Trump claims we are no better than Russia

I'm not going to climb into the toilet with you Dale. I regard America as a special place and not equal to Russia in even the slightest way. We have no government organized killing of politicians or journalists
Yes you do. That the politicians or journalists are mainly foreigners is neither here nor there, except to exceptionalists.

Take your finger out of your butt, your tiny little brain is dying for oxygen.
Putin's approval rating is 85%, but libs are hell bent on starting a conflict with Russia for some dumb reason.

Who cares what Putin's approval rating is, no one is interested in a conflict with Russia.
The actions of USA.INC has killed millions since the military industrial complex and the central bankers took control of this "gubermint".....please tell me how USA.INC is innocent? Seriously....Trump is telling the honest to God blunt truth. This country has a lot of blood on it's hands. It has NEVER spread freedom....not in the entire state of it's existence. Want to debate me on this???

You're no better than Trump Mr. Smith, please tell me what journalists were deliberately murdered and what politicians were disposed of? Please provide some proof to go along with your answer.

Are you claiming that whistle blowers, politicians and journalists inside of the USA have never been killed for trying to expose the truth...but you have verified sources that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Putin had his detractors killed??? Do tell???? Let's compare notes, shall we???? You first.....

I'm not going to climb into the toilet with you Dale. I regard America as a special place and not equal to Russia in even the slightest way. We have no government organized killing of politicians or journalists and the history of Russia is long and bloody as to how they deal with their problems autocratically. Knowing the difference is more important than I can state and I'm quite sorry you don't seem to know the difference.

You are the urinal and I have been pissing all over you while you sing "Standing In The Rain" as my golden shower falls all over your sloped skull. USA.INC isn't "special"...the people are but the corporate "gubermint" that operates under admiralty/ UCC (Universal Commercial Code) certainly isn't. The corporate intelligence agencies that have used any means necessary to fund black ops using drugs, weapons and human trafficking (including children) has been going on since the Korean War. USA.INC has no moral ground to stand on in order to judge what any country has done or does....not given their sins against humanity. It is no "shining beacon upon a hill" that lame fucks like you proclaim it to's a fucking debate me on this or STFU. Yeah, politicians and whistle blowers have been "suicided" and outright murdered and if you think differently? I bet you think that Oswald acted

Keep me out of your Trump golden showers fantasy Dale, I'm not interested in your sexual proclivities. The American president doesn't run down America ever and to tolerate that makes you no better. Every loyal American should be outraged that the American president, the leader of our country has smeared us to the world. Donald Trump isn't fit to lead and your Alex Jones conspiracy theories are mentally disturbed aberrations and have nothing to do with reality. The Kennedy Assassination has never been settled so saying it was a government conspiracy without proof is just nuts.

Please, by all means....try and make and make an argument as to why you believe that I am wrong and allow me a rebuttal or simply STFU....because at the end of the day or this thread? I will bury you under an avalanche of facts complete with declassified data. As far as I know, Russia/ the USSR never buried children alive for hours at a time in shit, blood and corpses in order to traumatize them like what happens under the MK-Ultra program in order to break them down and cause multiple personalities and create altars.......or sodomize them and sexually abuse them to the point that they break down and their personalities fragmented.....debate me on this, asswipe......bring it on, fuckface....fuck you and fuck USA.INC.....
Who cares what Putin's approval rating is, no one is interested in a conflict with Russia.
You're no better than Trump Mr. Smith, please tell me what journalists were deliberately murdered and what politicians were disposed of? Please provide some proof to go along with your answer.

Are you claiming that whistle blowers, politicians and journalists inside of the USA have never been killed for trying to expose the truth...but you have verified sources that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Putin had his detractors killed??? Do tell???? Let's compare notes, shall we???? You first.....

I'm not going to climb into the toilet with you Dale. I regard America as a special place and not equal to Russia in even the slightest way. We have no government organized killing of politicians or journalists and the history of Russia is long and bloody as to how they deal with their problems autocratically. Knowing the difference is more important than I can state and I'm quite sorry you don't seem to know the difference.

