Trump Christmas Message

He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
Sorry nor anyone else will ever convince me that Trump lost...I can think for myself...I don't need CNN telling what is what...100 million American people think the election was fraudulent....
Lol... Poor baby, can’t face reality. As a word of advice, lying to yourself about 100 million people thinking the election is fraudulent will do nothing to lift you up from your state of delusion and despair.
Are you going to tell me that thousands of idiots like you don't still believe Russia colluded with the Trump campaign?....don't make me laugh flower boy....
Well assfuck, Russia did interfer according to each intel agency. Manafort sent them polling information & I suspect even a stupid shit like you knows why he would do that.
Not us a link for what you are suggesting or Fuck off boi....
THE PRESIDENT: Today, like millions of Americans and Christians around the world, our family celebrates the birth of Jesus and the values He lived in his own life. Treating one another with love and compassion. Caring for those on society’s margins: the sick and the hungry, the poor and the persecuted, the stranger in need of shelter – or simply an act of kindness.

That’s the spirit that binds us together – not just as Christians, but as Americans of all faiths. It’s what the holidays are about: coming together as one American family to celebrate our blessings and the values we hold dear.

Merry Christmas, everyone.
As per the usual a crock of shit. I can’t believe people still by this buffoons shit
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
Sorry nor anyone else will ever convince me that Trump lost...I can think for myself...I don't need CNN telling what is what...100 million American people think the election was fraudulent....
No one gives a fuck
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
Sorry nor anyone else will ever convince me that Trump lost...I can think for myself...I don't need CNN telling what is what...100 million American people think the election was fraudulent....
Lol... Poor baby, can’t face reality. As a word of advice, lying to yourself about 100 million people thinking the election is fraudulent will do nothing to lift you up from your state of delusion and despair.
Are you going to tell me that thousands of idiots like you don't still believe Russia colluded with the Trump campaign?....don't make me laugh flower boy....
Stop with your idiocy. Trump lost. Get over it.
No he didn' you really believe Joe got more votes than Obama and Hillary?....come on man.....its not possible...and we all know it....Biden is not the President elect he is the maybe soon to be white house resident.....he will never be my can't steal elections and have things go your way and have the people love and respect you...he is going watch....
Just go back to your hole and stay there. Voila- the worlds a better place
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
View attachment 433283

"When you have nothing, go for the Googly Image and hope nobody notices you never touched the point"
-- Pogo
All you have is you had to cheat to win the election. Harris will be illegitimate.

And HOW did I "cheat", fuckhead? I exercised my right to vote and that was it.

"When you have nothing, pull something out of your ass" --- Pogo, corollary to First Rule of Nothing

Here's your suppository: :fu:
Your party cheated. You really think Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obama? Lol

LOL! silly you. it's SO not about biden. it was about getting trump out. more people wanted trump out than being thrilled about biden.


& despite all of donny's filthy baggage, in 2016 - not everyone who voted for him actually believed a word he said. the majority probably voted against hillary rather than FOR trump.

this time around ... biden had the independents AND a good deal of republicans voting for him.
That's alright when Harris screws the pooch. Trump will be back in 2024.

LOL! donny isn't interested in being prez - he's scared to death of going to prison. NYS is on his heels & he cannot pardon himself nor be pardoned by anybody for state crimes. as long as he's 'in office ' he's immune.

that is coming to an end. in the meantime, he's grifting his little deplorables- getting as much cash for his legal bills that no doubt will rack up bigley for his defense.

he's also rebranding himself, in real time - NOT for another run for office ... ( that is if he doesn't stroke out from all the big macs & KFC he shoves down his gullet )

but for his own trump 24/7 propaganda network. he's already gearing up to siphen off fox viewers.
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
View attachment 433283

"When you have nothing, go for the Googly Image and hope nobody notices you never touched the point"
-- Pogo
All you have is you had to cheat to win the election. Harris will be illegitimate.

And HOW did I "cheat", fuckhead? I exercised my right to vote and that was it.

"When you have nothing, pull something out of your ass" --- Pogo, corollary to First Rule of Nothing

Here's your suppository: :fu:
Your party cheated. You really think Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obama? Lol

LOL! silly you. it's SO not about biden. it was about getting trump out. more people wanted trump out than being thrilled about biden.


