Trump calls US murderers

You know, Trump is in love with hearing himself talk and he doesn't really know when he should shut up, or that sometimes being thrifty with your words is a good thing.

Instead of going on about how much he respects Putin, and that America has killed people too, he should have simply said the following:

Q: Do you respect Putin?
A: He's the president of Russia, and as such deserves a certain level of respect.

Simple. Question answered, gaffe avoided.

But................he's not that smart.
Wow, after 8 years of the most Sociopathic president ever in the history of the US, who loved to hear himself stutter without a teleprompter, you would dare compare Tump to that bi -racial guy? You really are as stupid as you sound.

By the way, Obama killed US citizens without their due process, so yes Trump was correct. Why are you liberals so ashamed of what your side has done, but wont take credit for it when it happens?

So, if US soldiers were attacked bu ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?

What if there is a gunman in a clock tower shooting students on a US campus. You are saying they can not shoot that guy but must arrest them for trial?

We had a US citizen sitting in Yemen sending suicide bombers to kill Americans & you are arguing that we should have sent in troops & had him arrested instead of taking him out with a drone?

This is how FUCKING stupid you people really are. My God.

Then you compare that action to Putin murdering a political adversary.

And really, I know exactly what you are when you inject race into a subject that has nothing to do with race.

Shall I tell this stupid fuck, that what he just asked, actually did happen on the battle field?

UnRealDave said "So, if US soldiers were attacked by ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial? [/quote] Shall I show this fucking idiot that what he asked, actually did happen on the battle field. I guess it is hard to know what is going on when someones head is why up in Uranus.

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia
Lindh went by the name Sulayman al-Faris during his time in Afghanistan, but prefers the name Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi today.[7] In early reports following his capture, when the press learned that he was a U.S. citizen, he was usually referred to by the news media as just "John Walker".[8]
He was flown back to the United States to face criminal charges. On January 16, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that Lindh would be tried in the United States.
Do you understand why you have the right to DUE PROCESS?
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You know, Trump is in love with hearing himself talk and he doesn't really know when he should shut up, or that sometimes being thrifty with your words is a good thing.

Instead of going on about how much he respects Putin, and that America has killed people too, he should have simply said the following:

Q: Do you respect Putin?
A: He's the president of Russia, and as such deserves a certain level of respect.

Simple. Question answered, gaffe avoided.

But................he's not that smart.
Wow, after 8 years of the most Sociopathic president ever in the history of the US, who loved to hear himself stutter without a teleprompter, you would dare compare Tump to that bi -racial guy? You really are as stupid as you sound.

By the way, Obama killed US citizens without their due process, so yes Trump was correct. Why are you liberals so ashamed of what your side has done, but wont take credit for it when it happens?

So, if US soldiers were attacked bu ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?

What if there is a gunman in a clock tower shooting students on a US campus. You are saying they can not shoot that guy but must arrest them for trial?

We had a US citizen sitting in Yemen sending suicide bombers to kill Americans & you are arguing that we should have sent in troops & had him arrested instead of taking him out with a drone?

This is how FUCKING stupid you people really are. My God.

Then you compare that action to Putin murdering a political adversary.

And really, I know exactly what you are when you inject race into a subject that has nothing to do with race.

Shall I tell this stupid fuck, that what he just asked, actually did happen on the battle field?

UnRealDave said "So, if US soldiers were attacked but ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?
Shall I show this fucking idiot that what he asked, actually did happen on the battle field. I guess it is hard to know what is going on when someones head is why up in Uranus.

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia
Lindh went by the name Sulayman al-Faris during his time in Afghanistan, but prefers the name Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi today.[7] In early reports following his capture, when the press learned that he was a U.S. citizen, he was usually referred to by the news media as just "John Walker".[8]
He was flown back to the United States to face criminal charges. On January 16, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that Lindh would be tried in the United States.
Do you understand why you have the right to DUE PROCESS?[/QUOTE]
So, I was right when you claim we have to capture these US citizens turned terrorists.

We must allow the shooter in the clock tower kill people until we figure a way to capture them.

Furthermore, you are saying that Trump just murdered the 8 year old girl in Yemen. She was a US citizen. OMG OMG OMG where was her due process!!!! OMG OMG OMG.
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens
The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead | The Huffington Post
The U.S. drone program under President Barack Obama reached its fifth anniversary on Thursday having tallied up an estimated death toll of at least 2,400 people.

