Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - It's a BAD Economy NOW

apparently you dont know either.....
I know everyone thinks their job is harder than the next guys job.....but it makes it harder if its done while whining....

Trump whines every day on Twitter, many times a day.

It's called venting and bitch slapping liberal assholes into another galaxy. Only a nancy boy liberal could call it whining.

No, it is called whining; Trump has perfected it.
So, Trump offers the wealthy 0.001% of individuals a massive tax cut, offers the corporations a massive tax cut, tax receipts go down as a result, and the federal worker loses out.

Glad to see your line of thinking there but I disagree.

Income inequality will continue to widen because of poor planning from those in charge. Check
Most of the federal workers are over paid and lazy and don't deserve a raise. Raised should be earned.
in the PO we were not over paid even though we did have our share of crappy workers.....

My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.

When Reagan took office two thirds of carrier vehicles were effectively 'taken.'

This caused 2/3rds of carriers to carry increased weight loads daily. Some full letter bags weighed over 80 lb. and these were collected at drop boxes three, to four times daily.

Reagan hated labor in America, just like most Republicans hate the average worker in America.
your dad is fucking with you....bags have a weight limit of around 40 pounds.....and those guys being fired had no effect on postal operations.....

Those limits were not in place 35 years ago. You worked for USPS when Reagan's policies so severely effected carriers? Don't tell me you were slugging letter bags 35 years ago. If so, you are doing something wrong now.
Those limits were not in place 35 years ago
yes they were....there aint no carrier bag that can hold 80 pounds of mail,they aint big enough,some carriers on walkers would use a cart and put 2 bags on the cart so they can deliver more before going back to, at that time their little shitty jeep,to reload and move to the next relay...........and there is no reason to put that much weight in your bag,as most carriers broke down the street into 2 relays if it had a lot of mail that day.....
You worked for USPS when Reagan's policies so severely effected carriers?
i worked all through Reagans time, he had zero effect on carrier least in S.Cal.....
Don't tell me you were slugging letter bags 35 years ago. If so, you are doing something wrong now
when you are a new guy, you "slug" letter bags,its called paying your dues....the good mounted routes or the easy shorter walking routes were taken by the older carriers who had the seniority....i carried mail for 33 years not a quarter of a decade....
My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.
Delivering mail?......I suggest you don't know what working your azz off means.....
apparently you dont know either.....
It doesn't take brains and should not be a high paying job. A mail carrier should make $40K. $50K in California and NY.
thats what they make.....and lets see you get out there and deliver a route in pouring rain or a snowstorm would have called in sick on those days....its a lot different than sitting on your ass in an office looking out the window....
Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
I'll take delivering mail in Hawaii over roofing homes in Arizona any day....stop the inner reflections...they cloud your prospective...
i have to agree....working in hot weather for me in S.Cal was great....i delivered to Houses and Condos in the Anaheim Hills and the boxes were in the pool area....nice scenery.....
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'
Civilian Federal employees are overpaid...
Most of the federal workers are over paid and lazy and don't deserve a raise. Raised should be earned.
in the PO we were not over paid even though we did have our share of crappy workers.....

My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.

When Reagan took office two thirds of carrier vehicles were effectively 'taken.'

This caused 2/3rds of carriers to carry increased weight loads daily. Some full letter bags weighed over 80 lb. and these were collected at drop boxes three, to four times daily.

Reagan hated labor in America, just like most Republicans hate the average worker in America.
your dad is fucking with you....bags have a weight limit of around 40 pounds.....and those guys being fired had no effect on postal operations.....

Those limits were not in place 35 years ago. You worked for USPS when Reagan's policies so severely effected carriers? Don't tell me you were slugging letter bags 35 years ago. If so, you are doing something wrong now.
Those limits were not in place 35 years ago
yes they were....there aint no carrier bag that can hold 80 pounds of mail,they aint big enough,some carriers on walkers would use a cart and put 2 bags on the cart so they can deliver more before going back to, at that time their little shitty jeep,to reload and move to the next relay...........and there is no reason to put that much weight in your bag,as most carriers broke down the street into 2 relays if it had a lot of mail that day.....
You worked for USPS when Reagan's policies so severely effected carriers?
i worked all through Reagans time, he had zero effect on carrier least in S.Cal.....
Don't tell me you were slugging letter bags 35 years ago. If so, you are doing something wrong now
when you are a new guy, you "slug" letter bags,its called paying your dues....the good mounted routes or the easy shorter walking routes were taken by the older carriers who had the seniority....i carried mail for 33 years not a quarter of a decade....

