trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Fuck you life is all about choices get that free health care or take money and spend it on self defense. Why are leftist devoid of truth and always depends on someone else to protect them?

Life is about choices. And one of those choices is to stand with your friends, or abandon those friends. But. When you abandon them, you can’t really expect them to come to your side now can you?

We abandon NATO, and then Russia demands Alaska. Or else. Lots of welfare and food stamp people in Alaska.

NATO tells us to go fuck ourselves. Canada decides to side with a winner, and picks Russia. China sides with Russia. And either we have nuclear war or we surrender Alaska.

But that is unlikely. I mean just because Russia says they are taking Alaska every other month doesn’t mean they’re really gonna do it right?

No. Let’s talk economic impact.

Europe stops buying Ford’s, GM, and Caterpillar. They start buying Airbus instead of Boeing. Hey we don’t need them. Just because Boeing sells a lot of planes to European Airlines is no reason to worry.

I mean what are they going to do? Buy Airbus which costs about the same and doesn’t seem to be falling out of the skies like Boeing planes are? WHO? Do you even know what you are talking about?

2% of GDP is what NATO guadance is for spending ON THEIR OWN ARMY.

Great info.
So only prior Soviet nations and Uk pay their agreed upon share.

Time to dump NATO.
Dump NATO and the UN.
We tried it your way (19th century American isolationism) once, for a century or so, and that didn't work out so well...

The cost in blood and treasure for WWI and WWII proved that point beyond any sane and rational contestation...

What is needed is to...

(1) stop all funding to the UN except for our 'membership dues'

(2) move UN headquarters off-shore... Geneva, perhaps

(3) Reconfigure and strengthen NATO with a much larger European and Canadian contingent-contribution
We tried it your way (19th century American isolationism) once, for a century or so, and that didn't work out so well...

The cost in blood and treasure for WWI and WWII proved that point beyond any sane and rational contestation...

What is needed is to...

(1) stop all funding to the UN except for our 'membership dues'

(2) move UN headquarters off-shore... Geneva, perhaps

(3) Reconfigure and strengthen NATO with a much larger European and Canadian contingent-contribution
Life is about choices. And one of those choices is to stand with your friends, or abandon those friends. But. When you abandon them, you can’t really expect them to come to your side now can you?

We abandon NATO, and then Russia demands Alaska. Or else. Lots of welfare and food stamp people in Alaska.

NATO tells us to go fuck ourselves. Canada decides to side with a winner, and picks Russia. China sides with Russia. And either we have nuclear war or we surrender Alaska.

But that is unlikely. I mean just because Russia says they are taking Alaska every other month doesn’t mean they’re really gonna do it right?

No. Let’s talk economic impact.

Europe stops buying Ford’s, GM, and Caterpillar. They start buying Airbus instead of Boeing. Hey we don’t need them. Just because Boeing sells a lot of planes to European Airlines is no reason to worry.

I mean what are they going to do? Buy Airbus which costs about the same and doesn’t seem to be falling out of the skies like Boeing planes are?
You stand with a friend whose ready to give 100% not those begging for help when they chose other things.
Closed borders.

Mass deportations.

Wresting manufacturing capacity away from China and returning it to our shores.

Neutralizing the Gay Mafia Agenda in the military and schools and public life.

Leaning on Iran and other troublemaking Muslim countries.
You mean what he had achieved already, in his first term? What’s the matter with that?
trump is a Russian asset and a convenient fool for Poootin. And you show yourself as treasonous.
Cancel your job as a spy for Russia. It failed. Do you believe Russia wants to pay to be in NATO? Trump only likes those who pay into NATO.

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