Trump cries when called out for attacking women

What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?
No, but I just wanted to make sure everyone sees you're just making shit up again from your fervent imagination. Again, thanks for playin'! I couldn't have done it without you.

I'm just yanking his chain, you fucking dumbass.

'his chain' ?

who's the fucking dumbass?

Speaking of dumbasses, how about forum members who think others can tell what sex they are?
Corporations will stop offshoring when it's cheaper for them to keep their operations here. Of course, that won't happen so long as commie douche bags like you insist on treating them like enemies and imposing crushing taxes and regulations on them.

Your cost estimate for deporting 11 million illegals is about 20 times the actual figure, but don't sweat it. No one expects commie douche bags to tell the truth about anything.

That wasn't my estimate of costs. The link I posted was a piece in Forbes, the right wing business magazine.

It currently costs $10,000 per person to deport an illegal. That included costs of apprehension, holding, court costs, and travel back to wherever.

Try multiplying that number by 11 million.

10,000 X 11 million =110 billion, douche bag, not 600 billion. Furthermore, the process could be greatly stream lined thereby greatly to less than $5000. Even at $110 billion, it's well worth the cost.
A 2015 study by the American Action Forum, a conservative pro-immigration group, estimates the federal government would have to spend roughly $400 billion to $600 billion to deport 11.3 million undocumented immigrants and prevent future unlawful entry into the U.S. over a 20 year time period.

- Forbes

There's no such thing as a "conservative immigration group." You just admitted they have a motive to lie about the cost, so why should anyone believe their numbers?
And yet, the conservative pro-immigration group, American Action Forum, published this report --> The Budgetary and Economic Costs of Addressing Unauthorized Immigration: Alternative Strategies - AAF

You never cease posting the dumbest shit. <smh>

Apparently you believe repeating your idiocy makes it more credible.
That wasn't my estimate of costs. The link I posted was a piece in Forbes, the right wing business magazine.

It currently costs $10,000 per person to deport an illegal. That included costs of apprehension, holding, court costs, and travel back to wherever.

Try multiplying that number by 11 million.

10,000 X 11 million =110 billion, douche bag, not 600 billion. Furthermore, the process could be greatly stream lined thereby greatly to less than $5000. Even at $110 billion, it's well worth the cost.
A 2015 study by the American Action Forum, a conservative pro-immigration group, estimates the federal government would have to spend roughly $400 billion to $600 billion to deport 11.3 million undocumented immigrants and prevent future unlawful entry into the U.S. over a 20 year time period.

- Forbes

There's no such thing as a "conservative immigration group." You just admitted they have a motive to lie about the cost, so why should anyone believe their numbers?
And yet, the conservative pro-immigration group, American Action Forum, published this report --> The Budgetary and Economic Costs of Addressing Unauthorized Immigration: Alternative Strategies - AAF

You never cease posting the dumbest shit. <smh>

Apparently you believe repeating your idiocy makes it more credible.
You think THAT refutes me posting a link to an organization you claimed doesn't exist??

10,000 X 11 million =110 billion, douche bag, not 600 billion. Furthermore, the process could be greatly stream lined thereby greatly to less than $5000. Even at $110 billion, it's well worth the cost.
A 2015 study by the American Action Forum, a conservative pro-immigration group, estimates the federal government would have to spend roughly $400 billion to $600 billion to deport 11.3 million undocumented immigrants and prevent future unlawful entry into the U.S. over a 20 year time period.

- Forbes

There's no such thing as a "conservative immigration group." You just admitted they have a motive to lie about the cost, so why should anyone believe their numbers?
And yet, the conservative pro-immigration group, American Action Forum, published this report --> The Budgetary and Economic Costs of Addressing Unauthorized Immigration: Alternative Strategies - AAF

You never cease posting the dumbest shit. <smh>

Apparently you believe repeating your idiocy makes it more credible.
You think THAT refutes me posting a link to an organization you claimed doesn't exist??


I claimed it isn't conservative, moron.
Paul Ryan Scolds Trump For Judge Attacks: 'Totally Out Of Left Field'


One day after endorsing presumptive nominee Donald Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Ryan: 'I Completely Disagree' With Trump's Attacks On 'Mexican' Judge
A 2015 study by the American Action Forum, a conservative pro-immigration group, estimates the federal government would have to spend roughly $400 billion to $600 billion to deport 11.3 million undocumented immigrants and prevent future unlawful entry into the U.S. over a 20 year time period.

- Forbes

There's no such thing as a "conservative immigration group." You just admitted they have a motive to lie about the cost, so why should anyone believe their numbers?
And yet, the conservative pro-immigration group, American Action Forum, published this report --> The Budgetary and Economic Costs of Addressing Unauthorized Immigration: Alternative Strategies - AAF

You never cease posting the dumbest shit. <smh>

Apparently you believe repeating your idiocy makes it more credible.
You think THAT refutes me posting a link to an organization you claimed doesn't exist??