As the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a U.K.-based non-profit, details on its website, five years ago the CIA conducted the first drone strikes of the Obama presidency. Although there were reports of suspected “militants” killed, at least 14 civilians also died that day.
Maybe what Trump is saying is true. But you libtard never pulled your head out of Uranus and realized what was going on for the last 8 years.

View attachment 110945

Dave lives in his own world, and has convinced himself this Gov. can do no wrong and has done no wrong he's had his head up the Government behind so long he won't ever pull it out. He fees safer in the land of denial.
Just like the rest of them.
You know, Trump is in love with hearing himself talk and he doesn't really know when he should shut up, or that sometimes being thrifty with your words is a good thing.

Instead of going on about how much he respects Putin, and that America has killed people too, he should have simply said the following:

Q: Do you respect Putin?
A: He's the president of Russia, and as such deserves a certain level of respect.

Simple. Question answered, gaffe avoided.

But................he's not that smart.
Wow, after 8 years of the most Sociopathic president ever in the history of the US, who loved to hear himself stutter without a teleprompter, you would dare compare Tump to that bi -racial guy? You really are as stupid as you sound.

By the way, Obama killed US citizens without their due process, so yes Trump was correct. Why are you liberals so ashamed of what your side has done, but wont take credit for it when it happens?

So, if US soldiers were attacked bu ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?

What if there is a gunman in a clock tower shooting students on a US campus. You are saying they can not shoot that guy but must arrest them for trial?

We had a US citizen sitting in Yemen sending suicide bombers to kill Americans & you are arguing that we should have sent in troops & had him arrested instead of taking him out with a drone?

This is how FUCKING stupid you people really are. My God.

Then you compare that action to Putin murdering a political adversary.

And really, I know exactly what you are when you inject race into a subject that has nothing to do with race.

Shall I tell this stupid fuck, that what he just asked, actually did happen on the battle field?

UnRealDave said "So, if US soldiers were attacked but ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?
Shall I show this fucking idiot that what he asked, actually did happen on the battle field. I guess it is hard to know what is going on when someones head is why up in Uranus.

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia
Lindh went by the name Sulayman al-Faris during his time in Afghanistan, but prefers the name Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi today.[7] In early reports following his capture, when the press learned that he was a U.S. citizen, he was usually referred to by the news media as just "John Walker".[8]
He was flown back to the United States to face criminal charges. On January 16, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that Lindh would be tried in the United States.
Do you understand why you have the right to DUE PROCESS?

So, I was right when you claim we have to capture these US citizens turned terrorists.

We must allow the shooter in the clock tower kill people until we figure a way to capture them.

Furthermore, you are saying that Trump just murdered the 8 year old girl in Yemen. She was a US citizen. OMG OMG OMG where was her due process!!!! OMG OMG OMG.[/QUOTE]
So what you are saying is that if the Liberal Terrorist up in the clock tower, decided to give himself up, would you while his hands are up , shoot him dead? Just wondering if I get all the information, or not?
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens
The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead | The Huffington Post
The U.S. drone program under President Barack Obama reached its fifth anniversary on Thursday having tallied up an estimated death toll of at least 2,400 people.

As the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a U.K.-based non-profit, details on its website, five years ago the CIA conducted the first drone strikes of the Obama presidency. Although there were reports of suspected “militants” killed, at least 14 civilians also died that day.
Maybe what Trump is saying is true. But you libtard never pulled your head out of Uranus and realized what was going on for the last 8 years.

View attachment 110945

Dave lives in his own world, and has convinced himself this Gov. can do no wrong and has done no wrong he's had his head up the Government behind so long he won't ever pull it out. He fees safer in the land of denial.
Just like the rest of them.

The government has done wrong.

Killing Al Awlaki is not an example of it.
You know, Trump is in love with hearing himself talk and he doesn't really know when he should shut up, or that sometimes being thrifty with your words is a good thing.

Instead of going on about how much he respects Putin, and that America has killed people too, he should have simply said the following:

Q: Do you respect Putin?
A: He's the president of Russia, and as such deserves a certain level of respect.

Simple. Question answered, gaffe avoided.

