Trump caught on tape

If Trump had actually declassified the documents, there would be a record of them being declassified.
where would that be? They're his to declassify. He said he declassified them, that's all it takes. No registry to call up, fk I've posted John Fitzpatrick too many times explaining it and you just want to lie!!! can't stop liars from lying.
sure it is, the demfks are all about the black and woman thingy in voting. And to say that a 47 year senator who did absolutely nothing, ignored blacks and women his entire political career is just hilarious. Yes Trump got 11 more million than his previous campaign. yep!!!


You poor thing, you're still deranged. No one ever said Biden got a bigger share of the black vote than Obama. He didn't.

You poor thing, you're still deranged. No one ever said Biden got a bigger share of the black vote than Obama. He didn't.
then where did the additional 12 or16 million come from?
yep, you did it well, it was exactly what I said it was. When you ignore the last three/ four words of the sentence is just demfk land. ' is that good enough'

Goober, that's still not Fitzgerald saying Trump declassified everything. You really enjoy getting your ass kicked over and over and over again, huh?
where would that be? They're his to declassify. He said he declassified them, that's all it takes. No registry to call up, fk I've posted John Fitzpatrick too many times explaining it and you just want to lie!!! can't stop liars from lying.

Who did he tell?
where would that be? They're his to declassify. He said he declassified them, that's all it takes. No registry to call up, fk I've posted John Fitzpatrick too many times explaining it and you just want to lie!!! can't stop liars from lying.

You keep quoting someone who apparently doesn't know how the classification system works. Not only that, but you also don't seem to understand it either since you seem to be taking someone else's word. Maybe it's because they are saying what you want so you ignore everything else.

Let me try to break it down for you again...........There seems to be a confusion between the documents (a physical object that Trump had in his possession), and the classified materials. The documents themselves are just pieces of paper. Without the information written on them, they would be unclassified. What makes the documents classified is THE INFORMATION WRITTEN ON THEM. If the information were blacked out or redacted, those documents would no longer be classified. It's the INFORMATION on them that makes them classified. And no, that information doesn't just exist on those documents, that information is held at other places as well. If something is declassified (the information on the documents), other places need to know that information is declassified as well. So, if Trump actually declassified the documents, that means he would have declassified the INFORMATION on the documents, and there would need to be a record of the declassification so that other places holding that same information would know it has been declassified.

But, keep up with the ignorance of classified material. It's entertaining to watch you try to justify something that can't be justified.
You keep quoting someone who apparently doesn't know how the classification system works. Not only that, but you also don't seem to understand it either since you seem to be taking someone else's word. Maybe it's because they are saying what you want so you ignore everything else.
The dude is an expert and why cbs had him on. You still haven’t addressed creepy Joe’s violations
The dude is an expert and why cbs had him on. You still haven’t addressed creepy Joe’s violations

You can find an "expert" that will say just about anything if you look. Hell, there are "experts" that claim the world is flat.

Doesn't mean they're right.

Either way, Trump never declassified the material he had in his possession, otherwise, if he had, there would be a record of it.
You can find an "expert" that will say just about anything if you look. Hell, there are "experts" that claim the world is flat.

Doesn't mean they're right.

Either way, Trump never declassified the material he had in his possession, otherwise, if he had, there would be a record of it.
Yep, but he worked for both obammy and Trump
Can answer something that hadn’t happen … there are no credible sources what can we say we don’t make up shit …
He is no expert … he’s a guy that works for the government … he wrote a document to the court to try and save his but and you call that being a expert … give me a brake
Can answer something that hadn’t happen … there are no credible sources what can we say we don’t make up shit …
Are you saying creepy didn’t have classified documents? Hahaha haha hahaha can’t make up their commitment
Based on?
Did you read your own document you produce you call that a expert document ??? I call it a guy trying to save his but in court it’s not a legal document you do realize this ??? oh wait … it’s your source guess you Don’t know the difference …
Did you read your own document you produce you call that a expert document ??? I call it a guy trying to save his but in court it’s not a legal document you do realize this ??? oh wait … it’s your source guess you Don’t know the difference …
Your point is unclear
Are you saying creepy didn’t have classified documents? Hahaha haha hahaha can’t make up their commitment
Are you really this stupid where did I say Joe had no classified documents … where ?? Are you mentally challenged ?? You can’t seem to comprehend what you read … now imagine me typing this real slow … Joe had no idea that he had recieve classified documents put into his house by the people who boxed them up … Joe didn’t knowingly take them from the government .. his underlings pack them up not him … do you get it ??? can’t make it any simpler then that … can you comprehend what that means ??? is your little tiny brain capable of understanding what I just wrote … really is it ??? I typed it real slowly for you
Are you really this stupid where did I say Joe had no classified documents … where ?? Are you mentally challenged ?? You can’t seem to comprehend what you read … now imagine me typing this real slow … Joe had no idea that he had recieve classified documents put into his house by the people who boxed them up … Joe didn’t knowingly take them from the government .. his underlings pack them up not him … do you get it ??? can’t make it any simpler then that … can you comprehend what that means ??? is your little tiny brain capable of understanding what I just wrote … really is it ??? I typed it real slowly for you
Hahaha hahaha hahaha

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