trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

IMF Fund, DoS, American Senators, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups and Prosecutors own deputy who quit in protest of the swamp don't agree with you. All called for reforms in that office.

Kiev's elite consistently got away with prosecution while prosecutor in charge lived a lavish lifestyle that could never be maintained by his government salary.

Even Guiliani of all people admitted that Shokin was corrupt, his only excuse was that supposedly all of Ukrainian prosecutors are corrupt.

Of course you do.

Trump supporters are as much enemies of democracy as Trump, as much Putin useful idiots as Trump, and as reprehensible and wrong as Trump.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are so sick with your TDS mental illness that you can't admit it when Trump is right.

One of the reason we are $34 trillion in debt is because we have been the Euroweenie's Sugar Daddy ever since the end of WWII.

If you had any consideration for your own country you would want the US to stop welfare to the welfare queens. In this case it is military welfare because the Eurotrash are not contributing their fair share.

Of course you Libtards can't do that because you little turds have never seen a welfare program you didn't love more than life itself.

If they had not paid their fee into NATO. The Russian asset is at it again. trump does not even try to hide is allegiance to Putin anymore. He doesn't have to. The repub party has become a Putin/Russia loving cult, who only greater allegiance in to the Russian asset, trump. You think trump ' won't leave NATO is re-elected. Think again....

Former President Donald J. Trump said on Saturday that, while president, he told the leaders of NATO countries that he would “encourage” Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to countries that had not paid the money they owed to the military alliance.
Do you think about any of this before you post it, Jim? Why would Trump threatening other members of NATO into spending more on their military make him an "asset" to Russia? That's just stupid on it's face!!!
Do you think about any of this before you post it, Jim? Why would Trump threatening other members of NATO into spending more on their military make him an "asset" to Russia? That's just stupid on it's face!!!

Because threatening NATO allies and working up his followers about NATO is the point.

He wants to stir shit up and spread grievances in the alliance. Any excuse will do.
Well then you are straight blind.

My post specifically cites Republicans asking Ukraine to reform Shokin's office due to corruption concerns and my post specifically cites official Republican findings that Biden did nothing wrong when he pressured Ukraine to finally remove him.

What do you cite? Nothing, you just belive whatever the hell you want to.
Well then, I shall do it as well. I shall make claims and you will find them valid because they come from Republicans. Deal??
Well then, I shall do it as well. I shall make claims and you will find them valid because they come from Republicans. Deal??
Democrats. Quoting Democrats would be equivalent.

Get it? People that have disincentive to say good things about Trump.

Got it? Ok go ahead and quote Democrats on why you don't think Trump commited inapropriate acts by extorting Ukrainian president.

....oh wait you can't, all Congressional Democrats and one Republican voted to impeach and remove Trump for this misconduct.
Why do so many Republicans think the UNITED STATES should stand ALONE against the WORLD????

Why do so many fuzzy thinking Americans think it's our job to sort out the world's squabbles? (I always find a single question mark sufficient to indicate an interrogative).

This European War to which I'm so insensitive is the result of 2,000 years or European greed, superstition, ignorance, and barbarism. Don't blame it on out Coca-Cola bottles. Europe was a thoroughgoing brothel long before we arrived on the scene.
Then you shouldn't be shooing our young men off to die for Europe's problems.

Those young men know, as I do, that Europe’s problems tend to become world problems. Quickly. Those youngsters know War is awful, but there are worse things than war.

You see we know history well enough to know European wars lead to American Wars.

The French and Indian wars led to the American Revolution. The war against Napoleon led to the war of 1812. European Colonialism led to the Mexican American war.

We haven’t even gotten to the World Wars yet have we?

And if you are being honest, the European Slave Trade set the stage for our Civil War.

Anyone who has learned even High School History understands that we can stand up now and it will cost a little. Or we can stand up later and it will cost a lot more.

Pretending that it doesn’t affect us, led to two world wars.
Democrats. Quoting Democrats would be equivalent.

Get it? People that have disincentive to say good things about Trump.

Got it? Ok go ahead and quote Democrats on why you don't think Trump commited inapropriate acts by extorting Ukrainian president.

....oh wait you can't, all Congressional Democrats and one Republican voted to impeach and remove Trump for this misconduct.
I spoke in favor of using your own claims. All an impeachment does as proved when it happened to Clinton is it takes claims up to the Senate who then tries the case and if guilty announces it and the party can then lose his or her job. Talking of Democrats failures is fine with me.
I spoke in favor of using your own claims. All an impeachment does as proved when it happened to Clinton is it takes claims up to the Senate who then tries the case and if guilty announces it and the party can then lose his or her job. Talking of Democrats failures is fine with me.

Clinton got a blowjob and broke the law when he lied about it. Impeachment was based on real misconduct.

What is your point? Trump's impeachment was also based real misconduct only of far more egregious sort because it had foreign polcy implications for our country.
Clinton got a blowjob and broke the law when he lied about it. Impeachment was based on real misconduct.

What is your point? Trump's impeachment was also based real misconduct only of far more egregious sort because it had foreign polcy implications for our country.
I don't recall him getting it from Paula Jones. Trump was not found guilty. Bet you think he was.
Trump was not found guilty. Bet you think he was.

Where the hell was Trump found not guilty?

Many Senate Republicans who didn't convict said they'd rather leave it to voters...who oblidged and kicked Trump the f out of the White House.

Trump was guilty. Clinton was too. Senate refusing to remove from office doesn't change that.
Where the hell was Trump found not guilty?

Many Senate Republicans who didn't convict said they'd rather leave it to voters...who oblidged and kicked Trump the f out of the Whiote House.
Where was Trump found guilty?
SO why not answer the question?
Where the hell was Trump found not guilty?

Trump was guilty. Clinton was too. Senate electing to not remove from office means little.
Trump has a record. And so far the Senate found him not guilty. Impeaching does not remove a person from office. It sends it to the Senate and they make the decision.

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