Trump Could Pardon Himself if Elected POTUS

rightwinger is not a rightwinger nor is he very bright.
Yeah, thanks, I knew that. How many weeks have you been here?

E. Jean Carroll was not "sexually assaulted" by Donald Trump. She is just a pawn they are using to try to stop MAGA. The administrative state is terrified of Donald Trump and anything goes to keep him from running in 2024.
Whatever really happened, that was like 30 years ago and she never said nothing to nobody until recently, nor is there any evidence to support her claim other then specious.

All these fake charges are being pursued because they know Trump can win in 2024.
Of that you can be sure. If it were anyone else, they would have thrown all these cases out if based only on the Limitations Statute if ever opened to begin with.

The ends justify the means. The truth and rule of law do not apply.
That is the mantra of the Left. They are destroying democracy while purporting to be saving it. When the truth doesn't fit the agenda, they silence the facts and whose media then manufactures new "evidence." And when the rules and laws don't fit nor allow, like the 2020 election, they go nationwide and somehow magically get them all changed to suit their needs. And if that doesn't work, they just go around the laws and ignore them, as they did in four 2020 key swing states so they could include millions of illegal ballots.

Trump's popularity with voters is increasing.
Funny, if Joe Biden or the government were doing anything halfway good for helping people, don't you think they'd be popular too? But do not underestimate the effort to stop and get Trump. There is a good chance they will succeed in convicting him of something just to taint his election if not outright take him off the ballot because they know Trump is getting too old that if he's not elected next year, that will pretty much be it for him politically. And more so, they want to bust him so they can criminalize the entire MAGA movement as per J6 as a lesson and a threat to all in government of what might happen to them too if they ever try to clean up Washington and restore honest, constitutional government of the people ever again.
I have more facts than would fill an Olympic swimming pool, all carefully researched and gathered by experts spending years and years on them.
Sure. I bet you also have a really hot girlfriend and a Ferrari.

Too bad no one will ever be able to see them. Just like your “facts”.
The question of whether Trump can pardon himself can go either way. I would say no. If he could then Nixon would have done it. Granting a pardon is doing something for someone else. It's one person doing something for someone else with no expectation of a reward. It suggest that the president reviewed the case and decided that there is no harm and thus no foul. Trump granting himself a pardon would be self serving. Granting a pardon for his associate while inherently wrong is still legal. It's like plea bargain in the court system. Giving the president this type of power indicates that the granters of this power believed that it would not be abuse for self gratification purposes. It would be giving the president a get out of jail card with no strings attached.

A president is the head of state and represents the nation. If any person can go to jail for a crime then the President can be impeached. Removed from office and face the judicial legal system as a civilian.
The argument is that the President cannot be the judge of his own case for pardon, but SCOTUS would have the final call, I think.
MTG: your worst nightmare. Can't be bribed, can't be bought, can't be scared, won't back down.
MTG should be everyone's worst nightmare.
Electing someone that stupid should be a crime.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Blamed Wildfire on Jewish Space ...​

New York Magazine › intelligencer › article › marjorie-tay...

Jan 28, 2021 — Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a supporter of WQAnon and other conspiracy theories, has called the the execution of Democratic officials.

Appearing on the One America News Network podcast Real America With Dan Ball, Greene said: "So everything is completely out of control. Not only do we have the D.C. jail which is the D.C. Gulag but now we have Nancy Pelosi's Gazpacho Police spying on members of Congress."

In April, Greene suggested joining the military is "like throwing your life away" while discussing the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan on Fox News host Lou Dobbs' podcast.

On July 4, seven people were fatally shot at an Independence Day parade in Highland Park, Illinois, and two police officers were gunned down in Philadelphia.

Responding to the incidents on her online "MTG: Live" show, Greene said: "Two shootings on July 4: One in a rich white neighborhood and the other at a fireworks display. It almost sounds like it's designed to persuade Republicans to go along with more gun control."

Greene said other mainstream stores were selling sex toys just a few days later while giving a speech at the New York Young Republican Club.

The congresswoman said: "By the way, you can pick up a butt plug or a dildo at Target and CVS nowadays. I don't even know how we got here. This is the state that we're living in right now."

She should know, since she got divorced.
That's the problem.
You clowns on the right don't care about crimes committed, you only care about the team trump cult.

Trump endangered the security of the USA, and you don't care.
That is what is truly sad.

Nothing endangers the security of the USA more than Sandbag *Joe and the weakness of leftism.
Evidence? Idiot, that is the report coming straight from the Comer Oversight Committee which is reviewing Biden's banking and FBI papers!

And you believe them because they are from your beloved party.
Yes we are.

We want people to vote. We want American citizens to vote.

No, you don't.
If you did, you'd allow convicted felons to vote after they completed their prison terms. (which people vote for in Florida and then DeSatan used a technicality to frustrate it.)
YOu wouldn't insist on voter ID.
You wouldn't oppose mail in ballots.

You want to put as many obstacles to votings as you can because that's the only way you win.
All these fake charges are being pursued because they know Trump can win in 2024. The ends justify the means. The truth and rule of law do not apply. We must stop Trump from running for POTUS by any means necessary

Trump is being held accountable for his crimes.
Crimes he admits to

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