Trump cancelled subsidies for one reason then agrees to sign extension

Obviously the OP and snowflakes still don't get it.

Trump ended Obama's illegal, un-Constitutional EO giving insurers subsidies Congress, who controls the purse strings - not Barry, never authorized.

In doing so, he FORCED Congress to DO THEIR JOBS by writing and passing LEGAL legislation.

This was a win for the President. It is just a shame he has to take such measures to eliminate Barry's Constitutional violations and get Congress to do their jobs.
Trump said the subsidies paid was wrong because apparently, don't laugh, Trump objects to profitting off of the Government. Yeah, ok...but once again the Dems came up with actual legislation instead of talking shit and Trump says he'll support it! NOW he supports the subsidies!'s just like yesterday when he said "We aren't getting it done." Only to follow that with "And I'm not taking responsibility for it. THEY aren't getting it done"


As you can see by the two posters that replied to you Trump could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave, rape their wives and children, but it's Trump and I will still follow him of the cliff.

No he meant to destroy obamacare, he didn't get rid of the csr's because it was illegal. I wonder how the two posters can breath with their head so far up Trumps ass.

I guess repeal is off the table now, but that is ok it is just trump.
Now they are pretending that they love subsidies and have always loved subsidies, hahaha.
Maybe the whole point was to force Congress to actually do their job
Show me where in the past you have expressed support for subsidies.
I don't support them. that wasn't the intent of the thread here. It was that trump cut them and is adding them back after congress does their job. I hate the subsidies. I have stated that from day one. there is no need for them, they only make insurance companies richer. stated that already as well. Oh BTW, if there are going to be them, then I want the congress to appropriate them, not be on an EO. I'd prefer to see a congress that represents all the people not just the poor.
Obviously the OP and snowflakes still don't get it.

Trump ended Obama's illegal, un-Constitutional EO giving insurers subsidies Congress, who controls the purse strings - not Barry, never authorized.

In doing so, he FORCED Congress to DO THEIR JOBS by writing and passing LEGAL legislation.

This was a win for the President. It is just a shame he has to take such measures to eliminate Barry's Constitutional violations and get Congress to do their jobs.
You are so full of shit. You people whined about subsidies regardless of how they came about. Now that Trump CHANGED HIS MIND about them, you pretend it was a good ideal all along. God the immaturity of you cons on this forum blows my mind.

Oh and by the way, Congress approved ACA from the beginning.
Obviously the OP and snowflakes still don't get it.

Trump ended Obama's illegal, un-Constitutional EO giving insurers subsidies Congress, who controls the purse strings - not Barry, never authorized.

In doing so, he FORCED Congress to DO THEIR JOBS by writing and passing LEGAL legislation.

This was a win for the President. It is just a shame he has to take such measures to eliminate Barry's Constitutional violations and get Congress to do their jobs.
You are so full of shit. You people whined about subsidies regardless of how they came about. Now that Trump CHANGED HIS MIND about them, you pretend it was a good ideal all along. God the immaturity of you cons on this forum blows my mind.

Oh and by the way, Congress approved ACA from the beginning.
no democrats did, why the fk do you think all of the GOP ran on repeal and replace for seven fking years. wow dude you have no clue. as for subsidies, there isn't one conservative who likes them. None. And if there are subsidies passed, at least let them be fking legal. that's all we're saying. absolutely no subsidies wanted by this boy for sure.
As The New York Times noted on December 9, 2015, "A little-noticed health care provision slipped into a giant spending law last year has tangled up the Obama administration, sent tremors through health insurance markets and rattled confidence in the durability of President Obama’s signature health law."

Rubio and a number of other Republicans had succeeded in gutting the risk corridors. The result was that, just in 2015, end-of-fiscal-year risk corridor payments to insurance companies that were supposed to total around $2.9 billion were only reimbursed, according to Rubio himself quoted in the Times, to the tune of around $400 million. Rubio bragged that he'd "saved taxpayers $2.5 billion."

And, indeed, he had. But the insurance companies were thrown into a crisis. And, with Republicans in Congress absolutely refusing to re-fund the risk corridors, that crisis would get worse as time went on, at least over a period of a few years.

So the insurance companies did the only things they could. In (mostly red) states with low incomes and thus poorer health, they simply pulled out of the marketplace altogether. This has left some states with only one single insurer left. In others, they jacked up their prices to make up their losses.