I claimed it isn't conservative, moron.

They claim they are. Who the fuck are you to tell them what they are?

They espouse conservative principles. Who the fuck are you to tell them they don't?


You're every bit the raving lunatic folks here have come to learn you are.
There's no such thing as a "conservative immigration group." You just admitted they have a motive to lie about the cost, so why should anyone believe their numbers?
And yet, the conservative pro-immigration group, American Action Forum, published this report --> The Budgetary and Economic Costs of Addressing Unauthorized Immigration: Alternative Strategies - AAF

You never cease posting the dumbest shit. <smh>

Apparently you believe repeating your idiocy makes it more credible.
You think THAT refutes me posting a link to an organization you claimed doesn't exist??


I claimed it isn't conservative, moron.

They claim they are. Who the fuck are you to tell them what they are?

They espouse conservative principles. Who the fuck are you to tell them they don't?


You're every bit the raving lunatic folks here have come to learn you are.

I'm someone who knows what conservative principles are. Open borders is open conservative principle.
And yet, the conservative pro-immigration group, American Action Forum, published this report --> The Budgetary and Economic Costs of Addressing Unauthorized Immigration: Alternative Strategies - AAF

You never cease posting the dumbest shit. <smh>

Apparently you believe repeating your idiocy makes it more credible.
You think THAT refutes me posting a link to an organization you claimed doesn't exist??


I claimed it isn't conservative, moron.

They claim they are. Who the fuck are you to tell them what they are?

They espouse conservative principles. Who the fuck are you to tell them they don't?


You're every bit the raving lunatic folks here have come to learn you are.

I'm someone who knows what conservative principles are. Open borders is open conservative principle.

What is "open" conservative principle??

Not raising taxes is a conservative principle. That is consistent with their position on immigration. As is the conservative principle of not expanding government; as is the conservative principle of cutting spending, not increasing it, both of which is consistent with their position on illegal aliens.

And who said their position on illegal aliens was their only conservative platform? There are many on their website.

That's why you look like a fucking imbecile (again) proclaiming they're not conservative.
why did you bring up Obama & rev wright in a thread about trump's attitude towards women? lol.

grasping at those straws is kinda funny. I've called out trump as a liar & fraud since getting into this thread. nothings changed. nice try at flipping the script, but it can't fly here.

It was something that Tyrone brought up.

Yes, you've been saying the same thing the whole thread.

Despite the fact that a Trump supporter has seriously and honestly addressed it.

YOu have not changed your behavior to respond to those counter points.

Those actions fit the definition of the Logical Fallacy Of Proof by Assertion.

THus your argument is invalid.

THis is not about me "flipping a script" but about me calling you on your propaganda bullshit.

you deny he's a fraud & I give legit unbiased links proving he is.

another fact.

And you repeat yourself again.


Were my arguments really so crushing that you CAN'T respond to them at all?

your arguments are built on supposeds, scenerios, & the conman peddling your hopes & dreams with bloviated rhetoric. lol, don'tcha love how Hillary bitch slapped your nominee?

My scenario described my answer to your point about Trump's outsourcing.

You have not addressed it.

You instead are engaged in the act of pushing a Logical Fallacy instead of addressing my answer to your point.

As long as you do that, your argument is invalid.

The interests of the American People trumps any concerns you have raised about Trump's policies supposedly being "hypocritical".

If they serve American Interests, and I believe they will, then they are good policies.

YOur concern about possible "hypocrisy" is not very important imo, AND you have not explained why it should be.

why don't you explain to me how trusting trump, who has screwed people out of their money & homes for decades, most of them AMERICANS, (except for the illegals that he hired <--- 'possible hypocrisy' alert) serves AMERICAN interests, instead? I've told you why it IS important, imo , that his documented hypocritical practices IS being a detriment to AMERICAN interests & i did it with facts to back it up.
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only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.

He also made a number of points about Trump having "Substance" in response to your post about Trump supposedly NOT having substance.

It's funny you took no steps to defend your earlier claim.

what management will be charge of it all.
ya, that penthouse in trump towers = his companies aren't making a profit.

wtf is wrong with you?

Please show us the reliable source and link to your allegation that "his companies aren't making a profit".

Or, do you prefer to simply admit you are lying?

wow. just wow.


You made the claim and you didn't support it.

being it was a SARCASTIC remark. aside from his bankruptcies, his endeavors have made him tons of money. exactly why he can still make a profit, having his shit manufactured here, by AMERICANS... & still be as filthy rich as he already is. holy crap, you guys are stupid.
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You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls

social media trolls don't post facts backed up with verifiable unbiased links.


Niether do you.

look thru the thread lazy little dude.
only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.

He also made a number of points about Trump having "Substance" in response to your post about Trump supposedly NOT having substance.

It's funny you took no steps to defend your earlier claim.

his policies, as they stand will have a very tough time getting passed.
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.

