Trump campaign DID collude with Russia

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What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.
what is desperate is lying trumpscum ignoring reality.

do you think the guilty pleas that have come down were for fun, little one?

The deals....the guilty pleas are leading to people further up in the chain.....Mueller knows who was calling the shots in the campaign and it wasn't Flynn or Gates or Manafort. He will eventually get to him.
why is no one in jail?
Could be Mueller is waiting until he’s ready to indict Trump so that Trump can’t pardon all the people Mueller worked so hard to indict? :dunno:

there is speculation Mueller held back charges so that if Donald pardons them, the State AG in NY or VA can file charges. Donald has no authority to grant a state pardon.

sucks being him.

What kind of criminal did this country elect?

I'm pretty sure normal people already know the answer to that.... unlike delusional trumptards who are perfectly happy electing a criminal as long as he has an R after his name and represents their bigoted misogynistic homophobic pov
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The deals....the guilty pleas are leading to people further up in the chain.....Mueller knows who was calling the shots in the campaign and it wasn't Flynn or Gates or Manafort. He will eventually get to him.
why is no one in jail?
Could be Mueller is waiting until he’s ready to indict Trump so that Trump can’t pardon all the people Mueller worked so hard to indict? :dunno:

there is speculation Mueller held back charges so that if Donald pardons them, the State AG in NY or VA can file charges. Donald has no authority to grant a state pardon.

sucks being him.

What kind of criminal did this country elect?

I'm pretty sure normal people already know the answer to that.... unlike delusional trumptards who are perfectly happy electing a criminal as long as he has an R after his name is represents their bigoted misogynistic homophobic pov
you should see a doctor about that obsession. it's what leads to mass shootings.


There are two options: Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia worked together to help elect our current president of the United States, or we are witnessing the greatest coincidence since the Big Bang.

Coincidence theory of Trump and Russia: A conspiracy of dunces
You could argue that Russia randomly decided to go all-in for Trump and Trump was too hapless to properly conspire. And I've got a Trump Tower to sell you.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.
it's jimbob. he is delusional, still hasn't posted one thing from Mueller related to trump. not one.

The pathetically ironic aspect is that the more the LW Loons attack Trump, the more they drive normal people to support him.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.
it's jimbob. he is delusional, still hasn't posted one thing from Mueller related to trump. not one.

The pathetically ironic aspect is that the more the LW Loons attack Trump, the more they drive normal people to support him.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

You couldn't possibly be that naive or stupid...well, on second thought....

Mueller has his JOB because of Comey's leaks. It's the way they roll. His team is staffed with people whose MO includes leaking.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.
it's jimbob. he is delusional, still hasn't posted one thing from Mueller related to trump. not one.

The pathetically ironic aspect is that the more the LW Loons attack Trump, the more they drive normal people to support him.

Exactly the type of FAKE NEWS that you Progs relied in your belief that hiLIARy would easily win the 2016 election.

Keep it up! Your self-delusion is a big help to getting the country back on track.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.
Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?
Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....
Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.
Jeebus, take a chill pill.
We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.
If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.
Just sayin'.
Not the way Mueller
Mueller Methodically Builds His Case
February 24, 2018
None of the rest of us knows where this probe is heading, not even the targets of the investigation. Three times now Mueller—in the most watched investigation in history—has charged and gotten guilty pleas from people who weren’t even on our radar: Papadopoulos and Richard Pinedo, a Californian who pleaded guilty last Friday to unwittingly aiding the Russians with identity theft, as well as the aforementioned Dutch lawyer.
Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.
Jeebus, take a chill pill.
We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.
If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.
Just sayin'.
Not the way Mueller
Mueller Methodically Builds His Case
February 24, 2018
None of the rest of us knows where this probe is heading, not even the targets of the investigation. Three times now Mueller—in the most watched investigation in history—has charged and gotten guilty pleas from people who weren’t even on our radar: Papadopoulos and Richard Pinedo, a Californian who pleaded guilty last Friday to unwittingly aiding the Russians with identity theft, as well as the aforementioned Dutch lawyer.

From a column labelled "Political Wire"...which is fitting as the Mueller witch hunt has absolutely nothing to do with Truth or Justice.
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.
it's jimbob. he is delusional, still hasn't posted one thing from Mueller related to trump. not one.

The pathetically ironic aspect is that the more the LW Loons attack Trump, the more they drive normal people to support him.

Exactly the type of FAKE NEWS that you Progs relied in your belief that hiLIARy would easily win the 2016 election.

Keep it up! Your self-delusion is a big help to getting the country back on track.
You are aware he lost the popular vote by 3 million right ?
Many More ‘Strongly Disapprove’ of Trump
February 25, 2018

A new USA Today survey finds just 38% of Americans now approve of the job President Trump is doing as president while 60% disapprove.

“What’s more, the intensity of feeling is hardening against the president. Now, the percentage who ‘strongly disapprove’ of him is more than double the percentage who ‘strongly approve,’ 39% compared with 16%.”
What the F do you think the Junior meeting was about? They were seeking dirt on Hillary. That IS collusion.

Was there information passed during that meeting? Did this begin a system of criminal collaboration?

