Trump cries when called out for attacking women

Yurt, respectfully, is, yes (I dare say it), a dupe.

The illegals make up about 3.5% of which maybe half work, so we are talking about 1.7% of our population pulling our civilization into the dregs of hell if they are not zombied out of here.

There are probably 50 million illegals in this country, so they make up more like 15%.
The U.S. population is probably closer to 5 billion so illegals really only make up about 1%. Nothing to worry about.


Of course, there's no rational basis for your claim. On the other hand, the 11 million figure was first announced 10 years ago, and it was considered a vast under estimate even then. There have been at least 1 million illegals entering this country every year since then. Some estimates go as high as 3 million illegals per year.
trump can make his fucking clothing here with American workers. he can start with THAT, but chooses not to. that really is a plain & simple CONcept to understand.

He can make them here if he wants to charge three times more, which means they won't sell. In other words, he can't make them here.

lol, that's right... he's doesn't have enough money.

"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.

You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?
Yurt, respectfully, is, yes (I dare say it), a dupe.

The illegals make up about 3.5% of which maybe half work, so we are talking about 1.7% of our population pulling our civilization into the dregs of hell if they are not zombied out of here.

There are probably 50 million illegals in this country, so they make up more like 15%.
You are an incredulous stooge. You must be an anarchist.

Anyone who swallows the 11 million figure is terminally gullible.
So let's see your source for there being 50 million illegal aliens here. C'mon, the forum can always use a good laugh. :mm:

Illegal Aliens: Who Left the Door Open?
Too fucking retarded and nothing to do with what I posted. Can ya stay focused?

And it flies in the face that we are already deporting record numbers of illegals.

His quote, that you posted, stated that Trump's campaign was based on lies.

I understand that you didn't really read his quote. YOu saw negativity about TRump and that was the end of your thinking on the quote.

Thus, my comment about the central themes of Trump's campaign being TRUE was completely focused on your post. It is kind of retarded that you couldn't make that connection on your own.

And deporting "record numbers" is irrelevant is the population of illegals is ELEVEN FUCKING MILLION.
It remains the same bullshit it was when you first posted it. We already have record deportations. Not irrelevant to the discussion of illegal aliens simply because you wish it to be. We have about as many illegal aliens in this country as we did when Obama became president, which is a decline when factoring in population growth. So here comes another challenge you will run from like you did the last time... prove that contributed to wage increases...

The metric to measure the problem is not number of deportations, but the size of the illegal population.

11 million is a disaster.

What ever we are doing, it is obviously completely insufficient.

??? You think that the tiny "relative" drop in Illegal population, MAYBE, must either show an increase in wages OR the Law of Supply and Demand have been debunked?

YOu are being silly again.
No, I challenged you to show the decrease affected wage increases. The ratio of illegal aliens to the U.S. population has shrunk by about 6% since Obama became president. Prove your claim by proving that 6% increased wages.

Or run from your claim like you did when you claimed a corrupt media is the reason Obama's JAR is higher than Reagan's was at this point.

Your question includes the absurd strawman that I or Trump was claiming that illegals are the ONLY factor suppressing wages, which is nonsense on your part.

It also assumes that the count of a population that is illegal and thus purposefully being evasive is counted perfectly.

Which is also absurd.

DO you really believe that the Law of Supply and Demand does NOT apply to labor and wages?
Great, you throw another strawman,

I didn't challenge you to show the decrease in illegals are the ONLY factor. I challenged you to show it was A factor.

If you could have, you would have instead of relying on strawmen again.

Last edited:
trump can make his fucking clothing here with American workers. he can start with THAT, but chooses not to. that really is a plain & simple CONcept to understand.

He can make them here if he wants to charge three times more, which means they won't sell. In other words, he can't make them here.

lol, that's right... he's doesn't have enough money.

"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.

You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?
Sadly, you reject the proof that your claim is not merely the hallucination you portray it as; in lieu of yet another strawman.