My Dad was born in 1925, worked a plow behind a mule when he was a scrawny kid to feed a family, went thru the Great Depression, fought in WW II lobbing mortars at the Japanese in the Philippine islands, so, I believe my Dad knew what 80 lbs. was, no matter what mass made up the weight.
M2 mortars weighed OVER 300 lb. I believe my Dad knew what the Hell 80 lb. was.
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?
--------------------------------------------- yep , and the VOLUNTEER to get their underpaid or overpaid jobs Caddo .
My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.
Delivering mail?......I suggest you don't know what working your azz off means.....

Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
we had a walking route in our office that when you were done you walked 9-10 miles....

my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked It was 13 miles.

My Dad retired early in the first few weeks of 1988. He said he would rather not get worked to death like an unappreciated slave by a Republican POTUS.
you said earlier your dad worked "a quarter of a decade"?? its 14 years....which is it?....and that 13 miles,was it walking or mounted?........
Its a dog whistle to his base. They think all federal employees are Black.

That's it play the idiotic race card....and you should pay attention, Trump said the federal budgets can't support raises. But hell budgets don't matter just keep running up debt

So, Trump offers the wealthy 0.001% of individuals a massive tax cut, offers the corporations a massive tax cut, tax receipts go down as a result, and the federal worker loses out.

Glad to see your line of thinking there but I disagree.

Income inequality will continue to widen because of poor planning from those in charge. Check
Most of the federal workers are over paid and lazy and don't deserve a raise. Raised should be earned.

Federal employees do not obtain 'merit' increases; the federal system is not set-up as such.

Federal employees are treated like robots. They get a raise, or they don't; that's it.

Yes, I know; they can go somewhere else to get a job.

And some will.
not in the get contract and COLA raises....even the shitty workers....
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?
--------------------------------------------- yep , and the VOLUNTEER to get their underpaid or overpaid jobs Caddo .
He apparently has no idea that the link in his OP specifically says "civilian federal workers". You can't make this kind of stuff up about the stupidity of liberals.
Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
I'll take delivering mail in Hawaii over roofing homes in Arizona any day....stop the inner reflections...they cloud your prospective...
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?
--------------------------------------------- yep , and the VOLUNTEER to get their underpaid or overpaid jobs Caddo .

Yep, most folks volunteer for the employment they scenario they are in.

I keep wondering why Trump keeps whining about his job.
Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
I'll take delivering mail in Hawaii over roofing homes in Arizona any day....stop the inner reflections...they cloud your prospective...
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?
--------------------------------------------- yep , and the VOLUNTEER to get their underpaid or overpaid jobs Caddo .

Yep, most folks volunteer for the employment they scenario they are in.

I keep wondering why Trump keeps whining about his job.
My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.
Delivering mail?......I suggest you don't know what working your azz off means.....

Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
we had a walking route in our office that when you were done you walked 9-10 miles....

my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked It was 13 miles.

My Dad retired early in the first few weeks of 1988. He said he would rather not get worked to death like an unappreciated slave by a Republican POTUS.
you said earlier your dad worked "a quarter of a decade"?? its 14 years....which is it?....and that 13 miles,was it walking or mounted?........

Here: my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked. It was 13 miles.

Walking. In Louisiana. His customers treated him very well; he was extremely well liked.
My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.
Delivering mail?......I suggest you don't know what working your azz off means.....

Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
we had a walking route in our office that when you were done you walked 9-10 miles....

my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked It was 13 miles.

My Dad retired early in the first few weeks of 1988. He said he would rather not get worked to death like an unappreciated slave by a Republican POTUS.
you said earlier your dad worked "a quarter of a decade"?? its 14 years....which is it?....and that 13 miles,was it walking or mounted?........
He said "the last 14 years" I believe.
Its a dog whistle to his base. They think all federal employees are Black.

Why don't these federal workers go find a job in the private sector? Companies are hiring. Our government has gotten too big even I'll admit that. And no, I don't think this is about race at all. It never even crossed my mind. That's you being paranoid. And you know I tend to agree with you even if there is a hint of truth to what you are saying.

Republicans don't think government jobs should be good paying jobs. If the person was worth good pay they wouldn't be working for the government. If the position is valuable then fine, pay them a fair wage. But the secretaries that work for the person who's in charge, shouldn't be in unions and shouldn't be getting pay raises automatically across the board. If they don't like it they can go find work in the real world.
Why dont most people have a business? Its a comfort level. If you have a job then you get stuck there willingly.

You dont have to think its about race and I never said it had to cross your mind. My point is that it is about race to his base. When you use dog whistles like this orange buffoon has done so many times then it becomes apparent that he is using one this time. Its well known that his undereducated base thinks that most federal employees are Black. Thats who he is speaking to.when he uses these terms.
I don't think they think most federal employees are black. I think Republicans hate all government employees equally. Doesn't matter to them if they are white or black. They just think the government is too big.

