Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill

Yeah, draws attention to his terminal TDS.
You can't possibly be this stupid, can you?

Trump hasn't paid personal income taxes for DECADES, because so few of his properties are profitable businesses. Trump has been pumping his personal money into these money losing ventures for years, from his TV contracts, and from remortgaging his properties, mortgaging his equity to cover his losses after his father could no longer help him. It's not in any way a sound business practice.

This was true in 2016, his last year as a private businessman. But two years after leaving office, he owes personal income tax of $40 million dollars???? When he was donating all of his personal income as President to charity????

Trump has personally made nearly a billion dollars since 2016??????

And you're not asking where this billion dollars came from??????
Show me a link showing that trump hasn't been filing taxes for decades....
The $29 million may be for both property and state and federal income taxes. None of the news reports have clarified what taxes he paid.

What properties does Trump own in his own name? All of his real estate in held by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) or privately owned limited liability holding companies (LLC’s) His sons are complaining they may lose their homes in New York (condos) and vacation properties because title to these properties is held by the Trump Corporation. In which case the corporation/holding companies would be paying the property taxes and the insurance premiums directly from the business bank accounts and not funnelling through his personal account.

The $5.6 mill for the Carroll case makes sense. He’s appealing the judgement. He has pay the original amount of the judgement to the court in escrow, in order to file an appeal. He thinks he’ll get it back when he wins. Good luck with that.

This is a case of damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. If he is paying state and federal income taxes, how did he go from owing $0.00 for 30 years to owing $34 million 2 years after leaving office. He took no salary as President and his business lost $700 million in equity during the same period. Where did that billion dollars in taxable PERSONAL income come from?

And if he didn’t take it out to pay taxes, WTF???? He’s stripping out equity to line his own pockets in violation of the Court Order.

Either way this is so delicious it has to be fatttning.
Show me a link showing that trump hasn't been filing taxes for decades....

I didn’t say he hasn’t been filing taxes, I said he hasn’t paid taxes because his businesses are all losing money.

Once again you demonstrate your colossal ignorance of the US tax code, vermin.

Kindly point out the precise errors I made and what the correct information might be. I’ll wait.
Oh look, I get to expose Dragonbreath as the lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit she is……again.

You exposed yourself as a liar and a fool. The 20 acres has zero value. Correct. I didn’t say Mar-a-lago, which is the name of the ESTATE isn’t worth money I said the 20 acres isn’t worth anything.

That’s your game. Twisting peoples words to say something they never said. Even the quote you use is made up.
I didn’t say he hasn’t been filing taxes, I said he hasn’t paid taxes because his businesses are all losing money.

Kindly point out the precise errors I made and what the correct information might be. I’ll wait.
Prove it, vermin.
You exposed yourself as a liar and a fool. The 20 acres has zero value. Correct. I didn’t say Mar-a-lago, which is the name of the ESTATE isn’t worth money I said the 20 acres isn’t worth anything.

That’s your game. Twisting peoples words to say something they never said. Even the quote you use is made up.
The 20 acres IS Mar A Lago, you blithering moron. But thanks for doubling down on the stupid for claiming 20 acres of prime Florida real estate has “no value”.

What a moron you are.
Trump wasn't supposed to be moving significant amounts of money around without notifying a court-appointed auditor. He just got caught paying himself so he could pay his taxes.

The hilarious part is that these seem to be perfectly legitimate transactions to me (I mean ya gotta pay your taxes, right?) and this likely would have been no problem if he had just followed the terms imposed by the court. Instead, in his usual "rules aren't for me" approach he has violated the court order once again and will likely face penalties.

He is his own worst enemy.
If it isn't his stupid decisions getting him in trouble, it is his stupid statements.
Trump wasn't supposed to be moving significant amounts of money around without notifying a court-appointed auditor. He just got caught paying himself so he could pay his taxes.

The hilarious part is that these seem to be perfectly legitimate transactions to me (I mean ya gotta pay your taxes, right?) and this likely would have been no problem if he had just followed the terms imposed by the court. Instead, in his usual "rules aren't for me" approach he has violated the court order once again and will likely face penalties.

He is his own worst enemy.
Its his company, Adolf
Trump wasn't supposed to be moving significant amounts of money around without notifying a court-appointed auditor. He just got caught paying himself so he could pay his taxes.

The hilarious part is that these seem to be perfectly legitimate transactions to me (I mean ya gotta pay your taxes, right?) and this likely would have been no problem if he had just followed the terms imposed by the court. Instead, in his usual "rules aren't for me" approach he has violated the court order once again and will likely face penalties.

He is his own worst enemy.
Has he paid off Ms Carroll yet ?
Trump wasn't supposed to be moving significant amounts of money around without notifying a court-appointed auditor. He just got caught paying himself so he could pay his taxes.

The hilarious part is that these seem to be perfectly legitimate transactions to me (I mean ya gotta pay your taxes, right?) and this likely would have been no problem if he had just followed the terms imposed by the court. Instead, in his usual "rules aren't for me" approach he has violated the court order once again and will likely face penalties.

He is his own worst enemy.
It's his money given to the American people for his share of his earnings.
When I paid my tax bill, I had to take nest egg money that was put in the care of financial advisers when my husband passed away. Taxes are huge these days. The government is more expensive every year, and it should not be considered a "crime" for a senior citizen to use his or her nest egg to pay taxes the IRS figures you owe. Lighten up, Mr. Crepitus. There was no crime there. A man took money out of his reserves to pay Uncle Sam. It's okay. If there is any crime, it was changing the Constitution to make the people pay taxes. Congress passed the income taxes because WWII expenses were through the roof and Congress needed to repay lenders.
The 20 acres IS Mar A Lago, you blithering moron. But thanks for doubling down on the stupid for claiming 20 acres of prime Florida real estate has “no value”.

What a moron you are.

The HOUSE is Mar-a-lago. The 20 acres is the undeveloped land it sits on which is designated open space, has little monetary value.

We're done here FuckBoi. You're making false claims as always without a single link to back anything up.
He's been paying some taxes levied upon the NY businesses that are held in trust while the NY court case proceeds. Fortunately, it appears his track record of not paying personal taxes may still be safe.

Where is a link to him not paying personal taxes?

What does a link to a letter showing how he’s cooperated with the court help your claim?
Trump wasn't supposed to be moving significant amounts of money around without notifying a court-appointed auditor. He just got caught paying himself so he could pay his taxes.

The hilarious part is that these seem to be perfectly legitimate transactions to me (I mean ya gotta pay your taxes, right?) and this likely would have been no problem if he had just followed the terms imposed by the court. Instead, in his usual "rules aren't for me" approach he has violated the court order once again and will likely face penalties.

He is his own worst enemy.
I thought you Tards claim that Trump doesn't pay taxes. Try to get on the same page ... will ya?

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