Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

Human trafficking: "the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation:"

Kidnapping: "the action of abducting someone and holding them captive."

Please tell us when & how DeSantis did either of these things and provide evidence.
Your credibility is now fucked.
Dumb ass

Desantis decieved them by promising jobs and cash.
But it raises an important question, if the President wishes to declassify something, who does he/she tell for authorisation?

His staff. The documents or secrets that are declassified have to be studied and cross referenced so as not to harm our allies or intelligence assets. Trump is dumb as shit.
So your President needs authorisation to do things?

Yes. Trump has claimed all sorts of power. He's never read the constitution.. Said it was too hard like a foreign language. The whole concept of the presidency is over his head. He thinks he's king rather than servant.
Perhaps there is an argument..for a sitting President..perhaps. But Trump is just a citizen now..and has no special powers. His actions do not last past his term..and Biden removed all his clearances the very first day of his Presidency~
So what? They were already declassified, making them open to public records anyway.
DT has copies of public records.

Are you saying Pedo Joe took public records & re-classified them after the fact?
That would be really, really stupid but I could see him doing that.
Still wouldn't matter though.
DT had them either legally or in the same manner but better secured than Barry had his millions of docs in Shitown & HRC had on an illegal server designed to circumvent FOIA requests on her activities.
Unless you are willing to drag the Obama's & Clintons into court & make them face the exact same charges, I could care less about your feelings on the matter
So what? They were already declassified, making them open to public records anyway.
DT has copies of public records.

Are you saying Pedo Joe took public records & re-classified them after the fact?
That would be really, really stupid but I could see him doing that.
Still wouldn't matter though.
DT had them either legally or in the same manner but better secured than Barry had his millions of docs in Shitown & HRC had on an illegal server designed to circumvent FOIA requests on her activities.
Unless you are willing to drag the Obama's & Clintons into court & make them face the exact same charges, I could care less about your feelings on the matter

Trump already said that he took the documents because he was afraid Biden would destroy them.

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