Trump can be found innocent.

Bripat9643, apparently, you're unaware of the legal process of “voir dire” at the beginning of criminal trials,
or you have no confidence in the capabilities of Trump's attorneys,
or of at least some, if not an entire American 11 jurors upholding their oaths to find guilt only if "proved beyond a reasonable doubt"?

You so despise American election officials, poll workers, judges, and jurors? Above all else you're certain of Donald Trump's innocence?
Respectfully, Supposn
In the case of Washington DC, we're talking about a jury pool composed almost entirely of Democrats - 96%. Fulson County is also heavily Democrat. However, there is some hope for a fair judgement there. However, the judge is a leftwing hack, and she will have a lot of control over the verdict.
In the case of Washington DC, we're talking about a jury pool composed almost entirely of Democrats - 96%. Fulson County is also heavily Democrat. However, there is some hope for a fair judgement there. However, the judge is a leftwing hack, and she will have a lot of control over the verdict.
Bripat9643, how often have you served as a juror? I've served on juries in a few civil and a few criminal trials. I was always favorably impressed by the extent of judges and jurors striving, (despite their personal opinions and biases), to uphold their sworn oaths regard court trials.

The judges the attorneys earnestly went through the “voir dire” procedures before each trial began. Voir dire's purpose is to reject prospective jurors who may taint the impartiality of the jury's decision. A juror's vote of guilty within a criminal case requires the entire jury unanimously agreeing guilt has been “proven beyond any reasonable doubt”.

You believe (all, or most, or some?) jurors in Washington D.C.'s criminal trial, will betray their oaths if Trump's guilt is not proven beyond reasonable doubt? You apparently don't share my high regard and respect for American jurors. Respectfully, Supposn
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
If someone does not intend to kill someone but does it is still a crime.
The intention does not exclude someone from criminal charges but it can mitigate the charges to a lesser charge than one proven to be an intentional crime.
I predict that Trump will be found not guilty on some of the 91 felony counts he faces and guilty on others. The one that appears to be an easily proven intentional crime is the document case. Intention could be proven on all 91 felonies but probably will not be.

the question is will Trump serve jail time. I think he will.
In the case of Washington DC, we're talking about a jury pool composed almost entirely of Democrats - 96%. Fulson County is also heavily Democrat. However, there is some hope for a fair judgement there. However, the judge is a leftwing hack, and she will have a lot of control over the verdict.
Why is Trump trying to move trials out of Florida and Georgia. Jury pools could favor Trump.
Bripat9643, how often have you served as a juror? I've served on juries in a few civil and a few criminal trials. I was always favorably impressed by the extent of judges and jurors striving, (despite their personal opinions and biases), to uphold their sworn oaths regard court trials.

The judges the attorneys earnestly went through the “voir dire” procedures before each trial began. Voir dire's purpose is to reject prospective jurors who may taint the impartiality of the jury's decision. A juror's vote of guilty within a criminal case requires the entire jury unanimously agreeing guilt has been “proven beyond any reasonable doubt”.

You believe (all, or most, or some?) jurors in Washington D.C.'s criminal trial, will betray their oaths if Trump's guilt is not proven beyond reasonable doubt? You apparently don't share my high regard and respect for American jurors. Respectfully, Supposn
You are right, especially in the case of DC juries. They are all Democrats - lying scum, that is.

Alyssa Farah Griffin, the former White House director of strategic communications, said on CNN's "State of the Union" that Trump "blurted out watching Joe Biden on TV, 'Can you believe I lost to this guy?'"
bRIPAT9643, you believe (all, or most, or some?) jurors in Washington D.C.'s criminal trial, will betray their oaths if Trump's guilt is not proven beyond reasonable doubt? You apparently don't share my high regard and respect for American jurors. Respectfully, Supposn
You are right, especially in the case of DC juries. They are all Democrats - lying scum, that is.

Bripat9643, you've responded as not agreeing with my high regard and respect for American jurys?
My experiences and my opinions were formed while serving on jurys in NY City. I've never believed New Yorkers' characters are particularly superior or inferior to those of any other city or state in the nation.

It seems to me that thieves think most everyone else is also dishonest. That leads me to speculate that persons believing that everyone of a court's 11 sworn in jurors, (regardless of the case or where in America they're serving), would all likely betray their oaths, are themselves likely to be untrusty.
For your sake, I hope I'm wrong; but if you ever should be judged by others, you'd do better if the character of the jury were not similar to your own character.
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
Love the insanity of these beggars grabbing at straws , all the witnesses against him will be his closest allies, his best friends , his own family and his own past lawyers. He will be spending the rest of his life in jail, there is just short of 100 felony charges against this pile of shit . Does anyone here believe he will beat all 100 charges. If you do you are a idiot. There has never been a dumber more blind group then MAGA's/
Esdraelon, if (as I expect) it's proven that Donald Trump while president of the United States did commit the criminal acts he'll be tried for, he shouldn't be acquitted by any jury serving in a court in the USA. However, a single juror can “hang” a jury.

Even wise people do foolish things. It's not too unlikely for a single juror to believe Trump acted stupidly. An entire jury may believe that Trump while president behaved sufficiently ignorant and/or stupidly and cannot be held criminally responsible for his actions.

It does lead us to speculate upon states of minds of the many voters who, in 2018 chose Donald Trump to be our president; in 2022 some of them did so again.
Respectfully, Supposn
They have to hang juries around the country encompassing 100 felony charges. That's funny. The patriots of this country know for a fact that trump and his supprters are traitors to this country, Someone try to hang the jury on a trial that everyone will see. Will get himself killed.
This is a hoot watching Trumps hate group try to find loopholes in the case. If he is found guilty on 1/10 the charges that will still be 10 felonies , of trying to bring down our demacracy and constitution, the ugliest crimes in our countries history. . He would still be in jail for the rest of his life.
Ya never know. First, "beyond reasonable doubt" is a high bar. Second, there's every possibility a True Believer could make it on to a jury.

He could be our next President. I wouldn't be making any bets.
Your pitiful and I feel sorry for you, this has to be getting down to you peoples only hope , that some social reject criminal will save scum bag.
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
There is no such disposition as "innocent" only "not guilty", "guilty" and perhaps no lo contendre

The Latin term nolo contendere, better known as “no contest,” is one possible plea to a criminal charge. A “no contest” plea is very similar to a guilty plea. However, the difference here is that a defendant who enters a nolo contendere plea agrees to be convicted and punished for a crime, while not actually admitting that he is guilty.​

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