Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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Yeah, what does Manafort or Kushner or Don Jr care about orphans? It was a lame excuse and anyone who buys it would vote for a madman.

I once asked one of my right wing neighbors WHY he thought that that little Russian group chose to ONLY speak with the Trump ass kissers about the Magnitsky Act, and not the Clinton people........and the idiot actually had the stupidity to respond that the Russians must have thought that Trump was the more "humane" of the two candidates..........
I'm telling you, one couldn't make this shit up in a comedy script.
JimH52: that is just plain silly...

We will find out....many legal opinions say Mueller has more than enough evidence for OOJ.

I'm not a lawyer so I don't have a legal opinion but here's my illegal one. We, (all Americans) heard Trump say that he fired Comey to obstruct the Mueller and congressional investigations. We heard and saw him say that to Lester Holt on Nat'l TV, did we not? We know he also ordered the firing of Mueller last summer. We've seen a plethora of attacks on ANYONE who may bring the inner workings of the Trump campaign to light, did we not? We've seen and heard Trump order Bannon not to answer questions by Inv. committees. Those are just the ones that are in the top 100 with a bullet.

There either is a law against lying to congress or to the FBI or their isn't. There is. Trump and company can play these games for just so long til we say So Long. I think that the indictment of Gates is far and away the most important news on the Mueller front so far.

Unlike Manafort, he stayed with the Campaign til the bitter end and through the inauguration and beyond. He knows everything that Manafort does and everything he doesn't. Can the plea bargain of Manafort be far behind? No way. But that would only serve to corroborate part of Gate's testimony.

My guess is that Mueller already has everything he needs to proceed with the remainder of the indictments but is being as thorough as he can to negate wiggle room. these folks are toast. And if I was a betting man I'd say Trump will run away and all those who he pardons of federal charges will be hit with State charges that they can't get out from under.

There will be jail time for a LOT of them and after November Russia will get what they deserve also.
If Mueller does have the goods on Crazy Donald, I hope he at least has the good sense to wait until after the election to drop the hammer. It would be unfair to the American people to sway an election the way Comey did.
JimH52: that is just plain silly...

We will find out....many legal opinions say Mueller has more than enough evidence for OOJ.

I'm not a lawyer so I don't have a legal opinion but here's my illegal one. We, (all Americans) heard Trump say that he fired Comey to obstruct the Mueller and congressional investigations. We heard and saw him say that to Lester Holt on Nat'l TV, did we not? We know he also ordered the firing of Mueller last summer. We've seen a plethora of attacks on ANYONE who may bring the inner workings of the Trump campaign to light, did we not? We've seen and heard Trump order Bannon not to answer questions by Inv. committees. Those are just the ones that are in the top 100 with a bullet.

There either is a law against lying to congress or to the FBI or their isn't. There is. Trump and company can play these games for just so long til we say So Long. I think that the indictment of Gates is far and away the most important news on the Mueller front so far.

Unlike Manafort, he stayed with the Campaign til the bitter end and through the inauguration and beyond. He knows everything that Manafort does and everything he doesn't. Can the plea bargain of Manafort be far behind? No way. But that would only serve to corroborate part of Gate's testimony.

My guess is that Mueller already has everything he needs to proceed with the remainder of the indictments but is being as thorough as he can to negate wiggle room. these folks are toast. And if I was a betting man I'd say Trump will run away and all those who he pardons of federal charges will be hit with State charges that they can't get out from under.

There will be jail time for a LOT of them and after November Russia will get what they deserve also.

Exactly! And I just read that Mueller is asking lots of questions about Trumps Russia dealings before he decided to run.

In think Mueller will find criminal collusion... But the Trumpettes will then ask..."So what? Hillary deserved to lose."


"What's wrong with getting help from Russia?" "He only used the information gives to him." "It was Manaforts idea...anyway."
JimH52: that is just plain silly...

We will find out....many legal opinions say Mueller has more than enough evidence for OOJ.

I'm not a lawyer so I don't have a legal opinion but here's my illegal one. We, (all Americans) heard Trump say that he fired Comey to obstruct the Mueller and congressional investigations. We heard and saw him say that to Lester Holt on Nat'l TV, did we not? We know he also ordered the firing of Mueller last summer. We've seen a plethora of attacks on ANYONE who may bring the inner workings of the Trump campaign to light, did we not? We've seen and heard Trump order Bannon not to answer questions by Inv. committees. Those are just the ones that are in the top 100 with a bullet.

There either is a law against lying to congress or to the FBI or their isn't. There is. Trump and company can play these games for just so long til we say So Long. I think that the indictment of Gates is far and away the most important news on the Mueller front so far.

Unlike Manafort, he stayed with the Campaign til the bitter end and through the inauguration and beyond. He knows everything that Manafort does and everything he doesn't. Can the plea bargain of Manafort be far behind? No way. But that would only serve to corroborate part of Gate's testimony.

My guess is that Mueller already has everything he needs to proceed with the remainder of the indictments but is being as thorough as he can to negate wiggle room. these folks are toast. And if I was a betting man I'd say Trump will run away and all those who he pardons of federal charges will be hit with State charges that they can't get out from under.

There will be jail time for a LOT of them and after November Russia will get what they deserve also.
If Mueller does have the goods on Crazy Donald, I hope he at least has the good sense to wait until after the election to drop the hammer. It would be unfair to the American people to sway an election the way Comey did.

The GOP congress would ignore the charges anyway. I think the hammer will drop this summer.
JimH52: that is just plain silly...

We will find out....many legal opinions say Mueller has more than enough evidence for OOJ.

