Trump Confesses Just Before Key Classified Docs Hearing

He possessed the documents after he left office, at which point in time he was required to return the classified documents by the Espionage Act.
oh stop with your ignorance already. I think we've played your game long enough. John Fitzpatrick covers the reasons and you ignore them.
He possessed the documents after he left office, at which point in time he was required to return the classified documents by the Espionage Act.
except for the fact POTUS said they are his to keep,,

as for your espionage claim,, that info exists in his head,, so it can never really be taken from him,,
Trump has yet to state in court that he declassified them.
I believe he actually did try that once, In a filing regarding the special master. Then the special master invited Team Trump to make a list of those documents he declassified.

That made the orange pile of crap shut up immediately.
except for the fact POTUS said they are his to keep,,

as for your espionage claim,, that info exists in his head,, so it can never really be taken from him,,
The president cannot override the law.

The espionage act does not make it illegal to know classified information. It makes it illegal to retain classified information.
I believe he actually did try that once, In a filing regarding the special master. Then the special master invited Team Trump to make a list of those documents he declassified.

That made the orange pile of crap shut up immediately.
he hasn't been sworn in.
Where did he say in court they were classified?

Jesus, I swear you have the memory of a goldfish. You can't even remember what you're talking about.
why would he? he hasn't been sworn in to testify. Fk, it still is in the SCOTUS
and before he left office, he declassified them. stop already with ignoring the expert John Fitzpatrick.
There is no evidence Trump declassified all of them in one fell swoop. There is no evidence he declassified any of them. Fitzpatrick said there is a process for Trump to declassify, and Trump knows the process....which trump used to declassify other documents he insisted be declassified....

There is no evidence Trump even tried to declassify the hundreds of classified documents he took with him....
how does he forget that information??
Okay, if you're going to be absurdly pedantic, this is what the Espionage Act covers:

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