You are the urinal and I have been pissing all over you while you sing "Standing In The Rain" as my golden shower falls all over your sloped skull. USA.INC isn't "special"...the people are but the corporate "gubermint" that operates under admiralty/ UCC (Universal Commercial Code) certainly isn't. The corporate intelligence agencies that have used any means necessary to fund black ops using drugs, weapons and human trafficking (including children) has been going on since the Korean War. USA.INC has no moral ground to stand on in order to judge what any country has done or does....not given their sins against humanity. It is no "shining beacon upon a hill" that lame fucks like you proclaim it to's a fucking debate me on this or STFU. Yeah, politicians and whistle blowers have been "suicided" and outright murdered and if you think differently? I bet you think that Oswald acted

Keep me out of your Trump golden showers fantasy Dale, I'm not interested in your sexual proclivities. The American president doesn't run down America ever and to tolerate that makes you no better. Every loyal American should be outraged that the American president, the leader of our country has smeared us to the world. Donald Trump isn't fit to lead and your Alex Jones conspiracy theories are mentally disturbed aberrations and have nothing to do with reality. The Kennedy Assassination has never been settled so saying it was a government conspiracy without proof is just nuts.

Please, by all means....try and make and make an argument as to why you believe that I am wrong and allow me a rebuttal or simply STFU....because at the end of the day or this thread? I will bury you under an avalanche of facts complete with declassified data. As far as I know, Russia/ the USSR never buried children alive for hours at a time in shit, blood and corpses in order to traumatize them like what happens under the MK-Ultra program in order to break them down and cause multiple personalities and create altars.......or sodomize them and sexually abuse them to the point that they break down and their personalities fragmented.....debate me on this, asswipe......bring it on, fuckface....fuck you and fuck USA.INC.....

You're an idiot Dale and I'm not going to discuss conspiracy theory with you. Take a Prozac and go to bed.
Are you claiming that whistle blowers, politicians and journalists inside of the USA have never been killed for trying to expose the truth...but you have verified sources that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Putin had his detractors killed??? Do tell???? Let's compare notes, shall we???? You first.....

I'm not going to climb into the toilet with you Dale. I regard America as a special place and not equal to Russia in even the slightest way. We have no government organized killing of politicians or journalists and the history of Russia is long and bloody as to how they deal with their problems autocratically. Knowing the difference is more important than I can state and I'm quite sorry you don't seem to know the difference.

You are the urinal and I have been pissing all over you while you sing "Standing In The Rain" as my golden shower falls all over your sloped skull. USA.INC isn't "special"...the people are but the corporate "gubermint" that operates under admiralty/ UCC (Universal Commercial Code) certainly isn't. The corporate intelligence agencies that have used any means necessary to fund black ops using drugs, weapons and human trafficking (including children) has been going on since the Korean War. USA.INC has no moral ground to stand on in order to judge what any country has done or does....not given their sins against humanity. It is no "shining beacon upon a hill" that lame fucks like you proclaim it to's a fucking debate me on this or STFU. Yeah, politicians and whistle blowers have been "suicided" and outright murdered and if you think differently? I bet you think that Oswald acted

Keep me out of your Trump golden showers fantasy Dale, I'm not interested in your sexual proclivities. The American president doesn't run down America ever and to tolerate that makes you no better. Every loyal American should be outraged that the American president, the leader of our country has smeared us to the world. Donald Trump isn't fit to lead and your Alex Jones conspiracy theories are mentally disturbed aberrations and have nothing to do with reality. The Kennedy Assassination has never been settled so saying it was a government conspiracy without proof is just nuts.

Please, by all means....try and make and make an argument as to why you believe that I am wrong and allow me a rebuttal or simply STFU....because at the end of the day or this thread? I will bury you under an avalanche of facts complete with declassified data. As far as I know, Russia/ the USSR never buried children alive for hours at a time in shit, blood and corpses in order to traumatize them like what happens under the MK-Ultra program in order to break them down and cause multiple personalities and create altars.......or sodomize them and sexually abuse them to the point that they break down and their personalities fragmented.....debate me on this, asswipe......bring it on, fuckface....fuck you and fuck USA.INC.....