I'm not a lawyer so I don't have a legal opinion but here's my illegal one. We, (all Americans) heard Trump say that he fired Comey to obstruct the Mueller and congressional investigations. We heard and saw him say that to Lester Holt on Nat'l TV, did we not? We know he also ordered the firing of Mueller last summer. We've seen a plethora of attacks on ANYONE who may bring the inner workings of the Trump campaign to light, did we not? We've seen and heard Trump order Bannon not to answer questions by Inv. committees. Those are just the ones that are in the top 100 with a bullet.

There either is a law against lying to congress or to the FBI or their isn't. There is. Trump and company can play these games for just so long til we say So Long. I think that the indictment of Gates is far and away the most important news on the Mueller front so far.

Unlike Manafort, he stayed with the Campaign til the bitter end and through the inauguration and beyond. He knows everything that Manafort does and everything he doesn't. Can the plea bargain of Manafort be far behind? No way. But that would only serve to corroborate part of Gate's testimony.

My guess is that Mueller already has everything he needs to proceed with the remainder of the indictments but is being as thorough as he can to negate wiggle room. these folks are toast. And if I was a betting man I'd say Trump will run away and all those who he pardons of federal charges will be hit with State charges that they can't get out from under.

There will be jail time for a LOT of them and after November Russia will get what they deserve also.
If Mueller does have the goods on Crazy Donald, I hope he at least has the good sense to wait until after the election to drop the hammer. It would be unfair to the American people to sway an election the way Comey did.

The GOP congress would ignore the charges anyway. I think the hammer will drop this summer.
The GOP couldn’t ignore charges if they were to come before the election. They would be handing the election to Democrats because America won’t stand for a Congress that won’t hold a president accountable after being charged with a crime.
JimH52: that is just plain silly...

We will find out....many legal opinions say Mueller has more than enough evidence for OOJ.

I'm not a lawyer so I don't have a legal opinion but here's my illegal one. We, (all Americans) heard Trump say that he fired Comey to obstruct the Mueller and congressional investigations. We heard and saw him say that to Lester Holt on Nat'l TV, did we not? We know he also ordered the firing of Mueller last summer. We've seen a plethora of attacks on ANYONE who may bring the inner workings of the Trump campaign to light, did we not? We've seen and heard Trump order Bannon not to answer questions by Inv. committees. Those are just the ones that are in the top 100 with a bullet.

There either is a law against lying to congress or to the FBI or their isn't. There is. Trump and company can play these games for just so long til we say So Long. I think that the indictment of Gates is far and away the most important news on the Mueller front so far.

Unlike Manafort, he stayed with the Campaign til the bitter end and through the inauguration and beyond. He knows everything that Manafort does and everything he doesn't. Can the plea bargain of Manafort be far behind? No way. But that would only serve to corroborate part of Gate's testimony.

My guess is that Mueller already has everything he needs to proceed with the remainder of the indictments but is being as thorough as he can to negate wiggle room. these folks are toast. And if I was a betting man I'd say Trump will run away and all those who he pardons of federal charges will be hit with State charges that they can't get out from under.

There will be jail time for a LOT of them and after November Russia will get what they deserve also.
If Mueller does have the goods on Crazy Donald, I hope he at least has the good sense to wait until after the election to drop the hammer. It would be unfair to the American people to sway an election the way Comey did.

The GOP congress would ignore the charges anyway. I think the hammer will drop this summer.
The GOP couldn’t ignore charges if they were to come before the election. They would be handing the election to Democrats because America won’t stand for a Congress that won’t hold a president accountable after being charged with a crime.

These people are pretty despicable...but I hope u are right.
charges dropped on Gates
For cooperating with Mueller. Likely against Manafort.

Or Trump
Could be, but I doubt it. Manafort is the one indictment to fight his charges. Mueller already has Flynn and Papadopoulos. My guess is Mueller is willing to let Gates go as long as he helps nail Manafort.

But Gates should know everything Manafort knew and he was there longer...but Manafort pulled the same tricks to elect the Ukrainian Pro Russian President.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

What about Hillary paying Russians for the Trump dossier. Was that collusion?
Of course not since Hillary did not pay Russians for the dossier any more than I did for contributing to her campaign.

Who she did pay was Perkins Coie, an American law firm. Completely legal.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

What about Hillary paying Russians for the Trump dossier. Was that collusion?

She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

What about Hillary paying Russians for the Trump dossier. Was that collusion?

She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

What about Hillary paying Russians for the Trump dossier. Was that collusion?

She did not pay for the initial report...a GOP rival did....evidently it isn't since the FBI is finding more of it true every day.

You're calling the Washington Post liars?

"Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day."

So Hillary did collude with the Russians. Where's your outrage, Speed Racer?

Even your source doesn’t say what you idiotically claim. :lol:
Oh? First you said the right would start a civil war should Trump get impeached... are you now saying the right would not impeach Trump if Mueller presents proof that Trump broke the law??

The Democrats sure did not vote to convict President Bill Clinton of felony perjury after he was impeached by the house. That was proof he broke the law.
Trump publicly invited the Russisn Hackers to continue their surreptitious intrusions into Hillary's e-mails.

Please show the specific source and link for that quote.

Donald Trump said if they have them, they should go ahead and release them.

New York Times, by Ashley Parker and David E. Sanger July 27, 2016

Doral, Fla,--Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian Intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails
WTF??? What quote? I simply recorded an event from memory that i saw on national TV..
i rendered that memory into a narrative of my own words. You found a medulia account of the same event. However, although the words are different, the description of the event is essentially the same.
I'm pretty sure normal people already know the answer to that.... unlike delusional trumptards who are perfectly happy electing a criminal as long as he has an R after his name and represents their bigoted misogynistic homophobic pov
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