Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

Please show your source and link stating "the FBI is finding more of it true every day".

I guess your signature is null and void since Kushner has been privy to classified info since he became the right hand man of the Potus, and without a security clearance and who in the heck knows what damage he has done and how he has enriched himself.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

What about Hillary paying Russians for the Trump dossier. Was that collusion?

She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?

Where does that say any Russian was paid, dope?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

What about Hillary paying Russians for the Trump dossier. Was that collusion?

She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?

Where does that say any Russian was paid, dope?

Now he/she will search for hours trying to find a paid Russian...:3:
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

What about Hillary paying Russians for the Trump dossier. Was that collusion?

She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?

Where does that say any Russian was paid, dope?
They are just that dumb....
Mayor of London saying something publicly is not comparative to what we are talking about here. Not even a little bit, not even at all.
If you use the liberal term meddling it is exactly what liberals are talking about, the entire reason they call it "meddling" is because it is broad enough to mean whatever they want it to mean because there is no proof of trump being complicit in a crime, where as there is plenty of proof of the mayor of london meddling in the election

which are? be as specific as you can

you fucking idiot.
once again a liberal education rears its ugly head
How did he meddle it in? Did he set up fake news sites disseminating lies to discredit one candidate? Did he funnel illegal campaign contributions to the candidate? Did he hack the Republican Parties’ computers?
No he "meddled" in it right out in the open on television, antonio knew exactly what I was talking about.

I'm glad somebody knows what you're talking about because you sure don't.
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?

Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.

Show me in a link, evidence used for the dossier, where a private citizen’s actions of communications and meetings of suspicious illegal activity connected to a foreign government power has been collaberated and verified by the CIA. Evidence that is not supported solely by a paid retired British operative as the only foreign intelligence source. A government agency who’s business is in uncovering government threats, the sharing of information, and knowledgeable in known foreign operatives that can be specifically linked to the Kremlin. Any information that can be collaberated by Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), CIA, someone involved in the gathering of foreign intelligence for personal or national gain. Again a independent foreign source that is “credible”, with integrity that is not left to question, that can not be in any way traced to a certain political party's Wallet.
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?

Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.

Show me in a link, evidence used for the dossier, where a private citizen’s actions of communications and meetings of suspicious illegal activity connected to a foreign government power has been collaberated and verified by the CIA. Evidence that is not supported solely by a paid retired British operative as the only foreign intelligence source. A government agency who’s business is in uncovering government threats, the sharing of information, and knowledgeable in known foreign operatives that can be specifically linked to the Kremlin. Any information that can be collaberated by Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), CIA, someone involved in the gathering of foreign intelligence for personal or national gain. Again a independent foreign source that is “credible”, with integrity that is not left to question, that can not be in any way traced to a certain political party's Wallet.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Great, now compare that with, ”Manafort was tapped at his apartment in Trump tower,” to see why you’ve exposed yourself yet again to the forum that you’re nothing but an unabashed liar.


if the Mueller committee did not get the dirt on Manafort by wiretapping his apartment in TRump tower, where did they get it? You don't know, I don't know. But based on CNN and WAsh post, it could have been obtained by tapping Trump tower.

eventually we will know the truth.

But you never explained why you are so full of hate. Can you explain that now?
if the Mueller committee did not get the dirt on Manafort by wiretapping his apartment in TRump tower, where did they get it? You don't know, I don't know. But based on CNN and WAsh post, it could have been obtained by tapping Trump tower.

eventually we will know the truth.

But you never explained why you are so full of hate. Can you explain that now?
As you’ve been told many times... Manafort has multiple residents and multiple offices. The media has not said which one was wiretapped, though the FBI said it wasn’t in Trump Tower.

the FBI was complicit in trying to help Hillary win. of course they would say that.

The same FBI that cost her the election by publicly announcing they were reopening the investigation into her email server; while Americans were voting???

Dayam, you’re fucking crazy too. :cuckoo:

she did not lose because of Comey

she lost because
1. she was a terrible candidate
2. she has a history of lying and corruption
3. she is old and sick
4. Obama was a terrible president
5. Trump appealed to blue collar America of all races
6. Voters wanted a business approach to government
7. americans are fed up with the lying media
8. The DNC shit on Bernie
Of course she lost because of Comey. Her double- digit lead in the polls evaporated after the FBI reopened the case.

