Trump calls Mexico an abuser of US America has had enough

We have bombed other countries to rubble for killing fewer Americans than Mexico has.
Mexico has killed people???

Certainly you are not blaming Mexico for the sanctions of some Mexicans here?

If that were the case, Saudi killed 3000 Americans on 9-11 & you love them
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Here is my prediction....

This coming week the Foreign Minister from Mexico will come to DC and talk with somebody in the food chain and then Trump will announce that Mexico has agreed to some vague changes and he will call off the tariffs.

Basically the same that happened when he threatened to shut down the border..but then didn't.

You may be right...sometimes threats yield the result we seek.

Did the threat of shutting down the border yield any results?

Yes it did. For a time those phony asylum seekers would be sent and held in Mexico, Until? An Obama judge wanted to weaken America.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Trump acts like a 8 year old snot-nosed brat writhing on the floor at the toy aisle at Walmart because no one will buy him a toy.

Mexico is abusing America by allowing US corporations to build plants there to make stuff & ship it into the US. How ugly.

It is obviously Mexico's fault that the US has a thirst for illegal drugs. If we did not use drugs, there would be no drug cartels. The US usually has a trade surplus with Mexico....until recently under Trump.

Mexico does do lot with the refugees out of Central America.

Trump has no idea how to fix the mess he created. Now he stomps his feet, yell & scream & blame Mexico.

David Ramirez...before I shred your ass could you please confirm your twisted motive...What percentage of Brown human cockroach are you and are you posting from Tijuana right now?
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
Mexico is a criminal State run by criminal gangs. Always has been.

They're bringing in these unfortunate people, taking everything they own, and shipping them through Mexico in a pipeline that has over 300,000 illegals in it right now and dropping them at our border.

They're making MILLIONS, maybe BILLIONS off the backs of these unfortunate souls and paying off the corrupt, socialist scum politicians and the Deep State Cops.

Mexico has institutionalized illegal immigration. At our expense.

VIDEO: 'First large group' from AFRICA wades across Rio Grande into US - The American Mirror

Nearly 9-in-10 Illegals Released into U.S. Not Showing Up to Court Dates

And dimocrap FILTH, rather than chip in and do their FUCKING JOBS of protecting America and its citizens, uses the opportunity to thwart Trump's attempts to put a bandage on our hemorrhaging borders because.....

They're scum. dimocraps are truly scum.

They would rather hurt America if it means they can get a few votes. They would rather you lose your job, go on welfare, have your wife leave you, lose your home, get hooked on drugs out of despair (that is over half the drug problem in this Country. Young people have dropped out of the system because they can't get a decent job -- They're all in China or Mexico)

People, that's just the way it is. dimocraps do NOT care about the average American. At all. Not in the least.

You're just a basket of deplorables to them, clinging to your guns and Bibles in Flyover Country.

Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
You forgot they were.gonna take yer job and live on welfare.

Seriously, the only problem I've ever had with Hispanic neighbors is when the old lady roasted jalapenos. It was like breathing hotsauce.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
You forgot they were.gonna take yer job and live on welfare.

Seriously, the only problem I've ever had with Hispanic neighbors is when the old lady roasted jalapenos. It was like breathing hotsauce.

Look, if I lived in a shithole among the filth...raised chickens and goats on my 30’x50’ piece of property the cockroaches probably wouldn’t bother me either...Weird how that works huh?
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
You forgot they were.gonna take yer job and live on welfare.

Seriously, the only problem I've ever had with Hispanic neighbors is when the old lady roasted jalapenos. It was like breathing hotsauce.

Look, if I lived in a shithole among the filth...raised chickens and goats on my 30’x50’ piece of property the cockroaches probably wouldn’t bother me either...Weird how that works huh?
That's kinda how I figured you lived, except my guess was you were renting.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Trump acts like a 8 year old snot-nosed brat writhing on the floor at the toy aisle at Walmart because no one will buy him a toy.

Mexico is abusing America by allowing US corporations to build plants there to make stuff & ship it into the US. How ugly.

It is obviously Mexico's fault that the US has a thirst for illegal drugs. If we did not use drugs, there would be no drug cartels. The US usually has a trade surplus with Mexico....until recently under Trump.

Mexico does do lot with the refugees out of Central America.

Trump has no idea how to fix the mess he created. Now he stomps his feet, yell & scream & blame Mexico.

David Ramirez...before I shred your ass could you please confirm your twisted motive...What percentage of Brown human cockroach are you and are you posting from Tijuana right now?

My motive??? To stop Trump from destroying our country with his stupid tariffs & pissing off our friends in Mexico.

But hey, Mr Bigoted Fuck, bring it on,. I love to argue with ignorant people.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Here is my prediction....

This coming week the Foreign Minister from Mexico will come to DC and talk with somebody in the food chain and then Trump will announce that Mexico has agreed to some vague changes and he will call off the tariffs.

Basically the same that happened when he threatened to shut down the border..but then didn't.

You may be right...sometimes threats yield the result we seek.

Did the threat of shutting down the border yield any results?

Yes it did. For a time those phony asylum seekers would be sent and held in Mexico, Until? An Obama judge wanted to weaken America.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.

You seek asylum in the first Country you get to or at the Embassy. Not trek all the way here chauffered by Mexico. There is no war, no persecution but all the way in Venezula perhaps. Wanting free stuff on my credit card is not a good reason for Assylum.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
You forgot they were.gonna take yer job and live on welfare.

