Trump Chaos and 2020

So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

You would like to vote third party...but you are afraid your party would lose. So you’ll keep voting Democrat while loudly proclaiming you want to vote third party.
I always appreciate having wingers tell me what I'm actually thinking.

Good stuff there.
There was nothing wrong with that letter to Erdogan. He could have dressed it up with flowery language which might have placated the elites but the message would still be the same regardless.

The letter was an embarrassment

Looked like a child wrote it

How can Erdogan take him seriously?
There was nothing wrong with that letter to Erdogan. He could have dressed it up with flowery language which might have placated the elites but the message would still be the same regardless.
I wonder how far down his followers are willing to drop their standards for this guy.

Maintaining and demanding standards used to be considered a good thing, once upon a time. When America was a better place.

I'm not asking, I'm just wondering.

So you're willing to cast a vote for the party that's normalized forcible gun seizure and numerous other crazy ideas because Trump sent a letter containing a simple and direct message?
In your mind, that's all I'm talking about? Not the last 2+ years?

I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how to answer.

Other than using "unpresidential" coarse language, what atrocities has Trump committed in the last couple of years? Is he the one constantly trying to stir up division by race and gender? Cuz if you listen to what he actually says the dude just won't stop bragging about all the good things he's doing for blacks and hispanics and women and lgbtqs. Meanwhile the other side, the ones you want to vote for won't stop specifically blaming white men for all the problems in the world. Which message is more divisive, huh?
Because of this man, I've had to add an all-new standard for a President that has to take precedence, that has to be considered before anything else, that has to be a the first requirement of a President before anything else:

Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.

Never in a million years could I have imagined myself having to add that standard to an American President. But here I am.

Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.

Don't forget, "can stop the rise of the oceans".
Trump is bad so we I'm going to vote for something worse. Brilliant ....You sound as bad as the strawman you keep punching.
So you make up something I didn't say, and then accuse me of a straw man.

Good gawd, you people. I know you have to defend him, but at least read what you write before hitting ENTER.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.
Interesting leftist not taking accountability of their own actions
I wonder how far down his followers are willing to drop their standards for this guy.

Maintaining and demanding standards used to be considered a good thing, once upon a time. When America was a better place.

I'm not asking, I'm just wondering.

So you're willing to cast a vote for the party that's normalized forcible gun seizure and numerous other crazy ideas because Trump sent a letter containing a simple and direct message?
In your mind, that's all I'm talking about? Not the last 2+ years?

I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how to answer.

Other than using "unpresidential" coarse language, what atrocities has Trump committed in the last couple of years? Is he the one constantly trying to stir up division by race and gender? Cuz if you listen to what he actually says the dude just won't stop bragging about all the good things he's doing for blacks and hispanics and women and lgbtqs. Meanwhile the other side, the ones you want to vote for won't stop specifically blaming white men for all the problems in the world. Which message is more divisive, huh?
Because of this man, I've had to add an all-new standard for a President that has to take precedence, that has to be considered before anything else, that has to be a the first requirement of a President before anything else:

Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.

Never in a million years could I have imagined myself having to add that standard to an American President. But here I am.

Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.

Don't forget, "can stop the rise of the oceans".
Deflection noted and understandable.
There was nothing wrong with that letter to Erdogan. He could have dressed it up with flowery language which might have placated the elites but the message would still be the same regardless.
I wonder how far down his followers are willing to drop their standards for this guy.

Maintaining and demanding standards used to be considered a good thing, once upon a time. When America was a better place.

I'm not asking, I'm just wondering.

perhaps you've heard of the 'war on intellect' Mac?

There was nothing wrong with that letter to Erdogan. He could have dressed it up with flowery language which might have placated the elites but the message would still be the same regardless.
I wonder how far down his followers are willing to drop their standards for this guy.

Maintaining and demanding standards used to be considered a good thing, once upon a time. When America was a better place.

I'm not asking, I'm just wondering.

So you're willing to cast a vote for the party that's normalized forcible gun seizure and numerous other crazy ideas because Trump sent a letter containing a simple and direct message?
In your mind, that's all I'm talking about? Not the last 2+ years?

I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how to answer.

Other than using "unpresidential" coarse language, what atrocities has Trump committed in the last couple of years? Is he the one constantly trying to stir up division by race and gender? Cuz if you listen to what he actually says the dude just won't stop bragging about all the good things he's doing for blacks and hispanics and women and lgbtqs. Meanwhile the other side, the ones you want to vote for won't stop specifically blaming white men for all the problems in the world. Which message is more divisive, huh?
Because of this man, I've had to add an all-new standard for a President that has to take precedence, that has to be considered before anything else, that has to be a the first requirement of a President before anything else:

Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.

Never in a million years could I have imagined myself having to add that standard to an American President. But here I am.
Reagan did have Alheimer's-that may be worse. And Obama had no media as a check and balance on him-not good for us and we got DACA. Bush let Cheney act as military commander in chief, and Clinton opened a brothel. None are without sin-or instability of some sort-I just like his RESULTS better-better for me, my neighbors, my family.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.
Do not vote Democrat-they may act more presidential, but the results of their actions will be worse for you. Ross Perot would have been an excellent president and did get 19%. He may have won if more people were not afraid to vote third party. This time, the choices will be bad, so there is no reason NOT to vote with courage. Holding your nose is settling-something WE should NEVER do. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Perot strategically worked to help the Democrats. He dropped when, like Mac1958 , he felt the Democrats had gained enough steam.

in 1992, running without party affiliation, Mr. Perot received 19.7 million votes, draining support from both major-party candidates and contributing to the victory of Democrat Bill Clinton over the incumbent president, Republican George H.W. Bush.”

