Trump-Clinton Vitalogy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It can be argued that the Clinton administration of the 1990s was the beginning of the populist revolution in American politics. The rise of user-access marketing (i.e., social networking websites such as Facebook) raises the volume of people-ended culture, and even Hollywood (USA) has responded to this trend by making movies such as "The Wolf of Wall Street" [2013].

When Barack Obama was elected into the presidency, we had our first ethnic minority First Lady of the USA (Michelle Obama). Now, with wealth-wizard Donald Trump running for office, people are talking about a Hillary Clinton - Donald Trump square-dance as the ultimate populism symbol of competitive 'media-friendly politics.'

Everyone can guess that both Hillary and Donald have profile pages on Facebook. Trump is leading in the Republican polls, and Clinton is leading in the Democratic polls, though Trump is leading by a greater margin in his party.

I wanted to post something about politics marketing (is that an oxymoron?).

Even if Donald Trump loses the presidential race (and to Hillary Clinton), his involvement in competitive politics should have people talking/thinking more favorably about capitalism margaritas.

Do you have a favorite Clinton-Trump joke?

I am leaning towards Donald Trump, because America needs capitalism-optimism, so this post is more about 'Trumpian Topology.'


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