Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Trump: ‘Putting A Wife To Work Is A Very Dangerous Thing’

A 1994 interview provides more insight into the warped mind of Donald…
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What is "open" conservative principle??

Not raising taxes is a conservative principle. That is consistent with their position on immigration. As is the conservative principle of not expanding government; as is the conservative principle of cutting spending, not increasing it, both of which is consistent with their position on illegal aliens.

And who said their position on illegal aliens was their only conservative platform? There are many on their website.

That's why you look like a fucking imbecile (again) proclaiming they're not conservative.


Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.
That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.
You're conflating the issue of controlling the border with deporting the illegals already here. The organization I referenced, which calls itself conservative, is speaking to the cost of the latter.

Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
it is when discussing 11.3 million illegal aliens.
What is "open" conservative principle??

Not raising taxes is a conservative principle. That is consistent with their position on immigration. As is the conservative principle of not expanding government; as is the conservative principle of cutting spending, not increasing it, both of which is consistent with their position on illegal aliens.

And who said their position on illegal aliens was their only conservative platform? There are many on their website.

That's why you look like a fucking imbecile (again) proclaiming they're not conservative.


Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.
That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.
You're conflating the issue of controlling the border with deporting the illegals already here. The organization I referenced, which calls itself conservative, is speaking to the cost of the latter.

Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
No one quarrels with the right to deport.

The country is not going to allow a Trump administration to "round up" and mass deport illegals.

That point is just one of several reasons why Trump will not be President.
Profiles in Cowardice -- GOP Leaders and Donald Trump
Donald Trump has entered a new phase of autocratic weirdness. His attack on Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding in the lawsuit against Trump University, was a trifecta. It combined outright racism with an assault on the independent judiciary and a clear warning that Trump would use the presidency to settle personal business scores. His rants at reporters display contempt for the role of a free press. He would govern like a spiteful tyrant, with all the awesome powers of a president of the United States -- settling scores, punishing enemies, making impetuous, ignorant decisions. As this reality sinks in, Trump's campaign should be imploding about now. And it might be -- if other Republican leaders displayed a modicum of concern for the future of the Republic. But with a few notable exceptions, the GOP leadership is either giving Trump a pass, or just taking a pass.
1. No they did not.

2. Giving people a pass to slander you is not free speech.

3. The media has a trusted role in our society and laws have been crafted to help them serve that role. But they have completely betrayed that trust long ago and betray it constantly to the detriment of America. Fuck them.
The judge is not slandering Trump. The media is not slandering Trump. They are repeated what trump is saying.

Trump is his own worst enemy.

1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
Anyone who thinks the media after the 1997 deregulations act of the media was passed is not credible.

Trump has said horrible things and then afterward says, "well what I meant was" or "what I meant to say was", oh don't worry, we know what you meant. You meant all Mexicans are rapists and murderers. And you meant Megan Kelly was having her period. Trust me, we aint stupid.

But anyone who thinks the media is "liberal" has got a few screws lose. Who owns the media dummy? Any appearance of liberalism is on purpose and those are just social wedge issues meant to divide us. The media is big business baby. BIG business. So don't think they are liberal or socialist. They want that money just as bad as you do pal.

1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
So most illegals aren't rapers they are rapees.

Seely, I like you.

Unlike the vast majority of lefties, you are capable of having long periods of civil dialog and you really try to honestly defend your positions, instead of what your ideological allies do.

And I can tell that you are a smart man. It is obvious from the quality of your arguments.

But what you just did there, was to imply that rape is just something that happens to women without somebody else committing the rape and thus being a rapist.

How could someone smart say something so not smart?

Because you are committed to defending an indefensible position.

Trump was completely right to bring up the issue of rape as part of the problem of illegal immigration.

This has been verified by AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (for you)
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1. The bean counters don't care about content. The industry is dominated by the hard left.

2. Trump was clearly talking about ILLEGALS being rapists and ect.

And his point was completely valid.

From that Right Wing Rag, the Huffington Post, citing that Right Wing Think Tank, Amnesty International.

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

"As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.


Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.

The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures."
Notice MSNBC never talks about the bankers or oil companies or healthcare giants like a true liberal would? That's because those are their advertisers.

