Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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illegal surveillance by the Obama admin of the Trump campaign

Bullshit. There was no illegal surveilance by Obama's admin of Trump campaign.
/----/ Oh Spanky:
Sessions says DOJ will investigate alleged FISA abuses
Sessions says DOJ will investigate alleged FISA abuses

Sessions will prove to have been neck deep in the Russia interference with our election. His denials of meetings with Russians have already been proven lies. Hell, he lies almost as much as ol' carp lips does.
Anthony Michael Kreis @AnthonyMKreis
Russia --> WikiLeaks --> Roger Stone --> Trump Campaign

Nothing to see here. …

4:50 PM - Feb 27, 2018
Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

Several opinions have been offered on Mueller's finds. He may indict POTUS which would end up in Supreme Court. But most legal dudes think he will issue a report to Congress. Of there are charges of illegal activity in the report...the GOP congress will have to decide to do something or lose in the November election

If members of the crime family are charges or indicted...the orange one will need to decide if pardoning them is worth a HUGE political got.
nothing gets him out of office. run all the scenarios you want. the fact is it has never happened. and it won't it takes 2/3 majority of the senate.
Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

You couldn't possibly be that naive or stupid...well, on second thought....

Mueller has his JOB because of Comey's leaks. It's the way they roll. His team is staffed with people whose MO includes leaking.

You get Mueller mixed up with Trumps White House....
Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

You couldn't possibly be that naive or stupid...well, on second thought....

Mueller has his JOB because of Comey's leaks. It's the way they roll. His team is staffed with people whose MO includes leaking.

Comet knows the trump family is dirty. He knew he had to do something to get a special council....he did the right thing.
We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

You couldn't possibly be that naive or stupid...well, on second thought....

Mueller has his JOB because of Comey's leaks. It's the way they roll. His team is staffed with people whose MO includes leaking.

Comet knows the trump family is dirty. He knew he had to do something to get a special council....he did the right thing.

You are so confused. Mueller should be investigating the Clintons. He's not because he's a DC Swamp creature.
"Comet knows the Trump family is dirty"...HUH? Do you mean Dirty Comey?...and...
"We all read the Junior email. He wasn't excited about the Magnitsky Act. He was excited about dirt in Hillary." FYI : the meeting was on the Magnitsky Act. The Trump people were really bored by this meeting. There was no "dirt" on Hillary besides all the dirt everyone already knew about. It is possible that the Russians at the meeting knew of the Steele situation.
We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

Several opinions have been offered on Mueller's finds. He may indict POTUS which would end up in Supreme Court. But most legal dudes think he will issue a report to Congress. Of there are charges of illegal activity in the report...the GOP congress will have to decide to do something or lose in the November election

If members of the crime family are charges or indicted...the orange one will need to decide if pardoning them is worth a HUGE political got.
nothing gets him out of office. run all the scenarios you want. the fact is it has never happened. and it won't it takes 2/3 majority of the senate.

If it was presented to congress right now, I'd agree with you but once collusion is proved and it's shown that the Trump team took part in corrupting the election process maybe the GOP House and Senate will feel they have no choice but to do the right thing.

Not because it is the right thing but because as usual they are worried about losing their own jobs. I think the Mueller investigation will leave no doubt as to the guilt of Trump and most of his inner circle in the pay for play. Office for sanctions.

It didn't work out that way but the crime was committed as soon as the offer was accepted. And the cover-up will rake in the rest of the rats via obstruction charges. Just watch.

The walls are closing in and it may not become necessary to oust Trump because being the coward that he is, he'll probably resign like the last crook who thought he was too smart to get caught.
Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

You couldn't possibly be that naive or stupid...well, on second thought....

Mueller has his JOB because of Comey's leaks. It's the way they roll. His team is staffed with people whose MO includes leaking.
Great, then it should be simple for you to post links to these supposed leaks about Manafort, Gates, Flynn and Papadopolous being indicted before they actually were.....
We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

You couldn't possibly be that naive or stupid...well, on second thought....

Mueller has his JOB because of Comey's leaks. It's the way they roll. His team is staffed with people whose MO includes leaking.
Great, then it should be simple for you to post links to these supposed leaks about Manafort, Gates, Flynn and Papadopolous being indicted before they actually were.....

Have you been in a coma for the past two years?
From Wikipedia: Two days after the Trump Tower meeting, the foundation registered to lobby Congress on the Magnitsky Act.[13]: a friend of the Trumps arranged the meeting. The concern was sanctions...
In case you can't read my posts... The Trump Tower meeting was about the Magnitsky Act.

Now WHO could ever argue with such a well-documented, irrefutable post???

(what an

Yeah, what does Manafort or Kushner or Don Jr care about orphans? It was a lame excuse and anyone who buys it would vote for a madman.

This is just another file in Mueller's case for Obstruction of Justice. Trump made up the adoption thing on a plane to take pressure off his slightly mentally impaired son...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

You couldn't possibly be that naive or stupid...well, on second thought....

Mueller has his JOB because of Comey's leaks. It's the way they roll. His team is staffed with people whose MO includes leaking.
Great, then it should be simple for you to post links to these supposed leaks about Manafort, Gates, Flynn and Papadopolous being indicted before they actually were.....

Have you been in a coma for the past two years?
I’ll take that as a no, you can’t backup the bullshit you posted. Thanks for confirming what I already knew. Shit, no one ever even heard the name, Papadopoulos, until Mueller’s office announced he was being indicted.
Russia Compromised 7 States Prior to 2016 Election
February 27, 2018
“The U.S. intelligence community developed substantial evidence that state websites or voter registration systems in seven states were compromised by Russian-backed covert operatives prior to the 2016 election — but never told the states involved,” NBC News reports.

The states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin.
From Wikipedia: Two days after the Trump Tower meeting, the foundation registered to lobby Congress on the Magnitsky Act.[13]: a friend of the Trumps arranged the meeting. The concern was sanctions...

So the email about the dirt on Clinton that made Junior pee down his leg...was bogus?
JimH52: that is just plain silly...

We will find out....many legal opinions say Mueller has more than enough evidence for OOJ.

I'm not a lawyer so I don't have a legal opinion but here's my illegal one. We, (all Americans) heard Trump say that he fired Comey to obstruct the Mueller and congressional investigations. We heard and saw him say that to Lester Holt on Nat'l TV, did we not? We know he also ordered the firing of Mueller last summer. We've seen a plethora of attacks on ANYONE who may bring the inner workings of the Trump campaign to light, did we not? We've seen and heard Trump order Bannon not to answer questions by Inv. committees. Those are just the ones that are in the top 100 with a bullet.

There either is a law against lying to congress or to the FBI or their isn't. There is. Trump and company can play these games for just so long til we say So Long. I think that the indictment of Gates is far and away the most important news on the Mueller front so far.

Unlike Manafort, he stayed with the Campaign til the bitter end and through the inauguration and beyond. He knows everything that Manafort does and everything he doesn't. Can the plea bargain of Manafort be far behind? No way. But that would only serve to corroborate part of Gate's testimony.

My guess is that Mueller already has everything he needs to proceed with the remainder of the indictments but is being as thorough as he can to negate wiggle room. these folks are toast. And if I was a betting man I'd say Trump will run away and all those who he pardons of federal charges will be hit with State charges that they can't get out from under.

There will be jail time for a LOT of them and after November Russia will get what they deserve also.
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