Trump cries when called out for attacking women

only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.

He also made a number of points about Trump having "Substance" in response to your post about Trump supposedly NOT having substance.

It's funny you took no steps to defend your earlier claim.

his policies, as they stand will have a very tough time getting passed.

Much of his immigration policy will be simply ENFORCING existing laws, or redirecting existing Federal resources.

Negotiating treaties is a Executive Function, and Trump will be in a strong position when he starts pointing out how specific trade agreements are fucking US.

And if we are two years in, and crime is dropping and wages rise AT ALL, his position will be strong when it comes to negotiating with Congress.
You think THAT refutes me posting a link to an organization you claimed doesn't exist??


I claimed it isn't conservative, moron.

They claim they are. Who the fuck are you to tell them what they are?

They espouse conservative principles. Who the fuck are you to tell them they don't?


You're every bit the raving lunatic folks here have come to learn you are.

I'm someone who knows what conservative principles are. Open borders is open conservative principle.

What is "open" conservative principle??

Not raising taxes is a conservative principle. That is consistent with their position on immigration. As is the conservative principle of not expanding government; as is the conservative principle of cutting spending, not increasing it, both of which is consistent with their position on illegal aliens.

And who said their position on illegal aliens was their only conservative platform? There are many on their website.

That's why you look like a fucking imbecile (again) proclaiming they're not conservative.


Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.

That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

Conservatives say they worry about a bully government that is too powerful and punishes people who antagonize or question them but that’s exactly what Chaney and Bush did. So it is funny that now, during a time when conservatives are crying about free speech, they are also rallying around a man who has made an art form of shutting down critics through lawsuits. Who muses about changing libel law to make silencing unwelcome voices easier and who wants the government to use antitrust law to crack down on a newspaper owners whose publications feature coverage Trump doesn’t like.

1. No they did not.

2. Giving people a pass to slander you is not free speech.

3. The media has a trusted role in our society and laws have been crafted to help them serve that role. But they have completely betrayed that trust long ago and betray it constantly to the detriment of America. Fuck them.
The judge is not slandering Trump. The media is not slandering Trump. They are repeated what trump is saying.

Trump is his own worst enemy.
It Grows
The Dallas Morning News reports that Texas state prosecutors built a $4.5 million fraud case against Trump and Trump University. But the case never went forward because it was deep-sixed by then-Attorney General and now Governor Greg Abbott (R). The former deputy director of Abbott's Consumer Protection Division, John Owens, tells the DMN: "“The decision not to sue him was political. Had [Trump] not been involved in politics to the extent he was at the time, we would have gotten approval. Had he been just some other scam artist, we would have sued him.”

- Josh Marshall
Trump donated $35k to this governor. Trumps going to be indicted. Nominate cruz
Greg Abbott was as bad an AG as Shurtleff and Swallow of Utah, who are going to trial. Abbott will as well.
LOL Jake is scared of Trump, REAL scared.

What Trump has actually complained about is a real complaint.

Hilary , or any other woman, attacks him and that's fine, but if he says ANYTHING in return, suddenly "he's picking on women"

It's pathetic and weak.

And obvious.

Hey Jake, glad to see you stayed on your man reservation the way Hillary told you to though.

Trump acts very badly when he's attacked. It's going to be fun debating the hot head.
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.

There's no such thing as an "unbiased source." Even if there were, how would that prove you aren't on Hillary's payroll?

What a complete asshole you are. You post no substance, you post no links to support your drivel, you just parrot whatever drivel you are told by your right wing hero.

You are the problem and you offer no solutions.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.

There's no such thing as an "unbiased source." Even if there were, how would that prove you aren't on Hillary's payroll?

What a complete asshole you are. You post no substance, you post no links to support your drivel, you just parrot whatever drivel you are told by your right wing hero.

You are the problem and you offer no solutions.

That's all lies, of course. Lies are all you ever post. Either that or idiocies.
social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.

There's no such thing as an "unbiased source." Even if there were, how would that prove you aren't on Hillary's payroll?

What a complete asshole you are. You post no substance, you post no links to support your drivel, you just parrot whatever drivel you are told by your right wing hero.

You are the problem and you offer no solutions.

That's all lies, of course. Lies are all you ever post. Either that or idiocies.
He is a millennial in a half way house. The staff encourages his postings online as interaction with the world. And he has his essential oils, so all is well. He gets to vent, we get to laugh.
I claimed it isn't conservative, moron.

They claim they are. Who the fuck are you to tell them what they are?

They espouse conservative principles. Who the fuck are you to tell them they don't?


You're every bit the raving lunatic folks here have come to learn you are.

I'm someone who knows what conservative principles are. Open borders is open conservative principle.

What is "open" conservative principle??

