Trump Continues To Push Some of the BEST People Out of the DoD


McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
My Bro worked for the DOD and he told me that the guy was not good to work for. Bad tempered and he seemed not to get the big picture on what the real problem were. He is just like all workers in the Big DOJ DOD FBI you can be replaced.

He's not the only one. What About McMaster? Mattis? Etc. They don't respect Trump... at all. Trump wants the power of a dictator and a bunch of yes men working for him. Not only is that ALWAYS bad, but especially bad when Trump's closest military experience is watching A Few Good Men.
I don't recall douchebags like you whining when Obama did far worse.
There probably all the losers left over from the Obama nightmare, time to drain the swamp.
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
That's funny when you consider the fact that douchebags like you defended Obama who fired anyone who didn't support his agenda.

You are the KING of the strawman. Post where I defended that.

You do this in EVERY thread. Jesus dude... EVERY thread.
Every Dim defended Obama's handling of the military. Why should anyone believe you didn't?
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
My Bro worked for the DOD and he told me that the guy was not good to work for. Bad tempered and he seemed not to get the big picture on what the real problem were. He is just like all workers in the Big DOJ DOD FBI you can be replaced.

He's not the only one. What About McMaster? Mattis? Etc. They don't respect Trump... at all. Trump wants the power of a dictator and a bunch of yes men working for him. Not only is that ALWAYS bad, but especially bad when Trump's closest military experience is watching A Few Good Men.
I don't recall douchebags like you whining when Obama did far worse.

Another Strawman. You are 2 for 2. You are either too dumb to understand every one of your posts are a fallacy, or too dumb to do have a real discussion that doesn't involve fallacies.
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
That's funny when you consider the fact that douchebags like you defended Obama who fired anyone who didn't support his agenda.

You are the KING of the strawman. Post where I defended that.

You do this in EVERY thread. Jesus dude... EVERY thread.
Every Dim defended Obama's handling of the military. Why should anyone believe you didn't?

3 for 3. I'm not a democrat, and not every democrat agreed with what Obama did all the time. There is no fucking way you are an engineer. You aren't even smart enough to be a domestic engineer.

For example... Obama bragged about how good he was at killing people with drones. He caught flak for that from people on both sides.
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump

McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
You'll live. As will all of us. He should have expunged all the holdovers from the start.
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
That's funny when you consider the fact that douchebags like you defended Obama who fired anyone who didn't support his agenda.

You are the KING of the strawman. Post where I defended that.

You do this in EVERY thread. Jesus dude... EVERY thread.
Every Dim defended Obama's handling of the military. Why should anyone believe you didn't?

3 for 3. I'm not a democrat, and not every democrat agreed with what Obama did all the time. There is no fucking way you are an engineer. You aren't even smart enough to be a domestic engineer.

For example... Obama bragged about how good he was at killing people with drones. He caught flak for that from people on both sides.
A terrible example. War is war. Obama was wise to use the drones the way he did. Should have used them more. We should be using them EVERY TIME a terrorist cell pops up on the radar.
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
That's funny when you consider the fact that douchebags like you defended Obama who fired anyone who didn't support his agenda.

You are the KING of the strawman. Post where I defended that.

You do this in EVERY thread. Jesus dude... EVERY thread.
Every Dim defended Obama's handling of the military. Why should anyone believe you didn't?

3 for 3. I'm not a democrat, and not every democrat agreed with what Obama did all the time. There is no fucking way you are an engineer. You aren't even smart enough to be a domestic engineer.

For example... Obama bragged about how good he was at killing people with drones. He caught flak for that from people on both sides.
A terrible example. War is war. Obama was wise to use the drones the way he did. Should have used them more. We should be using them EVERY TIME a terrorist cell pops up on the radar.

