TRUMP Cancelling Domestic Counter Terrorism Program

“TRUMP Cancelling Domestic Counter Terrorism Program”

Which makes perfect sense given the fact most domestic terrorists are Trump voters.
The Obama administration launched the Countering Violent Extremism Grant Program in 2016 to fight domestic terrorism. Managed by the Department of Homeland Security, the program was given $10 million to distribute.

In the last days of the Obama administration, DHS awarded the money to more than two dozen groups around the country to counter violent extremism of all kinds, including right-wing extremism.

During his 8 years in office Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, aided, abetted, and even dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to HELP terrorists, like Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01.

The Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Haqqani network, and even Iran...he helped / paid / worked with them all at some point.

He failed to stop terrorist attacks he knew was coming - even when he was told ahead of time exactly who they were. He even brought terrorists into the country and mocked Conservatives about how they were afraid of 'widows and orphans' before the terrorist he brought into the country murdered 7 American citizens in California in a terrorist attack.

Within the United States, he aided / protected / conspired with / allowed to operate MS13 gangs, Mexican Drug Cartels, terrorists, Sanctuary Cities protecting violent illegals who preyed on US citizens, and even found out about Russian hacking / crimes in 2014 and allowed it to continue for 2 years.

He learned how Russia was running a Counter-Intel Operation in which they were conning snowflakes into organizing and marching for them through Social Media, how the Russians were paying liberal groups - BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist - to spread racial division and violence - Baltimore, Ferguson, Charlottesville....and never did anything about them. Hell, the Democrats began defending / protecting / advocating for Antifa. Even now when it has been proven that George Soros funded Hillary and Barry as well as Antifa, BLM, the Women's March, etc...we realize Obama and Hillary knew all along about this as well and did nothing.


...and the snowflakes continue to accuse others / Conservatives of doing what they have done / what they do and of being who they are!

NEWSFLASH, SNOWFLAKES: Democrats may be, but the majority of Americans are not as stupid as Gruber and the Democrats have thought their base is, as stupid as they have counted on their base being, and - evidently - as stupid as many continue to be....which is the reason that Democrats lost the House, why Democrats lost the Senate, why Democrats lost the WH, why Democrats refused to vote for the hand-picked felon who compromised national security, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, broke laws, colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians but STILL could NOT win her party's nomination!

HOLY FVCK; that is a LOT of TYPING for a SECOND GRADER :9:
Yoh mean that's too much READING for a 2nd grader to do, snowflake. My bad - I will try to use smaller words and keep it shorter for you next time.
Programs affected are those that fight white supremacy, bigotry, and hate groups.

Looks like Trump is trying to further splinter America.

Trumps neo Nazi base will lap this up like the rabid dogs they are.

Trump admin will apparently not renew program to fight domestic terror

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration, which already canceled a grant for a group that fights white supremacist terror, now appears unwilling to renew the anti-domestic terror program under which it was funded, despite recent high-profile attacks like the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and data showing a spike in attacks on religious minorities.

The Obama administration launched the Countering Violent Extremism Grant Program in 2016 to fight domestic terrorism. Managed by the Department of Homeland Security, the program was given $10 million to distribute.

In the last days of the Obama administration, DHS awarded the money to more than two dozen groups around the country to counter violent extremism of all kinds, including right-wing extremism. Data from the Global Terrorism Database shows there was a spike in attacks on American religious organizations in 2016-17.

The money paid for the development of new approaches to prevent terrorism before it begins. Programs that develop training materials for law enforcement, mental health counselors and schools to better identify warning signs of extremism so that terrorism can be averted were designated to receive funds.
Trump doesn't care about right wing terrorism.
The Democrats have been overrun by communists. Non-goose-steppers are the minority in the party.

You must vote for anyone not Dem. Otherwise, you end up with federal agencies designed to harass white capitalists.
Trump supporter calls Democrat stupid.
Not predictable.[/QUOTE]
Dude for a minute - claiming the President does not care about 'terrorist groups' attacking American citizens IS stupid...

….most of the time. Of course, Obama and Hillary proved there are exceptions:

Obama actually mocked American citizens saying they were only afraid of widows and orphans, then brought a terrorist into the US by giving her a visa only to have her kill 7 Americans several days later in a terrorist attack.
- Instead of apologizing for his actions and for allowing a terrorist to come in and kill Americans he instead sent out his US AG to threaten US Citizens with judicial punishment for exercising their 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech if they spoke out against Muslim Extremists, calling it 'Hate Speech'.

Hillary Clinton and her campaign was actually caught funding thugs going to Trump rallies and beating up US citizens who supported Trump.

Donald Trump actually pointed out that both Antifa and White Supremacists shared the blame for violence in Charlottesville. WRONGLY, Democrats / Liberals / Snowflakes personally attacked, condemned, rebuked, and threw Fake News at him in response, denying Antifa had done anything.
- EVEN when Antifa's leader came out publicly stated they had shown up intent on instigating the violence - and did - the Leftists refused to acknowledged it and continued to call Trump a White Supremacist only because he pointed out the FACTS behind the violence in Charlottesville.

But don't let the facts get in the way of your butt-hurt over my pointing out how stupid your comment was....
Shitstain obama was a black nationalist. Everything he did needs to be undone.
What is a black nationalist? I never heard of him accused of that before.

But we can all agree you are a racist.

Come on, be honest. You are, aren't you?
Shitstain obama was a black nationalist. Everything he did needs to be undone.
What is a black nationalist? I never heard of him accused of that before.

But we can all agree you are a racist.

Come on, be honest. You are, aren't you?
In the same kind of line, in all seriousness....what the hell is up with the 'African American' crap?

My heritage is Native American...I am AMERICAN.

If you were born in the Us
If your parents were born in the US
If your grandparents were born in the US
If your great grandparents were born in the US
If your great great grandparents were born in the US
If you have NEVER even BEEN to Africa're not 'African American'!

So many CALL for and end to racism, an end to any focus on race / color while at the same time calling themselves 'AFRICAN American', while groups like Antifa and BLM take money to spread racial division / violence, and while Race Peddlers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc... made a living off of 'Racism'...because the FACT is 'Racism' is a BILLION DOLAR INDUSTRY.

People sometimes ponder if Cancer was cured overnight how many people would lose their jobs / how much money would be lost by pharmaceutical companies and others … try applying that to 'Racism'. NAACP, BLM, United Negro College Fund, Political Donations, etc...… (I am NOT saying 'Racism' is false / a fake creation based on MONEY.)

...sorry for the sidebar....

Much of the 'domestic terrorism' is also based on 'racism' - not the only source / reason - but has been funded by those wanting to keep the country divided.

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