Trump Chaos and 2020

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

A pity petulance isn't an impeachable offense

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue

His supporters actually applaud him his behavior w/all manner of 'tough guy' claims

So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

Preparing one's self for lack of choice, illusion of democracy & loss of freedoms in an orwellian dystopia is easier once accepted

After Trump's win, I posted that my fear was that he'd screw up so badly that, in response, the Regressive Left would be able to fully take over the Democratic Party. Then we'd see only the far ends of the spectrum represented in 2020. So no matter which party won, it would be very bad news.

Right now, at this moment, my fear is pretty much playing out in real time.

The way I see it, you have the Orange Virus, a corrupt, weak and ugly narcissist, pretending to run the country. His leadership is akin to a petulant, superficial teenager with ADHD. Now, the unAmerican piece of filth believes he can do whatever the fuck he wants. For this, he's gotta go. I see no concessions for any complicit Republicans besides prison or worse.

Every single time the Virus feels slighted, he attacks. He holds grudges. The Kaepernick smoke and mirrors show is because he is still salty about the NFL not allowing him a team back in the day. He hates Bezos, so he constantly attacks Amazon and WaPo. The list goes on and on. It sucks that the man with the most power on earth uses it like such a pansy-ass snowflake. Life has failed the Virus in that he's never been punched in the face. A dose of humility would do him and his confused supporters a world of good, IMO.

Orange's policies are all smoke and mirror shows for stupid Americans to be entertained. Well, I fucking hate reality TV and anyone related to them.

Democrats tend to support empathetic policies. Some were instilled by the previous president. Since *pResident stupid has such a hard on for Obama, he doubles down on destroying his legacy. He managed to even cock that up, even with majorities, and I was no fan of the ACA. He just sucks out loud that much. Unfortunately, Regressive Democrats have doubled down on their emotion-driven, unrealistic issues against him in turn, and their message has turned into unsupportable bat shit lunacy.

So, what to do, what to do? Vote for the PC party that wants to pick my pockets for insurance, and is trying to hack away at the 1st and 2nd amendments, or vote for the current 'do-nothing' party whose leader has no respect for the constitution, foreign policy and picks my pocket with bailouts as a result of idiotic trade wars he started. It's all a 'wait and see' approach with Republicans these days. We interned tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants. Now what? Wait and see. The big tax deal was a flop. Now what? Wait and see. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking tired of waiting and seeing.

At the end of the day, no party wants to deal with our deficit except for increasing spending and making it bigger. Why should I support such a corrupt system with my vote? This comes from someone who has voted in every major federal and state election since I was 18.
This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

A pity petulance isn't an impeachable offense

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue

His supporters actually applaud him his behavior w/all manner of 'tough guy' claims

So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

Preparing one's self for lack of choice, illusion of democracy & loss of freedoms in an orwellian dystopia is easier once accepted

After Trump's win, I posted that my fear was that he'd screw up so badly that, in response, the Regressive Left would be able to fully take over the Democratic Party. Then we'd see only the far ends of the spectrum represented in 2020. So no matter which party won, it would be very bad news.

Right now, at this moment, my fear is pretty much playing out in real time.

The way I see it, you have the Orange Virus, a corrupt, weak and ugly narcissist, pretending to run the country. His leadership is akin to a petulant, superficial teenager with ADHD. Now, the unAmerican piece of filth believes he can do whatever the fuck he wants. For this, he's gotta go. I see no concessions for any complicit Republicans besides prison or worse.

Every single time the Virus feels slighted, he attacks. He holds grudges. The Kaepernick smoke and mirrors show is because he is still salty about the NFL not allowing him a team back in the day. He hates Bezos, so he constantly attacks Amazon and WaPo. The list goes on and on. It sucks that the man with the most power on earth uses it like such a pansy-ass snowflake. Life has failed the Virus in that he's never been punched in the face. A dose of humility would do him and his confused supporters a world of good, IMO.

Orange's policies are all smoke and mirror shows for stupid Americans to be entertained. Well, I fucking hate reality TV and anyone related to them.

Democrats tend to support empathetic policies. Some were instilled by the previous president. Since *pResident stupid has such a hard on for Obama, he doubles down on destroying his legacy. He managed to even cock that up, even with majorities, and I was no fan of the ACA. He just sucks out loud that much. Unfortunately, Regressive Democrats have doubled down on their emotion-driven, unrealistic issues against him in turn, and their message has turned into unsupportable bat shit lunacy.