“Then, in mid-July, he abruptly dropped out, saying the Democratic Party had “revitalized itself” ”
So you're willing to cast a vote for the party that's normalized forcible gun seizure and numerous other crazy ideas because Trump sent a letter containing a simple and direct message?
In your mind, that's all I'm talking about? Not the last 2+ years?

I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how to answer.

Other than using "unpresidential" coarse language, what atrocities has Trump committed in the last couple of years? Is he the one constantly trying to stir up division by race and gender? Cuz if you listen to what he actually says the dude just won't stop bragging about all the good things he's doing for blacks and hispanics and women and lgbtqs. Meanwhile the other side, the ones you want to vote for won't stop specifically blaming white men for all the problems in the world. Which message is more divisive, huh?
Because of this man, I've had to add an all-new standard for a President that has to take precedence, that has to be considered before anything else, that has to be a the first requirement of a President before anything else:

Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.

Never in a million years could I have imagined myself having to add that standard to an American President. But here I am.

Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.

Don't forget, "can stop the rise of the oceans".
Deflection noted and understandable.

I agree, let's ignore rampant narcissism and delusions of grandeur.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

You would like to vote third party...but you are afraid your party would lose. So you’ll keep voting Democrat while loudly proclaiming you want to vote third party.
I always appreciate having wingers tell me what I'm actually thinking.

Good stuff there.

You said it yourself. You sure wanted to vote third party...but then you feared your party would lose. So you voted you always will. Unless you see they have a comfortable enough margin.

“ I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.”
Voting for the best has always been the American way, what has changed us? There will be a green candidate or Libertarian running, and maybe even a Bloomberg-we'll see.
I really do hope so. But what's concerning me here is that there is a million-mile canyon between the two ends right now, and we're not seeing independents jumping in all over the place.

My concern is that they are choosing not to do so (such as Schultz) because the DEMAND isn't there - that we are now so split up into warring tribes that we don't WANT anyone bringing moderation or reason to the table.

That's pretty fucking terrifying.
Can't argue with that, but I think your problem will be solved. Trump WILL be impeached-not because he did ANYTHING wrong but because the Democrats and media are going to correct OUR votes in 2016. They have used an inquisition style to set the narrative that the media is driving and the public is swallowing. The senate will have NO choice but to impeach. I hate business as usual politicians like Pence, but maybe we deserve crap like that now. I have a final solution for this if it is between Pence and some crazy dem, I'll stay home. If Trump runs, I'll vote third party.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

You would like to vote third party...but you are afraid your party would lose. So you’ll keep voting Democrat while loudly proclaiming you want to vote third party.
I always appreciate having wingers tell me what I'm actually thinking.

Good stuff there.

You said it yourself. You sure wanted to vote third party...but then you feared your party would lose. So you voted you always will. Unless you see they have a comfortable enough margin.

“ I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.”
I'm a registered Independent. I neither have nor want a party.

You wingers (side irrelevant) just love making stuff up.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.
Do not vote Democrat-they may act more presidential, but the results of their actions will be worse for you. Ross Perot would have been an excellent president and did get 19%. He may have won if more people were not afraid to vote third party. This time, the choices will be bad, so there is no reason NOT to vote with courage. Holding your nose is settling-something WE should NEVER do. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Perot strategically worked to help the Democrats. He dropped when, like Mac1958 , he felt the Democrats had gained enough steam.

in 1992, running without party affiliation, Mr. Perot received 19.7 million votes, draining support from both major-party candidates and contributing to the victory of Democrat Bill Clinton over the incumbent president, Republican George H.W. Bush.”

“Then, in mid-July, he abruptly dropped out, saying the Democratic Party had “revitalized itself” ”
REmember his VP? That didn't help
Voting for the best has always been the American way, what has changed us? There will be a green candidate or Libertarian running, and maybe even a Bloomberg-we'll see.
I really do hope so. But what's concerning me here is that there is a million-mile canyon between the two ends right now, and we're not seeing independents jumping in all over the place.

My concern is that they are choosing not to do so (such as Schultz) because the DEMAND isn't there - that we are now so split up into warring tribes that we don't WANT anyone bringing moderation or reason to the table.

That's pretty fucking terrifying.
Can't argue with that, but I think your problem will be solved. Trump WILL be impeached-not because he did ANYTHING wrong but because the Democrats and media are going to correct OUR votes in 2016. They have used an inquisition style to set the narrative that the media is driving and the public is swallowing. The senate will have NO choice but to impeach. I hate business as usual politicians like Pence, but maybe we deserve crap like that now. I have a final solution for this if it is between Pence and some crazy dem, I'll stay home. If Trump runs, I'll vote third party.
I don't know if he'll be removed, but I'm not very good at predicting stuff like that. Either way, this will be ugly.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.
Lol you voted hillary and trash trump. Amazing.
I also notice you jump on the chance to trash trump but when something is talked about in his favor you have to "wait for both sides of the issue" even if you have the shit right in your face.
You are no better than the partisan hacks that reside here.
Your virtue signaling is a load of bullshit.

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