Trump cries when called out for attacking women

I attack you because your being fucking retarded.. Like you are doing here again.

I didn't attack you because you claimed th the media is biased and I disagreed with you. If you could understand English, you would have noticed I never disagreed on that point.

I attacked you for saying the media is biased because I didn't ask you to prove the media is biased. I challenged you to prove most people get their news from what you classified as, "corrupt media." You couldn't meet that challenge so you tried throwing a strawman at me instead about how biased the media is.

Even worse for you -- I pointed out what you had done and you did it again. Both times not addressing my challenge before you finally gave up and confessed such data is hard to find.

You claimed Obama's job approval is higher than Reagan's because of a corrupt media -- but you can't demonstrate most people get their news from left-wing media outlets. Failure to prove your claim reveals it's really a delusion and not a fact,

My link showed that the vast majority of the media is hard left.

That you can't make the leap from that to the realization that most people get their news filtered though a hard left filter is not credible.

Is this the type of word games that you play in court?
It's not a valid leap. 99% of the media could be left-leaning but if 99% of the population gets their news from the 1%, the 99% left-leaning media is irrelevant.

... .

If 99% of an industry is hard left, you would be hard pressed to create a news source that is not dominated by the hard left.

And if you did, it would be a lone voice out of tune in the chorus,

Why do you think Talk Radio EXPLODED like it did once Reagan got rid of the censorship of the "Fairness Doctrine"?

Because the HALF of the nation that wasn't lefty was STARVED for a news source that didn't hold them in contempt.
The point of my 99% left wing media example is to demonstrate that showing how left wing the media is does not show how many people get their news from it, which is what actually matters on terms of shaping public opinion.

Yeah, I got your point.

It's nonsensical.

If the vast majority of an industry is hard left, the vast majority of the product available will be filtered by a Hard Left world view, AT BEST.

If there is not actual lies and purposefully propaganda.

Which we have seen examples of (paging Dan Rather).

If one or two sources have somewhat higher ratings, because they aren't vile leftists, that doesn't defeat the overall narrative of the Hard Left.
That's simply not true. Where most people get their news from shapes public opinion, not which side pumps out the most news. And your Dan Rather example speaks volumes towards my point. 30 years ago, he probably would have gotten away with that bogus report. Not in the Internet age. There are now too many media outlets you can't fool. That's why 30 year old data is irrelevant. That's why Obama's JAR is not where it is due to a "corrupt media."
He wants to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs.

He is the only one.

IMO, that is exactly what America needs.

THe rest is unimportant.

He is incapable of doing either. Corporations will continue to offshore because profit is their only goal. As long as they can write off their expenses to move equipment and jobs to foreign jurisdictions, they will.

And if Trump tries to force them to come back, they'll move their operations to a foreign country.

Deporting 11 million people requires a massive amount of resources. Who's paying for it? Extra police, prosecutors, holding facilities lawyers, courtrooms and transportation costs. Estimated cost: $400 - $600 billion.

Trump's Deportation Plan 'Prohibitively Expensive'

And the other stuff matters - a LOT.

Corporations will stop offshoring when it's cheaper for them to keep their operations here. Of course, that won't happen so long as commie douche bags like you insist on treating them like enemies and imposing crushing taxes and regulations on them.

Your cost estimate for deporting 11 million illegals is about 20 times the actual figure, but don't sweat it. No one expects commie douche bags to tell the truth about anything.

That wasn't my estimate of costs. The link I posted was a piece in Forbes, the right wing business magazine.

It currently costs $10,000 per person to deport an illegal. That included costs of apprehension, holding, court costs, and travel back to wherever.

Try multiplying that number by 11 million.

10,000 X 11 million =110 billion, douche bag, not 600 billion. Furthermore, the process could be greatly stream lined thereby greatly to less than $5000. Even at $110 billion, it's well worth the cost.
A 2015 study by the American Action Forum, a conservative pro-immigration group, estimates the federal government would have to spend roughly $400 billion to $600 billion to deport 11.3 million undocumented immigrants and prevent future unlawful entry into the U.S. over a 20 year time period.

- Forbes

There's no such thing as a "conservative immigration group." You just admitted they have a motive to lie about the cost, so why should anyone believe their numbers?

Conservatives say they worry about a bully government that is too powerful and punishes people who antagonize or question them but that’s exactly what Chaney and Bush did. So it is funny that now, during a time when conservatives are crying about free speech, they are also rallying around a man who has made an art form of shutting down critics through lawsuits. Who muses about changing libel law to make silencing unwelcome voices easier and who wants the government to use antitrust law to crack down on a newspaper owners whose publications feature coverage Trump doesn’t like.

