Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

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Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.
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'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.
Trump lost this round and he's going to loose the next because he needs progress on the wall now.
Trump has already signed a bill that will give workers a month of back pay plus they'll get several weeks pay during the 3 weeks the government is open. That does not put much pressure on the two sides to avoid the next shutdown because workers are going to be ready for another shutdown which could easy last a month or probably more. Trump will then have to open government again or take his chance by declaring a national emergency.

What all this means is at Trump rallies this summer and fall, there aren't going to be any pictures of that great beautiful wall paid for Mexico or the US government.
'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.
Trump lost this round and he's going to loose the next because he needs progress on the wall now.
Trump has already signed a bill that will give workers a month of back pay plus they'll get several weeks pay during the 3 weeks the government is open. That does not put much pressure on the two sides to avoid the next shutdown because workers are going to be ready for another shutdown which could easy last a month or probably more. Trump will then have to open government again or take his chance by declaring a national emergency.

What all this means is at Trump rallies this summer and fall, there aren't going to be any pictures of that great beautiful wall paid for Mexico or the US government.

I am not saying this is not true - but do you have a link to it?

This would be great for them if true.

I heard they were - shockingly - not going to get back pay.
Mitch McConnell said "there is no education in the second kick of a mule". Therefore, I doubt that he will want to go through another shutdown in three weeks. McConnell is a prick - but he's no idiot regarding politics.
'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.

Have to agree. This reminds me of when Evil Knievel announced he was jumping the Grand Canyon. Trump created the same type of hub bub when he came down the escalator and said “wall Mexico will pay for it”. Sounded awesome, but it’s like jumping the Grand Canyon. Trump pulled his chute to early. His base won’t leave him, he will get re-elected, but his whole second term will be lame duck.
'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.
Trump lost this round and he's going to loose the next because he needs progress on the wall now.
Trump has already signed a bill that will give workers a month of back pay plus they'll get several weeks pay during the 3 weeks the government is open. That does not put much pressure on the two sides to avoid the next shutdown because workers are going to be ready for another shutdown which could easy last a month or probably more. Trump will then have to open government again or take his chance by declaring a national emergency.

What all this means is at Trump rallies this summer and fall, there aren't going to be any pictures of that great beautiful wall paid for Mexico or the US government.

I am not saying this is not true - but do you have a link to it?

This would be great for them if true.

I heard they were - shockingly - not going to get back pay.
Back Pay for Furloughed Employees Signed into Law
A White House source said the administration will move rapidly to get checks out asap. I can't image Trump not making this a priority. A new poll shows 6 in 10 voter blaming Trump for the shutdown. I wouldn't think there is much support among the 800,000 workers being denied a paycheck so Trump can fulfill a campaign promise.
'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.

Have to agree. This reminds me of when Evil Knievel announced he was jumping the Grand Canyon. Trump created the same type of hub bub when he came down the escalator and said “wall Mexico will pay for it”. Sounded awesome, but it’s like jumping the Grand Canyon. Trump pulled his chute to early. His base won’t leave him, he will get re-elected, but his whole second term will be lame duck.
No he won't...Coulter and several others have already turned on him. Between that and the loss of the Russian propaganda machine he hasn't got a prayer.
What Trump should be a bit concerned about is that the Senate passed the compromise 100-0. Fifty plus senators have come down to the left of Trump.

I think we can wholly dismiss any notion that the Senate got together and said, "We need to show the President that the US Senate is not to be ignored" or any other "profile in courage" BS spin that may be taking place.

The 100-0 margin should cause a bit of worry about how the Senate will respond to the new-NAFTA, future legislation, and the removal from office if they were to take up such a measure.

Linday Graham who basically wants to have Trump's baby voted to cave in on the wall!!!!
What Trump should be a bit concerned about is that the Senate passed the compromise 100-0. Fifty plus senators have come down to the left of Trump.

I think we can wholly dismiss any notion that the Senate got together and said, "We need to show the President that the US Senate is not to be ignored" or any other "profile in courage" BS spin that may be taking place.

The 100-0 margin should cause a bit of worry about how the Senate will respond to the new-NAFTA, future legislation, and the removal from office if they were to take up such a measure.

Linday Graham who basically wants to have Trump's baby voted to cave in on the wall!!!!
I saw something on Twitter to the effect that Trump's main incentive in caving in to democrats was to get the State of Union speech next week in the Capital. It appears this is an under the table promise. Trump apparently feels he will be able to win support for the wall from the majority of Americans with this speech thus assuring a deal on the wall.
'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.
Trump lost this round and he's going to loose the next because he needs progress on the wall now.
Trump has already signed a bill that will give workers a month of back pay plus they'll get several weeks pay during the 3 weeks the government is open. That does not put much pressure on the two sides to avoid the next shutdown because workers are going to be ready for another shutdown which could easy last a month or probably more. Trump will then have to open government again or take his chance by declaring a national emergency.