Education department: 4,400 employees and $68 billion budget
Department of Energy 12,944 federal (2014) 93,094 contract (2008). Annual budget, $27.9 billion (2015)

Since blacks only make up 15% of the population, I would assume at most blacks make up 30% of all federal employees. Is that a safe number? So I don't think Republicans care about race on this one.
You arent what I condsider Drumpfs base. I have seen it several times on this forum where these under educated morons claim most federal workers are Blacks due to AA.
in the PO it was a pretty good mix,at least in Anaheim....Whites,Blacks,Asians,Hispanics lots of Vets including many coming back from the mid East....and they hired a good number of people who were handicapped too....many Vets with a physical handicap are hired to be Custodians.....
Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
I'll take delivering mail in Hawaii over roofing homes in Arizona any day....stop the inner reflections...they cloud your prospective...
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?
--------------------------------------------- yep , and the VOLUNTEER to get their underpaid or overpaid jobs Caddo .

Yep, most folks volunteer for the employment they scenario they are in.

I keep wondering why Trump keeps whining about his job.
------------------------------ so nothing Special and thats my point , volunteer military is simply volunteer military that is looking for a job or training , citizenship and it all all boils down to to be being paid cash . No pay raise for military if they are included and that ok with me Caddo .
Delivering mail?......I suggest you don't know what working your azz off means.....

Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
we had a walking route in our office that when you were done you walked 9-10 miles....

my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked It was 13 miles.

My Dad retired early in the first few weeks of 1988. He said he would rather not get worked to death like an unappreciated slave by a Republican POTUS.
you said earlier your dad worked "a quarter of a decade"?? its 14 years....which is it?....and that 13 miles,was it walking or mounted?........
He said "the last 14 years" I believe.
he said this A....My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz no 41....
in the PO we were not over paid even though we did have our share of crappy workers.....

My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz off.

When Reagan took office two thirds of carrier vehicles were effectively 'taken.'

This caused 2/3rds of carriers to carry increased weight loads daily. Some full letter bags weighed over 80 lb. and these were collected at drop boxes three, to four times daily.

Reagan hated labor in America, just like most Republicans hate the average worker in America.
your dad is fucking with you....bags have a weight limit of around 40 pounds.....and those guys being fired had no effect on postal operations.....

Those limits were not in place 35 years ago. You worked for USPS when Reagan's policies so severely effected carriers? Don't tell me you were slugging letter bags 35 years ago. If so, you are doing something wrong now.
Those limits were not in place 35 years ago
yes they were....there aint no carrier bag that can hold 80 pounds of mail,they aint big enough,some carriers on walkers would use a cart and put 2 bags on the cart so they can deliver more before going back to, at that time their little shitty jeep,to reload and move to the next relay...........and there is no reason to put that much weight in your bag,as most carriers broke down the street into 2 relays if it had a lot of mail that day.....
You worked for USPS when Reagan's policies so severely effected carriers?
i worked all through Reagans time, he had zero effect on carrier least in S.Cal.....
Don't tell me you were slugging letter bags 35 years ago. If so, you are doing something wrong now
when you are a new guy, you "slug" letter bags,its called paying your dues....the good mounted routes or the easy shorter walking routes were taken by the older carriers who had the seniority....i carried mail for 33 years not a quarter of a decade....

My Dad was born in 1925, worked a plow behind a mule when he was a scrawny kid to feed a family, went thru the Great Depression, fought in WW II lobbing mortars at the Japanese in the Philippine islands, so, I believe my Dad knew what 80 lbs. was, no matter what mass made up the weight.
M2 mortars weighed OVER 300 lb. I believe my Dad knew what the Hell 80 lb. was.
let me clear things up here.....what years did your pop work and were?....
Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
we had a walking route in our office that when you were done you walked 9-10 miles....

my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked It was 13 miles.

My Dad retired early in the first few weeks of 1988. He said he would rather not get worked to death like an unappreciated slave by a Republican POTUS.
you said earlier your dad worked "a quarter of a decade"?? its 14 years....which is it?....and that 13 miles,was it walking or mounted?........
He said "the last 14 years" I believe.
he said this A....My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz no 41....
For some reason I read that as a quarter of a
Some days my Dad would lose four, five pounds just from sweating. Being a carrier in a sub tropical climate can kill people.
Ever heard of heat stroke?
we had a walking route in our office that when you were done you walked 9-10 miles....

my Dad had the same route for the last 14 years he worked It was 13 miles.

My Dad retired early in the first few weeks of 1988. He said he would rather not get worked to death like an unappreciated slave by a Republican POTUS.
you said earlier your dad worked "a quarter of a decade"?? its 14 years....which is it?....and that 13 miles,was it walking or mounted?........
He said "the last 14 years" I believe.
he said this A....My Father was a carrier for nearly a quarter decade & he worked his azz no 41....

Yep, My Dad was a carrier for basically 1/4 century aka 25 years. Last 14 years he worked the same route.
Albeit with the occasional 'sub' for loafers.

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