But................he's not that smart.
Wow, after 8 years of the most Sociopathic president ever in the history of the US, who loved to hear himself stutter without a teleprompter, you would dare compare Tump to that bi -racial guy? You really are as stupid as you sound.

By the way, Obama killed US citizens without their due process, so yes Trump was correct. Why are you liberals so ashamed of what your side has done, but wont take credit for it when it happens?

So, if US soldiers were attacked bu ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?

What if there is a gunman in a clock tower shooting students on a US campus. You are saying they can not shoot that guy but must arrest them for trial?

We had a US citizen sitting in Yemen sending suicide bombers to kill Americans & you are arguing that we should have sent in troops & had him arrested instead of taking him out with a drone?

This is how FUCKING stupid you people really are. My God.

Then you compare that action to Putin murdering a political adversary.

And really, I know exactly what you are when you inject race into a subject that has nothing to do with race.

Shall I tell this stupid fuck, that what he just asked, actually did happen on the battle field?

UnRealDave said "So, if US soldiers were attacked but ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?
Shall I show this fucking idiot that what he asked, actually did happen on the battle field. I guess it is hard to know what is going on when someones head is why up in Uranus.

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia
Lindh went by the name Sulayman al-Faris during his time in Afghanistan, but prefers the name Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi today.[7] In early reports following his capture, when the press learned that he was a U.S. citizen, he was usually referred to by the news media as just "John Walker".[8]
He was flown back to the United States to face criminal charges. On January 16, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that Lindh would be tried in the United States.
Do you understand why you have the right to DUE PROCESS?

So, I was right when you claim we have to capture these US citizens turned terrorists.

We must allow the shooter in the clock tower kill people until we figure a way to capture them.

Furthermore, you are saying that Trump just murdered the 8 year old girl in Yemen. She was a US citizen. OMG OMG OMG where was her due process!!!! OMG OMG OMG.

So what you are saying is that if the Liberal Terrorist up in the clock tower, decided to give himself up, would you while his hands are up , shoot him dead? Just wondering if I get all the information, or not?[/QUOTE]

We are not talking about cops killing black men.

We are talking about terrorists in foreign lands that are orchestrating attacks on Americans. You say we have to capture them.

The shooter in that clock tower is not giving up, do you shoot him or not?
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

Moron......every single left winger agreed with what Trump said....until he said it......Trump is simply a product of hanging around too many left wing assholes who push this stuff in hollywood, our schools in in our press........

The difference with Trump...if you explain how he is wrong he will understand the difference....we have been trying to explain the difference between America and the rest of the world for years now, and we get no where with you left wing morons...

I never said or thought we were as bad as Russia. US has made mistakes. But Putin is a tyrant. He oppresses minority groups like homosexuals , silences his political opponents or those who dare to challenge him. Many Russia people are unhappy with Putin and their country but can't do anything about it. There is a reason why you see Russians looking for work outside of Russia. Why many women makes themselves into mail in brides to get away from there.

Putin has always been an evil man. If you ask me, The US should have had sanctions on Russia years ago.
So do muslims, but you bend over backwards for them. Don't you have a protest to attend?
I believe what Trump said was are we so innocent meaning in our history we have done bad things including the killing of innocent people. Does anyone believe this not to be true?
Wow, after 8 years of the most Sociopathic president ever in the history of the US, who loved to hear himself stutter without a teleprompter, you would dare compare Tump to that bi -racial guy? You really are as stupid as you sound.

By the way, Obama killed US citizens without their due process, so yes Trump was correct. Why are you liberals so ashamed of what your side has done, but wont take credit for it when it happens?

So, if US soldiers were attacked bu ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?

What if there is a gunman in a clock tower shooting students on a US campus. You are saying they can not shoot that guy but must arrest them for trial?

We had a US citizen sitting in Yemen sending suicide bombers to kill Americans & you are arguing that we should have sent in troops & had him arrested instead of taking him out with a drone?

This is how FUCKING stupid you people really are. My God.

Then you compare that action to Putin murdering a political adversary.

And really, I know exactly what you are when you inject race into a subject that has nothing to do with race.

Shall I tell this stupid fuck, that what he just asked, actually did happen on the battle field?

UnRealDave said "So, if US soldiers were attacked but ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?
Shall I show this fucking idiot that what he asked, actually did happen on the battle field. I guess it is hard to know what is going on when someones head is why up in Uranus.

