Trump can win this with just a few words

The jobs available are part time and service jobs, a common to the socialist society. These jobs are worth maybe seven dollars an hour. Most companies can't afford to pay anymore than that for a service part-time job.
So...people are turning their noses up to work because it's not just what they want? What makes you think that would change under a President Drumpf?
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Why would anything be better than President Obama? Under his Administration we are better off than we were 8 years ago....why is that a bad thing to you?
I'm self-employed so I don't depend on the federal government for anything, but for millions an overbearing federal government just fucks up their lives.
The people that have altogether given up looking for a job are at all time high number.
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years
And we're back to the FACT that there are jobs out it the government's job to find jobs for people?

And how would this lack of motivation to get a job change under a President Drumpf?
Yes, there are jobs out there mostly service and part-time jobs, you know beginners jobs not career jobs.
And then there are jobs have that disappeared over the last few years - real career jobs like coal mining that pays six figures starting. Those people have no future now because of the fuck up of the federal government....
Actually I'm doing just fine I've been self-employed for 20+ years… I don't rely on the "federal government" thankfully.
But most have quit altogether looking for jobs that are unemployed relegated to sucking on the federal government's tit.
But there is this…

Why would they quit looking for jobs? There are "help wanted" signs everywhere.
Socialism makes people addicted to the nanny state

You mean like Odium!
It sounds like the federal government has fucked a guy over?
How do you figure that? By giving him a disability check monthly?
You've heard the old saying it's better to teach a person to fish them to give them fish.
The jobs available are part time and service jobs, a common to the socialist society. These jobs are worth maybe seven dollars an hour. Most companies can't afford to pay anymore than that for a service part-time job.
So...people are turning their noses up to work because it's not just what they want? What makes you think that would change under a President Drumpf?
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Well, I don't think anarchy/Trump/Putin would be better.

I'd gladly have voted for Kasich.
Altogether I don't think any one president will make anything better or worse, Kasich was a pretender(RINO)
So...why this hating on President Obama?
His "hope and change" was a load of shit, and a bunch of globalist dip shits bought into it.
The jobs available are part time and service jobs, a common to the socialist society. These jobs are worth maybe seven dollars an hour. Most companies can't afford to pay anymore than that for a service part-time job.
So...people are turning their noses up to work because it's not just what they want? What makes you think that would change under a President Drumpf?
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Well, I don't think anarchy/Trump/Putin would be better.

I'd gladly have voted for Kasich.
Altogether I don't think any one president will make anything better or worse, Kasich was a pretender(RINO)
Only a person you define as a rino can balance the budget.
The only way to really "balance the budget" is to pay off the debt all at once and altogether, but we are past the point of no return so that can't happen.
So you can take your politically correct math and shove it in the al gores lock box… lol
We're better off by almost every measurement.

The OP thinks that because problems exist then that means everything is shitty. Thats the same thing they do to Hillary she had problems with the State Department so that means the entire thing was a failure.

Trump had problems with his Casinos so that means his entire experience is a failure...wait, reverse rules...He failed to succeed!

They invent problems

When Obama took office and unemployment went to 10% all the harped on was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment
When gas remained over $3 a gallon during his first term, all we heard was.....only president not to have gas under $3 a gallon

Now that unemployment is under 5% all we hear is some bogus labor participation statistic
Wit gas under $2 a gallon all we hear is Obama has nothing to do with gas prices
You obviously don't understand what the real unemployment numbers are… LOL
So...people are turning their noses up to work because it's not just what they want? What makes you think that would change under a President Drumpf?
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Well, I don't think anarchy/Trump/Putin would be better.

I'd gladly have voted for Kasich.
Altogether I don't think any one president will make anything better or worse, Kasich was a pretender(RINO)
Only a person you define as a rino can balance the budget.
The only way to really "balance the budget" is to pay off the debt all at once and altogether, but we are past the point of no return so that can't happen.
So you can take your politically correct math and shove it in the al gores lock box… lol
Balancing the budget does not require paying off the debt. And, it's actually not a bad idea to have the Chinese owing part of the economy ... then like the Saudis, they can't kill it.
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Well, I don't think anarchy/Trump/Putin would be better.