This is a great example of how things change in America and Americans don't even realize it. They think the media is liberal because it used to be and they don't realize or believe it when that changes.

Same way cons still say America is the greatest country in the world when now it's actually number 4.

This is why they say people who don't know history tend to repeat it.

You can't ignore the facts, but you will.

Who owns all the media? That's not fucking liberal you fucking dopes.

Democracy in Peril: Twenty Years of Media Consolidation Under the Telecommunications Act

1. Bernis is talking about taking on Big Business like a Liberal. And the DNC machine is against him. Hillary is against him. The Dem candidate is going to be a status quo candidate.

The media is hard core left and if they are not the type of left you like, the point here is that they are certainly ANTI-TRUMP.

2. No comment on the fact that Trump was right about rapists coming across the border?
Just give me a good paycheck and retirement and I don't want to take on anyone. I like the corporations as long as they aren't screwing us.

1. That's nice. My point is, despite any ideological differences you might have with the Left as seen in the Media Industry, they are Hard Left and very anti-Trump. INdeed, anti-republican, and have been for a long time.

2. Still no comment on the fact that Trump was right about rapists coming across the border? At least you have to admit that my characterizing Amnesty International as a Right Wing Thinktank was funny.
Even Republicans are embarrassed by Trump

Donald Trump said Monday it was “inappropriate” for Newt Gingrich to demand he drop the subject of an American judge’s ethnicity and start acting like “a potential leader of the United States.” But Trump did not comment on the other Republican leaders’ unanimous call for him to lay off the jurist, a sign that the GOP presidential candidate doesn’t want to blow up the fragile truce he has struck with them.

What would Trump know about inappropriate?

You are defending and supporting a nut bag. That's cool. He won't win.

I often hear blacks and liberals complain about Blacks being subject to "judgements" of various types by white judges, juries, police, loan officers, bosses, teachers, ect ect ect.

You lefties have been crowing non stop for months about how much Hispanics hate Donald Trump.

And now, suddenly, it's "nut bag" to mention that?
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

every link i posted on this thread is verifiable & unbiased. do you know what unbiased means as far as FACTS, deary? me thinx not.

There's no such thing as an "unbiased source." Even if there were, how would that prove you aren't on Hillary's payroll?

What a complete asshole you are. You post no substance, you post no links to support your drivel, you just parrot whatever drivel you are told by your right wing hero.

You are the problem and you offer no solutions.
All lies, of course. You're a douche bag. Most of the time you aren't even worth the trouble of responding to.
He thinks we are stupid. Republicans were so bad this guy beat them but no way he's going to be president. Many Republicans will stay home.

Texas may go blue
I have seen no evidence of the contempt you claim he has for us. The Left on the other hand, are regularly expressing their negative opinion of working class whites and/or rural whites, and/or SOuther whites, basically any whites except ones that feel a "proper" level of white guilt.
Your racist screed about "working class whites and/or rural whites" etc is old. Yes, Trump is treating the electorate as stupid.

1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.
Of course Trump is treating his supporters as stupid. He even joked about how he could shoot someone and not lose voters.

"Of course" is not a supporting argument.

Indeed, it is stupid to think that it is.

The judge is not slandering Trump. The media is not slandering Trump. They are repeated what trump is saying.

Trump is his own worst enemy.

1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
Prove #2 with solid evidence. You are not credible.
I have seen no evidence of the contempt you claim he has for us. The Left on the other hand, are regularly expressing their negative opinion of working class whites and/or rural whites, and/or SOuther whites, basically any whites except ones that feel a "proper" level of white guilt.
Your racist screed about "working class whites and/or rural whites" etc is old. Yes, Trump is treating the electorate as stupid.

1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.
Of course he is. If he's playing to the stupid base and you don't know it, you're probably in that base.

There is nothing stupid about wanting to secure the border, deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.
Trump knows all the right things to say. So obvious he's playing you.

So, pointing out that his platform is in my perceived self interest is irrelevant, because you think he is just saying that to get my votes?

That type of thinking, if applied to everyone fairly is kind of a logic deadend.

Perhaps HIllary is just knows all the right things to say to YOU.