What all this means is at Trump rallies this summer and fall, there aren't going to be any pictures of that great beautiful wall paid for Mexico or the US government.

I am not saying this is not true - but do you have a link to it?

This would be great for them if true.

I heard they were - shockingly - not going to get back pay.
Back Pay for Furloughed Employees Signed into Law
A White House source said the administration will move rapidly to get checks out asap. I can't image Trump not making this a priority. A new poll shows 6 in 10 voter blaming Trump for the shutdown. I wouldn't think there is much support among the 800,000 workers being denied a paycheck so Trump can fulfill a campaign promise.

Thanks...this is great.

I assumed throughout this that this would be the case. But then I heard someone say it was not.

Sadly, I doubt government contractors will get back pay.
'The president agrees to fund the federal government for three weeks, doing so without the $5 billion he demanded to seal the border with Mexico.

President Donald Trump agreed on Friday to fund the government without money for his much-desired border wall, effectively bringing an end to the longest shutdown in American history.

The deal extends funding for the government at current levels until February 15 and include a “vehicle” for lawmakers to begin discussions between the two congressional chambers over a larger bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and border security specifically.

The president presented the end result as a triumph for his administration, insisting that Democrats had come to his position on the need for a border barrier (they hadn’t).

“After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue—I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first,” Trump declared on the 35th day of the shutdown.

He added that if money for a “a powerful wall or steel barrier” was not included in a deal three weeks from now, he would shut down the government again or use emergency powers to build the wall himself—a threat he had issued several times already.'

Trump Caves, Ends Longest Government Shutdown in History Without His Precious Wall

Pure and simple...TRUMP CAVED.

His ratings were plummeting and he caved.

And MAN - whether you are for or against the wall - IMO, he handled this whole thing TERRIBLY.

He showed during this last month what kind of a negotiator he is...a HORRIFIC one.

Have to agree. This reminds me of when Evil Knievel announced he was jumping the Grand Canyon. Trump created the same type of hub bub when he came down the escalator and said “wall Mexico will pay for it”. Sounded awesome, but it’s like jumping the Grand Canyon. Trump pulled his chute to early. His base won’t leave him, he will get re-elected, but his whole second term will be lame duck.

I largely agree and I like the analogy you used.

I personally - barring a war - do not think he will be re-elected.

But I agree with everything else you said.
"I will sign a bill to open our government for three weeks," the President said

I am glad that people are getting paid

but will this happen again in 3 weeks

There is a line in the sand

A temporary reprieve for trump

He should except anything that strengthens the border and take it as a win

his base doesn't care as long as he says its a win
Personally, I don't think will shut down the government again (surely, even he sees what a no-winner that would be for him)....I think he will just jump right into the 'State Of Emergency'.

And Heaven help us all because in the future, ANY POTUS can fund almost ANYTHING they want, simply by finding a way to call it an 'emergency'.
What Trump should be a bit concerned about is that the Senate passed the compromise 100-0. Fifty plus senators have come down to the left of Trump.

I think we can wholly dismiss any notion that the Senate got together and said, "We need to show the President that the US Senate is not to be ignored" or any other "profile in courage" BS spin that may be taking place.

The 100-0 margin should cause a bit of worry about how the Senate will respond to the new-NAFTA, future legislation, and the removal from office if they were to take up such a measure.

Linday Graham who basically wants to have Trump's baby voted to cave in on the wall!!!!
I saw something on Twitter to the effect that Trump's main incentive in caving in to democrats was to get the State of Union speech next week in the Capital. It appears this is an under the table promise. Trump apparently feels he will be able to win support for the wall from the majority of Americans with this speech thus assuring a deal on the wall.

I heard rumblings to the same effect. If that was the motivation behind the cave-in; his political instincts are worse than I first thought.
He had the Oval Office address and his numbers actually went backwards after it in a Gallup Poll (FWIW). This had only happened twice in history, once to Nixon and once to Ford after he pardoned Nixon.

New York Daily News on Twitter
Trump won and put them on notice with the line in the sand timeline. Democrats lose Americans faith by caring more about Mexicans than Americans plus closing the government and punishing those Americans they consider #2 on a list of 2.
Closed. We’ve had multiple threads on this today
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