& despite all of donny's filthy baggage, in 2016 - not everyone who voted for him actually believed a word he said. the majority probably voted against hillary rather than FOR trump.

this time around ... biden had the independents AND a good deal of republicans voting for him.
That's alright when Harris screws the pooch. Trump will be back in 2024.

Rump cruised in on fumes in 2016 and lost to a faceless candidate when it came time to ask for extension. He ain't coming back. Especially after the shit he's been pulling since November 3rd.
He beat Hillary and Biden, you just cheated more this go around.

he beat hillary by only about 75K votes in the swing states; thus getting the EC votes. biden won the EC massively in comparison - - -& the popular vote sealed the deal.
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
View attachment 433283

"When you have nothing, go for the Googly Image and hope nobody notices you never touched the point"
-- Pogo
All you have is you had to cheat to win the election. Harris will be illegitimate.

And HOW did I "cheat", fuckhead? I exercised my right to vote and that was it.

"When you have nothing, pull something out of your ass" --- Pogo, corollary to First Rule of Nothing

Here's your suppository: :fu:
Your party cheated. You really think Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obama? Lol

LOL! silly you. it's SO not about biden. it was about getting trump out. more people wanted trump out than being thrilled about biden.


& despite all of donny's filthy baggage, in 2016 - not everyone who voted for him actually believed a word he said. the majority probably voted against hillary rather than FOR trump.

this time around ... biden had the independents AND a good deal of republicans voting for him.
That's alright when Harris screws the pooch. Trump will be back in 2024.

Rump cruised in on fumes in 2016 and lost to a faceless candidate when it came time to ask for extension. He ain't coming back. Especially after the shit he's been pulling since November 3rd.
He beat Hillary and Biden, you just cheated more this go around.

I asked you before, Asshole, and you ran away so here's another chance to go hide under the covers, wimp:

The democrat party cheated and every vote needs to be verified.

Suddenly it's "the democrat party [sic]" which doesn't even exist.

That's not what you wrote, is it ASSHOLE.
Well we are still waiting to find out how putin got you vote for Trump.

You're a dishonest asshole who can't even construct a sentence in English let alone stand behind what you post.
Get the fuck out of here and into Iggyland, waste of human skin.
You know what I meant the evidence is overwhelming but YOU don't care. YOU know your party did it, and you’re good with it.

there is no evidence or it would have been intro'd in ALL the court cases....

tutt tutt.
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
View attachment 433283

"When you have nothing, go for the Googly Image and hope nobody notices you never touched the point"
-- Pogo
All you have is you had to cheat to win the election. Harris will be illegitimate.

And HOW did I "cheat", fuckhead? I exercised my right to vote and that was it.

"When you have nothing, pull something out of your ass" --- Pogo, corollary to First Rule of Nothing

Here's your suppository: :fu:
Your party cheated. You really think Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obama? Lol

LOL! silly you. it's SO not about biden. it was about getting trump out. more people wanted trump out than being thrilled about biden.


& despite all of donny's filthy baggage, in 2016 - not everyone who voted for him actually believed a word he said. the majority probably voted against hillary rather than FOR trump.

this time around ... biden had the independents AND a good deal of republicans voting for him.
That's alright when Harris screws the pooch. Trump will be back in 2024.

LOL! donny isn't interested in being prez - he's scared to death of going to prison. NYS is on his heels & he cannot pardon himself nor be pardoned by anybody for state crimes. as long as he's 'in office ' he's immune.

that is coming to an end. in the meantime, he's grifting his little deplorables- getting as much cash for his legal bills that no doubt will rack up bigley for his defense.

he's also rebranding himself, in real time - NOT for another run for office ... ( that is if he doesn't stroke out from all the big macs & KFC he shoves down his gullet )

but for his own trump 24/7 propaganda network. he's already gearing up to siphen off fox viewers.
Like Russia collusion? Lol
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
View attachment 433283

"When you have nothing, go for the Googly Image and hope nobody notices you never touched the point"
-- Pogo
All you have is you had to cheat to win the election. Harris will be illegitimate.

And HOW did I "cheat", fuckhead? I exercised my right to vote and that was it.