Even in war there are rules of engagement. Obama ran as a President that was going to get the U.S. out of wars... like entirely out of Afghanistan by Christmas. That didn't happen, and instead he bragged about using drones to kill people.
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
He resigned because he can't be a loyal soldier...fuck him...TRUMP didn't push anyone out,this SNOWFLAKE left on his own accord...Mattis SUPPOSEDLY is on his way out because he and Trump butt heads on Trump's policies for foreign policy and a few other things....shit happens. Why would you keep someone you don't agree with when YOU are the boss? Personally I like Mattis and I think he has kept us out of a few major incidents with his calm head but Trump is the boss so what he says goes....wonder who will be his next SOD.

He gave Trump a chance to show he could be a leader, Trump failed over and over. Leaders don't accept responsibility only for success and then blame others for failures. Leaders don't stand next to the leader of another country that attacked us and take their side over his own people.

It's a sad state of affairs when we have citizens in our country, that one minute attack "kneelers" far saying they are disrespecting our military, and then the next minute call our military heroes partisan deep state pieces of trash the next. I'm not sure if some of Trump's supporters understand how stupid that looks. For a President that claims to be such a military supporter, he sure doesn't have many leaders from the military who support him back.

No, Trump's two worthless predecessors failed this country with their never ending wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. Let's not kid ourselves. O and W were despicable.
He resigned because he can't be a loyal soldier...fuck him...TRUMP didn't push anyone out,this SNOWFLAKE left on his own accord...Mattis SUPPOSEDLY is on his way out because he and Trump butt heads on Trump's policies for foreign policy and a few other things....shit happens. Why would you keep someone you don't agree with when YOU are the boss? Personally I like Mattis and I think he has kept us out of a few major incidents with his calm head but Trump is the boss so what he says goes....wonder who will be his next SOD.

He gave Trump a chance to show he could be a leader, Trump failed over and over. Leaders don't accept responsibility only for success and then blame others for failures. Leaders don't stand next to the leader of another country that attacked us and take their side over his own people.

It's a sad state of affairs when we have citizens in our country, that one minute attack "kneelers" far saying they are disrespecting our military, and then the next minute call our military heroes partisan deep state pieces of trash the next. I'm not sure if some of Trump's supporters understand how stupid that looks. For a President that claims to be such a military supporter, he sure doesn't have many leaders from the military who support him back.
He is a disloyal PUNK who had no business being in the position he was,Trump is draining the deep state swamp and I love it! One less military leader who was disloyal and working AGAINST American interests for his OWN interests...No one attacked us snowflake,your candidate was just a SHIT candidate,who lied every time she opened her mouth,didn't give a shit about middle America and failed to listen to her TWO TERM former president husband!

No he just finally realized whatever he said or did would not matter because Trump is going to do what Trump wants to do regardless of whether it was the right thing to do or not.

It is going to take several years after Trump is out of office for the military to build back up leaders in positions that know what they are doing.
Bullshit. He is NOT the President he is an officer who takes orders from the President. Maybe he should run for office if he doesn't like how things are done...I wonder did he whine this much when Obama went on his bow and apologize tour of the world? Trump loves our military and he expects loyalty and so do the American people.

It doesn't matter if someone is the President... if they make an unlawful order and make decisions that are half-cocked and put people in danger, they can be refused. Trump doesn't know shit about military or diplomacy, and he has now shown he doesn't want to listen to those that do know. Would you work for a boss that was ruining the company, showed you no respect, and was putting your co-workers in danger?
Yeah because things aren't going better than they were under Obama...I don't agree with his approach to Iran but its working,Its working with North Korea,its working with China,its worked with Mexico,I just read Canada is starting to make concessions on their dairy industry which is a HUGE deal in the trade reworkings,he has gotten NATO to get their asses in gear and pay their fair share...
McRaven is now gone, and rumors are Mattis will follow soon. Trump's actions before were just appalling and embarrassing, now they are actually dangerous and affecting the military intelligence and guidance of the U.S. The U.S. needs past leaders in the military to teach the younger guys what to do... and we are losing those patriots.

"Retired Adm. William "Bill" McRaven, who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, resigned from his post on the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board last month, just days after he publicly criticized President Donald Trump, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday.

"I can confirm that Admiral (ret) William H. McRaven resigned from the Defense Innovation Board, effective August 20, 2018,” Heather Babb, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, told ABC News on Thursday. "The Department appreciates his service and contribution on the board."