Who could have seen that coming?


Normally with lefties, I can suspend disbelief and pretend that they are rational humans that talking to is not a complete waste of time.

But when you denied that the media is biased, I just, can't do it with you right now.

Maybe one of the other conservatives will do it, maybe I'll feel it more tonight or tomorrow.
Sadly, you're just fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Quote me saying the media isn't biased...

I've stated that the media is biased.

You have strongly attacked and ridiculed me for that position.

If you did not explicitly state that you were disagreeing with me (i can't be bothered to look) you certainly strongly implied it.

You seem to think the point of debate is to set up little gotchas, and that you score a point, when you successfully mislead someone as to what you meant.

IMO, that is fucking stupid, and the act of an asshole.

THe media is biased.

If you disagree, you're a delusional partisan hack.

If you don't then why the fuck are you making such a big deal about me stating the obvious?
I attack you because your being fucking retarded.. Like you are doing here again.

I didn't attack you because you claimed th the media is biased and I disagreed with you. If you could understand English, you would have noticed I never disagreed on that point.

I attacked you for saying the media is biased because I didn't ask you to prove the media is biased. I challenged you to prove most people get their news from what you classified as, "corrupt media." You couldn't meet that challenge so you tried throwing a strawman at me instead about how biased the media is.

Even worse for you -- I pointed out what you had done and you did it again. Both times not addressing my challenge before you finally gave up and confessed such data is hard to find.

You claimed Obama's job approval is higher than Reagan's because of a corrupt media -- but you can't demonstrate most people get their news from left-wing media outlets. Failure to prove your claim reveals it's really a delusion and not a fact,

My link showed that the vast majority of the media is hard left.

That you can't make the leap from that to the realization that most people get their news filtered though a hard left filter is not credible.

Is this the type of word games that you play in court?
It's not a valid leap. 99% of the media could be left-leaning but if 99% of the population gets their news from the 1%, the 99% left-leaning media is irrelevant.

Your argument doesn't hold water. That's why in order to prove your ludicrous claim that leftwing media bias is the reason for Obama's JAR to be higher than Reagan's; you have to demonstrate the leftwing media is shaping most peoples' opinions.

Even more difficult for you, you would need to demonstrate that with data that doesn't extend 30 years in the past. The world of media today barely resembles media from the mid 80's. There are far more rightwing media outlets today than there were then.

Good luck, padawan. :itsok:.
Yurt, respectfully, is, yes (I dare say it), a dupe.

The illegals make up about 3.5% of which maybe half work, so we are talking about 1.7% of our population pulling our civilization into the dregs of hell if they are not zombied out of here.

There are probably 50 million illegals in this country, so they make up more like 15%.
The U.S. population is probably closer to 5 billion so illegals really only make up about 1%. Nothing to worry about.


Of course, there's no rational basis for your claim.
Of course there isn't.

What do you suppose the implication is of me following my irrational claim with,
"</mocking>." Think real long and hard before answering that one...
Yurt, respectfully, is, yes (I dare say it), a dupe.

The illegals make up about 3.5% of which maybe half work, so we are talking about 1.7% of our population pulling our civilization into the dregs of hell if they are not zombied out of here.

There are probably 50 million illegals in this country, so they make up more like 15%.
The U.S. population is probably closer to 5 billion so illegals really only make up about 1%. Nothing to worry about.


Of course, there's no rational basis for your claim.
Of course there isn't.

What do you suppose the implication is of me following my irrational claim with,
"</mocking>." Think real long and hard before answering that one...
You're implying there is no rational basis to my claim. However, there is a very rational basis for it.
Yurt, respectfully, is, yes (I dare say it), a dupe.

The illegals make up about 3.5% of which maybe half work, so we are talking about 1.7% of our population pulling our civilization into the dregs of hell if they are not zombied out of here.

