Trump claims once again everyone can get tested for Coronavirus, and it is still untrue

Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


Who gives a shit

The fucking tests could be designed to detect blood cells for all we know

What was the latest country to claim they bought defective tests from China...I forget

Could it be the tests aren't defective...they were designed to detect
a different virus or strain actually infecting people in China
Everyone should give a shit, especially when Trump tells the country everyone can get a test, and it turns out to be a lie. Not giving a shit about Trumps lies is your stupidity, not mine.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


View attachment 335264
Nothing like a post in search of an argument.
No need to argue against the phony ginned up hysteria, that you've obviously fallen for.

I simply don't give a fuck about testing, and am unlikely to care at any point in the future.
We'll, that's the whole point of the thread. You don't give a fuck. Republicans just do not care about anything but themselves, and certainly could give two shits who gets the virus. Your protests about opening the economy without protection proved that. And we certainly know Trump could care less. The more dead the better. Genocide is his game.
The whole point of the thread is for you to try and get others as worked up about a non-issue as you are....And you've failed.

Testing is absolutely useless for anything other than to decide a course of action for someone already infected...As useless as this thread.
It's not a non-issue. It is a record of fact. Ask the health professionals on the frontline. Even the health care people in Trumps own administration admitted there is not enough testing.

I can get tested tomorrow.
I guess you must live in a blue state where they put the infected into nursing homes to kill off the elderly.
What does putting the infected into nursing homes have to do with getting tested? Lol! You can get tested tomorrow? I can't. Trump lied.

What state do you live in?
Just trying to point out the ineptitude of blue states.
If you're dumb enough to put the infected into nursing homes it wouldnt surprise me if they couldnt manage to test the population of that state.
They even managed to have testing sites for the Navajo Nation. All states have them.
Not all indian nations have access to testing. Trump is a liar.

Derpity... derp,derp,derp!!!
And in conclusion..Derp.
"Coming to Indian country?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:So, you admit I'm right. Trump was lying, when back in April he said anyone could get a test. And it's just coming to Indians? Shit man. You're a lot of fun with your bs.

Those indians can leave the res,you know that right?
So no,nothing was stopping them from getting tested.
Yep and for free.
Less than adequate health facilities are another concern. At the Oglala Sioux in South Dakota, President Julian Bear Runner said the federal Indian Health Services facilities “are not well equipped.” For the tribe’s 50,000 members, there are 24 coronavirus test kits, six ventilators and four beds set aside for quarantine at the Pine Ridge Hospital. Trump lied.

That shits more than a month old.
Trumps lies about Coronaviruse go all the way back to the middle of January. What's your point?
You might as well give it up. I deal with IHS everyday. I work in healthcare. They have specific procedures they follow.
You just might, but not every Indian has access to testing, as I pointed out. My thread talks about Trump and his lies about everyone having access to testing. Remember?

And everyone does have access.
Then prove it. Because I certainly proved "you" wrong.

You haven't proved jackshit.
Some states will test anyone who shows up at a testing facility,others require a Drs note.
Asked my Doc if I should get tested since I have type 2 diabetes and was going through a problem with an infection in my hip after surgery.
He said if it would make me feel better he could write up an order or I could go down to the free test facility but he thought it would be a waste of time.
You keep crying about the lack of testing available yet you wont tell us what state you're from so we can back check your story.
Soooo...that means you're lying.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


View attachment 335264
Nothing like a post in search of an argument.
No need to argue against the phony ginned up hysteria, that you've obviously fallen for.

I simply don't give a fuck about testing, and am unlikely to care at any point in the future.
We'll, that's the whole point of the thread. You don't give a fuck. Republicans just do not care about anything but themselves, and certainly could give two shits who gets the virus. Your protests about opening the economy without protection proved that. And we certainly know Trump could care less. The more dead the better. Genocide is his game.
The whole point of the thread is for you to try and get others as worked up about a non-issue as you are....And you've failed.

Testing is absolutely useless for anything other than to decide a course of action for someone already infected...As useless as this thread.
It's not a non-issue. It is a record of fact. Ask the health professionals on the frontline. Even the health care people in Trumps own administration admitted there is not enough testing.

I can get tested tomorrow.
I guess you must live in a blue state where they put the infected into nursing homes to kill off the elderly.
What does putting the infected into nursing homes have to do with getting tested? Lol! You can get tested tomorrow? I can't. Trump lied.

What state do you live in?
Just trying to point out the ineptitude of blue states.
If you're dumb enough to put the infected into nursing homes it wouldnt surprise me if they couldnt manage to test the population of that state.
They even managed to have testing sites for the Navajo Nation. All states have them.
Not all indian nations have access to testing. Trump is a liar.

