Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill

Hey stupid, this isn't KKKanada. It's HIS money.
It's in an LLC, (limited liability company) which means it's the company's money.
Not Trumps. That's why Trump formed so many LLC's, so he would not be personally liable for the company's liabilities, and also not entitled to the company's assets.
It's in an LLC, (limited liability company) which means it's the company's money.
Not Trumps. That's why Trump formed so many LLC's, so he would not be personally liable for the company's liabilities, and also not entitled to the company's assets.
I have an LLC, and I am entitled to any funds it generates.

You really are stupid.
It's in an LLC, (limited liability company) which means it's the company's money.
Not Trumps. That's why Trump formed so many LLC's, so he would not be personally liable for the company's liabilities, and also not entitled to the company's assets.
Damn, say what? Don't give up your day job.
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Dragonbreath posted his returns for 2014 and 2015, both showing he paid taxes, vermin. And the last time I checked 25 years goes way back beyond 2015, Dumbass.

Yes upon adjustment, Trump paid approximately $1500 total, for those two years.

And just the fact that you're bringing it up at all is because you're a dishonest little shit. Honest decent people look at these numbers and they're appalled by the dishonesty and corruption they see.

Then they see Trump claiming the Biden family is a criminally corrupt enterprise ON NO EVIDENCE, while Trump, who has been caught stealing hundreds of pages of highly classified documents and keeping those documents in public spaces at his beach resort, brings home $1 billion from overseas accounts , and the CIA reports its agents are being killed or captured around the world.

You think Trump getting $1 billion from overseas bank accounts after hundreds of classifed documents were stolen from the White House and CIA agents the world over were killed or went missing, might be connected?

I sure do.
Yes upon adjustment, Trump paid approximately $1500 total, for those two years.

And just the fact that you're bringing it up at all is because you're a dishonest little shit. Honest decent people look at these numbers and they're appalled by the dishonesty and corruption they see.

Then they see Trump claiming the Biden family is a criminally corrupt enterprise ON NO EVIDENCE, while Trump, who has been caught stealing hundreds of pages of highly classified documents and keeping those documents in public spaces at his beach resort, brings home $1 billion from overseas accounts , and the CIA reports its agents are being killed or captured around the world.

You think Trump getting $1 billion from overseas bank accounts after hundreds of classifed documents were stolen from the White House and CIA agents the world over were killed or went missing, might be connected?

I sure do.
More lies.
Damn, say what? Don't give up your day job.

Gene is exactly correct. These funds legally are assets of the corporation and they were also under court ordered restrictions.

Business owners are legally allowed to shelter income, protect their personal assets, reduce their personal tax burden by incorporating an LLC, but that also means that all corporate withdrawals and transfers must be done in accordance with accepting accounting principals, in accordance with tax law.

Just because you can afford to buy a Mazerati, doesn't give you the right to drive down the street at 100 miles per hour. You have to abide by the "rules of the road" and within the speed limits when you take it out.

The corporation is at all times considered to be a separate entity from its owners, one which has all of the rights and privileges of a "natural person" (see Citizen's United). Trump can't walk up to you and demand all of the money in your wallet, even if he gave it to you in the first place.

Pulling $40 mill out of the company will have ENORMOUS tax implications for Donald Trump. He's going to have to pay income tax on the $40 million he's using to pay his income taxes. They might find a way to structure it so its some kind of dividend that's taxed at a substantially lower rate than salaries or bonuses, but the whole $40 mill will be taxable, because it's net income he's received so no deductions whatsoever.

Last but certainly not least:

Dragonbreath posted his returns for 2014 and 2015, both showing he paid taxes, vermin. And the last time I checked 25 years goes way back beyond 2015, Dumbass.

Courts which are corrupt, as this one clearly is, can go pound sand.

This is why the American people are ripe for an authoritarian take over. Everyone is lying, corrupt or anti-American except the guy who wants to be dictator.

Trump wants the DOJ and FBI destroyed, so that when he tried his next insurrection, there will not nobody there to stop him.

The American people are horrified by what Trump is doing, and his support will melt away like snow before a flame thrower, in the cold light of day.
All I ever heard was that the Orangeman didn't pay taxes.

I'm confused.

Trump didn't pay taxes until until 2021, because he had no taxable income from his companies, in any year in this century. He was pumping all of his personal income from the Apprentice and his licensing deals into his business operations to keep them afloat. Right up until the time Trump left office.

The moment Trump left office, money started pouring into his personal account from over 100 offshore accounts and entitlies, and by the of 2022, Trump had received more than $1 billion from mostly overseas entities - all while labeling Hunter Biden and Joe Biden as a criminal corrupt "crime family" on ZERO evidence.

In July, 2023 Trump revised his personal tax filings to report this $1+ billion in personal income, in 2021 and 2022 and now he has to pay income tax on the money. So he took $40 million out of his Trump Corporation accounts to cover his tax bill. In violation of the court order freezing the assets of the corporation.

Links to back all of this up have been posted throughout this thread.
This is why the American people are ripe for an authoritarian take over. Everyone is lying, corrupt or anti-American except the guy who wants to be dictator.

Trump wants the DOJ and FBI destroyed, so that when he tried his next insurrection, there will not nobody there to stop him.

The American people are horrified by what Trump is doing, and his support will melt away like snow before a flame thrower, in the cold light of day.

The authoritarianism is coming from YOU, moron.

You are the asshats who locked States down, who mandated vaccines, who denied free speech.

That's YOU.

And YOU morons have sown the seeds for a civil war.

What comes after that is anyone's guess.
The authoritarianism is coming from YOU, moron.

You are the asshats who locked States down, who mandated vaccines, who denied free speech.

That's YOU.

And YOU morons have sown the seeds for a civil war.

What comes after that is anyone's guess.

Republicans are the ones who tried to prosecute Obama, Clinton and Biden throughout the entire 4 years Trump was in office, while Donald Trump has run a one-man crime spree throughout the known world, the extent of which and the evidence of this corruption is only now coming to light because Trump's DOJ shut down all investigations of Trump's business dealings and personal finances while Trump was in office.

When he failed in this effort, he mounted a full court press against Joe Biden and his family, using Hunter Biden's troubled history of drug abuse, trading on his family name, to smear his father, and accuse Joe of being involved.

Trump stonewalled and slow walked the Hunter Biden investigation while he was in office because he KNEW there was nothing to find. "You don't have to investigate, you just have to announce the investigation, and leave the rest to me." That's what happened to the IRS investigation. Trump refused to give them the search warrants they asked for because he didn't want a REAL investigation, he just wanted to announce an investigation he could use to score political point.

Just like "Crooked Hillary" was a lie, so is the "Biden Crime Family". And both of those lies were done to deflect media and public attention to the criminal activities of Donald J. Trump.
I like the asshats that demand to see some billionaires tax filings when most of them have to have help filling out the short form standard.

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