Conservatives say they worry about a bully government that is too powerful and punishes people who antagonize or question them but that’s exactly what Chaney and Bush did. So it is funny that now, during a time when conservatives are crying about free speech, they are also rallying around a man who has made an art form of shutting down critics through lawsuits. Who muses about changing libel law to make silencing unwelcome voices easier and who wants the government to use antitrust law to crack down on a newspaper owners whose publications feature coverage Trump doesn’t like.

1. No they did not.

2. Giving people a pass to slander you is not free speech.

3. The media has a trusted role in our society and laws have been crafted to help them serve that role. But they have completely betrayed that trust long ago and betray it constantly to the detriment of America. Fuck them.
It Grows
The Dallas Morning News reports that Texas state prosecutors built a $4.5 million fraud case against Trump and Trump University. But the case never went forward because it was deep-sixed by then-Attorney General and now Governor Greg Abbott (R). The former deputy director of Abbott's Consumer Protection Division, John Owens, tells the DMN: "“The decision not to sue him was political. Had [Trump] not been involved in politics to the extent he was at the time, we would have gotten approval. Had he been just some other scam artist, we would have sued him.”

- Josh Marshall
He is incapable of doing either. Corporations will continue to offshore because profit is their only goal. As long as they can write off their expenses to move equipment and jobs to foreign jurisdictions, they will.

And if Trump tries to force them to come back, they'll move their operations to a foreign country.

Deporting 11 million people requires a massive amount of resources. Who's paying for it? Extra police, prosecutors, holding facilities lawyers, courtrooms and transportation costs. Estimated cost: $400 - $600 billion.

Trump's Deportation Plan 'Prohibitively Expensive'

And the other stuff matters - a LOT.

Corporations will stop offshoring when it's cheaper for them to keep their operations here. Of course, that won't happen so long as commie douche bags like you insist on treating them like enemies and imposing crushing taxes and regulations on them.

Your cost estimate for deporting 11 million illegals is about 20 times the actual figure, but don't sweat it. No one expects commie douche bags to tell the truth about anything.

That wasn't my estimate of costs. The link I posted was a piece in Forbes, the right wing business magazine.

It currently costs $10,000 per person to deport an illegal. That included costs of apprehension, holding, court costs, and travel back to wherever.

Try multiplying that number by 11 million.

10,000 X 11 million =110 billion, douche bag, not 600 billion. Furthermore, the process could be greatly stream lined thereby greatly to less than $5000. Even at $110 billion, it's well worth the cost.
A 2015 study by the American Action Forum, a conservative pro-immigration group, estimates the federal government would have to spend roughly $400 billion to $600 billion to deport 11.3 million undocumented immigrants and prevent future unlawful entry into the U.S. over a 20 year time period.

- Forbes

There's no such thing as a "conservative immigration group." You just admitted they have a motive to lie about the cost, so why should anyone believe their numbers?
And yet, the conservative pro-immigration group, American Action Forum, published this report --> The Budgetary and Economic Costs of Addressing Unauthorized Immigration: Alternative Strategies - AAF

You never cease posting the dumbest shit. <smh>
LOL Jake is scared of Trump, REAL scared.

What Trump has actually complained about is a real complaint.

Hilary , or any other woman, attacks him and that's fine, but if he says ANYTHING in return, suddenly "he's picking on women"

It's pathetic and weak.

And obvious.

Hey Jake, glad to see you stayed on your man reservation the way Hillary told you to though.
teacher must have held you back this year little middle finger waving dude.

Obviously you don't understand that a profit in one business has no connection with making a profit in another..

Hillary should invest some money in training her surrogates in business and economics so they don't make if obvious how stupid they are.

now you are borderline obsessive with that thought bubble of yours. time for it to go poppity pop.

"Obessive?" Because I ask you to explain the connection you made between an apartment tower and men's suits?

I meant that someone who can afford a penthouse in NYC must be making a comfortable living from his profitable business at making cheap ass suits, sewn by workers making pennies compared to what the ridiculous mark up that happens once they are imported here; by the suckers willing to pay top dollar for sweatshop wares that bear a snakeoil salesman's name who sports a tribble on his head & calls it a hair-do.


Most of the major manufacturers have their cloths lines made overseas? Ever bought Hilfiger? Polo? Fruit of the loom? Nike? Old Navy? Then you've bought foreign made clothes.

Don't claim you never have.

indeed I have as far as FOTL, but I am not into labels either & won't pay waaaaaayyyyy too much for a name. i buy American whenever i can & avoid big box stores whenever possible as well.
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only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to yor inner paranoia, then it's all good.

No, my point was based on the definition of The Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Assertion and your actions which matched that definition to a Fucking T.

YOur argument is a Logical Fallacy.

