Trump Could Pardon Himself if Elected POTUS


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2023
Highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley talks with Jesse Waters about the indictments and opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.

It could be part of his campaign in 2023-24.

Professor Turley starts talking about Trump pardoning himself at 01:50.

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If Trump is not elected next fall, expect the country to have a repeat of J6.

The Right is straight up thuggish.

They will try to trash the county until they are beaten down, rolled into the gutter, and washed away in the storm drains.
Highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley talks with Jesse Waters about the indictments and opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.

It could be part of his campaign in 2023-24.

Professor Turley starts talking about Trump pardoning himself at 01:50.

This issue could become a boon for Republicans, since it would put an end to these obviously corrupt federal prosecutions.
Not for a state conviction. If he is elected next year, expect the country to have a repeat of the summer of Floyd. The Left has become straight up thuggish. If they can't cheat their way in again, they'll burn it down.
Let it go down in their areas. Contain it to their areas. Allowing individuals self-defense in the areas not Prog. Its all-in front of us now. It is just what each person believes in and computing what is better for the future even if they disagree.
Highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley talks with Jesse Waters about the indictments and opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.

It could be part of his campaign in 2023-24.

Professor Turley starts talking about Trump pardoning himself at 01:50.

Why pardon himself when he can just have the DOJ prosecutors fired, replaced by his own people, who then instantly dismiss the case? Trump has lots of options once he becomes president.
Highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley talks with Jesse Waters about the indictments and opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.

It could be part of his campaign in 2023-24.

Professor Turley starts talking about Trump pardoning himself at 01:50.


Um, if you are talking about pardoning yourself - something no president, not even Nixon, ever contemplated - then we are lost.
Um, if you are talking about pardoning yourself - something no president, not even Nixon, ever contemplated - then we are lost.
No other POTUS has ever tried to actually change DC and be perceived as jeopardizing the Uniparty. As for "being lost", you ain't seen nuthin yet.
No other POTUS has ever tried to actually change DC and be perceived as jeopardizing the Uniparty. As for "being lost", you ain't seen nuthin yet.

Oh, let's get real. Biden will easily beat Trump for a second term. The only reason why he won in 2016 was because there was so much voter suppression going on in the key swing states, and that won't be a factor this time.

And Trump is going to get convicted in at least one of the court cases he is facing. Maybe all of them.
Actually though, I'm beginning to wonder if President Biden should pardon the ex-President for the good of the country.
Such a request has to be made (a) in writing, (b) acknowledge guilt of the crimes, (c) be signed personally by the ex-President, (d) delivered in person by the next President, and (e) video taped for prosperity.

Highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley talks with Jesse Waters about the indictments and opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.

It could be part of his campaign in 2023-24.

Professor Turley starts talking about Trump pardoning himself at 01:50.


Trump is promising a bunch of pardons

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