Thus, it is "obvious" that she is playing you.
He thinks we are stupid. Republicans were so bad this guy beat them but no way he's going to be president. Many Republicans will stay home.

Texas may go blue
I have seen no evidence of the contempt you claim he has for us. The Left on the other hand, are regularly expressing their negative opinion of working class whites and/or rural whites, and/or SOuther whites, basically any whites except ones that feel a "proper" level of white guilt.
Your racist screed about "working class whites and/or rural whites" etc is old. Yes, Trump is treating the electorate as stupid.

1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.

If someone stands in front of you and lies to your face, they are essentially calling you stupid.

Trump lies about everything. It's difficult to find any true statements in any of his speeches. That you choose to believe Trump, without doing any fact checking, proves that he's correct. You are stupid because you believe and support him.

All politicians lie, to some extent or another. But conservatives are the most gullible. They believe the most unreliable sources there are. The ones that the fact checkers find lie the most: FOX News, and Trump.

So, you accuse Trump of lying significantly more than other politicians who all lie.

An interesting claim on your part.

Your sure that your ideological dislike of him might not be coloring your judgement?

Trump's general themes are anti-illegal, anti-immigration, and anti-Free Trade, and anti-screwing around with Russia.

Hillary is the opposite.

Do you disagree with that?

Isn't that why you hate him? Though you would use more negative phrasing.

And that's why I like him.

Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.
That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.
You're conflating the issue of controlling the border with deporting the illegals already here. The organization I referenced, which calls itself conservative, is speaking to the cost of the latter.

Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
No one quarrels with the right to deport.

The country is not going to allow a Trump administration to "round up" and mass deport illegals.

That point is just one of several reasons why Trump will not be President.

1. Actually, there are a number of lefties on this site who have argued against the right to deport.

2. Deportation is a valid function of government and NOT an over reach.

3. Your confidence is noted.

Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.
That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.
You're conflating the issue of controlling the border with deporting the illegals already here. The organization I referenced, which calls itself conservative, is speaking to the cost of the latter.

Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
it is when discussing 11.3 million illegal aliens.

No, it's not.

We, the People have the Right to Self Determination.

The government's role is to protect our Rights.

That previous administrations have allowed the illegal population to grow to epic proportions does not change that fact.
Notice MSNBC never talks about the bankers or oil companies or healthcare giants like a true liberal would? That's because those are their advertisers.

This is a great example of how things change in America and Americans don't even realize it. They think the media is liberal because it used to be and they don't realize or believe it when that changes.

Same way cons still say America is the greatest country in the world when now it's actually number 4.

This is why they say people who don't know history tend to repeat it.

You can't ignore the facts, but you will.

Who owns all the media? That's not fucking liberal you fucking dopes.

Democracy in Peril: Twenty Years of Media Consolidation Under the Telecommunications Act

1. Bernis is talking about taking on Big Business like a Liberal. And the DNC machine is against him. Hillary is against him. The Dem candidate is going to be a status quo candidate.

The media is hard core left and if they are not the type of left you like, the point here is that they are certainly ANTI-TRUMP.

2. No comment on the fact that Trump was right about rapists coming across the border?
Just give me a good paycheck and retirement and I don't want to take on anyone. I like the corporations as long as they aren't screwing us.

1. That's nice. My point is, despite any ideological differences you might have with the Left as seen in the Media Industry, they are Hard Left and very anti-Trump. INdeed, anti-republican, and have been for a long time.

2. Still no comment on the fact that Trump was right about rapists coming across the border? At least you have to admit that my characterizing Amnesty International as a Right Wing Thinktank was funny.
Even Republicans are embarrassed by Trump

Donald Trump said Monday it was “inappropriate” for Newt Gingrich to demand he drop the subject of an American judge’s ethnicity and start acting like “a potential leader of the United States.” But Trump did not comment on the other Republican leaders’ unanimous call for him to lay off the jurist, a sign that the GOP presidential candidate doesn’t want to blow up the fragile truce he has struck with them.

What would Trump know about inappropriate?

You are defending and supporting a nut bag. That's cool. He won't win.

I often hear blacks and liberals complain about Blacks being subject to "judgements" of various types by white judges, juries, police, loan officers, bosses, teachers, ect ect ect.