By definition it is thus invalid.

This has nothing to do with me, or my wants or desires. All I did was point it out.

Do you need a link to the definitions I referenced?

I assumed that you knew the terms I was using, or could easily find them, but if not, I will be happy to provide them.

why did you bring up Obama & rev wright in a thread about trump's attitude towards women? lol.

grasping at those straws is kinda funny. I've called out trump as a liar & fraud since getting into this thread. nothings changed. nice try at flipping the script, but it can't fly here.

It was something that Tyrone brought up.

Yes, you've been saying the same thing the whole thread.

Despite the fact that a Trump supporter has seriously and honestly addressed it.

YOu have not changed your behavior to respond to those counter points.

Those actions fit the definition of the Logical Fallacy Of Proof by Assertion.

THus your argument is invalid.

THis is not about me "flipping a script" but about me calling you on your propaganda bullshit.

you deny he's a fraud & I give legit unbiased links proving he is.

another fact.

And you repeat yourself again.


Were my arguments really so crushing that you CAN'T respond to them at all?

your arguments are built on supposeds, scenerios, & the conman peddling your hopes & dreams with bloviated rhetoric. lol, don'tcha love how Hillary bitch slapped your nominee?
lol, that's right... he's doesn't have enough money.

"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.

You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?

I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls

social media trolls don't post facts backed up with verifiable unbiased links.

You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?
No, but I just wanted to make sure everyone sees you're just making shit up again from your fervent imagination. Again, thanks for playin'! I couldn't have done it without you.

I'm just yanking his chain, you fucking dumbass.

'his chain' ?

who's the fucking dumbass?
only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.
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ya, that penthouse in trump towers = his companies aren't making a profit.

wtf is wrong with you?

Please show us the reliable source and link to your allegation that "his companies aren't making a profit".

Or, do you prefer to simply admit you are lying?

wow. just wow.

No, my point was based on the definition of The Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Assertion and your actions which matched that definition to a Fucking T.

YOur argument is a Logical Fallacy.

By definition it is thus invalid.

This has nothing to do with me, or my wants or desires. All I did was point it out.

Do you need a link to the definitions I referenced?

I assumed that you knew the terms I was using, or could easily find them, but if not, I will be happy to provide them.

why did you bring up Obama & rev wright in a thread about trump's attitude towards women? lol.

grasping at those straws is kinda funny. I've called out trump as a liar & fraud since getting into this thread. nothings changed. nice try at flipping the script, but it can't fly here.

It was something that Tyrone brought up.

Yes, you've been saying the same thing the whole thread.

Despite the fact that a Trump supporter has seriously and honestly addressed it.

YOu have not changed your behavior to respond to those counter points.

Those actions fit the definition of the Logical Fallacy Of Proof by Assertion.

THus your argument is invalid.

THis is not about me "flipping a script" but about me calling you on your propaganda bullshit.

you deny he's a fraud & I give legit unbiased links proving he is.

another fact.

And you repeat yourself again.


Were my arguments really so crushing that you CAN'T respond to them at all?

your arguments are built on supposeds, scenerios, & the conman peddling your hopes & dreams with bloviated rhetoric. lol, don'tcha love how Hillary bitch slapped your nominee?

My scenario described my answer to your point about Trump's outsourcing.

You have not addressed it.

You instead are engaged in the act of pushing a Logical Fallacy instead of addressing my answer to your point.

As long as you do that, your argument is invalid.

The interests of the American People trumps any concerns you have raised about Trump's policies supposedly being "hypocritical".

If they serve American Interests, and I believe they will, then they are good policies.

YOur concern about possible "hypocrisy" is not very important imo, AND you have not explained why it should be.
only in your delusional world. wanting that to be true does not make it so, grasshoppa. you don't give a god damn that the man you want to put in office has zero substance, but as long as he appeals to your inner paranoia, then it's all good.


In your opinion, Donald Trump has "zero substance". And yet, he has built a multi-billion dollar empire, has a family of wonderful, intelligent hard working children and is one of the top executives in the world. Oh, that's right, he is also running for the top EXECUTIVE job in our country.

He also eliminated sixteen highly qualified, well financed in far less time than anyone, except himself, thought possible.

What are Crooked Hillary Clinton's accomplishments?

lol... 5th grade playground name calling & you parrot it.

watch her speech from yesterday. all your answers are there.

He also made a number of points about Trump having "Substance" in response to your post about Trump supposedly NOT having substance.

It's funny you took no steps to defend your earlier claim.
"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.
You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls

social media trolls don't post facts backed up with verifiable unbiased links.


Niether do you.
Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?

social media trolls post without proof.

just sayin'. :scared1:

How would you know what they post? Is that what they told you when you went to orientation?

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