"When you have nothing, pull something out of your ass" --- Pogo, corollary to First Rule of Nothing

Here's your suppository: :fu:
Your party cheated. You really think Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obama? Lol

LOL! silly you. it's SO not about biden. it was about getting trump out. more people wanted trump out than being thrilled about biden.


& despite all of donny's filthy baggage, in 2016 - not everyone who voted for him actually believed a word he said. the majority probably voted against hillary rather than FOR trump.

this time around ... biden had the independents AND a good deal of republicans voting for him.
That's alright when Harris screws the pooch. Trump will be back in 2024.

Rump cruised in on fumes in 2016 and lost to a faceless candidate when it came time to ask for extension. He ain't coming back. Especially after the shit he's been pulling since November 3rd.
He beat Hillary and Biden, you just cheated more this go around.

he beat hillary by only about 75K votes in the swing states; thus getting the EC votes. biden won the EC massively in comparison - - -& the popular vote sealed the deal.
Yeah, but she was suppose to win in a landslide, lol.
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
Sorry nor anyone else will ever convince me that Trump lost...I can think for myself...I don't need CNN telling what is what...100 million American people think the election was fraudulent....
Lol... Poor baby, can’t face reality. As a word of advice, lying to yourself about 100 million people thinking the election is fraudulent will do nothing to lift you up from your state of delusion and despair.
Are you going to tell me that thousands of idiots like you don't still believe Russia colluded with the Trump campaign?....don't make me laugh flower boy....
Well assfuck, Russia did interfer according to each intel agency. Manafort sent them polling information & I suspect even a stupid shit like you knows why he would do that.
Not us a link for what you are suggesting or Fuck off boi....

the REPUBLICAN chaired senate intel committee's deep investigations even revealed it. there were SEVERAL VOLUMES of reports.

Paul Manafort was 'a grave counterintelligence threat,' Republican-led Senate panel finds
Kristine Phillips Kevin Johnson

WASHINGTON – Paul Manafort's role as chairman of the Trump campaign, his longstanding ties to people affiliated with Russian intelligence services and his willingness to share information with them "represented a grave counterintelligence threat" during the 2016 presidential race, according to a new report from the Senate Intelligence Committee.

"The Committee found that Manafort's presence on the Campaign and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign," according to the nearly 1,000-page report released Tuesday.

Kilimnik, 'a Russian intelligence officer'
The report delves deeply into Manafort's ties with Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime business associate with whom Manafort worked as part of his lobbying efforts in Ukraine.

While Mueller's investigators described Kilimnik as someone with ties to Russian intelligence, the committee called him "a Russian intelligence officer" with whom Manafort "sought to secretly share" sensitive internal polling data from the Trump campaign. The committee, however, was unable to determine why Manafort did so or with whom Kilimnik shared the information.

The Committee assesses that Kilimnik likely served as a channel to Manafort for Russian intelligence services, and that those services likely sought to exploit Manafort's access to gain insight in to the Campaign," the panel's report said.

During and after the 2016 campaign, Manafort and Kilimnik spoke and met multiple times. The two talked about strategies to defeat Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to the report, citing a conversation Kilimnik had with an associate in which he said Manafort had a "clever plan of screwing Clinton." The two also talked about how Trump might win, the report said, noting that Manafort expected Kilimnik to share the information to people in Ukraine and elsewhere.

The report said Kilimnik sought to leverage his relationship with Manafort and use him to influence the Trump administration and the Russian government "to effect a certain political outcome."

Paul Manafort was 'a grave counterintelligence threat,' Republican-led Senate panel finds
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
View attachment 433283

"When you have nothing, go for the Googly Image and hope nobody notices you never touched the point"
-- Pogo
All you have is you had to cheat to win the election. Harris will be illegitimate.

And HOW did I "cheat", fuckhead? I exercised my right to vote and that was it.

"When you have nothing, pull something out of your ass" --- Pogo, corollary to First Rule of Nothing

Here's your suppository: :fu:
Your party cheated. You really think Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obama? Lol

LOL! silly you. it's SO not about biden. it was about getting trump out. more people wanted trump out than being thrilled about biden.


& despite all of donny's filthy baggage, in 2016 - not everyone who voted for him actually believed a word he said. the majority probably voted against hillary rather than FOR trump.

this time around ... biden had the independents AND a good deal of republicans voting for him.
That's alright when Harris screws the pooch. Trump will be back in 2024.