You lefties have been crowing non stop for months about how much Hispanics hate Donald Trump.

And now, suddenly, it's "nut bag" to mention that?
Hey, it isn't me who's concerned about Trump's comments. I love it. I hope he keeps it up. But the GOP is shitting their collective pants.

Donald Trump has entered a new phase of autocratic weirdness. His attack on Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding in the lawsuit against Trump University, was a trifecta. It combined outright racism with an assault on the independent judiciary and a clear warning that Trump would use the presidency to settle personal business scores. And it isn’t just us saying it. If it was fine but a growing number of Republicans fear that Donald Trump’s hostile remarks about minorities and his unorthodox strategy have imperiled his campaign and is going to hurt Republicans in November. Do you know how many anti trump people are registering because they fear he might win? He’s going to take down the party. The only thing the GOP will have left is the House.

Republicans are saying “I don’t care if he’s the nominee. Republicans should loudly condemn this racist, nonsensical rhetoric by Trump,”. Republican leaders should not hesitate to condemn comments that are “the definition of racism.” “It’s very toxic for other Republican campaigns and for the party as a whole,”. “It’s very concerning.”

GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) responded to Trump’s latest comments: “His comments are offensive and wrong and he should retract them,” Ayotte, who is in a challenging reelection campaign. If this GOP sonofabitch wasn’t in a challenging reelection campaign he wouldn’t give a shit about Hispanics or what trump says about them. Lets be honest. Trump is saying what the GOP thinks and the GOP is embarrassed that he’s saying what they think out loud.

Republican leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who both support Trump, have criticized those statements. “I couldn’t disagree more with a statement like that,” McConnell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” though he repeatedly refused to say whether the comments were by definition racist.

Former speaker Newt Gingrich, another Trump booster, also criticized him on “Fox News Sunday.” “This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made, and I think it’s inexcusable,”

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), a longtime party strategist and Trump supporter, said in an interview that the real estate mogul needs to “move from a primary message to more of a general-election message” and “to start trying to find ways to reach out to groups he doesn’t need to win, but he needs to make sure he’s not annihilated among,” such as African Americans and Hispanics.
1. I did not accuse the Judge of slandering Trump. That was in response to a point Seely brought up. In the post that I replied to.

2. The media has repeatedly lied about what Trump has said. Anyone who denies the corruption and bias of the media is not credible.
Prove #2 with solid evidence. You are not credible.
Your racist screed about "working class whites and/or rural whites" etc is old. Yes, Trump is treating the electorate as stupid.

1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.
Of course he is. If he's playing to the stupid base and you don't know it, you're probably in that base.

There is nothing stupid about wanting to secure the border, deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.
Trump knows all the right things to say. So obvious he's playing you.

So, pointing out that his platform is in my perceived self interest is irrelevant, because you think he is just saying that to get my votes?

That type of thinking, if applied to everyone fairly is kind of a logic deadend.

Perhaps HIllary is just knows all the right things to say to YOU.

Thus, it is "obvious" that she is playing you.
Oh she is no doubt telling us what we want to hear. I however prefer the Democratic agenda to the Republican agenda. I'm like a black dude. You're never going to get me to vote for a Republican. A Republican will have to win and then impress me. That hasn't happened yet. HW Bush let me down, the Newt Congress let me down, the Tom Delay Bush Government let me down and I will NEVER trust Republicans again until they prove they've changed. Do I love Hillary and Bill and Obama? No. But I like them a lot more than I do Rubio or Cruz or Trump.
That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.
You're conflating the issue of controlling the border with deporting the illegals already here. The organization I referenced, which calls itself conservative, is speaking to the cost of the latter.

Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
No one quarrels with the right to deport.

The country is not going to allow a Trump administration to "round up" and mass deport illegals.

That point is just one of several reasons why Trump will not be President.

1. Actually, there are a number of lefties on this site who have argued against the right to deport.

2. Deportation is a valid function of government and NOT an over reach.

3. Your confidence is noted.
The truth is, if we deport a month later we'll be crying that we don't have enough workers. That's why I say just make them legal citizens so at least they are paying taxes and so they too have to buy Obamacare.
1. Bernis is talking about taking on Big Business like a Liberal. And the DNC machine is against him. Hillary is against him. The Dem candidate is going to be a status quo candidate.

