Trump: Comes is scum

Trump: Comey Is ‘Scum’

President Trump sounded off about the inspector general’s report into improper behavior within the FBI in the lead up to the election, saying that James Comey the “worst” FBI head in history, and referring to him as the ‘scum on top’ of the bureau.

Of course he is a scum, a lying pos scum that should be the love of the left it was when he tried sinking Trump with unfair lies but the left loon don't care how someone goes down lie or not as long as they are gone. It doesn't matter who they are nor their status. It could be your neighbor..
LEARN HOW TO TYPE!!! Gory, it's annoying the way you can't type a title without a boner to save your soul. Wake up!
Bone Spur fired him because he wouldn’t be loyal to him.

Loyalty is a consideration, especially with highly political jobs like Mr. Comey's.

Why would Trump (or any other president) have disloyal individuals in positions of responsibility? Would Julius Caesar have been wrong to dump Brutus, if you knew the senator was going to stick him in the back and wasn't loyal?
On October 26, Rudolph Giuliani appeared on Fox News and said, “We got a couple things up our sleeve that should turn this around. Even the liberal pollsters will get to see.” When pressed about what these surprises would be, Giuliani broke into a smile and said, “You’ll see. Ha ha ha.”

The True Story of the Comey Letter Debacle

Along came info of the 15 year old NC girl Weiner was texting. Of course we won't ever know who this was as she was a minor, she might of been 25 for all we know.
Bone Spur fired him because he wouldn’t be loyal to him.

Loyalty is a consideration, especially with highly political jobs like Mr. Comey's.

Why would Trump (or any other president) have disloyal individuals in positions of responsibility? Would Julius Caesar have been wrong to dump Brutus, if you knew the senator was going to stick him in the back and wasn't loyal?

It is not Comey’s job to be loyal to Trump. It was Comeys job to be loyal to the FBI and the United States.
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Comey is a jackass

Comey got hit pretty bad by yesterday's IG report.

Maybe President Trump has decided to go full boar after him with everything he got. Make an example of this guy.

After his President fired him Mr. Comey should have just retired to seniors community in Boca Raton and devoted the rest of his life to his bocce game.

But instead he decided to do battle with Donald J Trump, which isn't a smart idea.
Ooooohhhhh----he might get a MEAN TWEET!
I'm sure working for that bastard was worse than anything Trump can do to him now.
It is not Comey’s job to be loyal to Trump. It was Comeys job to be loyal to the FBI and the United States.

The FBI reports the the Dept of Justice and AG Magoo, who reports to the President.

The idea that the FBI is an independent autonomous Secret Police outfit that are untouchable by the Congress or the President isn't an American one. Comey probably got that idea off of Nick Yezhov, who got fired for this same kind of treachery back in the 1930's.

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