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia
Lindh went by the name Sulayman al-Faris during his time in Afghanistan, but prefers the name Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi today.[7] In early reports following his capture, when the press learned that he was a U.S. citizen, he was usually referred to by the news media as just "John Walker".[8]
He was flown back to the United States to face criminal charges. On January 16, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that Lindh would be tried in the United States.
Do you understand why you have the right to DUE PROCESS?

So, I was right when you claim we have to capture these US citizens turned terrorists.

We must allow the shooter in the clock tower kill people until we figure a way to capture them.

Furthermore, you are saying that Trump just murdered the 8 year old girl in Yemen. She was a US citizen. OMG OMG OMG where was her due process!!!! OMG OMG OMG.

So what you are saying is that if the Liberal Terrorist up in the clock tower, decided to give himself up, would you while his hands are up , shoot him dead? Just wondering if I get all the information, or not?

We are not talking about cops killing black men.

We are talking about terrorists in foreign lands that are orchestrating attacks on Americans. You say we have to capture them.

The shooter in that clock tower is not giving up, do you shoot him or not?[/QUOTE]
So if you are deemed a terrorist by some president of the US, you deserve to die without a trial by jury? How can you prove if you are innocent or not, if you are just droned to death? Still trying to see what you are trying to say?
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

Moron......every single left winger agreed with what Trump said....until he said it......Trump is simply a product of hanging around too many left wing assholes who push this stuff in hollywood, our schools in in our press........

The difference with Trump...if you explain how he is wrong he will understand the difference....we have been trying to explain the difference between America and the rest of the world for years now, and we get no where with you left wing morons...

I never said or thought we were as bad as Russia. US has made mistakes. But Putin is a tyrant. He oppresses minority groups like homosexuals , silences his political opponents or those who dare to challenge him. Many Russia people are unhappy with Putin and their country but can't do anything about it. There is a reason why you see Russians looking for work outside of Russia. Why many women makes themselves into mail in brides to get away from there.

Putin has always been an evil man. If you ask me, The US should have had sanctions on Russia years ago. decades of standing up to the Soviet Union, trying to keep them from expanding their reach and took Trump becoming President to get the left to stand up to the KGB thugs in Russia......again, Trump is winning and he probably doesn't even know it...
Putin was bad before Trump was even in politics. When have liberals praised Putin? The guy has always been a Tyrant.

There's a reason why western Europeans don't like him.

Except when barry obama told Medvedev to tell Putin to wait till after barry's second election...he would have more room to manuever after that........remember that video?
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald
Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens
The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead | The Huffington Post
The U.S. drone program under President Barack Obama reached its fifth anniversary on Thursday having tallied up an estimated death toll of at least 2,400 people.

As the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a U.K.-based non-profit, details on its website, five years ago the CIA conducted the first drone strikes of the Obama presidency. Although there were reports of suspected “militants” killed, at least 14 civilians also died that day.
Maybe what Trump is saying is true. But you libtard never pulled your head out of Uranus and realized what was going on for the last 8 years.

View attachment 110945

Dave lives in his own world, and has convinced himself this Gov. can do no wrong and has done no wrong he's had his head up the Government behind so long he won't ever pull it out. He fees safer in the land of denial.
Just like the rest of them.

The government has done wrong.

Killing Al Awlaki is not an example of it.

Remember this


Fallen Marine’s Dad Tells Obama “You Are an Embarrassment”… What Happens Next Is Even Better
Fallen Marine's Dad Tells Obama "You Are an Embarrassment"... What Happens Next Is Even Better


Obama Apologizes After Drone Kills American and Italian Held by Al Qaeda
WASHINGTON — An American aid worker and another man held hostage by Al Qaeda were killed in an American drone strike in Pakistan in January, government officials disclosed on Thursday, underscoring the perils of a largely invisible, long-distance war waged through video screens, joysticks and sometimes incomplete intelligence.
HOW about this :

Obama Killed a 16 Year Old American in Yemen
Obama Killed a 16 Year Old American in Yemen
You know, Trump is in love with hearing himself talk and he doesn't really know when he should shut up, or that sometimes being thrifty with your words is a good thing.

Instead of going on about how much he respects Putin, and that America has killed people too, he should have simply said the following:

Q: Do you respect Putin?
A: He's the president of Russia, and as such deserves a certain level of respect.