There are probably 50 million illegals in this country, so they make up more like 15%.
You are an incredulous stooge. You must be an anarchist.

Anyone who swallows the 11 million figure is terminally gullible.
So let's see your source for there being 50 million illegal aliens here. C'mon, the forum can always use a good laugh. :mm:

Illegal Aliens: Who Left the Door Open?
Nope, nothing in there about 50 million illegal aliens in the U.S. In order to get to 50 million today, you would have to take the estimated 15 million mentioned in that 2006 article, add 3 million per year since that article estimated some 3 million would enter in 2006, and then magically toss in another 5 million just for the hell of it.

Since it's beyond stupid to assume illegals poured into the U.S. over the years as they did in 2006, your 50,000,000 figure becomes even more laughable than when you first threw it out. It ignores how Bush stepped up deportations. It ignores how Obama stepped them up even more. It ignores the massive Great Recession which greatly reduced their incentive to sneak into the U.S., it ignores reality -- which is why you posted it since you're divorced from reality so posting bullshit is common for you.
Yurt, respectfully, is, yes (I dare say it), a dupe.

The illegals make up about 3.5% of which maybe half work, so we are talking about 1.7% of our population pulling our civilization into the dregs of hell if they are not zombied out of here.

There are probably 50 million illegals in this country, so they make up more like 15%.
The U.S. population is probably closer to 5 billion so illegals really only make up about 1%. Nothing to worry about.


Of course, there's no rational basis for your claim.
Of course there isn't.

What do you suppose the implication is of me following my irrational claim with,
"</mocking>." Think real long and hard before answering that one...
You're implying there is no rational basis to my claim. However, there is a very rational basis for it.
see post #809.

Your idiotic claim is nowhere near rational. It's a figment of your rightarded conservative brain which extrapolated imaginary numbers based on the number of illegals Time reported were entering the country in 2006.
trump can make his fucking clothing here with American workers. he can start with THAT, but chooses not to. that really is a plain & simple CONcept to understand.

He can make them here if he wants to charge three times more, which means they won't sell. In other words, he can't make them here.

lol, that's right... he's doesn't have enough money.

"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.

You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?

I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.
There are probably 50 million illegals in this country, so they make up more like 15%.
You are an incredulous stooge. You must be an anarchist.

Anyone who swallows the 11 million figure is terminally gullible.
So let's see your source for there being 50 million illegal aliens here. C'mon, the forum can always use a good laugh. :mm:

Illegal Aliens: Who Left the Door Open?
Nope, nothing in there about 50 million illegal aliens in the U.S. In order to get to 50 million today, you would have to take the estimated 15 million mentioned in that 2006 article, add 3 million per year since that article estimated some 3 million would enter in 2006, and then magically toss in another 5 million just for the hell of it.

Since it's beyond stupid to assume illegals poured into the U.S. over the years as they did in 2006, your 50,000,000 figure becomes even more laughable than when you first threw it out. It ignores how Bush stepped up deportations. It ignores how Obama stepped them up even more. It ignores the massive Great Recession which greatly reduced their incentive to sneak into the U.S., it ignores reality -- which is why you posted it since you're divorced from reality so posting bullshit is common for you.

Neither Bush nor Obama "stepped up deportations." That's a liberal myth. Why would anyone believe that the rate that illegals have been entering has decreased since 2006? If anything, it looks to have increased. The 50 million figure is quite plausible. It's fare more plausible than the 11 million figure.
He can make them here if he wants to charge three times more, which means they won't sell. In other words, he can't make them here.

lol, that's right... he's doesn't have enough money.

"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.

You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?

I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
You are an incredulous stooge. You must be an anarchist.

Anyone who swallows the 11 million figure is terminally gullible.
So let's see your source for there being 50 million illegal aliens here. C'mon, the forum can always use a good laugh. :mm:

Illegal Aliens: Who Left the Door Open?
Nope, nothing in there about 50 million illegal aliens in the U.S. In order to get to 50 million today, you would have to take the estimated 15 million mentioned in that 2006 article, add 3 million per year since that article estimated some 3 million would enter in 2006, and then magically toss in another 5 million just for the hell of it.

