trump can't get anyone to post his bond

He bankrupted a fricking casino.

the whole biz'nez model of a casino is that the house wins.

donny failed.

If Trump has any classified documents left that haven't been copied by Chinese spies, Trump should sell those off.

Needless to say, every Trump cultist here would support that. After all, they all supported him selling out to China before.
I dont think its right that he needs to put up that money to launch an appeal. It makes hustice the preserve of people who can afford it..
l know its trump but I still think its wrong.
I dont think its right that he needs to put up that money to launch an appeal. It makes hustice the preserve of people who can afford it..
l know its trump but I still think its wrong.
Trump bragging about his wealth is the main reason for the size of the punitive awards.

It's not perfect, but the "rich guys get fined more" policy does make it harder for the rich to buy their way out of trouble.
Nobody trusts him or believes he actually has access to that kinda money.

Not even the small judgement.

He's finally starting to pay the price for a lifetime of crime.

Trump needs to realize God does not like him!
It seems like you cultists jerk off to the Trumped up charges.

Mar a Lago worth $18 million when the neighboring property 1/17 the size sold for $45 million recently.

STFU. If you claim that property is worth $18 million, you know exactly dick about real estate.
Mar-a-Lago value is based on profits of the club and "not the value of the land".
The land has deed restrictions. If the deed restrictions did not exist, the value of the property would be significantly higher.
The reality of Mar-a-Lago's value is not straightforward. Perhaps we should meet there? I am allowed to bring a guest.
Do you own shoes with laces? Long pants? Something other than a wife beater shirt?
Do you promise to brush your teeth before you arrive?
The fact that some Americans support Trump being fined $400 million for a woman who is literally crazy accusing him of sexual assault is really beyond the pale

A sense of evil if you will. It will be like somebody saying bill clinton should be fined $300 million because somebody said that he sexually assaulted them.

Look at what radical feminism, and the M2 movement have done to this country. We are in an economic crisis right now for the middle class. The economy is booming for only a few companies in the S&P 500. Most companies in the S&P 500 are under performing. There is not an economic boom for the average American.

That’s what poisonous BLM radical feminist culture gets us^. Record Homelessness in this country. And they are brainwashing people to support Ukraine or Israel or BLM.

What about America? What about the poor black man or poor white man in America? The forgotten man
Why the aversion to staying on topic?

Certainly threads exist for those topics. If you aren't sure how to use the search function, I would be glad to walk you through it.

Just let me know.
I hope you’re having a nice day man. I don’t actually know what your argument is. Because the only things you can say in response to facts are “your wrong” or “not true” , etc
My argument it that what you said did not happen. You made it up or someone lied to you. The biggest part of the judgments against him are for financial crimes that have nothing to do wit Carrol.
None of us speak authoritatively, which include you.
I post the facts as reported, or contained in the filed court docs.
Facts though:

#1 The court put a monitor in place over the Trump Org in NOV 2022.
That was in a very limited capacity to review financial statements, and he had to be notified of any corporate restructuring. Trump wasn't banned from his own company, he still ran the show.
#2 The Judge did NOT prevent Trump from securing bank loans to secure an escrow as you claimed, only New York Banks.
Does that include National banks like Chase Bank? They are registered by the Comptroller of the Currency, not the State of New York.
#3 There is nothing in the judgement preventing the sale of assets to raise cash for an escrow account or to help fund a bond.
As long as the court appointed monitor permits...
Not their fault
Just a fact
I have an in law relative who runs a bonding service in Upper Marlboro . He received an application package . The next day he got a visit. It’s a good idea to not ruffle when your business is right around DC
I do not believe you.
I can see why this Russian troll is getting frantic.

He knows if he doesn't start producing more, his handlers will ship him to the Ukraine front, where he'll become just another body in the meat waves.
still snorting russian dope huh?

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