So, what to do, what to do? Vote for the PC party that wants to pick my pockets for insurance, and is trying to hack away at the 1st and 2nd amendments, or vote for the current 'do-nothing' party whose leader has no respect for the constitution, foreign policy and picks my pocket with bailouts as a result of idiotic trade wars he started. It's all a 'wait and see' approach with Republicans these days. We interned tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants. Now what? Wait and see. The big tax deal was a flop. Now what? Wait and see. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking tired of waiting and seeing.

At the end of the day, no party wants to deal with our deficit except for increasing spending and making it bigger. Why should I support such a corrupt system with my vote? This comes from someone who has voted in every major federal and state election since I was 18.
Can't argue. I'd still rather vote third party, but this is guy is making it tough.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I've never had to think of the presidency like this before, but even before any issue positions a person may hold, I now have to look at a basic mental, psychological, temperamental, intellectual capacity for the position. That's a new one for me, as I've never really thought of it before. A person who can't pass that simple, fundamental test is just disqualified in my book, and the only way to deal with that is to vote for the person who is most likely to beat them.

This is fucked up. I don't like it. But I'm reaching that point.
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I mentioned earlier in the thread that I've never had to think of the presidency like this before, but even before any issue positions a person may hold, I now have to look at a basic mental, psychological, temperamental, intellectual capacity for the position.

Then you must not know the Virus' history like I do. I sometimes I find train wrecks fascinating. :04: The lying doofus literally goes out of his way to make bonehead decisions. When he breaks the law, it's suddenly not a crime. When he lies on video he doubles down by lying about the lie. "Facts aren't facts". The attempts to cover things up in this administration are so contrived it's laughable. The constant cowardice and ineptness of the other party contributes to the train wreck. The current governments of the world seem to be run by cartoon characters, and it ain't so funny anymore..
This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

A pity petulance isn't an impeachable offense

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue

His supporters actually applaud him his behavior w/all manner of 'tough guy' claims

So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

Preparing one's self for lack of choice, illusion of democracy & loss of freedoms in an orwellian dystopia is easier once accepted

After Trump's win, I posted that my fear was that he'd screw up so badly that, in response, the Regressive Left would be able to fully take over the Democratic Party. Then we'd see only the far ends of the spectrum represented in 2020. So no matter which party won, it would be very bad news.

Right now, at this moment, my fear is pretty much playing out in real time.

The way I see it, you have the Orange Virus, a corrupt, weak and ugly narcissist, pretending to run the country. His leadership is akin to a petulant, superficial teenager with ADHD. Now, the unAmerican piece of filth believes he can do whatever the fuck he wants. For this, he's gotta go. I see no concessions for any complicit Republicans besides prison or worse.

Every single time the Virus feels slighted, he attacks. He holds grudges. The Kaepernick smoke and mirrors show is because he is still salty about the NFL not allowing him a team back in the day. He hates Bezos, so he constantly attacks Amazon and WaPo. The list goes on and on. It sucks that the man with the most power on earth uses it like such a pansy-ass snowflake. Life has failed the Virus in that he's never been punched in the face. A dose of humility would do him and his confused supporters a world of good, IMO.

Orange's policies are all smoke and mirror shows for stupid Americans to be entertained. Well, I fucking hate reality TV and anyone related to them.

Democrats tend to support empathetic policies. Some were instilled by the previous president. Since *pResident stupid has such a hard on for Obama, he doubles down on destroying his legacy. He managed to even cock that up, even with majorities, and I was no fan of the ACA. He just sucks out loud that much. Unfortunately, Regressive Democrats have doubled down on their emotion-driven, unrealistic issues against him in turn, and their message has turned into unsupportable bat shit lunacy.

So, what to do, what to do? Vote for the PC party that wants to pick my pockets for insurance, and is trying to hack away at the 1st and 2nd amendments, or vote for the current 'do-nothing' party whose leader has no respect for the constitution, foreign policy and picks my pocket with bailouts as a result of idiotic trade wars he started. It's all a 'wait and see' approach with Republicans these days. We interned tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants. Now what? Wait and see. The big tax deal was a flop. Now what? Wait and see. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking tired of waiting and seeing.

At the end of the day, no party wants to deal with our deficit except for increasing spending and making it bigger. Why should I support such a corrupt system with my vote? This comes from someone who has voted in every major federal and state election since I was 18.
Can't argue. I'd still rather vote third party, but this is guy is making it tough.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I've never had to think of the presidency like this before, but even before any issue positions a person may hold, I now have to look at a basic mental, psychological, temperamental, intellectual capacity for the position. That's a new one for me, as I've never really thought of it before. A person who can't pass that simple, fundamental test is just disqualified in my book, and the only way to deal with that is to vote for the person who is most likely to beat them.

