trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

NATO was a bribe/assurance to Germany so it wouldn't become a nuclear power to defend itself from Russia. Absolutely no surprise the US wants to walk away from its word and leave other countries holding the baby, again.

Actually that was the deal with Ukraine, and Obama welched on it, so has Biden. They both also worked hard to nuclearize both Iran and Saudi Arabia. How does that stack up to merely insisting the NATO countries cough up their fair share, including all the past payments they never paid up?
Switzerland is the only country in the world that adheres towards democracy via it's constitution providing for a plebiscite based government policy - thus ensuring the "peoples right and will" towards governing their own will and life via plebiscites.

The amendment, cancellation or introduction of any law in Switzerland, is fully depended on a plebiscite. Right down to the setting of a fine in regards to a speeding ticket.

As such the statements of those Swiss immigrants you are citing - don't make sense at all. Maybe they belong to those who never participate in plebiscites (who's participation is indeed sometimes very low) but then always complain.

The State of Bavaria to which I belong has a large provision for plebiscites in its constitution - however most people are simply too lazy to be bothered with participating - and prefer to simply complain.
Plebiscites are a favorite tool of dictators, occasionally useful for democratic societies but in themselves hardly the defining quality of modern democracy. There were no “plebiscites” in our Founding Constitution or in U.S. federal law historically, but historic plebiscites did take place in Nazi Germany and other dictatorships.

As we used to joke about communism: “One man, one vote, one time.” A real democratic Republic depends on a multiparty system with responsible parties and leaders, guarantees for private property and minority rights, traditions of peaceful and regular transfers of power (not “lifetime presidents”) , democratic norms, free speech, a free press, free non-party-controlled non-state enterprises — none of which exist in Russia, China, North Korea, the Islamic Republic, etc.

“Free societies” require far, far more than “plebiscites.”
Yup. Donald Trump actually encouraged our worst enemies to attack our weakest allies.

Meanwhile, you can be sure even important nations like South Korea and Japan and India and Vietnam and Indonesia and African countries like Nigeria and South Africa will find themselves more and more forced to capitulate to growing Chinese influence if Trump allows Putin to have his way with Ukraine.

Indeed, every tinpot dictator in Africa and the Middle East will feel emboldened, and even in South America there will be a greater realization that the U.S. simply cannot be trusted to defend common interests.

“America First” will in fact mean America has abandoned its traditional (often wrong-headed) leadership only to abandon the “free” / “free-er” & more civilized countries and parties abroad, and even to encourage dictators and regional warlords to rule unhampered.
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They don't pay enough dues, so their citizens deserve to be slaughtered, and Trump will encourage it.

There is no excuse for that coming from a person or country of any decency. These people are becoming feral.
Stop with those Cadillac health care systems and they can pay more. America isn't their security
B F*** shit. A European Country buying F35's or integrated air defense systems doesn't cost the taxpayer nothing. In fact, some of these items carry a cost calculated in percentages of GDP for some of these nations. A single squadron of F35's costs more than the annual defense budget of a country like Holland even if they would spend as much of their GDP on defense as the US does.
Oh, I see… When you said those items would need replacement, I thought you meant we would sell them our own planes and buy replacements for our planes.

Oh, yeah! As soon as those European countries fly bravely into battle against Russia, they will need replacements for those planes that get downed by the ruskis.

I don’t see that happening anytime soon, to be honest with you. I guess you think it will?

What I don’t get though, and I would need someone like you to explain it, is, why are they going to send their lives into battle if they won’t send their treasure into preventing the battle? Are they just stupid?

Actually, why would they buy the planes in the first place? Their record shows they are unwilling to spend on their own defense so long as they can count on the United States defending their countries for them. When uncle Sam, is your sugar, daddy, all expenses are taken care of!

Unless they believe Donald Trump, of course. Then maybe they wouldn’t be so sure of the US putting on the white knight costumes Once again.
This is money going from a nation, directly into the pockets of US citizens.
Sure, it is. Let me know when my check is in the mail.😏
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As to what giving money to Ukraine has to do with NATO.
The Secretary General of NATO.

Fork up, are you related to Crick?

You both have the same annoying habit of providing links with no explanation as to what the links might say that you feel support your position. Sorry dude I’m not checking the length of the leak, but I assume they are each several minutes long. I don’t have time for lengthy, reading, nor video watching assignments.

Answer me this, and I will watch the one with Trump. Did Trump say that NATO countries are not contributing anything to anyone?


Never mind! That one I did not mind watching again. No he did not say that they don’t contribute to anything. He said those NATO countries aren’t paying. which, they are not. Almost none of them are paying 2% of their GDP to find their military, as the agreement with NATO requires.

Man, if I ever want to borrow money, I’ll be sure and ask you first. I like a lender that doesn’t think it’s important to pay obligations. At least so long as I’m borrowing the money from him, and not the other way around.
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It true, Trump and his supporters are devoid of decency – that they would allow a fascist thug like Putin to destroy a democratic nation because of their ignorant, wrongheaded perception of how NATO functions.
Fuck you life is all about choices get that free health care or take money and spend it on self defense. Why are leftist devoid of truth and always depends on someone else to protect them?
Promises what exactly?
Closed borders.

Mass deportations.

Wresting manufacturing capacity away from China and returning it to our shores.

Neutralizing the Gay Mafia Agenda in the military and schools and public life.

Leaning on Iran and other troublemaking Muslim countries.
Closed borders.

Mass deportations.

Wresting manufacturing capacity away from China and returning it to our shores.

Neutralizing the Gay Mafia Agenda in the military and schools and public life.

Leaning on Iran and other troublemaking Muslim countries.
He didn’t bring manufacturing back. He didn’t do shit with Iran, if anything he made things worse. .
Promises what exactly?
Closed borders.

Mass deportation of Illegal Aliens.

Neutralizing the Gay Mafia Agenda in public life.

Wresting manufacturing capacity away from China and returning it on-shore.

Lower taxes.

Improved economy.

Etc... etc... etc...
He didn’t bring manufacturing back. He didn’t do shit with Iran, if anything he made things worse. .

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