I'd gladly have voted for Kasich.
Altogether I don't think any one president will make anything better or worse, Kasich was a pretender(RINO)
Only a person you define as a rino can balance the budget.
The only way to really "balance the budget" is to pay off the debt all at once and altogether, but we are past the point of no return so that can't happen.
So you can take your politically correct math and shove it in the al gores lock box… lol
Balancing the budget does not require paying off the debt. And, it's actually not a bad idea to have the Chinese owing part of the economy ... then like the Saudis, they can't kill it.
To anything successful being in the "red" is the opposite... lol
We're better off by almost every measurement.

The OP thinks that because problems exist then that means everything is shitty. Thats the same thing they do to Hillary she had problems with the State Department so that means the entire thing was a failure.

Trump had problems with his Casinos so that means his entire experience is a failure...wait, reverse rules...He failed to succeed!

They invent problems

When Obama took office and unemployment went to 10% all the harped on was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment
When gas remained over $3 a gallon during his first term, all we heard was.....only president not to have gas under $3 a gallon

Now that unemployment is under 5% all we hear is some bogus labor participation statistic
Wit gas under $2 a gallon all we hear is Obama has nothing to do with gas prices

They invent new metrics too. The unemployment number has always been calculated the same way for decades but now they want to count the number of people who stopped looking only now. Why? As a way to drive down the good numbers.

How many embassies were attacked during the Bush years? No one knows because no one cared. But now, Benghazi is the fault of the SOC? When? As soon as they didnt have shit else to complain about they made it up
Still looking for you to post those stats (evidence) that millions have lost their healthcare under Obamacare.
Millions of people were kicked off of their original plans for the "new federal government plans" that they can't afford so they'll have to pay the fine.
You keep saying that....where is the evidence that what you say is true?
Look it up for yourself lemming... lol
Millions were perfectly happy with what they had but no a big federal government has the fuck up their lives...

Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare
YOu've linked a BLOG from 3 years ago and the only evidence it says is this:

According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans because of Obamacare:

WILL lose there current plans....hasn't happened as of that blog's writing.

Did it really happen or is it just scare tactics?

And you made the claim, I am not a lemming to ask for proof....that just makes me not easily gullible.

Have you lost YOUR healthcare?
I have never claimed anything of any sort of insurance in my life, I don't have any type of insurance i pay out of pocket for me and my family - I just pay the IRS fine... are not prepared for any catastrophic health issue with your family?

As simple as that. Just like Reagan did. Carter attacked Reagan because Carter's policies were HORRIBLE and were harming people. Obama has done NOTHING to fix the eight LOUSY years of George Bush. He has made things WORSE! Trump merely needs to ask the question above.

Yeah.....use that line.........and then REALITY strikes.......

Bush vs. Obama: Private Sector Job Creation
Am I better off than I'd be after eight more years of reckless conservative spending, imperialism, fact aversion, misplaced aggression and utter lack of accountability?

You bet.
Millions of people were kicked off of their original plans for the "new federal government plans" that they can't afford so they'll have to pay the fine.
You keep saying that....where is the evidence that what you say is true?
Look it up for yourself lemming... lol
Millions were perfectly happy with what they had but no a big federal government has the fuck up their lives...

Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare
YOu've linked a BLOG from 3 years ago and the only evidence it says is this:

According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans because of Obamacare:

WILL lose there current plans....hasn't happened as of that blog's writing.

Did it really happen or is it just scare tactics?

And you made the claim, I am not a lemming to ask for proof....that just makes me not easily gullible.