The media is hard core left and if they are not the type of left you like, the point here is that they are certainly ANTI-TRUMP.

2. No comment on the fact that Trump was right about rapists coming across the border?
Just give me a good paycheck and retirement and I don't want to take on anyone. I like the corporations as long as they aren't screwing us.

1. That's nice. My point is, despite any ideological differences you might have with the Left as seen in the Media Industry, they are Hard Left and very anti-Trump. INdeed, anti-republican, and have been for a long time.

2. Still no comment on the fact that Trump was right about rapists coming across the border? At least you have to admit that my characterizing Amnesty International as a Right Wing Thinktank was funny.
Even Republicans are embarrassed by Trump

Donald Trump said Monday it was “inappropriate” for Newt Gingrich to demand he drop the subject of an American judge’s ethnicity and start acting like “a potential leader of the United States.” But Trump did not comment on the other Republican leaders’ unanimous call for him to lay off the jurist, a sign that the GOP presidential candidate doesn’t want to blow up the fragile truce he has struck with them.

What would Trump know about inappropriate?

You are defending and supporting a nut bag. That's cool. He won't win.

I often hear blacks and liberals complain about Blacks being subject to "judgements" of various types by white judges, juries, police, loan officers, bosses, teachers, ect ect ect.

You lefties have been crowing non stop for months about how much Hispanics hate Donald Trump.

And now, suddenly, it's "nut bag" to mention that?
Hey, it isn't me who's concerned about Trump's comments. I love it. I hope he keeps it up. But the GOP is shitting their collective pants.

Donald Trump has entered a new phase of autocratic weirdness. His attack on Federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding in the lawsuit against Trump University, was a trifecta. It combined outright racism with an assault on the independent judiciary and a clear warning that Trump would use the presidency to settle personal business scores. And it isn’t just us saying it. If it was fine but a growing number of Republicans fear that Donald Trump’s hostile remarks about minorities and his unorthodox strategy have imperiled his campaign and is going to hurt Republicans in November. Do you know how many anti trump people are registering because they fear he might win? He’s going to take down the party. The only thing the GOP will have left is the House.

Republicans are saying “I don’t care if he’s the nominee. Republicans should loudly condemn this racist, nonsensical rhetoric by Trump,”. Republican leaders should not hesitate to condemn comments that are “the definition of racism.” “It’s very toxic for other Republican campaigns and for the party as a whole,”. “It’s very concerning.”

GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) responded to Trump’s latest comments: “His comments are offensive and wrong and he should retract them,” Ayotte, who is in a challenging reelection campaign. If this GOP sonofabitch wasn’t in a challenging reelection campaign he wouldn’t give a shit about Hispanics or what trump says about them. Lets be honest. Trump is saying what the GOP thinks and the GOP is embarrassed that he’s saying what they think out loud.

Republican leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who both support Trump, have criticized those statements. “I couldn’t disagree more with a statement like that,” McConnell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” though he repeatedly refused to say whether the comments were by definition racist.

Former speaker Newt Gingrich, another Trump booster, also criticized him on “Fox News Sunday.” “This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made, and I think it’s inexcusable,”

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), a longtime party strategist and Trump supporter, said in an interview that the real estate mogul needs to “move from a primary message to more of a general-election message” and “to start trying to find ways to reach out to groups he doesn’t need to win, but he needs to make sure he’s not annihilated among,” such as African Americans and Hispanics.

i pointed out that lefties and minorities often make complaints about minorities being judged by whites.

Now Trump has complained that he is being judged by an Hispanic and everyone is responding as though that is shockingly inappropriate.

This is a double standard.

Posting examples of people supporting this double standard does not address the fact that it is a double standard.

It merely demonstrates how strong the Double Standard is.
Prove #2 with solid evidence. You are not credible.
1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.
Of course he is. If he's playing to the stupid base and you don't know it, you're probably in that base.

There is nothing stupid about wanting to secure the border, deport the illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.
Trump knows all the right things to say. So obvious he's playing you.

So, pointing out that his platform is in my perceived self interest is irrelevant, because you think he is just saying that to get my votes?

