Trump Caught Moving Money Around to Pay Massive Tax Bill

It's Trump's money, what's he supposed to do, not pay his taxes?
Did any of you fucking morons actually read the OP? Here it is again in large print just for you:

The hilarious part is that these seem to be perfectly legitimate transactions to me (I mean ya gotta pay your taxes, right?) and this likely would have been no problem if he had just followed the terms imposed by the court. Instead, in his usual "rules aren't for me" approach he has violated the court order once again and will likely face penalties.
LOL. So, you admit Trump pays a lot of taxes. I wish you guys would make up your mind. Which way is it?
Property taxes and income taxes are two entirely different things. Property taxes are based on how much your real property is worth, and income taxes are based on how much money you took in last year.

If Donald Trump owes $40 million in personal income taxes, his personal income would have to have been close to a billion dollars. If all of his businesses are losing money, and all of his resorts were closed during covid, where did all of this income derive from? Even his billing the Treasury for hotel rooms the Secret Service didn't use when the resorts were closed, was a million or two at most.

How does a guy go from paying $0 in personal income taxes for any of the 20 years before he was President of the United States, to owing $40 million dollars in personal income taxes within 2 years of his leaving that office?

Vermin democrats don't pay attention to truth or facts. It's all about the feelz.
It's his money given to the American people for his share of his earnings.
When I paid my tax bill, I had to take nest egg money that was put in the care of financial advisers when my husband passed away. Taxes are huge these days. The government is more expensive every year, and it should not be considered a "crime" for a senior citizen to use his or her nest egg to pay taxes the IRS figures you owe. Lighten up, Mr. Crepitus. There was no crime there. A man took money out of his reserves to pay Uncle Sam. It's okay. If there is any crime, it was changing the Constitution to make the people pay taxes. Congress passed the income taxes because WWII expenses were through the roof and Congress needed to repay lenders.
YOu, like every single other right winger on this board, are either deliberately missing the point of just don't understand it.

The problem here is not the purposes the money was put to. The problem is that because of previous financial shenanigans he is court ordered to discuss any such transfers over a certain amount with the court ordered supervisor, and he did not.

Is that clear enough for you?
funny how people cant see through the Deep State FBI shenanigans of trying to keep Trump off ballots ( Black Folks are waking up to the con big time and leaving the Democrat Vote plantation). WHEN DID THE LEFT FALL IN LOVE WITH THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX / FBI ????? I remember protesting against the Feds wars, but now, the Liberal / Left are sucking their dyk.
YOu, like every single other right winger on this board, are either deliberately missing the point of just don't understand it.

The problem here is not the purposes the money was put to. The problem is that because of previous financial shenanigans he is court ordered to discuss any such transfers over a certain amount with the court ordered supervisor, and he did not.

Is that clear enough for you?
No, you left wingers do not realize that you are in bed with the FBI controlled Deep State ( aka Military Industrial Complex) and helping them to implement their World Government Scheme under the guise of "Achieving a UTOPIAN STATE". Agenda 2030/50 here we come. Total Autocratic Police state,,,,Social Credit scores, Cashless , State controlled everything; China is the model.
Trump pays his taxes with his own money! Lock him up.
All he had to do was notify the court what he was doing which is the order. The fact that he didn't shows that as usual the Gangster is up to no good.

Try not to soil yourself because The Racketeer Trump is under suspicion for violating a court that everyone else would be sanctioned for.

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