Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill

I like the asshats that demand to see some billionaires tax filings when most of them have to have help filling out the short form standard.

I don't think much of the idiots who look at open and blatantly criminal behaviour by Donald Trump in selling out your nation, and make a stupid comment that we don't make enough money to know spot criminal corruption when we see it.

You continue to defend a man who has proven over and over again that he's a criminal who will stop at NOTHING to end the US Constitution - which he now claims he NEVER swore to uphold.

Follow the law, then..... How hard can it be for Trump to actually be a decent, law abiding citizen?

Why does he believe he can be a man of lawlessness, with no consequences? Doesn't that bother you, at all?
He is, the law requires him to pay taxes, apparently the OP is outraged he the Xiden family....errr.. well we know some of them just don't think they have to even file taxes.
You continue to defend a man who has proven over and over again that he's a criminal who will stop at NOTHING to end the US Constitution - which he now claims he NEVER swore to uphold.
I am not defending anyone, much less whatever you think is proven. Believe what you want.
This is why the American people are ripe for an authoritarian take over. Everyone is lying, corrupt or anti-American except the guy who wants to be dictator.

Trump wants the DOJ and FBI destroyed, so that when he tried his next insurrection, there will not nobody there to stop him.

The American people are horrified by what Trump is doing, and his support will melt away like snow before a flame thrower, in the cold light of day.

what does this post have to do with your lies, vermin?
Trump didn't pay taxes until until 2021, because he had no taxable income from his companies, in any year in this century. He was pumping all of his personal income from the Apprentice and his licensing deals into his business operations to keep them afloat. Right up until the time Trump left office.

The moment Trump left office, money started pouring into his personal account from over 100 offshore accounts and entitlies, and by the of 2022, Trump had received more than $1 billion from mostly overseas entities - all while labeling Hunter Biden and Joe Biden as a criminal corrupt "crime family" on ZERO evidence.

In July, 2023 Trump revised his personal tax filings to report this $1+ billion in personal income, in 2021 and 2022 and now he has to pay income tax on the money. So he took $40 million out of his Trump Corporation accounts to cover his tax bill. In violation of the court order freezing the assets of the corporation.

Links to back all of this up have been posted throughout this thread.
You are still lying. Your own link to his returns prove you are lying, vermin.



I think I've covered the responses of the mouth breathers.
You are the mouth breathers.

And you left off another reply from folks who support Trump:

The complaint itself is retarded. Imagine the NOIVE of da guy to move money around to pay his own taxes!!

Oh, the horror.

Taz, your head is screwed in badly. It’s really not supposed to always be stuck up your ass.
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Nope, there is none. It's all manufactured bullshit. A weak attempt at deflecting from the issues of Agent Orange.
Are those checks "manufactured?" Are the bank records "manufactured?" Is the whatsapp call "manufactured?" Is Hunter's laptop "manufactured?" Only a lying douchebag could possibly claim there is no evidence.
Trump "CAUGHT" paying his taxes!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Are you cult fucks pulling my dick?
It is incredible is it not
Most of Eggmoron and Latitty edicts are not enforceable by law. Both want to try to humiliate Trump to decrease his electability. Neither actually wants to conduct a court case lawfully.
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