Derpity... derp,derp,derp!!!
And in conclusion..Derp.
"Coming to Indian country?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:So, you admit I'm right. Trump was lying, when back in April he said anyone could get a test. And it's just coming to Indians? Shit man. You're a lot of fun with your bs.

Those indians can leave the res,you know that right?
So no,nothing was stopping them from getting tested.
Yep and for free.
Less than adequate health facilities are another concern. At the Oglala Sioux in South Dakota, President Julian Bear Runner said the federal Indian Health Services facilities “are not well equipped.” For the tribe’s 50,000 members, there are 24 coronavirus test kits, six ventilators and four beds set aside for quarantine at the Pine Ridge Hospital. Trump lied.
That’s because the IHS facilities don’t really have ER’s. These patients are sent to other Hospitals that have those facilities and IHS pays the bills. But The Navajo Nation has recieved more testing kits than NY,California I said they were given priority by the WH.
Well, cut off my legs and call me shorty. Sure took the air out of your lying post now didn't it?
No it didn’t. You are still wrong and talking out of your ass.
This is you from post#91.
They even managed to have testing sites for the Navajo Nation. All states have them. This is not what my OP is about. My OP is about Trump lying about everyone being able to get a test.

And now that you've put your foot in your mouth, here's a spoiler alert for your off topic. "All states have tests", says shit about all people being able to get tested. Comprende?
I realize you can’t comprehend the written word but per the IHS article above:

The IHS has been given priority access to rapid point-of-care COVID-19 test systems as part of White House efforts to expand access to testing in rural communities,” Christensen says in an email. The agency has received and distributed 250 ID NOW COVID-19 care test systems to federal and tribal health care facilities throughout Indian Country in 31 states. The Navajo Nation received 36 of the systems, she says.

“This test allows for medical diagnostic testing at the time and place of patient care, provides COVID-19 results in under 13 minutes, and expands the capacity for coronavirus testing for individuals exhibiting symptoms as well as for health care professionals and the first responder community,”
So? I don't care. Has nothing to do with my OP.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


Who gives a shit

The fucking tests could be designed to detect blood cells for all we know

What was the latest country to claim they bought defective tests from China...I forget

Could it be the tests aren't defective...they were designed to detect
a different virus or strain actually infecting people in China
Everyone should give a shit, especially when Trump tells the country everyone can get a test, and it turns out to be a lie. Not giving a shit about Trumps lies is your stupidity, not mine.
Well China and WHO said nothing to see here, everything is under control
No human to human transmission, very unlikely to reach the U.S.
WHO said masks and travel restrictions weren't necessary
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


View attachment 335264
Nothing like a post in search of an argument.
No need to argue against the phony ginned up hysteria, that you've obviously fallen for.

I simply don't give a fuck about testing, and am unlikely to care at any point in the future.
We'll, that's the whole point of the thread. You don't give a fuck. Republicans just do not care about anything but themselves, and certainly could give two shits who gets the virus. Your protests about opening the economy without protection proved that. And we certainly know Trump could care less. The more dead the better. Genocide is his game.
The whole point of the thread is for you to try and get others as worked up about a non-issue as you are....And you've failed.

Testing is absolutely useless for anything other than to decide a course of action for someone already infected...As useless as this thread.
It's not a non-issue. It is a record of fact. Ask the health professionals on the frontline. Even the health care people in Trumps own administration admitted there is not enough testing.

I can get tested tomorrow.
I guess you must live in a blue state where they put the infected into nursing homes to kill off the elderly.
What does putting the infected into nursing homes have to do with getting tested? Lol! You can get tested tomorrow? I can't. Trump lied.

What state do you live in?
Just trying to point out the ineptitude of blue states.
If you're dumb enough to put the infected into nursing homes it wouldnt surprise me if they couldnt manage to test the population of that state.
They even managed to have testing sites for the Navajo Nation. All states have them.
Not all indian nations have access to testing. Trump is a liar.

Derpity... derp,derp,derp!!!
And in conclusion..Derp.
"Coming to Indian country?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:So, you admit I'm right. Trump was lying, when back in April he said anyone could get a test. And it's just coming to Indians? Shit man. You're a lot of fun with your bs.

Those indians can leave the res,you know that right?
So no,nothing was stopping them from getting tested.
Yep and for free.
Less than adequate health facilities are another concern. At the Oglala Sioux in South Dakota, President Julian Bear Runner said the federal Indian Health Services facilities “are not well equipped.” For the tribe’s 50,000 members, there are 24 coronavirus test kits, six ventilators and four beds set aside for quarantine at the Pine Ridge Hospital. Trump lied.

