Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

If Trump says it's declassified. It's declassified.
Today on his " truth social " trump said he was second only to Jesus. So with your line of thinking that makes him a god or a demigod. He Is getting more outrageous than ever, to the common person that would make him psychotic at the least. But I've been thinking about this and Trump is a true con artist. He only lets you know things about him that he wants you to know. If he wants us to all believe he's insane that probably means it's just another con to get them out of serving prison time. His lawyer is probably told him the only way out for him is to plead insanity. If that happens, we'll know it's just another con he's pulled over on the people of this country. Such a devious mind and such a coward, it's got to be the hardest thing to live with.
All I need is one MSM source to cover it and BOOM I will be giving you those numbers!
Mainstream means everywhere.
You know like the coverage given to anything bad about Trump.

And generally a cover-up can come in various scenarios which includes barely mentioning the story here and there.
Mainstream means everywhere.
You know like the coverage given to anything bad about Trump.

And generally a cover-up can come in various scenarios which includes barely mentioning the story here and there.

Nope, if it is covered up that means nobody is talking about it.

Too late to change definitions now
Today on his " truth social " trump said he was second only to Jesus. So with your line of thinking that makes him a god or a demigod. He Is getting more outrageous than ever, to the common person that would make him psychotic at the least. But I've been thinking about this and Trump is a true con artist. He only lets you know things about him that he wants you to know. If he wants us to all believe he's insane that probably means it's just another con to get them out of serving prison time. His lawyer is probably told him the only way out for him is to plead insanity. If that happens, we'll know it's just another con he's pulled over on the people of this country. Such a devious mind and such a coward, it's got to be the hardest thing to live with.
We're all second only to Jesus. You think Joe Biden is worth more than you are? Sad thing is, you probably do.
That is awesome, you just make me laugh out loud! Thank you.

After 38 pages of you Trump worshiping fools saying he really could do it, now all of a sudden it is hyperbole.

I had been waiting for that, and you did not disappoint me.

So since is not joining in on the bashing makes us Trump worshiping fools, then you not joining in on the Biden bashing makes you a Biden worshiping fool?

Seems thats how this works.

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
Well, if Trump ever put a ligit thought in his head, that would be the first time.

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