There's no such thing as an "unbiased source." Even if there were, how would that prove you aren't on Hillary's payroll?
only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.

He also made a number of points about Trump having "Substance" in response to your post about Trump supposedly NOT having substance.

It's funny you took no steps to defend your earlier claim.

his policies, as they stand will have a very tough time getting passed.

I doubt it. If he gets elected, it will be because the majority supports his policies.
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.

There's no such thing as an "unbiased source." Even if there were, how would that prove you aren't on Hillary's payroll?

yank away little dude. did you take your flintstone vitamin first?
only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.

He also made a number of points about Trump having "Substance" in response to your post about Trump supposedly NOT having substance.

It's funny you took no steps to defend your earlier claim.

his policies, as they stand will have a very tough time getting passed.

I doubt it. If he gets elected, it will be because the majority supports his policies.

i am talking thru congress. & some of those opposing his ideas will be republicans, i am not speaking dems alone. there are also many senate seats up for grabs & that could very easily turn back to (D) this election.
Apparently you believe repeating your idiocy makes it more credible.
You think THAT refutes me posting a link to an organization you claimed doesn't exist??


I claimed it isn't conservative, moron.

They claim they are. Who the fuck are you to tell them what they are?

They espouse conservative principles. Who the fuck are you to tell them they don't?


You're every bit the raving lunatic folks here have come to learn you are.

I'm someone who knows what conservative principles are. Open borders is open conservative principle.

What is "open" conservative principle??

Not raising taxes is a conservative principle. That is consistent with their position on immigration. As is the conservative principle of not expanding government; as is the conservative principle of cutting spending, not increasing it, both of which is consistent with their position on illegal aliens.

And who said their position on illegal aliens was their only conservative platform? There are many on their website.

That's why you look like a fucking imbecile (again) proclaiming they're not conservative.


Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.
It was something that Tyrone brought up.

Yes, you've been saying the same thing the whole thread.

Despite the fact that a Trump supporter has seriously and honestly addressed it.

YOu have not changed your behavior to respond to those counter points.

Those actions fit the definition of the Logical Fallacy Of Proof by Assertion.

THus your argument is invalid.

THis is not about me "flipping a script" but about me calling you on your propaganda bullshit.

you deny he's a fraud & I give legit unbiased links proving he is.

another fact.

And you repeat yourself again.


Were my arguments really so crushing that you CAN'T respond to them at all?

your arguments are built on supposeds, scenerios, & the conman peddling your hopes & dreams with bloviated rhetoric. lol, don'tcha love how Hillary bitch slapped your nominee?

My scenario described my answer to your point about Trump's outsourcing.

You have not addressed it.

You instead are engaged in the act of pushing a Logical Fallacy instead of addressing my answer to your point.

As long as you do that, your argument is invalid.

The interests of the American People trumps any concerns you have raised about Trump's policies supposedly being "hypocritical".

If they serve American Interests, and I believe they will, then they are good policies.

YOur concern about possible "hypocrisy" is not very important imo, AND you have not explained why it should be.

why don't you explain to me how trusting trump, who has screwed people out of their money & homes for decades, most of them AMERICANS, (except for the illegals that he hired <--- 'possible hypocrisy' alert) serves AMERICAN interests, instead? I've told you why it IS important, imo , that his documented hypocritical practices IS being a detriment to AMERICAN interests & i did it with facts to back it up.


If Trump manages to implement his policies, it will reduce the labor pool and increase jobs, thus serving the interests of American workers.

If Hillary manages to implement her polices, it will increase the labor pool and decrease jobs, that harming the interests of the American workers.

Yes, there is a chance that Trump is lying and will NOT even try to implement his policies.

BUT the alternative is a guarantee that the interests of the American Worker will not be served.

Unless you think there is a chance that Hillary is lying and will take steps to reduce the labor pool, bring back manufacturing jobs and thus increase wages?
only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.

He also made a number of points about Trump having "Substance" in response to your post about Trump supposedly NOT having substance.

It's funny you took no steps to defend your earlier claim.

what management will be charge of it all.
ya, that penthouse in trump towers = his companies aren't making a profit.

wtf is wrong with you?

Please show us the reliable source and link to your allegation that "his companies aren't making a profit".

Or, do you prefer to simply admit you are lying?

wow. just wow.


You made the claim and you didn't support it.

being it was a SARCASTIC remark. aside from his bankruptcies, his endeavors have made him tons of money. exactly why he can still make a profit, having his shit manufactured here, by AMERICANS... & still be as filthy rich as he already is. holy crap, you guys are stupid.

You need to understand that from a conservative viewpoint, your leftists positions are literally insane.

It is very hard for us to tell when you are joking.

I have run into lefties that seriously believe that Trump is not a serious person, or that he has not made money.

Hell, this board is full of lefties that literally believe that Trump is a "Hitler" and indeed, Hillary is playing to that.

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