Do you think it matters if an unabashed liar like you denies reality? :dunno:

The truth about Hillary and her corrupt campaign doomed her. Doesn't really matter where the truth came from does it? the American people rejected her, Obama, democrat socialism, the lying media, and the corrupt cheating DNC.

Trump won because the American people are tired of lying do-nothing wash establishment pukes that are only in it to enrich themselves and to cater to their funders.

Trump cannot be bought, he is not a member of the establishment. that is why both parties are trying to bring him down. He is the first independent president we have had in a long long time.

He didn't need the presidency to get rich, he already was. he didn't need it to become famous, he already was. He didn't need it for power, he already had it.

He is trying to fix the mess created by years of incompetence by both parties, and the corruption that we all know dominates DC.

You hate him because he beat crooked Hillary, and because he isn't a polished politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a real person, talks like a real American, and you lefties cannot stand that. What does that say about you?
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?

Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.

Show me in a link, evidence used for the dossier, where a private citizen’s actions of communications and meetings of suspicious illegal activity connected to a foreign government power has been collaberated and verified by the CIA. Evidence that is not supported solely by a paid retired British operative as the only foreign intelligence source. A government agency who’s business is in uncovering government threats, the sharing of information, and knowledgeable in known foreign operatives that can be specifically linked to the Kremlin. Any information that can be collaberated by Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), CIA, someone involved in the gathering of foreign intelligence for personal or national gain. Again a independent foreign source that is “credible”, with integrity that is not left to question, that can not be in any way traced to a certain political party's Wallet.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Russian interests spent 46 thousand dollars putting crap on facebook. The dem machine spent hundreds of millions doing the same thing, and you are saying that 46K swung the election? Do you understand how stupid that sounds?
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

Several opinions have been offered on Mueller's finds. He may indict POTUS which would end up in Supreme Court. But most legal dudes think he will issue a report to Congress. Of there are charges of illegal activity in the report...the GOP congress will have to decide to do something or lose in the November election

If members of the crime family are charges or indicted...the orange one will need to decide if pardoning them is worth a HUGE political got.
nothing gets him out of office. run all the scenarios you want. the fact is it has never happened. and it won't it takes 2/3 majority of the senate.

If it was presented to congress right now, I'd agree with you but once collusion is proved and it's shown that the Trump team took part in corrupting the election process maybe the GOP House and Senate will feel they have no choice but to do the right thing.

Not because it is the right thing but because as usual they are worried about losing their own jobs. I think the Mueller investigation will leave no doubt as to the guilt of Trump and most of his inner circle in the pay for play. Office for sanctions.

It didn't work out that way but the crime was committed as soon as the offer was accepted. And the cover-up will rake in the rest of the rats via obstruction charges. Just watch.

The walls are closing in and it may not become necessary to oust Trump because being the coward that he is, he'll probably resign like the last crook who thought he was too smart to get caught.
dude, it takes two thirds of the senate to remove him. It ain't ever going to happen. it's why our FF's wrote the language that way. you can jerk off all day on your thought, but it ain't ever gonna happen. what a waste of money.
If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

Several opinions have been offered on Mueller's finds. He may indict POTUS which would end up in Supreme Court. But most legal dudes think he will issue a report to Congress. Of there are charges of illegal activity in the report...the GOP congress will have to decide to do something or lose in the November election

If members of the crime family are charges or indicted...the orange one will need to decide if pardoning them is worth a HUGE political got.
nothing gets him out of office. run all the scenarios you want. the fact is it has never happened. and it won't it takes 2/3 majority of the senate.

If it was presented to congress right now, I'd agree with you but once collusion is proved and it's shown that the Trump team took part in corrupting the election process maybe the GOP House and Senate will feel they have no choice but to do the right thing.

Not because it is the right thing but because as usual they are worried about losing their own jobs. I think the Mueller investigation will leave no doubt as to the guilt of Trump and most of his inner circle in the pay for play. Office for sanctions.

It didn't work out that way but the crime was committed as soon as the offer was accepted. And the cover-up will rake in the rest of the rats via obstruction charges. Just watch.