Not raising taxes is a conservative principle. That is consistent with their position on immigration. As is the conservative principle of not expanding government; as is the conservative principle of cutting spending, not increasing it, both of which is consistent with their position on illegal aliens.

And who said their position on illegal aliens was their only conservative platform? There are many on their website.

That's why you look like a fucking imbecile (again) proclaiming they're not conservative.


Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.

That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.

Conservatives say they worry about a bully government that is too powerful and punishes people who antagonize or question them but that’s exactly what Chaney and Bush did. So it is funny that now, during a time when conservatives are crying about free speech, they are also rallying around a man who has made an art form of shutting down critics through lawsuits. Who muses about changing libel law to make silencing unwelcome voices easier and who wants the government to use antitrust law to crack down on a newspaper owners whose publications feature coverage Trump doesn’t like.

1. No they did not.

2. Giving people a pass to slander you is not free speech.

3. The media has a trusted role in our society and laws have been crafted to help them serve that role. But they have completely betrayed that trust long ago and betray it constantly to the detriment of America. Fuck them.
The judge is not slandering Trump. The media is not slandering Trump. They are repeated what trump is saying.

Trump is his own worst enemy.

1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
LOL Jake is scared of Trump, REAL scared.

What Trump has actually complained about is a real complaint.

Hilary , or any other woman, attacks him and that's fine, but if he says ANYTHING in return, suddenly "he's picking on women"

It's pathetic and weak.

And obvious.

Hey Jake, glad to see you stayed on your man reservation the way Hillary told you to though.

Trump acts very badly when he's attacked. It's going to be fun debating the hot head.

Better than playing doormat like Republicans normally do.

Trump acts very badly when he's attacked. It's going to be fun debating the hot head.

View attachment 77090
He thinks we are stupid. Republicans were so bad this guy beat them but no way he's going to be president. Many Republicans will stay home.

Texas may go blue

I have seen no evidence of the contempt you claim he has for us.

The Left on the other hand, are regularly expressing their negative opinion of working class whites and/or rural whites, and/or SOuther whites, basically any whites except ones that feel a "proper" level of white guilt.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.

There's no such thing as an "unbiased source." Even if there were, how would that prove you aren't on Hillary's payroll?

What a complete asshole you are. You post no substance, you post no links to support your drivel, you just parrot whatever drivel you are told by your right wing hero.

You are the problem and you offer no solutions.

Technically he is correct. All humans have biases that color their perceptions and their thinking.

Anyone who thinks they are above that is just self deluded and should be considered LESS credible.

Mr Trump Goes to Washington

John Goodman as "The Donald"

PLOT: Facing financial problems and a fraud case, a man seeks & wins the GOP nomination by acting out the worst caricature of a Republican.

Conservatives say they worry about a bully government that is too powerful and punishes people who antagonize or question them but that’s exactly what Chaney and Bush did. So it is funny that now, during a time when conservatives are crying about free speech, they are also rallying around a man who has made an art form of shutting down critics through lawsuits. Who muses about changing libel law to make silencing unwelcome voices easier and who wants the government to use antitrust law to crack down on a newspaper owners whose publications feature coverage Trump doesn’t like.

1. No they did not.

2. Giving people a pass to slander you is not free speech.

3. The media has a trusted role in our society and laws have been crafted to help them serve that role. But they have completely betrayed that trust long ago and betray it constantly to the detriment of America. Fuck them.
The judge is not slandering Trump. The media is not slandering Trump. They are repeated what trump is saying.

Trump is his own worst enemy.

1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
Anyone who thinks the media after the 1997 deregulations act of the media was passed is not credible.

Trump has said horrible things and then afterward says, "well what I meant was" or "what I meant to say was", oh don't worry, we know what you meant. You meant all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. And you meant Megan Kelly was having her period. Trust me, we aint stupid.

But anyone who thinks the media is "liberal" has got a few screws lose. Who owns the media dummy? Any appearance of liberalism is on purpose and those are just social wedge issues meant to divide us. The media is big business baby. BIG business. So don't think they are liberal or socialist. They want that money just as bad as you do pal.

Trump acts very badly when he's attacked. It's going to be fun debating the hot head.

View attachment 77090
He thinks we are stupid. Republicans were so bad this guy beat them but no way he's going to be president. Many Republicans will stay home.

Texas may go blue

I have seen no evidence of the contempt you claim he has for us.

The Left on the other hand, are regularly expressing their negative opinion of working class whites and/or rural whites, and/or SOuther whites, basically any whites except ones that feel a "proper" level of white guilt.
Yes, whites who lack empathy suck. Stupid white trash who think they are better than blacks but don't realize to the rich people they serve, they are no better.

Rich people don't care about you if you are poor regardless of your color.

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