How Republicans quietly sabotaged Obamacare long before Trump came into office

Time magazine wrote "8 States Where Obamacare Rates Are Rising by at Least 30%" without mentioning Rubio's role in why. Ditto for NPR's "22 Percent Hike in Obamacare Rates…" and CNN's "Obamacare Premiums Soar By 22%." If you date-limit just to October of 2016 - the month before the election - you can find hundreds of similar articles. It was a huge story, but somehow Little Marco's role in it all - along with his friends in the GOP - never made it into any of the stories.

Liberal bias msm? LOL.
As The New York Times noted on December 9, 2015, "A little-noticed health care provision slipped into a giant spending law last year has tangled up the Obama administration, sent tremors through health insurance markets and rattled confidence in the durability of President Obama’s signature health law."

Rubio and a number of other Republicans had succeeded in gutting the risk corridors. The result was that, just in 2015, end-of-fiscal-year risk corridor payments to insurance companies that were supposed to total around $2.9 billion were only reimbursed, according to Rubio himself quoted in the Times, to the tune of around $400 million. Rubio bragged that he'd "saved taxpayers $2.5 billion."

And, indeed, he had. But the insurance companies were thrown into a crisis. And, with Republicans in Congress absolutely refusing to re-fund the risk corridors, that crisis would get worse as time went on, at least over a period of a few years.

So the insurance companies did the only things they could. In (mostly red) states with low incomes and thus poorer health, they simply pulled out of the marketplace altogether. This has left some states with only one single insurer left. In others, they jacked up their prices to make up their losses.

How Republicans quietly sabotaged Obamacare long before Trump came into office

Time magazine wrote "8 States Where Obamacare Rates Are Rising by at Least 30%" without mentioning Rubio's role in why. Ditto for NPR's "22 Percent Hike in Obamacare Rates…" and CNN's "Obamacare Premiums Soar By 22%." If you date-limit just to October of 2016 - the month before the election - you can find hundreds of similar articles. It was a huge story, but somehow Little Marco's role in it all - along with his friends in the GOP - never made it into any of the stories.

Liberal bias msm? LOL.
It's why it was a disaster coming out of the gate. Dems didn't want to discuss how to make it right. nope push it to make obummer look good, instead made him look the fking fool ten times.
Libs had their chance to help yhe American people, and their socialist liberal agenda got in the way & f*ed it up.

Trump is keeping his promises, eliminating 3 Obama Un-Constitutional acts in roughly 1 week, and snowflakes are sad and bitching about it.

I live the sounds of frustration and crying from the's the sound of 'VICTORY'...

As The New York Times noted on December 9, 2015, "A little-noticed health care provision slipped into a giant spending law last year has tangled up the Obama administration, sent tremors through health insurance markets and rattled confidence in the durability of President Obama’s signature health law."

Rubio and a number of other Republicans had succeeded in gutting the risk corridors. The result was that, just in 2015, end-of-fiscal-year risk corridor payments to insurance companies that were supposed to total around $2.9 billion were only reimbursed, according to Rubio himself quoted in the Times, to the tune of around $400 million. Rubio bragged that he'd "saved taxpayers $2.5 billion."

And, indeed, he had. But the insurance companies were thrown into a crisis. And, with Republicans in Congress absolutely refusing to re-fund the risk corridors, that crisis would get worse as time went on, at least over a period of a few years.

So the insurance companies did the only things they could. In (mostly red) states with low incomes and thus poorer health, they simply pulled out of the marketplace altogether. This has left some states with only one single insurer left. In others, they jacked up their prices to make up their losses.

How Republicans quietly sabotaged Obamacare long before Trump came into office

Time magazine wrote "8 States Where Obamacare Rates Are Rising by at Least 30%" without mentioning Rubio's role in why. Ditto for NPR's "22 Percent Hike in Obamacare Rates…" and CNN's "Obamacare Premiums Soar By 22%." If you date-limit just to October of 2016 - the month before the election - you can find hundreds of similar articles. It was a huge story, but somehow Little Marco's role in it all - along with his friends in the GOP - never made it into any of the stories.

Liberal bias msm? LOL.
It's why it was a disaster coming out of the gate. Dems didn't want to discuss how to make it right. nope push it to make obummer look good, instead made him look the fking fool ten times.

