Trump can prove voter fraud easily, so 44 states are hiding the fraud

Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.
Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.
But many of these states are run by Democrats, that are actually claiming voter fraud. The fact is that Trump has called their bluff and the dopey dems have no clue what to do.
Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.

Oops, sorry, I think he is only trying to make the government work the way it IS supposed to! They don't have to give ALL of the info they asked for, but the more they give the easier it will make it. This is all, after all, PUBLIC information they are seeking, and I hope that somehow by gum, they GET IT.

Three states are apparently complying, others still reviewing, all the rest have SOMETHING to hide, otherwise, they would comply to SOME degree. You don't really think all these states are so altruistic that they are fighting the Fed on YOUR behalf! If what they were asking for was so terrible, illegal or evil, why then are three states, Colorado, Missouri and Tennessee actually COMMENDING the Fed's efforts to look into this?
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Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.
But many of these states are run by Democrats, that are actually claiming voter fraud. The fact is that Trump has called their bluff and the dopey dems have no clue what to do.

More are run by Republicans.
Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.
But many of these states are run by Democrats, that are actually claiming voter fraud. The fact is that Trump has called their bluff and the dopey dems have no clue what to do.
Elections belong to the states who are responsible for their integrity. This fishing expedition has nothing to do with integrity and everything to do with making Trump not a lying sack of shit. If they were to get all the data they want do you know what they are going to do with it? What shady data mining operation is going to look through it all? What their methodology would be? how they are going to protect the most valuable collection of data in the world? Why are you suddenly all for the federal government overstepping it's bounds and infringing on the states? Your man made an idle, baseless claim that he did not win the popular vote because of cheating. He should just own up to it rather than expending resources in an attempt to make himself not full of shit.
How many threads on this topic? Negative trump threads get merged and moved quickly. Supportive trump threads are allowed to linger and multiply. Why is that?
Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.
But many of these states are run by Democrats, that are actually claiming voter fraud. The fact is that Trump has called their bluff and the dopey dems have no clue what to do.
Why did you use the word fact there? There is no fact. Fact is a scientific term not for your rumors. Stop bastardizing the English language.
If Trump didn't commit a felony, why is he hiding his tax returns?

Same logic. Both sets of information are protected by the 4th amendment.
If Hillary did not commit a felony why did she delete tens of thousands of emails
44 states won't give some voter info to panel - People this fraud is clear, if these states did not commit FELONY fraud why are they hiding the info......

Answer, because thousands if not tens of thousands of people would be going to prison as the swamp gets drained

Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.

HAHAHA. A democrat talking about rule of law. !!! So tell us why Aunt Barry was allowed to alter obamacare without going to congress.
Elections belong to the states. The federal government may only compel them to do anything by an act of congress. If Trump wants all this data that bad he should lobby congress to act to compel states to turn over this data. That's how it's supposed to work. Your boy was not elected king, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face.
It is all public data, idiot, so Trump doesnt have to lord it over anyone to get it.

Jeebus, go back to sleep!
If Trump didn't commit a felony, why is he hiding his tax returns?

Same logic. Both sets of information are protected by the 4th amendment.

A refusal to hand over PUBLIC data is now protected by the 4th amendment?

Where did you idiots come from? a cabbage patch?
If Hillary did not commit a felony, why did she delete tens of thousands of emails.
If Trump won legitimately, why are you still harping on a stale story?

Why are you helping democraps hide voter fraud, if Trumps victory was not legit you should want this exposed. Yet you really do not want the democraps evil and lies exposed................

You are shit
Why are you helping democraps hide voter fraud, if Trumps victory was not legit you should want this exposed. Yet you really do not want the democraps evil and lies exposed................

You are shit
The Democrats pretend that irregularities in the recount did not stop the recounts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin last year.

They are lying cheating crooks and the world knows it.
The only voter fraud Drumpf is interested in is getting his tiny hands on the voter rolls of all the states so he can pass them on to his Russian and 400 lb. buddies.

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