That shits more than a month old.
Trumps lies about Coronaviruse go all the way back to the middle of January. What's your point?
You might as well give it up. I deal with IHS everyday. I work in healthcare. They have specific procedures they follow.
You just might, but not every Indian has access to testing, as I pointed out. My thread talks about Trump and his lies about everyone having access to testing. Remember?

And everyone does have access.
Then prove it. Because I certainly proved "you" wrong.

You haven't proved jackshit.
Some states will test anyone who shows up at a testing facility,others require a Drs note.
Asked my Doc if I should get tested since I have type 2 diabetes and was going through a problem with an infection in my hip after surgery.
He said if it would make me feel better he could write up an order or I could go down to the free test facility but he thought it would be a waste of time.
You keep crying about the lack of testing available yet you wont tell us what state you're from so we can back check your story.
Soooo...that means you're lying.
Sure I did. You have no links, no evidence, no nothing but your own wild imagination. That's not good enough.

i proved testing was not being accomplished or accessible in this country via health care professionals, and Trumps own administration. Game over for you.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


Who gives a shit

The fucking tests could be designed to detect blood cells for all we know

What was the latest country to claim they bought defective tests from China...I forget

Could it be the tests aren't defective...they were designed to detect
a different virus or strain actually infecting people in China
Everyone should give a shit, especially when Trump tells the country everyone can get a test, and it turns out to be a lie. Not giving a shit about Trumps lies is your stupidity, not mine.
Well China and WHO said nothing to see here, everything is under control
No human to human transmission, very unlikely to reach the U.S.
WHO said masks and travel restrictions weren't necessary
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What's that got to do with Trumps proven lies?
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


Who gives a shit

The fucking tests could be designed to detect blood cells for all we know

What was the latest country to claim they bought defective tests from China...I forget

Could it be the tests aren't defective...they were designed to detect
a different virus or strain actually infecting people in China
Everyone should give a shit, especially when Trump tells the country everyone can get a test, and it turns out to be a lie. Not giving a shit about Trumps lies is your stupidity, not mine.
Well China and WHO said nothing to see here, everything is under control
No human to human transmission, very unlikely to reach the U.S.
WHO said masks and travel restrictions weren't necessary
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What's that got to do with Trumps proven lies?
Don't hate the player, hate the game
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


Who gives a shit

The fucking tests could be designed to detect blood cells for all we know

What was the latest country to claim they bought defective tests from China...I forget

Could it be the tests aren't defective...they were designed to detect
a different virus or strain actually infecting people in China
Everyone should give a shit, especially when Trump tells the country everyone can get a test, and it turns out to be a lie. Not giving a shit about Trumps lies is your stupidity, not mine.

Everyone CAN get a test, if they want and need one. Millions have already been given.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


View attachment 335264
Nothing like a post in search of an argument.
No need to argue against the phony ginned up hysteria, that you've obviously fallen for.

I simply don't give a fuck about testing, and am unlikely to care at any point in the future.
We'll, that's the whole point of the thread. You don't give a fuck. Republicans just do not care about anything but themselves, and certainly could give two shits who gets the virus. Your protests about opening the economy without protection proved that. And we certainly know Trump could care less. The more dead the better. Genocide is his game.
The whole point of the thread is for you to try and get others as worked up about a non-issue as you are....And you've failed.

Testing is absolutely useless for anything other than to decide a course of action for someone already infected...As useless as this thread.
It's not a non-issue. It is a record of fact. Ask the health professionals on the frontline. Even the health care people in Trumps own administration admitted there is not enough testing.

I can get tested tomorrow.
I guess you must live in a blue state where they put the infected into nursing homes to kill off the elderly.
What does putting the infected into nursing homes have to do with getting tested? Lol! You can get tested tomorrow? I can't. Trump lied.

What state do you live in?
Just trying to point out the ineptitude of blue states.
If you're dumb enough to put the infected into nursing homes it wouldnt surprise me if they couldnt manage to test the population of that state.
They even managed to have testing sites for the Navajo Nation. All states have them.
Not all indian nations have access to testing. Trump is a liar.

Derpity... derp,derp,derp!!!
And in conclusion..Derp.
"Coming to Indian country?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:So, you admit I'm right. Trump was lying, when back in April he said anyone could get a test. And it's just coming to Indians? Shit man. You're a lot of fun with your bs.