Simple. Question answered, gaffe avoided.

But................he's not that smart.

No...he is incredibly smart....he just isn't a slimy poltician who lies with every breath they take.....he isn't good at off the cuff comments........
Wow, after 8 years of the most Sociopathic president ever in the history of the US, who loved to hear himself stutter without a teleprompter, you would dare compare Tump to that bi -racial guy? You really are as stupid as you sound.

By the way, Obama killed US citizens without their due process, so yes Trump was correct. Why are you liberals so ashamed of what your side has done, but wont take credit for it when it happens?

So, if US soldiers were attacked bu ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?

What if there is a gunman in a clock tower shooting students on a US campus. You are saying they can not shoot that guy but must arrest them for trial?

We had a US citizen sitting in Yemen sending suicide bombers to kill Americans & you are arguing that we should have sent in troops & had him arrested instead of taking him out with a drone?

This is how FUCKING stupid you people really are. My God.

Then you compare that action to Putin murdering a political adversary.

And really, I know exactly what you are when you inject race into a subject that has nothing to do with race.

Shall I tell this stupid fuck, that what he just asked, actually did happen on the battle field?

UnRealDave said "So, if US soldiers were attacked but ISIS & some of the ISIS fighters were US citizens, you are saying that these soldiers should not kill the attackers but instead arrest them for trial?
Shall I show this fucking idiot that what he asked, actually did happen on the battle field. I guess it is hard to know what is going on when someones head is why up in Uranus.

John Walker Lindh - Wikipedia
Lindh went by the name Sulayman al-Faris during his time in Afghanistan, but prefers the name Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi today.[7] In early reports following his capture, when the press learned that he was a U.S. citizen, he was usually referred to by the news media as just "John Walker".[8]
He was flown back to the United States to face criminal charges. On January 16, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that Lindh would be tried in the United States.
Do you understand why you have the right to DUE PROCESS?

So, I was right when you claim we have to capture these US citizens turned terrorists.

We must allow the shooter in the clock tower kill people until we figure a way to capture them.

Furthermore, you are saying that Trump just murdered the 8 year old girl in Yemen. She was a US citizen. OMG OMG OMG where was her due process!!!! OMG OMG OMG.

So what you are saying is that if the Liberal Terrorist up in the clock tower, decided to give himself up, would you while his hands are up , shoot him dead? Just wondering if I get all the information, or not?

We are not talking about cops killing black men.

We are talking about terrorists in foreign lands that are orchestrating attacks on Americans. You say we have to capture them.

The shooter in that clock tower is not giving up, do you shoot him or not?[/QUOTE]
If the liberal Johnny Bin Laden, did not surrender to his US captors, he would of been shot, but since he did drop his weapon and identify he was US, he was then given the rights to a trial. The guy in the tower, just like many of those stupid people killing cops, deserve to have the blue suicide. There comes a point when your rights are taken away by your liberal immoral actions which infringe on the rights of others.
In defending the murderous thug Putin, Trump says we are murderers & our government does the same stuff that Putin does.

What the fuck is wrong with the steaming pile of crap Trump?

This is a great country where we do not imprison political adversaries, we have the right to speak our mind. And then Trump says this?
I am sure all the Trumpettes will rush in to defend Trump becaude they are too embarrassed to admit they elected a total asshole as President.

I bet you dug it when Obabble blamed the U.S. for all the ills of the world.
You know, Trump is in love with hearing himself talk and he doesn't really know when he should shut up, or that sometimes being thrifty with your words is a good thing.

Instead of going on about how much he respects Putin, and that America has killed people too, he should have simply said the following:

Q: Do you respect Putin?
A: He's the president of Russia, and as such deserves a certain level of respect.

Simple. Question answered, gaffe avoided.

But................he's not that smart.
Wow, after 8 years of the most Sociopathic president ever in the history of the US, who loved to hear himself stutter without a teleprompter, you would dare compare Tump to that bi -racial guy? You really are as stupid as you sound.

By the way, Obama killed US citizens without their due process, so yes Trump was correct. Why are you liberals so ashamed of what your side has done, but wont take credit for it when it happens?

Hey stupid, there was ZERO mention of Obama in my post.

All I said in my post is that Trump likes to hear himself talk, and what would have been a good answer to avoid a gaffe.

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