You're an idiot Dale and I'm not going to discuss conspiracy theory with you. Take a Prozac and go to bed.

I am an "idiot"? But yet you don't even know where to place a "comma"???? You are bowing out of a well you should, because I would smack the ever-loving shit out of you and with great gusto. Run away, little are in over your head and gasping for air.
Take your finger out of your butt, your tiny little brain is dying for oxygen.
Any time you want to debate whether the US plans to kill foreign journalists and politicians just say the word. Somehow I think you'll be spending that time licking your finger.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


So much for American Exceptionalism.
Once again, had President Obama said that, you lying bastards would have been calling him a traitor.

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.
So, you think the same of this nation? Nice to know how you assholes really regard your nation.

Yes, we have killed innocents in this nation and others. But we acknowledge the evil that was done. Putin and Russia simply brush it off as 'Realpolitic'. And that is the attitude that the orange clown would like adopted here. Especially concerning murdering journalists that report on what the government is doing.

Putin kills his domestic political rivals and journalists. He was probably also behind the bombing of a movie theatre that killed hundreds of Russian citizens in an attempt to step up a war in Chechnya and consolidate power.

There's a difference.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


The actions of USA.INC has killed millions since the military industrial complex and the central bankers took control of this "gubermint".....please tell me how USA.INC is innocent? Seriously....Trump is telling the honest to God blunt truth. This country has a lot of blood on it's hands. It has NEVER spread freedom....not in the entire state of it's existence. Want to debate me on this???
Are you a Russian minion? How much do they pay you?

Dale Smith is a Russian spy.

I've read thousands of his posts.

All the evidence points to no other conclusion.
"Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this"
And they're right, and they also actually said that without claiming it was trump who said it...what I want to see is the trump claim where he said
"Trump claims we are no better than Russia"

The wjs piece actually gives it some perspective, even if this were true or that we are worse for that matter, you fix it, not go public with looks to me like he was caught up in a question or claim he was not prepared for and tried to extricate himself with false moral equivalency. [didn't see the interview]
"Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this"
And they're right, and they also actually said that without claiming it was trump who said it...what I want to see is the trump claim where he said
"Trump claims we are no better than Russia"

The wjs piece actually gives it some perspective, even if this were true or that we are worse for that matter, you fix it, not go public with looks to me like he was caught up in a question or claim he was not prepared for and tried to extricate himself with false moral equivalency. [didn't see the interview]

He has said it several times before.
Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?".
This is only a guess, but maybe in his mind, Trump is trying to keep lines of communication open with Putin for the future.

Who knows. This is just a daily shit storm of pure madness at this point. A little overwhelming. Numbing.

Republicans screamed when Obama said negative stuff about America. How do they feel about this?
"Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this"
And they're right, and they also actually said that without claiming it was trump who said it...what I want to see is the trump claim where he said
"Trump claims we are no better than Russia"

The wjs piece actually gives it some perspective, even if this were true or that we are worse for that matter, you fix it, not go public with looks to me like he was caught up in a question or claim he was not prepared for and tried to extricate himself with false moral equivalency. [didn't see the interview]

He has said it several times before.
which one? I don't believe the OP's claim, if he has actually made that claim several times previously then the OP is correct, if he has never said it then he is wrong...if he made the latter claim several times before then he needs to either fix it or admit it is now his policy to continue it and then let the chips fall
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”

It is because the US bombing the world is considered a good thing. People got liberated from their families, homes and friends. Free amputations and nuclear energy.
Putin has something on Trump it is so obvious..

Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him

WASHINGTON — The chiefs of America’s intelligence agencies last week presented President Obama and President-elect Donald J. Trump with a summary of unsubstantiated reports that Russia had collected compromising and salacious personal information about Mr. Trump, two officials with knowledge of the briefing said.
Trump has been briefed on what Russia has on him

His unwillingness to condemn them and now equate our own actions to Russia seems to show it may be significant

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