LOL! donny isn't interested in being prez - he's scared to death of going to prison. NYS is on his heels & he cannot pardon himself nor be pardoned by anybody for state crimes. as long as he's 'in office ' he's immune.

that is coming to an end. in the meantime, he's grifting his little deplorables- getting as much cash for his legal bills that no doubt will rack up bigley for his defense.

he's also rebranding himself, in real time - NOT for another run for office ... ( that is if he doesn't stroke out from all the big macs & KFC he shoves down his gullet )

but for his own trump 24/7 propaganda network. he's already gearing up to siphen off fox viewers.
Like Russia collusion? Lol

more like 10 counts of obstruction.
He is happy because he knows he won in a landslide...he knows he succeeded beyond anyone's predictions...God Bless you Mr. President Trump and God Bless the first lady and Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence.....

Indeed, a "landslide" margin of negative seven million plus votes.

Math is hard.
View attachment 433283

"When you have nothing, go for the Googly Image and hope nobody notices you never touched the point"
-- Pogo
All you have is you had to cheat to win the election. Harris will be illegitimate.

And HOW did I "cheat", fuckhead? I exercised my right to vote and that was it.

"When you have nothing, pull something out of your ass" --- Pogo, corollary to First Rule of Nothing

Here's your suppository: :fu:
Your party cheated. You really think Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obama? Lol

LOL! silly you. it's SO not about biden. it was about getting trump out. more people wanted trump out than being thrilled about biden.


& despite all of donny's filthy baggage, in 2016 - not everyone who voted for him actually believed a word he said. the majority probably voted against hillary rather than FOR trump.

this time around ... biden had the independents AND a good deal of republicans voting for him.
That's alright when Harris screws the pooch. Trump will be back in 2024.

Rump cruised in on fumes in 2016 and lost to a faceless candidate when it came time to ask for extension. He ain't coming back. Especially after the shit he's been pulling since November 3rd.
He beat Hillary and Biden, you just cheated more this go around.

he beat hillary by only about 75K votes in the swing states; thus getting the EC votes. biden won the EC massively in comparison - - -& the popular vote sealed the deal.
Yeah, but she was suppose to win in a landslide, lol.

donny thinks he did this time.


100 million American people think the election was fraudulent....

Then 100 million American people are wrong. They can pound sand.
My (current) guess is that, at the root of this, is their inability to understand and/or accept the terribly obvious fact that a majority of Americans don't love Trump as they do.

The intensity of their adoration for him (of all freakin' people) simply overwhelms whatever critical thinking skills they may have. They just can't see it.
100 million American people think the election was fraudulent....

Then 100 million American people are wrong. They can pound sand.
My (current) guess is that, at the root of this, is their inability to understand and/or accept the terribly obvious fact that a majority of Americans don't love Trump as they do.

The intensity of their adoration for him (of all freakin' people) simply overwhelms whatever critical thinking skills they may have. They just can't see it.

It's part and parcel of being attached to a cult, which demands yuge dollops of self-delusion of the type that intentionally blinds the cultist to flaws and facts. They needed that self-delusion to look past the character flaws of this con artist he so blatantly put out there and dared them to not-see ("I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue..."). And obediently enough they donned the blindfolds and began the chant: "La La La..."

Rump navigates his own dystopian path the same way. He believes his own bullshit. Hence we have an orange klown declaring "my father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany", then repeats rather than corrects himself, and his cultish minions can't correct him either because doing so would be disobedient. So it's either believe the Bronx is in New York where it is, or pull the blinders even tighter and chant "La La La..." even louder. Because any acknowledgment of Reality tumbles that house of cards to the floor.

When the self-delusion muscles have been built up to that degree, it's not much of a reach to tell them "I don't care what the numbers say, I won by a lot" -- if the Cult Leader says two plus two equals five, then goddam it saying it equals four is a liburrul plot in cahoots with Hugo Chávez, Leon Trotsky, Francisco Franco and a player to be named later.

That's why they start with little things like where the Bronx is, what the electoral count was and how many spectators were at the inauguration. It gives the Delusionist-in-Chief a sense of how many sheep are in the flock and how far he can lead them. And most usefully it gets the idiots used to having their reality dick-tated in spite of what their senses tell them.

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