The Defense Innovation Board is an independent advisory committee to the Pentagon specializing in issues related to technology and innovation.

His resignation was first reported by Defense News on Thursday."

Bin Laden raid commander resigns from Pentagon board after criticizing Trump
What part of "Draining the Swamp" did you not understand?

The only swamp part of McRaven might be the one he trained in as a Seal. I thought you guys respected military heroes? I mean you argue about kneelers disrespecting the military... but look right here at you doing it yourself. Fucking hypocrites.
Just because you are a Seal does not make you a hero

Bronze Stars, and 37 years of military service and leadership do... including leading the raid that killed the leader of 9/11.
He killed Bush and Netanyahu!? Wow didn't know that.
mcraven is bound by law to follow the orders of the President Trump and 'CiC; Lew .

Not unlawful orders. :rolleyes:
He doesn't have to worry about it now. He can go sit at home with his pussy hat on his head and reading Rules for Radicals now whining about muh resistance.

Good to see you don't respect those that make this country safe for you to live. I wouldn't expect anything different from you.
Think about it. The 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school while Bill Clinton was busy bombing Yugoslavia into the stone age. Our "intelligence" networks couldn't figure out that Benghazi might be a target on the anniversary of 9-11 and everyone in the Obama administration seemed powerless to help the defenders as they ran out of ammunition. Obama apparently used the FBI to conduct an illegal surveillance on a political opponent and now the crazy left is suddenly worried about "the Defense Innovation Board"? Give me a freaking break.
Think about it. The 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school while Bill Clinton was busy bombing Yugoslavia into the stone age. Our "intelligence" networks couldn't figure out that Benghazi might be a target on the anniversary of 9-11 and everyone in the Obama administration seemed powerless to help the defenders as they ran out of ammunition. Obama apparently used the FBI to conduct an illegal surveillance on a political opponent and now the crazy left is suddenly worried about "the Defense Innovation Board"? Give me a freaking break.

That had to do with Hillary paying a private company to do protection there and not Marines. It wasn't even a GOOD private company. That had nothing to do with the guys I'm talking about in this thread.
That's funny when you consider the fact that douchebags like you defended Obama who fired anyone who didn't support his agenda.

You are the KING of the strawman. Post where I defended that.

You do this in EVERY thread. Jesus dude... EVERY thread.
Every Dim defended Obama's handling of the military. Why should anyone believe you didn't?

3 for 3. I'm not a democrat, and not every democrat agreed with what Obama did all the time. There is no fucking way you are an engineer. You aren't even smart enough to be a domestic engineer.

For example... Obama bragged about how good he was at killing people with drones. He caught flak for that from people on both sides.
A terrible example. War is war. Obama was wise to use the drones the way he did. Should have used them more. We should be using them EVERY TIME a terrorist cell pops up on the radar.

Even in war there are rules of engagement. Obama ran as a President that was going to get the U.S. out of wars... like entirely out of Afghanistan by Christmas. That didn't happen, and instead he bragged about using drones to kill people.
Figures when he did something right the left had a fit
You are the KING of the strawman. Post where I defended that.

You do this in EVERY thread. Jesus dude... EVERY thread.
Every Dim defended Obama's handling of the military. Why should anyone believe you didn't?

3 for 3. I'm not a democrat, and not every democrat agreed with what Obama did all the time. There is no fucking way you are an engineer. You aren't even smart enough to be a domestic engineer.

For example... Obama bragged about how good he was at killing people with drones. He caught flak for that from people on both sides.
A terrible example. War is war. Obama was wise to use the drones the way he did. Should have used them more. We should be using them EVERY TIME a terrorist cell pops up on the radar.

Even in war there are rules of engagement. Obama ran as a President that was going to get the U.S. out of wars... like entirely out of Afghanistan by Christmas. That didn't happen, and instead he bragged about using drones to kill people.
Figures when he did something right the left had a fit

Do you have any idea how many innocent civilians have been casualties from drone strikes?

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