Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret

Good point

Trumps claims of election fraud were so empty they never made it that far

Courts have better things to do than listen to frivolous lawsuits. That is why they throw them out
The judges were most likely under order not to hear the cases for fear of the next civil war, no one in their right mind, believes trump received 10 million more votes than when he ran against Hillary, and lost to a dementia riddled basement dweller.
Anyone who paid attention during the four years of Trumps Presidency understands why Trump lost Big League.
America grew tired of his endless rants ant temper tantrums and said……..ENOUGH

Trump had 84 million people vote against him.
20 million more than ever voted against a sitting President
Yet he received 10 million more votes the second time around! Tell me another one! When things are revealed and hopefully they will be someday you will swing from a rope.
Yet he received 10 million more votes the second time around! Tell me another one! When things are revealed and hopefully they will be someday you will swing from a rope.

He did?
Does 25 million more people voting have anything to do with that?

The Berkeley Research Group's findings were squashed because they did not align with Trump's election lies.

A research firm investigated Donald Trump’s assertion that the presidential election was fraudulent, but its findings were suppressed because they found nothing to support his claims, The Washington Post reported citing four sources familiar with the matter.

The Berkeley Research Group, hired by the former president’s 2020 campaign, gathered a team of around a dozen people to look into alleged voter fraud and irregularities in six states, according to the Post.

The team reportedly briefed Trump, his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and others on a conference call held in the last days of 2020 — before Trump held a rally urging his supporters to march on the Capitol preceding the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. The call reportedly became contentious.

But the researchers had looked at “everything,” one source told the Post.

Literally anything you could think of. Voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted. If there was anything under the sun that could be thought of, they looked at it,” the source said.

Not even a group hired by the Traitor and Cabal Mindless Minions found proof of Election Fraud....
The judges were most likely under order not to hear the cases for fear of the next civil war, no one in their right mind, believes trump received 10 million more votes than when he ran against Hillary, and lost to a dementia riddled basement dweller.


Trump gets some 12 million more votes than in 2016 -- those are all legitimate votes.

Biden gets 15 million more votes than the previous Democrat -- Democrats cheated.

Let it go to discovery, do you believe left wing judges aren’t bias?
I’m sure there are some bias judges but the majority follow the law. There were plenty of right wing Trump appointed judges that dismissed cases before discovery. Do you think they were risking their careers and breaking their oath of office to cover for Biden? Or maybe they were getting garbage propaganda cases put in front of them??

Trump gets some 12 million more votes than in 2016 -- those are all legitimate votes.

Biden gets 15 million more votes than the previous Democrat -- Democrats cheated.

Now you understand, you idiots should have kept it close, but you overcooked the books. Biden got more votes than the great half black hope.Asking anyone of intelligence to believe that is utter contempt

Trump gets some 12 million more votes than in 2016 -- those are all legitimate votes.

Biden gets 15 million more votes than the previous Democrat -- Democrats cheated.

5 states with five largest cities showed up with questionable ballots, not votes, you had fbi, dnc, telling social media silence anyone with damaging information on Biden.

Joe Biden showered with his daughter.
His son calls him a pedophile .
Now you understand, you idiots should have kept it close, but you overcooked the books!


Getting 3 million more votes, out of 160 million votes cast, against an unpopular president is a sign of overcooked books?

What a shame Trump has turned conservatives' brains into mush.
5 states with five largest cities showed up with questionable ballots, not votes, you had fbi, dnc, telling social media silence anyone with damaging information on Biden.

Joe Biden showered with his daughter.
His son calls him a pedophile .

Looks like you don't know what the term, "evidence," means.

You seriously think a statement like that would hold up in court??
ropes will be ready when it comes out.


It's never coming out because it never happened.

Trump paid $600,000 to a team to find election fraud. They couldn't even find it.

Trump campaign paid researchers to prove 2020 fraud but kept findings secret

Trump's team couldn't find the fraud.

Trump and conservatives couldn't prove a single case of fraud in any one of dozens of cases.

Millions of conservatives desperately looking for fraud couldn't find it.

Your day of reckoning is never coming. Sorry to burst your bubble.
So what does the President do then?.... this is ridiculous.... thousands of miles of uninhabited land and ocean where we could have stopped it and retrieved it intact before it crossed our strategic air bases and silos and you say the Pentagon made the call?.... then they should be kicked out of the military and stripped of their rank....
Is your TDS so bad that you are willing to defend Biden until one or more of our cities are cooking at 12,000 degrees?....
You've obviously been watching too many Dwayne Johnson movies.

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