Have you lost YOUR healthcare?
I have never claimed anything of any sort of insurance in my life, I don't have any type of insurance i pay out of pocket for me and my family - I just pay the IRS fine... are not prepared for any catastrophic health issue with your family?
Fortunately I can afford to pay for whatever comes up out of pocket…
Why would they quit looking for jobs? There are "help wanted" signs everywhere.
Socialism makes people addicted to the nanny state

You mean like Odium!
It sounds like the federal government has fucked a guy over?
How do you figure that? By giving him a disability check monthly?
You've heard the old saying it's better to teach a person to fish them to give them fish.
I agree....and we go back to those people who stopped looking for those jobs that are still out there.
Socialism makes people addicted to the nanny state

You mean like Odium!
It sounds like the federal government has fucked a guy over?
How do you figure that? By giving him a disability check monthly?
You've heard the old saying it's better to teach a person to fish them to give them fish.
I agree....and we go back to those people who stopped looking for those jobs that are still out there.
Them people have no reason to look for jobs because of welfare, it pays better than a part-time service job and they are doing nothing to boot on the dole... lol
So...people are turning their noses up to work because it's not just what they want? What makes you think that would change under a President Drumpf?
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Well, I don't think anarchy/Trump/Putin would be better.

I'd gladly have voted for Kasich.
Altogether I don't think any one president will make anything better or worse, Kasich was a pretender(RINO)
So...why this hating on President Obama?
His "hope and change" was a load of shit, and a bunch of globalist dip shits bought into it.
"Hope and change"...what is wrong with that? We had hope that the recession of 2008 would did. We saw the change in our economy for the better. We also hoped that OBL would actually be hunted down and made to pay for 9/11....the change was that under President Obama that actually took place.

What is it that you do not like about a motivational saying like "Hope and Change"?
So...people are turning their noses up to work because it's not just what they want? What makes you think that would change under a President Drumpf?
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Well, I don't think anarchy/Trump/Putin would be better.

I'd gladly have voted for Kasich.
Altogether I don't think any one president will make anything better or worse, Kasich was a pretender(RINO)
Only a person you define as a rino can balance the budget.
The only way to really "balance the budget" is to pay off the debt all at once and altogether, but we are past the point of no return so that can't happen.
So you can take your politically correct math and shove it in the al gores lock box… lol
When, in your opinion, did we reach your "point of no return"?
We're better off by almost every measurement.

The OP thinks that because problems exist then that means everything is shitty. Thats the same thing they do to Hillary she had problems with the State Department so that means the entire thing was a failure.

Trump had problems with his Casinos so that means his entire experience is a failure...wait, reverse rules...He failed to succeed!

They invent problems

When Obama took office and unemployment went to 10% all the harped on was unemployment, unemployment, unemployment
When gas remained over $3 a gallon during his first term, all we heard was.....only president not to have gas under $3 a gallon

Now that unemployment is under 5% all we hear is some bogus labor participation statistic
Wit gas under $2 a gallon all we hear is Obama has nothing to do with gas prices
You obviously don't understand what the real unemployment numbers are… LOL
You yourself admit there are unemployed people not bothering to go get those jobs that are out there.
Well anything is better than what we have in there now and would be better than the hildabeast... none of which is saying much at all. Socialism has made this federal government into banana republic... lol
Well, I don't think anarchy/Trump/Putin would be better.

I'd gladly have voted for Kasich.
Altogether I don't think any one president will make anything better or worse, Kasich was a pretender(RINO)
So...why this hating on President Obama?
His "hope and change" was a load of shit, and a bunch of globalist dip shits bought into it.
"Hope and change"...what is wrong with that? We had hope that the recession of 2008 would did. We saw the change in our economy for the better. We also hoped that OBL would actually be hunted down and made to pay for 9/11....the change was that under President Obama that actually took place.

What is it that you do not like about a motivational saying like "Hope and Change"?
Well, I'll let your delusion continue if you think this country is on the right track… LOL

As simple as that. Just like Reagan did. Carter attacked Reagan because Carter's policies were HORRIBLE and were harming people. Obama has done NOTHING to fix the eight LOUSY years of George Bush. He has made things WORSE! Trump merely needs to ask the question above.

Yeah.....use that line.........and then REALITY strikes.......

Bush vs. Obama: Private Sector Job Creation
I simply don't get the logic behind having Drumpf ask if we are better off than 8 years ago. But then, maybe he SHOULD ask that question. Yes. Now that I think about it, it's a good idea. He SHOULD ask that question.......often.

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