This is fucked up. I don't like it. But I'm reaching that point.

Giving in to that undermines democracy. Voting strategically is not only dishonest, it ensures that, at best, we get the second-most-evil candidate every election.

I suppose if I saw a significant net difference, I'd be tempted to give in as well. But the Democrats are so hell-bent on advancing socialism that I simply don't see a way out. We're fucked either way.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.
My understanding is totally different.
Apparently they had this meeting yesterday.....and the Democrat leaders decided to stage another event.
Trump handed out a copy of the letter he sent to all of the members present....Pelosi refused to read it...turned it face-down on the table....then started making wise-cracks about Putin and Trump. Trump asks Pelosi what she finds so funny and she starts throwing a fit and storms out. Once the spoiled Dems left....they actually got something done. Meanwhile the Democrats were outside pouting and making up their version of what happened in the meeting and Nancy Pelosi is nashing her dentures and grinning like a cokehead. I really think the next time she shows up at the White House, she should do it sober.

Nancy is that Vodka in your cup? No it's gin, and you can't ask me that! This meeting is over! :abgg2q.jpg:
This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

A pity petulance isn't an impeachable offense

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue

His supporters actually applaud him his behavior w/all manner of 'tough guy' claims

So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

Preparing one's self for lack of choice, illusion of democracy & loss of freedoms in an orwellian dystopia is easier once accepted

After Trump's win, I posted that my fear was that he'd screw up so badly that, in response, the Regressive Left would be able to fully take over the Democratic Party. Then we'd see only the far ends of the spectrum represented in 2020. So no matter which party won, it would be very bad news.

Right now, at this moment, my fear is pretty much playing out in real time.

The way I see it, you have the Orange Virus, a corrupt, weak and ugly narcissist, pretending to run the country. His leadership is akin to a petulant, superficial teenager with ADHD. Now, the unAmerican piece of filth believes he can do whatever the fuck he wants. For this, he's gotta go. I see no concessions for any complicit Republicans besides prison or worse.

Every single time the Virus feels slighted, he attacks. He holds grudges. The Kaepernick smoke and mirrors show is because he is still salty about the NFL not allowing him a team back in the day. He hates Bezos, so he constantly attacks Amazon and WaPo. The list goes on and on. It sucks that the man with the most power on earth uses it like such a pansy-ass snowflake. Life has failed the Virus in that he's never been punched in the face. A dose of humility would do him and his confused supporters a world of good, IMO.

Orange's policies are all smoke and mirror shows for stupid Americans to be entertained. Well, I fucking hate reality TV and anyone related to them.

Democrats tend to support empathetic policies. Some were instilled by the previous president. Since *pResident stupid has such a hard on for Obama, he doubles down on destroying his legacy. He managed to even cock that up, even with majorities, and I was no fan of the ACA. He just sucks out loud that much. Unfortunately, Regressive Democrats have doubled down on their emotion-driven, unrealistic issues against him in turn, and their message has turned into unsupportable bat shit lunacy.

So, what to do, what to do? Vote for the PC party that wants to pick my pockets for insurance, and is trying to hack away at the 1st and 2nd amendments, or vote for the current 'do-nothing' party whose leader has no respect for the constitution, foreign policy and picks my pocket with bailouts as a result of idiotic trade wars he started. It's all a 'wait and see' approach with Republicans these days. We interned tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants. Now what? Wait and see. The big tax deal was a flop. Now what? Wait and see. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking tired of waiting and seeing.

At the end of the day, no party wants to deal with our deficit except for increasing spending and making it bigger. Why should I support such a corrupt system with my vote? This comes from someone who has voted in every major federal and state election since I was 18.
Vote third party-it shows you did not like the other choices.
This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

A pity petulance isn't an impeachable offense

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue

His supporters actually applaud him his behavior w/all manner of 'tough guy' claims

So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

Preparing one's self for lack of choice, illusion of democracy & loss of freedoms in an orwellian dystopia is easier once accepted

After Trump's win, I posted that my fear was that he'd screw up so badly that, in response, the Regressive Left would be able to fully take over the Democratic Party. Then we'd see only the far ends of the spectrum represented in 2020. So no matter which party won, it would be very bad news.

Right now, at this moment, my fear is pretty much playing out in real time.