Nah, in the end Obama will look like he wanted to insure everyone with pre-existing conditions and Trump and the GOP will look like they wanted to take it away. That's what the subsidies were for.
The end to the risk corridors is a goodness thing as the start of repeal and replace in order to avoid a veto.
Trump said the subsidies paid was wrong because apparently, don't laugh, Trump objects to profitting off of the Government. Yeah, ok...but once again the Dems came up with actual legislation instead of talking shit and Trump says he'll support it! NOW he supports the subsidies!'s just like yesterday when he said "We aren't getting it done." Only to follow that with "And I'm not taking responsibility for it. THEY aren't getting it done"


Maybe the whole point was to force Congress to actually do their job
Can you show me where in the past you supported subsidies? What I think is you don't want to be seen as being betrayed by Trump, so you pretend you love subsidies.

I don't. I opposed ObamaCare and support full repeal.
As The New York Times noted on December 9, 2015, "A little-noticed health care provision slipped into a giant spending law last year has tangled up the Obama administration, sent tremors through health insurance markets and rattled confidence in the durability of President Obama’s signature health law."

Rubio and a number of other Republicans had succeeded in gutting the risk corridors. The result was that, just in 2015, end-of-fiscal-year risk corridor payments to insurance companies that were supposed to total around $2.9 billion were only reimbursed, according to Rubio himself quoted in the Times, to the tune of around $400 million. Rubio bragged that he'd "saved taxpayers $2.5 billion."

And, indeed, he had. But the insurance companies were thrown into a crisis. And, with Republicans in Congress absolutely refusing to re-fund the risk corridors, that crisis would get worse as time went on, at least over a period of a few years.

So the insurance companies did the only things they could. In (mostly red) states with low incomes and thus poorer health, they simply pulled out of the marketplace altogether. This has left some states with only one single insurer left. In others, they jacked up their prices to make up their losses.

How Republicans quietly sabotaged Obamacare long before Trump came into office

Time magazine wrote "8 States Where Obamacare Rates Are Rising by at Least 30%" without mentioning Rubio's role in why. Ditto for NPR's "22 Percent Hike in Obamacare Rates…" and CNN's "Obamacare Premiums Soar By 22%." If you date-limit just to October of 2016 - the month before the election - you can find hundreds of similar articles. It was a huge story, but somehow Little Marco's role in it all - along with his friends in the GOP - never made it into any of the stories.

Liberal bias msm? LOL.
It's why it was a disaster coming out of the gate. Dems didn't want to discuss how to make it right. nope push it to make obummer look good, instead made him look the fking fool ten times.

Nah, in the end Obama will look like he wanted to insure everyone with pre-existing conditions and Trump and the GOP will look like they wanted to take it away. That's what the subsidies were for.
doing it illegally. not how it's done in the US. funny how you libs want to change america into a socialist state.
No the most funny part was him saying one minute Obamacare is dead, and that he thinks they have the votes to pass the Heller plan... and then just minutes later says that he supports the Alexander-Murray plan and that it should stabilize Obamacare for the next 2 years...
Yeah but lefties rioted and occupied Wall Street and ranted about corporate welfare and corporate wealth and now the freaking hypocrites are whining because insurance corporations aren't getting billions in government subsidies.
Yeah but lefties rioted and occupied Wall Street and ranted about corporate welfare and corporate wealth and now the freaking hypocrites are whining because insurance corporations aren't getting billions in government subsidies.
If you asshats throw a fit anytime a single payer proposal is brought up, obviously concessions must be made to give healthcare to millions who don’t have it. Insurers make more money and poor people get healthcare at the same time. Quit whining.
no democrats did, why the fk do you think all of the GOP ran on repeal and replace for seven fking years
To fool you into believING they were never for it and they have a super secret awesome plan. And the crazy part is, they don't have shit but you still believe them.

Just goes to show, it's easier to fool people than it is to convince then they've been fooled.
Hey, remember when all the Republicans said the only problem they had with the subsidies is that it didn't go through the proper process? Me neither!

Trump just yesterday said the subsidies was a payoff to the insurance compnaies. Now, complete reversal!
Anyone with half a brain knows that the Republicans in Congress are trying to extend the subsidies now for 2 years so they hopefully don't get voted out in the 2018 elections...
Trump said the subsidies paid was wrong because apparently, don't laugh, Trump objects to profitting off of the Government. Yeah, ok...but once again the Dems came up with actual legislation instead of talking shit and Trump says he'll support it! NOW he supports the subsidies!'s just like yesterday when he said "We aren't getting it done." Only to follow that with "And I'm not taking responsibility for it. THEY aren't getting it done"


Maybe the whole point was to force Congress to actually do their job
Hahaha....can I ask you something and be honest. Was Trump ever wrong?

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