Since it's beyond stupid to assume illegals poured into the U.S. over the years as they did in 2006, your 50,000,000 figure becomes even more laughable than when you first threw it out. It ignores how Bush stepped up deportations. It ignores how Obama stepped them up even more. It ignores the massive Great Recession which greatly reduced their incentive to sneak into the U.S., it ignores reality -- which is why you posted it since you're divorced from reality so posting bullshit is common for you.

Neither Bush nor Obama "stepped up deportations." That's a liberal myth. Why would anyone believe that the rate that illegals have been entering has decreased since 2006? If anything, it looks to have increased. The 50 million figure is quite plausible. It's fare more plausible than the 11 million figure.

Sorry, try again when the LSD wears off.
wait what " Reporters are not allowed to ask questions of the "Orange Goo tan" or he is going to troll rant ..LOL that is Presidentiasl LOL
Look lets pause for a look at reality

This was reported today
This is Obama's current approval long as it stays like that and the economy humming ...Trump does not have a "chance in hell":badgrin:

Undoubtedly this will come as a total shock to you but Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is not running for anything. He does wish he could take Air Force One with him as he exits the Oval Office.


U.S. Economic Confidence Down in April
lol, that's right... he's doesn't have enough money.

"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.

You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?

I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls

What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
wait what " Reporters are not allowed to ask questions of the "Orange Goo tan" or he is going to troll rant ..LOL that is Presidentiasl LOL
Look lets pause for a look at reality

This was reported today
This is Obama's current approval long as it stays like that and the economy humming ...Trump does not have a "chance in hell":badgrin:

Undoubtedly this will come as a total shock to you but Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is not running for anything. He does wish he could take Air Force One with him as he exits the Oval Office.


U.S. Economic Confidence Down in April
Negative 14?

It was negative 54 when Bush left office,

Thanks for showing yet another indicator that we are better off now than when Obama first entered office, :thup:
"He doesn't have enough money?" The point of running a business is to make a profit, not lose money.

Hillary would get more for her money if she didn't hire dumbasses like you.
You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?
You still haven't said ... how much is Hillary paying playtime?

Why do you imagine I'm supposed to know the answer to that question?
I don't. Just like I know you don't know that Hillary is paying playtime to post here. Thanks for playin'.

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
What the fuck is wrong with the diseased brains of you rightards? You must have straw for brain matter that you fight with strawmen. :eusa_doh:

Showing that a superpac is paying folks to troll social media in no way proves Hillary is paying playtime to post here.
Did I say I have proof, moron?
No, but I just wanted to make sure everyone sees you're just making shit up again from your fervent imagination. Again, thanks for playin'! I couldn't have done it without you.
can anyone imagine reporters asking Hillary Clinton some tough questions about anything and she would start hollering "you are sleaze you are making me look bad"...I mean its outlandish the "Man Card" Trump is playing LOL...if Hillary Clinton did that the media would say she is "a hysterical emotional woman"

Who can imagine reporters asking HRC a tough question...about anything?

Personally, I like Donald Trump calling out reporters when they ask stupid questions.

From the White House:

WASHINGTON: A senior US official has made his feelings about the reporters who cover the White House perfectly clear: He doesn't think much of them.

In return, reporters who cover the White House say they aren't all that thrilled with him.

Ben Rhodes, President Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser, asserted that cutbacks in the news business had weakened the depth and range of White House reporting. "All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus. Now they don't," he said in a story published earlier this month in The New York Times magazine . "They call us to explain to them what's happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington."

Mr Rhodes dug in deeper, adding, "The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That's a sea change. They literally know nothing."


Read more: Hard feelings after White House describes reporters as knowing 'nothing'

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