Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
Bush Sr. -both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Bill Clinton-both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Jimmy Carter- both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka= British Subject due to British Act of 1948 due to father being Kenyan British Subject

Edit: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah birth unknown due to 100% fraudulent birth certificate.

So you are saying that if a candidate has a foreign born father- then you expect that candidate to show his college records?

Come on Stevie- you know its just because you hate blacks.

And you just can't stand that an African American is your president- probably makes your stomach turn every time you are reminded that a black man is in the White House.
Cotton pickin race has nothing to do with that boy in the white house.

Thanks for that Racist Stevie.
You're welcome Loren
I don't give a shit about a candidate's college transcripts. I've never looked at such transcripts, and never will.

I don't give a shit if they smoked dope, fucked a fat chick, made a million dollars, or golf.

That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

trump is a side show, and scott is the uneducated puppet of the kock brothers, the trailer dwelling crowd love them

and your head is so far up obama's ass that you cannot see the real world. you live in a libtardian fantasy ruled by your kenyan messiah and failed prophet.

Wheee! ...another nut melts down!

just speaking the truth. .

Not this time- not any previous time.

Just the usual Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.
1) dimocraps are the scum of the earth

2) the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is populated almost exclusively by scum of the earth dimocraps.

3) Digging up negative news on the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is harder than breaking the Enigma Code

And here we have the voter Walker hopes to appeal to- foul mouthed, ignorant and uneducated.

The future of the Republican Party.
tell The Donald, as soon as he produces the results from his hired gun birth certificate detectives, Obama will pony up his college records. That'll shut him the hell up.
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.

So Obama had Breitbart killed? Quick, call Trump and Sheriff Joe. You need to form a posse right now. The right wing's crazy conspiracy theories get funnier and more bazar by the day

maybe Vince Foster and Ron Brown know what happened to Breitbart-----------------------

Like I said- Birthers- all they have are lies, speculation and innuendo.....
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.

So Obama had Breitbart killed? Quick, call Trump and Sheriff Joe. You need to form a posse right now. The right wing's crazy conspiracy theories get funnier and more bazar by the day

maybe Vince Foster and Ron Brown know what happened to Breitbart-----------------------

Like I said- Birthers- all they have are lies, speculation and innuendo.....

Birther- lies, speculation and innuendo = redfishbrain.
I don't give a shit about a candidate's college transcripts. I've never looked at such transcripts, and never will.

I don't give a shit if they smoked dope, fucked a fat chick, made a million dollars, or golf.


What have we learned about from Scott Walker not graduating from college?

Virtually no one cares that Scott Walker didn't graduate-- maybe one liberal poster here claimed that he was expelled- but myself- and pretty much everyone else that I know is a liberal has posted that they don't care.

But- man there are still right wing nutcases who just go batshit crazy because President Obama has not given them what Walker never will provide either, and that they never cared about for Romney- or McCain. Or Bush or Clinton.

I will say it again- only an idiot needs to see a candidates college records in order to decide whether to vote for someone.

And after someone is elected- only partisan enemy wants to see the officials college grades- because the only purpose that they can serve then is to attack the official.
That asshole Hussein Obama won't release his college transcripts like everybody else has.

That means he is hiding something he doesn't want the American people to find out about.

Is it the fact that he registered as a foreign student or that he was passed in his classes because affirmative action or both?

Because of his record of incompetency as President I know that he could not have learned anything in college so he has to be an affirmative action. You know, pass the Black no matter what he learned just to meet a quota. For instance, I doubt he ever passed a course in either history or economics. He sure as hell would have flunked ethics given his record of lying to the American people.
Yup - the press did it's job and found bush's college records and released them. With obozo, they haven't even tried.

Nope- someone broke the law and illegally leaked Bush's Yale records to the press.

No one ever leaked Bush's Harvard records, Bush never voluntarily released his Harvard records, and none of you ever cared that Bush never released his Harvard records.

And we know that you didn't care because Bush was not black.
Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
Bush Sr. -both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Bill Clinton-both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Jimmy Carter- both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka= British Subject due to British Act of 1948 due to father being Kenyan British Subject

Edit: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah birth unknown due to 100% fraudulent birth certificate.

So you are saying that if a candidate has a foreign born father- then you expect that candidate to show his college records?

Come on Stevie- you know its just because you hate blacks.