The way I see it, you have the Orange Virus, a corrupt, weak and ugly narcissist, pretending to run the country. His leadership is akin to a petulant, superficial teenager with ADHD. Now, the unAmerican piece of filth believes he can do whatever the fuck he wants. For this, he's gotta go. I see no concessions for any complicit Republicans besides prison or worse.

Every single time the Virus feels slighted, he attacks. He holds grudges. The Kaepernick smoke and mirrors show is because he is still salty about the NFL not allowing him a team back in the day. He hates Bezos, so he constantly attacks Amazon and WaPo. The list goes on and on. It sucks that the man with the most power on earth uses it like such a pansy-ass snowflake. Life has failed the Virus in that he's never been punched in the face. A dose of humility would do him and his confused supporters a world of good, IMO.

Orange's policies are all smoke and mirror shows for stupid Americans to be entertained. Well, I fucking hate reality TV and anyone related to them.

Democrats tend to support empathetic policies. Some were instilled by the previous president. Since *pResident stupid has such a hard on for Obama, he doubles down on destroying his legacy. He managed to even cock that up, even with majorities, and I was no fan of the ACA. He just sucks out loud that much. Unfortunately, Regressive Democrats have doubled down on their emotion-driven, unrealistic issues against him in turn, and their message has turned into unsupportable bat shit lunacy.

So, what to do, what to do? Vote for the PC party that wants to pick my pockets for insurance, and is trying to hack away at the 1st and 2nd amendments, or vote for the current 'do-nothing' party whose leader has no respect for the constitution, foreign policy and picks my pocket with bailouts as a result of idiotic trade wars he started. It's all a 'wait and see' approach with Republicans these days. We interned tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants. Now what? Wait and see. The big tax deal was a flop. Now what? Wait and see. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking tired of waiting and seeing.

At the end of the day, no party wants to deal with our deficit except for increasing spending and making it bigger. Why should I support such a corrupt system with my vote? This comes from someone who has voted in every major federal and state election since I was 18.
Vote third party-it shows you did not like the other choices.

Our political system has , over a century , killed any hope of a 2nd party, never mind a 3rd ~S~
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

Donald J Trump didn't start the ugliness, it was the libs who attacked him from before he even took the oath of office. You might not like the fact that Trump fights back, but that's the only thing he knows. He was born in the mean streets of New York City where you fight or you die.

You might be offended by Donald J Trump fighting back, but if he didn't fight back, he would have never won the nomination, he would have never won the Presidency, and he still wouldn't be there today.

Sure, the R's could have nominated JEB! or Kasich, but if they had , Hillary Clinton would have won the election.
He was born in the mean streets of New York City where you fight or you die.

Okay. I'm usually content to leave people with their delusions. Often it's all they have. But you're feeding yourself some real stinky horseshit here. Come back to the light.
This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

A pity petulance isn't an impeachable offense

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue

His supporters actually applaud him his behavior w/all manner of 'tough guy' claims

So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

Preparing one's self for lack of choice, illusion of democracy & loss of freedoms in an orwellian dystopia is easier once accepted

After Trump's win, I posted that my fear was that he'd screw up so badly that, in response, the Regressive Left would be able to fully take over the Democratic Party. Then we'd see only the far ends of the spectrum represented in 2020. So no matter which party won, it would be very bad news.

Right now, at this moment, my fear is pretty much playing out in real time.

The way I see it, you have the Orange Virus, a corrupt, weak and ugly narcissist, pretending to run the country. His leadership is akin to a petulant, superficial teenager with ADHD. Now, the unAmerican piece of filth believes he can do whatever the fuck he wants. For this, he's gotta go. I see no concessions for any complicit Republicans besides prison or worse.

Every single time the Virus feels slighted, he attacks. He holds grudges. The Kaepernick smoke and mirrors show is because he is still salty about the NFL not allowing him a team back in the day. He hates Bezos, so he constantly attacks Amazon and WaPo. The list goes on and on. It sucks that the man with the most power on earth uses it like such a pansy-ass snowflake. Life has failed the Virus in that he's never been punched in the face. A dose of humility would do him and his confused supporters a world of good, IMO.

Orange's policies are all smoke and mirror shows for stupid Americans to be entertained. Well, I fucking hate reality TV and anyone related to them.

Democrats tend to support empathetic policies. Some were instilled by the previous president. Since *pResident stupid has such a hard on for Obama, he doubles down on destroying his legacy. He managed to even cock that up, even with majorities, and I was no fan of the ACA. He just sucks out loud that much. Unfortunately, Regressive Democrats have doubled down on their emotion-driven, unrealistic issues against him in turn, and their message has turned into unsupportable bat shit lunacy.