Seriously, the only problem I've ever had with Hispanic neighbors is when the old lady roasted jalapenos. It was like breathing hotsauce.

Look, if I lived in a shithole among the filth...raised chickens and goats on my 30’x50’ piece of property the cockroaches probably wouldn’t bother me either...Weird how that works huh?
Your neighbor doesn't seem to mind.
Here is my prediction....

This coming week the Foreign Minister from Mexico will come to DC and talk with somebody in the food chain and then Trump will announce that Mexico has agreed to some vague changes and he will call off the tariffs.

Basically the same that happened when he threatened to shut down the border..but then didn't.

You may be right...sometimes threats yield the result we seek.

Did the threat of shutting down the border yield any results?

Yes it did. For a time those phony asylum seekers would be sent and held in Mexico, Until? An Obama judge wanted to weaken America.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.

You seek asylum in the first Country you get to or at the Embassy. Not trek all the way here chauffered by Mexico. There is no war, no persecution but all the way in Venezula perhaps. Wanting free stuff on my credit card is not a good reason for Assylum.

So, you think that is a rule? How did those Syrian refugees get into Europe?
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Trump acts like a 8 year old snot-nosed brat writhing on the floor at the toy aisle at Walmart because no one will buy him a toy.

Mexico is abusing America by allowing US corporations to build plants there to make stuff & ship it into the US. How ugly.

It is obviously Mexico's fault that the US has a thirst for illegal drugs. If we did not use drugs, there would be no drug cartels. The US usually has a trade surplus with Mexico....until recently under Trump.

Mexico does do lot with the refugees out of Central America.

Trump has no idea how to fix the mess he created. Now he stomps his feet, yell & scream & blame Mexico.

David Ramirez...before I shred your ass could you please confirm your twisted motive...What percentage of Brown human cockroach are you and are you posting from Tijuana right now?

My motive??? To stop Trump from destroying our country with his stupid tariffs & pissing off our friends in Mexico.

But hey, Mr Bigoted Fuck, bring it on,. I love to argue with ignorant people.
You must get good practice from a mirror, then.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.
You tRumpkins are all suffering from "victim mentality" and paranoia.

Paranoid of 5’ tall Spanish speaking beaners that smell like ass and Modello, are Dodger / Raider fans, have nine rabid pit bulls and play mariachi music til midnight moving in next to me...FUCK YEAH I’M PARANOID...Why aren’t you?
As they ponder if they should move beside a dumbass ignorant bigoted piece of shit playing Country music while parading around their yard in that mullet, drinking beer with a gun stuck down the back of their pants..
Here is my prediction....

This coming week the Foreign Minister from Mexico will come to DC and talk with somebody in the food chain and then Trump will announce that Mexico has agreed to some vague changes and he will call off the tariffs.

Basically the same that happened when he threatened to shut down the border..but then didn't.

You may be right...sometimes threats yield the result we seek.

Did the threat of shutting down the border yield any results?

Yes it did. For a time those phony asylum seekers would be sent and held in Mexico, Until? An Obama judge wanted to weaken America.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.

You seek asylum in the first Country you get to or at the Embassy. Not trek all the way here chauffered by Mexico. There is no war, no persecution but all the way in Venezula perhaps. Wanting free stuff on my credit card is not a good reason for Assylum.

Dave embarrassing himself again. Explain how Mexico is our “friend”. That country is corrupt and run by the cartels.
Trump Calls Mexico An ‘Abuser’ of US: ‘America Has Had Enough!’
President Trump in early morning tweets on Sunday called Mexico “an ‘abuser’ of the United States,” warning that threatened tariffs would force companies to move back to the U.S. if nothing is done to stop illegal immigration.

Trump does not play games he knows his business and the scum can't stand it any of it.

Trump acts like a 8 year old snot-nosed brat writhing on the floor at the toy aisle at Walmart because no one will buy him a toy.

Mexico is abusing America by allowing US corporations to build plants there to make stuff & ship it into the US. How ugly.

It is obviously Mexico's fault that the US has a thirst for illegal drugs. If we did not use drugs, there would be no drug cartels. The US usually has a trade surplus with Mexico....until recently under Trump.

Mexico does do lot with the refugees out of Central America.

Trump has no idea how to fix the mess he created. Now he stomps his feet, yell & scream & blame Mexico.

David Ramirez...before I shred your ass could you please confirm your twisted motive...What percentage of Brown human cockroach are you and are you posting from Tijuana right now?

My motive??? To stop Trump from destroying our country with his stupid tariffs & pissing off our friends in Mexico.

But hey, Mr Bigoted Fuck, bring it on,. I love to argue with ignorant people.
You must get good practice from a mirror, then.
Such a Trumpian reply.
You may be right...sometimes threats yield the result we seek.

Did the threat of shutting down the border yield any results?

Yes it did. For a time those phony asylum seekers would be sent and held in Mexico, Until? An Obama judge wanted to weaken America.
Fake News!!!! Fake Asylum Seekers!!!

Fake President elected by fake Americans.

You seek asylum in the first Country you get to or at the Embassy. Not trek all the way here chauffered by Mexico. There is no war, no persecution but all the way in Venezula perhaps. Wanting free stuff on my credit card is not a good reason for Assylum.

So, you think that is a rule? How did those Syrian refugees get into Europe?

Individuals generally must make their claim for asylum in the first country they enter after fleeing persecution if that country is considered a “safe third country.” If a country has not been designated a safe third country, an asylum seeker may pass through it and apply for asylum in the next country.

Mexico is declared a safe country. All will be sent back, or should be.

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