The walls are closing in and it may not become necessary to oust Trump because being the coward that he is, he'll probably resign like the last crook who thought he was too smart to get caught.
dude, it takes two thirds of the senate to remove him. It ain't ever going to happen. it's why our FF's wrote the language that way. you can jerk off all day on your thought, but it ain't ever gonna happen. what a waste of money.

dems and libs live in a fantasy world dominated by hate and misinformation. They are actually quite pathetic.
if the Mueller committee did not get the dirt on Manafort by wiretapping his apartment in TRump tower, where did they get it? You don't know, I don't know. But based on CNN and WAsh post, it could have been obtained by tapping Trump tower.

eventually we will know the truth.

But you never explained why you are so full of hate. Can you explain that now?
As you’ve been told many times... Manafort has multiple residents and multiple offices. The media has not said which one was wiretapped, though the FBI said it wasn’t in Trump Tower.

the FBI was complicit in trying to help Hillary win. of course they would say that.

The same FBI that cost her the election by publicly announcing they were reopening the investigation into her email server; while Americans were voting???

Dayam, you’re fucking crazy too. :cuckoo:

she did not lose because of Comey

she lost because
1. she was a terrible candidate
2. she has a history of lying and corruption
3. she is old and sick
4. Obama was a terrible president
5. Trump appealed to blue collar America of all races
6. Voters wanted a business approach to government
7. americans are fed up with the lying media
8. The DNC shit on Bernie
Of course she lost because of Comey. Her double- digit lead in the polls evaporated after the FBI reopened the case.

Do you think it matters if an unabashed liar like you denies reality? :dunno:

The truth about Hillary and her corrupt campaign doomed her. Doesn't really matter where the truth came from does it? the American people rejected her, Obama, democrat socialism, the lying media, and the corrupt cheating DNC.

Trump won because the American people are tired of lying do-nothing wash establishment pukes that are only in it to enrich themselves and to cater to their funders.

Trump cannot be bought, he is not a member of the establishment. that is why both parties are trying to bring him down. He is the first independent president we have had in a long long time.

He didn't need the presidency to get rich, he already was. he didn't need it to become famous, he already was. He didn't need it for power, he already had it.

He is trying to fix the mess created by years of incompetence by both parties, and the corruption that we all know dominates DC.

You hate him because he beat crooked Hillary, and because he isn't a polished politician who can talk all day and say nothing. He is a real person, talks like a real American, and you lefties cannot stand that. What does that say about you?
Trump’s won because of Comey.
Carter Page wasn't part of the Trump campaign when they got the FISA warrant against him, based largely on his behavior since 2013, including unexplained travels to Russia.

That had nothing whatsoever to do with President Trump's campaign other than an excuse to illegally listen in to people in the Trump campaign.

If they had so much on Carter Page, why did they need to use the phony dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC?

Who was colluding?

Parts of the dossier were verified. You have no evidence that unverified parts were presented to the FISC.

Show me in a link, evidence used for the dossier, where a private citizen’s actions of communications and meetings of suspicious illegal activity connected to a foreign government power has been collaberated and verified by the CIA. Evidence that is not supported solely by a paid retired British operative as the only foreign intelligence source. A government agency who’s business is in uncovering government threats, the sharing of information, and knowledgeable in known foreign operatives that can be specifically linked to the Kremlin. Any information that can be collaberated by Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), CIA, someone involved in the gathering of foreign intelligence for personal or national gain. Again a independent foreign source that is “credible”, with integrity that is not left to question, that can not be in any way traced to a certain political party's Wallet.
How true is the Trump-Russia dossier? One year later, what we know about its claims

Verified: Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met with representatives of Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft.

Verified: The Kremlin targeted educated youth and swing state voters during its cyber attacks in the 2016 campaign.

Verified: Trump maintains ties to rich businessmen from Azerbaijan.

Russian interests spent 46 thousand dollars putting crap on facebook. The dem machine spent hundreds of millions doing the same thing, and you are saying that 46K swung the election? Do you understand how stupid that sounds?
You know you’re brain-dead? Where did I say that 46K swung the election?? I didn’t. You’re obviously listening to your hallucinations and not what I’m saying because what I said is that Comey swung the election.
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