So, what to do, what to do? Vote for the PC party that wants to pick my pockets for insurance, and is trying to hack away at the 1st and 2nd amendments, or vote for the current 'do-nothing' party whose leader has no respect for the constitution, foreign policy and picks my pocket with bailouts as a result of idiotic trade wars he started. It's all a 'wait and see' approach with Republicans these days. We interned tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants. Now what? Wait and see. The big tax deal was a flop. Now what? Wait and see. I don't know about you, but I'm fucking tired of waiting and seeing.

At the end of the day, no party wants to deal with our deficit except for increasing spending and making it bigger. Why should I support such a corrupt system with my vote? This comes from someone who has voted in every major federal and state election since I was 18.
Can't argue. I'd still rather vote third party, but this is guy is making it tough.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I've never had to think of the presidency like this before, but even before any issue positions a person may hold, I now have to look at a basic mental, psychological, temperamental, intellectual capacity for the position. That's a new one for me, as I've never really thought of it before. A person who can't pass that simple, fundamental test is just disqualified in my book, and the only way to deal with that is to vote for the person who is most likely to beat them.

This is fucked up. I don't like it. But I'm reaching that point.

Giving in to that undermines democracy. Voting strategically is not only dishonest, it ensures that, at best, we get the second-most-evil candidate every election.

I suppose if I saw a significant net difference, I'd be tempted to give in as well. But the Democrats are so hell-bent on advancing socialism that I simply don't see a way out. We're fucked either way.
I would very much like to vote "for" someone.

Since no one qualifies, and I must vote, my only choice is to follow my conscience.
Yes you can-you still pay taxes. And if a Democrat gets in, a lot more!
In the long run, I think that the Democrats' Tax & Spend philosophy is superior to the GOP's Borrow & Spend philosophy.

Republicans have been lied to, conned, about the GOP shrinking government since Reagan, and they don't seem to care.

Look at Trump: Even Keynes himself was against exploding the deficit in a period of growth. Obama was Keynesian and it worked, it got us out of the disaster he inherited, and the deficit was coming down. Trump is to the LEFT of Keynes, and his sycophants drink it all down like obedient little bunnies.
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Yes you can-you still pay taxes. And if a Democrat gets in, a lot more!
In the long run, I think that the Democrats' Tax & Spend philosophy is superior to the GOP's Borrow & Spend philosophy.

Republicans have been lied to, conned, about the GOP shrinking government since Reagan, and they don't seem to care.

Look at Trump: Even Keynes himself was against exploding the deficit in a period of growth. Obama was Keynesian and it worked, it got us out of the disaster he inherited, and the deficit was coming down. Trump is to the LEFT of Keynes, and his sycophants drink it all down like obedient little bunnies.

Democrat "philosophy" has radically changed over the last few years. Remember it was only one president ago that the debate over gay marriage was still allowed and even Obama said he was against it. Now taking that stance in public would get you fired.
Republicans have been lied to, conned, about the GOP shrinking government since Reagan, and they don't seem to care.

Ronnie RayGun lamented 'big gub'mit', while doing everything in his power to grow it bigger

Trump admittedly is reagan lite

Yes you can-you still pay taxes. And if a Democrat gets in, a lot more!
In the long run, I think that the Democrats' Tax & Spend philosophy is superior to the GOP's Borrow & Spend philosophy.

Republicans have been lied to, conned, about the GOP shrinking government since Reagan, and they don't seem to care.

Look at Trump: Even Keynes himself was against exploding the deficit in a period of growth. Obama was Keynesian and it worked, it got us out of the disaster he inherited, and the deficit was coming down. Trump is to the LEFT of Keynes, and his sycophants drink it all down like obedient little bunnies.

Democrat "philosophy" has radically changed over the last few years. Remember it was only one president ago that the debate over gay marriage was still allowed and even Obama said he was against it. Now taking that stance in public would get you fired.
Yes, and that's an example of how the illiberal, authoritarian (Regressive) Left has so polluted the Democratic Party. Freedom of Expression is a core liberal value, and they piss on it regularly.

The Left has wrecked our culture, the Right has wrecked our socioeconomics. Both are unforgivable sins in my book.
Republicans have been lied to, conned, about the GOP shrinking government since Reagan, and they don't seem to care.
Ronnie RayGun lamented 'big gub'mit', while doing everything in his power to grow it bigger
Trump admittedly is reagan lite
Yep. This is a farce, but folks just love believing it because the rest of the hive does.

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