And you just can't stand that an African American is your president- probably makes your stomach turn every time you are reminded that a black man is in the White House.

stevie do you hate blacks ? or is this just surranis foaming at the mouth again ??

it's a big part of the story, if you are why ?

it seems as if he's here to do more tan just talk about things, and a terrible listener.

it's almost as if he is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation.

maybe you are a racist, i don't know you, maybe you are the best or the most horrible person in the world.. the point is, is these expressions no longer have impact.

now we are in the throws of the pendulum swing. the obamabots here say the liberals will not charge the hill on this one. i say different.

so stevie (or anybody), when these guys/and girls level these kinds of attacks, it's a toothless old shark swimming it's last days. i kind of feel sorry for the shark....


what i have done with the thousands of times i've been labeled stupid, mentally ill, bigot racist, unpatriotic, and on and on. here's the part they hate: when i say "give me one example", they never have...

this for years of alinsky on birther. ridicule only works on the weak minded. which is their first prey.

one funny thing, they have actually spent time on little old me, research, organising to badmouth my website.... they spent time trying to alinsky me, that makes me smile.
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Nope- someone broke the law and illegally leaked Bush's Yale records to the press.

No one ever leaked Bush's Harvard records, Bush never voluntarily released his Harvard records, and none of you ever cared that Bush never released his Harvard records.

And we know that you didn't care because Bush was not black.
Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
Bush Sr. -both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Bill Clinton-both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Jimmy Carter- both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka= British Subject due to British Act of 1948 due to father being Kenyan British Subject

Edit: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah birth unknown due to 100% fraudulent birth certificate.

So you are saying that if a candidate has a foreign born father- then you expect that candidate to show his college records?

Come on Stevie- you know its just because you hate blacks.

And you just can't stand that an African American is your president- probably makes your stomach turn every time you are reminded that a black man is in the White House.

stevie do you hate blacks ? or is this just surranis foaming at the mouth again ??

it seems as if he's here to do more tan just talk about things, and a terrible listener.

it's almost as if he is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation.

maybe you are a racist, i don't know you, maybe you are the best or the most horrible person in the world.. the point is, is these expressions no longer have impact.

now we are in the throws of the pendulum swing. the obamabots here say the liberals will not charge the hill on this one. i say different.

so stevie, when these guys/and girls level these kinds of attacks, it's a toothless old shark swimming it's last days. i kind of feel sorry for the shark....


what i have done with the thousands of times i've been labeled stupid, mentally ill, bigot racist, unpatriotic, and on and on. here's the part they hate: when i say "give me one example", they never have...

this for years of alinsky on birther. ridicule only works on the weak minded. which is their first prey.

one funny thing, they have actually spent time on little old me, research, organising to badmouth my website.... they spent time trying to alinsky me, that makes me smile.
If you have to ask if stevie's a racist, you haven't been paying attention.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
Bush Sr. -both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Bill Clinton-both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Jimmy Carter- both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka= British Subject due to British Act of 1948 due to father being Kenyan British Subject

Edit: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah birth unknown due to 100% fraudulent birth certificate.

So you are saying that if a candidate has a foreign born father- then you expect that candidate to show his college records?

Come on Stevie- you know its just because you hate blacks.

And you just can't stand that an African American is your president- probably makes your stomach turn every time you are reminded that a black man is in the White House.

stevie do you hate blacks ? or is this just surranis foaming at the mouth again ??

it seems as if he's here to do more tan just talk about things, and a terrible listener.

it's almost as if he is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation.

maybe you are a racist, i don't know you, maybe you are the best or the most horrible person in the world.. the point is, is these expressions no longer have impact.

now we are in the throws of the pendulum swing. the obamabots here say the liberals will not charge the hill on this one. i say different.

so stevie, when these guys/and girls level these kinds of attacks, it's a toothless old shark swimming it's last days. i kind of feel sorry for the shark....


what i have done with the thousands of times i've been labeled stupid, mentally ill, bigot racist, unpatriotic, and on and on. here's the part they hate: when i say "give me one example", they never have...

this for years of alinsky on birther. ridicule only works on the weak minded. which is their first prey.

one funny thing, they have actually spent time on little old me, research, organising to badmouth my website.... they spent time trying to alinsky me, that makes me smile.
If you have to ask if stevie's a racist, you haven't been paying attention.[/QUOTEi

i really haven't, but truthfully i don't spend much time in the clouds here, i'm mostly in conspiracy. and i do see ugly signs having read a few of his post.
i'll pay more attention, i want to hear it from steve..
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
You could be right. And what do you think the right will say when someone from the left challenges the validity of a duly certified and authenticated birth certificate of a Republican candidate?
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.

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