That type of thinking, if applied to everyone fairly is kind of a logic deadend.

Perhaps HIllary is just knows all the right things to say to YOU.

Thus, it is "obvious" that she is playing you.
Oh she is no doubt telling us what we want to hear. I however prefer the Democratic agenda to the Republican agenda. I'm like a black dude. You're never going to get me to vote for a Republican. A Republican will have to win and then impress me. That hasn't happened yet. HW Bush let me down, the Newt Congress let me down, the Tom Delay Bush Government let me down and I will NEVER trust Republicans again until they prove they've changed. Do I love Hillary and Bill and Obama? No. But I like them a lot more than I do Rubio or Cruz or Trump.

Ah, so even though you don't trust her specific promises or words, you think you have a good general idea of her agenda, and you support it.

In my opinion I think that is sound reasoning. I disagree strongly with you on the issues, but the method you have used to decide to support Hillary is completely fine.

Trump is often slammed for lacking details.

IN the course of debates I have looked up a number of his details.

But I supported him before I bothered doing that.


Because I had a pretty good idea of his general agenda and it matched up pretty well with my personal positions.

The difference between us, seely, is that I respect your decision to support Hillary as legitimate and you are unable to return that level of respect to me.
1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.
You're conflating the issue of controlling the border with deporting the illegals already here. The organization I referenced, which calls itself conservative, is speaking to the cost of the latter.

Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
No one quarrels with the right to deport.

The country is not going to allow a Trump administration to "round up" and mass deport illegals.

That point is just one of several reasons why Trump will not be President.

1. Actually, there are a number of lefties on this site who have argued against the right to deport.

2. Deportation is a valid function of government and NOT an over reach.

3. Your confidence is noted.
The truth is, if we deport a month later we'll be crying that we don't have enough workers. That's why I say just make them legal citizens so at least they are paying taxes and so they too have to buy Obamacare.

Who will be crying?

The businessmen who were profiting from underpaying their workers? FUck them.

The lefty media who will be wanting to sabotage and undermine Trump? Fuck them and pay them no mind.

The workers who are seeing the Balance of Power switch from their bosses to them?

I don't think so.
He thinks we are stupid. Republicans were so bad this guy beat them but no way he's going to be president. Many Republicans will stay home.

Texas may go blue
I have seen no evidence of the contempt you claim he has for us. The Left on the other hand, are regularly expressing their negative opinion of working class whites and/or rural whites, and/or SOuther whites, basically any whites except ones that feel a "proper" level of white guilt.
Your racist screed about "working class whites and/or rural whites" etc is old. Yes, Trump is treating the electorate as stupid.

1. There is nothing racist about discussing various groups of whites. That is an insane claim on your part.

2. Trump is not treating the electorate as stupid.

If someone stands in front of you and lies to your face, they are essentially calling you stupid.

Trump lies about everything. It's difficult to find any true statements in any of his speeches. That you choose to believe Trump, without doing any fact checking, proves that he's correct. You are stupid because you believe and support him.

All politicians lie, to some extent or another. But conservatives are the most gullible. They believe the most unreliable sources there are. The ones that the fact checkers find lie the most: FOX News, and Trump.

That's hilarious coming from a douche bag who supports Hillary.

Control of the border is the Primary Function of Government.

A government that does that is NOT overreaching or overlarge.

A government that does NOT do that is not "conservative", it is ineffective.
That implies conservatism equates to effectiveness, which is laughable. Not that it never is. Just that it doesn't always.

And the link I posted doesn't say the government shouldn't control the borders. So this is you playing with strawmen again because you can't debate the actual argument.

1. It does NOT equate conservatives with effectiveness.

2. YOU mentioned the conservative principle of "not expanding government. Government controlling it's borders is part of the proper function of government, even very limited government.
You're conflating the issue of controlling the border with deporting the illegals already here. The organization I referenced, which calls itself conservative, is speaking to the cost of the latter.

Opps sorry.

My point stands. The illegals are here in violation of our Right to Self Determination and it is a basic government function to deport them.

That is not expanding government beyond it's proper role.
it is when discussing 11.3 million illegal aliens.

Wrong again.

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