Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

The funny thing is when Trump says that people like McCain aren't heroes, the right's fine with this.

But when NFL players kneel before the anthem, suddenly the right are up in arms about disrespecting the military.

Then they walk around with Confederate flags.
The flight time on the Presidents helicopter, Marine One, from the White House lawn to the tarmac at Dover Air Force Base to have been present and shown respect to the Special Forces Green Berets who died while serving their country is less than 45 minutes. The time to have signed typewritten letters on White House stationery would have taken less than one minute.
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
Fag has no link to support his faggy claim. Die of AIDS fag.
And meanwhile, Hillary is trying desperately to position herself for another bid at the White House! She's like a bad case of matter what you on the left try and do...she keeps coming back! :dance:
Trump gets caught again telling another obscene lie that degrades the White House and disrespects soldiers killed while serving and the trump cult response is "but, but, but, what about Hillary".

Hillary was our other choice, Camp...and she's probably the biggest pathological liar ever to run for President...which is saying something because she happens to be married to the NEXT biggest pathological liar to ever sit in the Oval Office!

I'm amused by your contention that Trump somehow "disrespects" soldiers! Compared to both the Clinton White House and the Obama White House...the Trump White House treats our service men and women with ten times the respect that their predecessors did!
And meanwhile, Hillary is trying desperately to position herself for another bid at the White House! She's like a bad case of matter what you on the left try and do...she keeps coming back! :dance:
Trump gets caught again telling another obscene lie that degrades the White House and disrespects soldiers killed while serving and the trump cult response is "but, but, but, what about Hillary".

Hillary was our other choice, Camp...and she's probably the biggest pathological liar ever to run for President...which is saying something because she happens to be married to the NEXT biggest pathological liar to ever sit in the Oval Office!

I'm amused by your contention that Trump somehow "disrespects" soldiers! Compared to both the Clinton White House and the Obama White House...the Trump White House treats our service men and women with ten times the respect that their predecessors did!

She was never married to Trump, that's a lie.
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
Fag has no link to support his faggy claim. Die of AIDS fag.

They get so mean and pissed off when people talk about their every loving liar pos in chief not having a clue how he was fking them. Even Obama's own brother warned people and these stupid asses are still willing to lick the shit off his shoes for him.
How anyone can be so in love over some bs liar is beyond me. How ppl can be so in love with a President is beyond me gawd they fend for this pos as if it's their own daddy .
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
He said that in the past all presidents would sometimes sent letters, and sometimes visited as well, depending on the circumstances and their preferences, which is absolutely 100% correct. And then he cited some examples.

But then the scumbags in the crooked Leftie media just had to come out create yet another falsehood, as an effort to once again demonize Trump by claiming "Trump said Obama never visited the fallen's family...!" WHAT THE FUCK?!

Just when you thought the crooked media had to have hit rock bottom, they go even lower. Now they are exploiting the fallen and their grieving family as a propaganda tool. There is truly nothing that is off limits to these animals.

But then again, wasn't it crooked Hillary that lied to one of the grieving Ben Ghazi parents "we're going to get that guy who made that video". Why isn't that piece of shit in jail again?
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
He said that in the past all presidents both sometimes sent letters, and sometimes visited as well depending on the circumstances and their preferences, which is absolutely 100% correct.

But then the scumbags in the crooked Leftie media left just had to come out create yet another falsehood, as an effort to once again demonize Trump by claiming "Trump said Obama never visited the fallen's family...!"

Just when you thought the crooked media had to have hit rock bottom they go even lower. Now they are using the fallen and their grieving family as a propaganda tool. There is truly nothing that is off limits to these animals.
You are misquoting what trump said. The media you are attacking used his actual own words recorded live and readily available for viewing and confirmation of what he said. Trump demonizes himself. No help from the media is needed.
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
He said that in the past all presidents both sometimes sent letters, and sometimes visited as well depending on the circumstances and their preferences, which is absolutely 100% correct.

But then the scumbags in the crooked Leftie media left just had to come out create yet another falsehood, as an effort to once again demonize Trump by claiming "Trump said Obama never visited the fallen's family...!"

Just when you thought the crooked media had to have hit rock bottom they go even lower. Now they are using the fallen and their grieving family as a propaganda tool. There is truly nothing that is off limits to these animals.
You are misquoting what trump said. The media you are attacking used his actual own words recorded live and readily available for viewing and confirmation of what he said. Trump demonizes himself. No help from the media is needed.
I heard exactly what he said, because I listened to it live. And it wasn't at all what the crooked media represented. The crooked media lost their credibilty a long time ago, however they continue to lie and distort the truth, because all they want to do 24/7 is to attack Trump. They have only ONE agenda now.

NBA coach Popovich lambastes ‘unfit’ Trump as a ‘soulless coward’ for not calling families of slain soldiers

“I’ve been amazed and disappointed by so much of what this president had said, and his approach to running this country, which seems to be one of just a never ending divisiveness,” Popovich explained. “But his comments today about those who have lost loved ones in times of war and his lies that previous Presidents Obama and Bush never contacted their families, is so beyond the pale, I almost don’t have the words.”

“This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others,” Popovich continued. “This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner–and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers–is as low as it gets.”

“We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office a
nd the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day,” the NBA coach added. “The people who work with this president should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.”
rant about NFL players
lie about former President Obama
attack Hillary Clinton
whine about the “fake news,”
Play Golf for days

That leaves no time for Respecting soldiers ..........

Chris Murphy Slams Trump’s 12 Days Of Silence After Four U.S. Soldiers Were Killed In Africa

If Trump can't properly honor U.S. soldiers when they make the ultimate sacrifice for this country, it's likely he will be just as casual and reckless when deciding to send them into harm's way.…
Trump repeats conspiracy theory about Obama when pressed on contacting families of fallen soldiers

"The traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents — most of them didn’t make calls."

Oct 16, 2017, 3:02 pm

During a surprise press briefing Monday, President Trump claimed that President Obama did not call the families of fallen soldiers. The president was answering a question about how he was responding to the death of four elite U.S. special forces in Niger earlier this month.

Trump explained that he had written the families personal letters and said that he will call them “at some point” after “a little time” has passed.

Trump’s false accusation echoes a conspiracy theory Trump helped elevate long before he was even a candidate for office. The Gateway Pundit, a conservative outlet which has its own White House press credentials, wrote in 2012 that Obama had sent the same form letter to all fallen soldiers’ families, signed with auto-pen. The White House countered at the time, saying that the president personally signs every letter.

Although the president on Monday claimed he was focused on the families of the fallen troops, he seemingly had other things on his mind this past weekend: Trump visited golf courses for his 72nd and 73rd times as president on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. He’s been in office for 38 weeks.

Read more: Trump repeats conspiracy theory about Obama when pressed on contacting families of fallen soldiers
President Barack Obama honoring troops who were killed in Afghanistan at Dover Air Force Base, in Delaware, in 2009. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times

Trump says he prefers soldiers that don't get killed because those do not interfere with his golf...

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