Trump can be found innocent.

He was told repeatedly that he lost the election by all sorts of respected and powerful people around him.
He admitted he lost
That defense isn’t gonna fly
File it with “and pigs can fly”
Ya never know. First, "beyond reasonable doubt" is a high bar. Second, there's every possibility a True Believer could make it on to a jury.

He could be our next President. I wouldn't be making any bets.
He was told repeatedly that he lost the election by all sorts of respected and powerful people around him.

He admitted he lost

That defense isn’t gonna fly

File it with “and pigs can fly”
A lot of other people told him the election was a swindle.
That defense is overturned when Trump tried to hide evidence from prosecutors ... he knew he was breaking the law, or he wouldn't have hid the boxes ... we have him on tape saying he knew the documents were still classified ... he lied to his own lawyers ...

Yeah ... prosecutors have that covered already ...
Who says he hid the boxes? Are all you progs such closall dumbasses?
Trump can be found innocent because he is innocent. If these people were leftists, not a single one of them would have been arrested. These so-called crimes are all bullshit.

There's enough evidence to bring 78 charges against Trump. Jack Smith has 86 witnesses against Trump and none of them are Democrats.
Who says he hid the boxes? Are all you progs such closall dumbasses?

HA ... so now you AGREE he had the classified documents ... good ... one step closer to prison time ...

Trump's own lawyers say he hid the boxes ... did you read the indictment? ... see where it says Trump returned some, but not all, the documents? ... that's because Trump hid the boxes ... hahahahahahahahahahahahah ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
Yes, Trump admitted he lost and his staffers are swearing to it under oath.
Well, Trumpsters don't care about that "under God" stuff. It's commie fake news. God only matters to them when they can use it as a weapon.

I was just watching Trump tell his rubes, "they want to silence me because I won't let them silence you," and I have to wonder how many of them are still buying that line.
Trump can be found innocent.
A “mens rea”, (state of mind) defense allows the criminal justice system to differentiate between someone who did not mean to commit a crime and someone who intentionally set out to commit a crime.

The legal defense of some, (if not most of those who pleaded or were found guilty of seditious conspiracy or lesser crimes in regard the the attack upon the Congressional building, was based upon their belief they were acting in support of then President Trump's publicly expressed wishes.
A jury can legally find Donald Trump innocent if they believe Trump was sufficiently unaware or not motivated to commit any criminal act, (i.e. Trump and his followers were sufficiently ignorant and/or stupid.
Respectfully, Supposn
There shouldn't be any trials in the first place for him to be found innocent. Prosecutors are above the law and that needs to come to an end.
There's enough evidence to bring 78 charges against Trump. Jack Smith has 86 witnesses against Trump and none of them are Democrats.
That is practically no evidence at all. There's no cross examination in a Grand Jury hearing, moron. The prosecutor can tell any lie he likes, and there's no one there to point it out.
Well, Trumpsters don't care about that "under God" stuff. It's commie fake news. God only matters to them when they can use it as a weapon.

I was just watching Trump tell his rubes, "they want to silence me because I won't let them silence you," and I have to wonder how many of them are still buying that line.
He's right, jackass,
That is practically no evidence at all. There's no cross examination in a Grand Jury hearing, moron. The prosecutor can tell any lie he likes, and there's no one there to point it out.

Of course. Everyone knows that. The evidence presented to the grand jury supported an indictment. How many times do I have to repeat that?
HA ... so now you AGREE he had the classified documents ... good ... one step closer to prison time ...

Trump's own lawyers say he hid the boxes ... did you read the indictment? ... see where it says Trump returned some, but not all, the documents? ... that's because Trump hid the boxes ... hahahahahahahahahahahahah ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
Please quote anyone saying that, dirtbag.

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