country you get to or at the Embassy. Not trek all the way here chauffered by Mexico. There is no war, no persecution but all the way in Venezula perhaps. Wanting free stuff on my credit card is not a good reason for Assylum.

Dave embarrassing himself again. Explain how Mexico is our “friend”. That country is corrupt and run by the cartels.

Our country is run by a corrupt fraud who works with the Russians.

Nope. We have three branches and Mueller proved that the Russia hoax was indeed a hoax. Keep up. And you deflected. Are you not tired of losing debates to me?
Russians did interfere. Trump loves Putin. Tru p lied about his campaign's contacts with thr Russians. Trump called our intel agencies stupid & liars as he agreed with Putin. Trump lied about his business interests in Russia.

Wjhy all these Russian lies?????????

The Russians helped Trump win & he is thankful to Putin.
You may be right...sometimes threats yield the result we seek.

Did the threat of shutting down the border yield any results?

Yes it did. For a time those phony asylum seekers would be sent and held in Mexico, Until? An Obama judge wanted to weaken America.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.

You seek asylum in the first Country you get to or at the Embassy. Not trek all the way here chauffered by Mexico. There is no war, no persecution but all the way in Venezula perhaps. Wanting free stuff on my credit card is not a good reason for Assylum.

Dave embarrassing himself again. Explain how Mexico is our “friend”. That country is corrupt and run by the cartels.
The neighbors are nice tho

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Rising prices don't decrease demand?

Cool. I learn so much new stuff here, every freaking day.

Eventually, but he will cave before it gets to that point.

As I was explaining to someone else on here, with the 5% tariff, most retailers will up the Mexican goods by 2 to 3 percent and then add a percent or two to 100 other times to even it out. This way they do not lose the market base for the individual products and the changes are small enough to not be noticeable.

Your concerns about his caving, and that the tariff is too small to really hurt them, are valid concerns.

ON the other hand, let US remember that the alternative to TRump, is for America to keep being the World's Bitch on Immigration and Trade.

Do you believe that Mexicans have the RIGHT to move into our nation, and stay here, regardless of our wishes?

America was doing great on trade before Trump fucked it all up. We have to subsidize our farmers. US Manufactuier/exporters are suffering. China now controls trade with the TPP countries. Trump has not negotiated shit. He tweaked NAFTA & changed its name & you assfucks danced naked around the fire.

Illegal immigration was being dealt with prior to Littledick Donnie taking office. No one favors illegal immigration.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

That is not going to happen. Trump is raising taxes on Americans. That is who will be hurt. Makes me wonder if Trump wants to lose in 2020.

Look beaner...imposing tariffs on imported goods causes American citizens to buy less of said goods....It’s just that fucking simple...ask an 8th grader for the details.
ou are right. I wuill no longer buy gasoline made friom Mexican oil. I will not buy any US made cars because they likely have parts made in Mexico.

What Mexican products are you no longer buying? Avacados? Tequila?
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
As they ponder if they should move beside a dumbass ignorant bigoted piece of shit playing Country music while parading around their yard in that mullet, drinking beer with a gun stuck down the back of their pants..

You’re such an ignorant fool you don’t even realize that those things you mention are in fact American elements expected to be found in America...Real American’s like to be surrounded by elements of America...weird how that works huh?
Actually I described ignorant people, you know, your America.

My America is not full of bigoted assfucks like you.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.

You seek asylum in the first Country you get to or at the Embassy. Not trek all the way here chauffered by Mexico. There is no war, no persecution but all the way in Venezula perhaps. Wanting free stuff on my credit card is not a good reason for Assylum.

Dave embarrassing himself again. Explain how Mexico is our “friend”. That country is corrupt and run by the cartels.

Our country is run by a corrupt fraud who works with the Russians.

Nope. We have three branches and Mueller proved that the Russia hoax was indeed a hoax. Keep up. And you deflected. Are you not tired of losing debates to me?
Russians did interfere. Trump loves Putin. Tru p lied about his campaign's contacts with thr Russians. Trump called our intel agencies stupid & liars as he agreed with Putin. Trump lied about his business interests in Russia.

Wjhy all these Russian lies?????????

The Russians helped Trump win & he is thankful to Putin.

That Russian "interference" was something else.

My wife and I vote by mail and every time we decided to fill in our ballots somehow we would get distracted.
We think the Russians were using some kind of electronic signal.
:We took our ballots to work and we finally got to drop them off on election day at the last minute.

What did they do to you?

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