Mueller will find out. Please don't say there was NO COLLUSION. There clearly was....

Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.

We will let Mueller decide if meeting wirh a foreign adversary for stolen information on your opponent is illegal. Junior is a very slow slug...
I would say mueller at this time has nothing to get at trump. feel free to post it if you have it.

If Mueller had anything on Trump, it would have been leaked to the press long ago.

Just sayin'.

Not the way Mueller

Several opinions have been offered on Mueller's finds. He may indict POTUS which would end up in Supreme Court. But most legal dudes think he will issue a report to Congress. Of there are charges of illegal activity in the report...the GOP congress will have to decide to do something or lose in the November election

If members of the crime family are charges or indicted...the orange one will need to decide if pardoning them is worth a HUGE political got.
Meeting with someone isn't collusion, bub.

Jeebus, take a chill pill.
it's jimbob. he is delusional, still hasn't posted one thing from Mueller related to trump. not one.

The pathetically ironic aspect is that the more the LW Loons attack Trump, the more they drive normal people to support him.

Exactly the type of FAKE NEWS that you Progs relied in your belief that hiLIARy would easily win the 2016 election.

Keep it up! Your self-delusion is a big help to getting the country back on track.
You are aware he lost the popular vote by 3 million right ?
Many More ‘Strongly Disapprove’ of Trump
February 25, 2018

A new USA Today survey finds just 38% of Americans now approve of the job President Trump is doing as president while 60% disapprove.

“What’s more, the intensity of feeling is hardening against the president. Now, the percentage who ‘strongly disapprove’ of him is more than double the percentage who ‘strongly approve,’ 39% compared with 16%.”

If you want to play that game, Trump is 7 point more popular than Obabble was at this time in his Presidency.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
From a column labelled "Political Wire"...which is fitting as the Mueller witch hunt has absolutely nothing to do with Truth or Justice.
From you who are an anonymous Trump Gimp VS Political wire

Here is what is said about Political Wire OK hon...fell free to put up praise for you LOL

Praise for Political Wire
"There are a lot of blogs and news sites claiming to understand politics, but only a few actually do. Political Wire is one of them."

-- Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press"

"Concise. Relevant. To the point. Political Wire is the first site I check when I’m looking for the latest political nugget. That pretty much says it all."

-- Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the Rothenberg Political Report

"Political Wire is one of only four or five sites that I check every day and sometimes several times a day, for the latest political news and developments.”

-- Charlie Cook, editor of the Cook Political Report

"The big news, delicious tidbits, pearls of wisdom -- nicely packaged, constantly updated... What political junkie could ask for more?"

-- Larry Sabato, Center for Politics, University of Virginia

"Political Wire is a great, great site."

-- Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe"

"Taegan Goddard has a knack for digging out political gems that too often get passed over by the mainstream press, and for delivering the latest electoral developments in a sharp, no frills style that makes his Political Wire an addictive blog habit you don't want to kick."

-- Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post

"Political Wire is one of the absolute must-read sites in the blogosphere."

-- Glenn Reynolds, founder of Instapundit

"I rely on Taegan Goddard's Political Wire for straight, fair political news, he gets right to the point. It's an eagerly anticipated part of my news reading."

-- Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.
it's jimbob. he is delusional, still hasn't posted one thing from Mueller related to trump. not one.

The pathetically ironic aspect is that the more the LW Loons attack Trump, the more they drive normal people to support him.

Exactly the type of FAKE NEWS that you Progs relied in your belief that hiLIARy would easily win the 2016 election.

Keep it up! Your self-delusion is a big help to getting the country back on track.
You are aware he lost the popular vote by 3 million right ?
Many More ‘Strongly Disapprove’ of Trump
February 25, 2018

A new USA Today survey finds just 38% of Americans now approve of the job President Trump is doing as president while 60% disapprove.

“What’s more, the intensity of feeling is hardening against the president. Now, the percentage who ‘strongly disapprove’ of him is more than double the percentage who ‘strongly approve,’ 39% compared with 16%.”

If you want to play that game, Trump is 7 point more popular than Obabble was at this time in his Presidency.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
OK sure LOL Rasmussen OK
Trump Approval Slides Again
February 25, 2018

A new CNN/SSRS poll finds President Trump’s approval at 35%, down five points over the last month to match his lowest level yet.

“The slide follows a January bump in approval for the President, a finding that appeared connected to a bullish stock market and strong reviews for the economy. His new rating matches a December poll, which marked his lowest approval rating in CNN polling since taking office in January 2017.”
Roger Stone Communicated Directly with WikiLeaks
February 27, 2018
“On March 17, 2017, WikiLeaks tweeted that it had never communicated with Roger Stone… In his interview with the House Intelligence Committee last September, Stone, who testified under oath, told lawmakers that he had communicated with WikiLeaks via an ‘intermediary,’ whom he identified only as a ‘journalist.'”

“Private Twitter messages obtained by The Atlantic show that Stone and WikiLeaks, a radical-transparency group, communicated directly on October 13, 2016 — and that WikiLeaks sought to keep its channel to Stone open after Trump won the election.”
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