Those indians can leave the res,you know that right?
So no,nothing was stopping them from getting tested.
Yep and for free.
Less than adequate health facilities are another concern. At the Oglala Sioux in South Dakota, President Julian Bear Runner said the federal Indian Health Services facilities “are not well equipped.” For the tribe’s 50,000 members, there are 24 coronavirus test kits, six ventilators and four beds set aside for quarantine at the Pine Ridge Hospital. Trump lied.

That shits more than a month old.
Trumps lies about Coronaviruse go all the way back to the middle of January. What's your point?
You might as well give it up. I deal with IHS everyday. I work in healthcare. They have specific procedures they follow.
You just might, but not every Indian has access to testing, as I pointed out. My thread talks about Trump and his lies about everyone having access to testing. Remember?

And everyone does have access.
Then prove it. Because I certainly proved "you" wrong.

You haven't proved jackshit.
Some states will test anyone who shows up at a testing facility,others require a Drs note.
Asked my Doc if I should get tested since I have type 2 diabetes and was going through a problem with an infection in my hip after surgery.
He said if it would make me feel better he could write up an order or I could go down to the free test facility but he thought it would be a waste of time.
You keep crying about the lack of testing available yet you wont tell us what state you're from so we can back check your story.
Soooo...that means you're lying.
Sure I did. You have no links, no evidence, no nothing but your own wild imagination. That's not good enough.

i proved testing was not being accomplished or accessible in this country via health care professionals, and Trumps own administration. Game over for you.

Funny. My Doc was able to get me one on the spot if I wanted one.
Maybe if you weren't enrolled in barrycare you could get better results.
All 50 states have testing sites.
How many tests do they have?
Per Abbot Labs:

“Through Saturday, April 11, we have shipped 566,000 of our rapid ID NOW tests to all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and the Pacific Islands,” Abbott said in a statement. “The majority of these tests have been sent to outbreak hotspots and we’ve asked that customers prioritize front-line health care workers and first responders. We’re currently manufacturing 50,000 tests per day, plan to increase ID NOW manufacturing capacity to 2 million tests a month by June and are working to expand beyond that.”

Plus there are several smaller bio labs also manufacturing these tests.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


Who gives a shit

The fucking tests could be designed to detect blood cells for all we know

What was the latest country to claim they bought defective tests from China...I forget

Could it be the tests aren't defective...they were designed to detect
a different virus or strain actually infecting people in China
Everyone should give a shit, especially when Trump tells the country everyone can get a test, and it turns out to be a lie. Not giving a shit about Trumps lies is your stupidity, not mine.
Well China and WHO said nothing to see here, everything is under control
No human to human transmission, very unlikely to reach the U.S.
WHO said masks and travel restrictions weren't necessary
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What's that got to do with Trumps proven lies?
Don't hate the player, hate the game
A liar Trump is your player, and getting you dead is his game.
All 50 states have testing sites.
How many tests do they have?
Per Abbot Labs:

“Through Saturday, April 11, we have shipped 566,000 of our rapid ID NOW tests to all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and the Pacific Islands,” Abbott said in a statement. “The majority of these tests have been sent to outbreak hotspots and we’ve asked that customers prioritize front-line health care workers and first responders. We’re currently manufacturing 50,000 tests per day, plan to increase ID NOW manufacturing capacity to 2 million tests a month by June and are working to expand beyond that.”

Plus there are several smaller bio labs also manufacturing these tests.
That's all great. Too bad we had to deal with two and a half months of calling it a hoax and down playing the virus with lies. And I do mean dozens and dozens of lies. And those lies got thousands killed. And Trump still thinks we don't need that many tests. The guy is eaten up inside with evil, because no one is that stupid to really believe that. Testing, tracing, and isolation is the only way to beat this thing down. Everyone knows that.
Trump still insists ‘anyone’ can get tested for coronavirus; it's not true. The lies never end with Donald Trump, and the failures of dealing with this pandemic are a testament to those failures.


Who gives a shit

The fucking tests could be designed to detect blood cells for all we know

What was the latest country to claim they bought defective tests from China...I forget

Could it be the tests aren't defective...they were designed to detect
a different virus or strain actually infecting people in China
Everyone should give a shit, especially when Trump tells the country everyone can get a test, and it turns out to be a lie. Not giving a shit about Trumps lies is your stupidity, not mine.
Well China and WHO said nothing to see here, everything is under control
No human to human transmission, very unlikely to reach the U.S.
WHO said masks and travel restrictions weren't necessary
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What's that got to do with Trumps proven lies?
Don't hate the player, hate the game
A liar Trump is your player, and getting you dead is his game.


  • Number of deaths: 2,813,503
  • Death rate: 863.8 deaths per 100,000 population


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