Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
Link that Walker Flunked out? Oh yea he didnt, duddy lying again like a good libturd.

"Walker discontinued his studies at Marquette in the spring of 1990, leaving in good standing with a 2.59/4.0 grade point average, and with 34 credits short of the minimum needed to graduate"

And nobody even knows O's grades but the luddlys will still be hypocrites.

Walker is getting the treatment any Democrat would get if her or she dropped out of college.

Enjoy it .

He should get the scrutiny. O got a pass.
FTR I kind of like the idea that he dropped out of college.

There's somewhat of an odd aristocratic mentality in America about attending the "right" schools. I'd have no problem with a President who dropped out of college, let alone didn't graduate from the Ivy League.

you are right harper, it has become so competetive. furthermore, the essence of college, is becoming diluted, going by way of the professional arena (paid athletes... commercialism, ruining the games)...

and most despicable of all, it seem to me a lot of the kids going to colleges are there to make "contacts", "connections"...know people in high places..

and... we've had some luck with some notable leaders.. without the expensive sheepskin.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
Link that Walker Flunked out? Oh yea he didnt, duddy lying again like a good libturd.

"Walker discontinued his studies at Marquette in the spring of 1990, leaving in good standing with a 2.59/4.0 grade point average, and with 34 credits short of the minimum needed to graduate"

And nobody even knows O's grades but the luddlys will still be hypocrites.

Walker is getting the treatment any Democrat would get if her or she dropped out of college.

Enjoy it .

He should get the scrutiny. O got a pass.

How many attacks from Foxnews on this would I have to post before you'd admit you're wrong?
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
Link that Walker Flunked out? Oh yea he didnt, duddy lying again like a good libturd.

"Walker discontinued his studies at Marquette in the spring of 1990, leaving in good standing with a 2.59/4.0 grade point average, and with 34 credits short of the minimum needed to graduate"

And nobody even knows O's grades but the luddlys will still be hypocrites.

Walker is getting the treatment any Democrat would get if her or she dropped out of college.

Enjoy it .

He should get the scrutiny. O got a pass.

How many attacks from Foxnews on this would I have to post before you'd admit you're wrong?

So you're claiming Fox news is a legit source now? I'm always impressed with your contortions.
I find myself pleasantly surprised how long it took before you leftist bastards played the race card.

Alas, not a record......
Link that Walker Flunked out? Oh yea he didnt, duddy lying again like a good libturd.

"Walker discontinued his studies at Marquette in the spring of 1990, leaving in good standing with a 2.59/4.0 grade point average, and with 34 credits short of the minimum needed to graduate"

And nobody even knows O's grades but the luddlys will still be hypocrites.

Walker is getting the treatment any Democrat would get if her or she dropped out of college.

Enjoy it .

He should get the scrutiny. O got a pass.

How many attacks from Foxnews on this would I have to post before you'd admit you're wrong?

So you're claiming Fox news is a legit source now? I'm always impressed with your contortions.

You're conceding they're not in the news business. lol

So who ARE the media you're talking about?

BTW, 'going after' a public figure over his college records is NOT news reporting.

Now you're just being deliberately obtuse.

You know GODDAMN well what we mean by the 'media'

We mean the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media, not Fox News Channel.

Which, while a Voice in the Wilderness, is still outnumbered by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media by at least 100 to 1. Easy. Maybe more than that if you consider AP, UPI, Reuters and the BBC...... Barely a 'fair and balanced' Reporter among them.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

You're conceding they're not in the news business. lol

So who ARE the media you're talking about?

BTW, 'going after' a public figure over his college records is NOT news reporting.

FNC is TINY compared to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

Among them are the GIANTS.... AP, UPI, Reuters, the BBC, The New Yawk Slimes, The Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, The LA Times, The Chicago Trib......

And all alone in the dark is FNC. Trying with all their might to be heard.

So far, they're doing a pretty good job but they still lean more to the Commentary Side of the News than the Reporting side.

Your problem is simple -- You're stupid. So you'll believe anything.

Fox is TINY compared to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

But that is changing. That is going to change in a big, big way.

You'll see. I am ALWAYS right, You should know that by now.
Here is a list of College Dropouts who somehow managed to become successful

The College Drop-Outs Hall of Fame Famous college dropouts successful college dropouts and rich college dropouts

Among them are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington (THE two best Presidents EVAH), Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and a few other 'failures'

I hired College Graduates. Plenty of them. It was funny watching the looks on their faces when they discovered that their Boss (me) who could hire and fire them at will, didn't bother with College...... And made ten times the money they did.


Remember something dimocrap scum.....

A College Degree is a wonderful Servant but a Terrible Master.


That's above your heads so I won't count on you getting it.

Of course, anything much more complicated than Dr Seuss is over the average dimocrap head
Virtually no president has ever released their college records. Even GW who 'released' his transcript from Yale did so only after someone else already leaked it.

Yup - the press did it's job and found bush's college records and released them. With obozo, they haven't even tried.

Nope- someone broke the law and illegally leaked Bush's Yale records to the press.

No one ever leaked Bush's Harvard records, Bush never voluntarily released his Harvard records, and none of you ever cared that Bush never released his Harvard records.

And we know that you didn't care because Bush was not black.
Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
Bush Sr. -both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Bill Clinton-both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Jimmy Carter- both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka= British Subject due to British Act of 1948 due to father being Kenyan British Subject

Edit: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah birth unknown due to 100% fraudulent birth certificate.

So you are saying that if a candidate has a foreign born father- then you expect that candidate to show his college records?

Come on Stevie- you know its just because you hate blacks.

And you just can't stand that an African American is your president- probably makes your stomach turn every time you are reminded that a black man is in the White House.
I like the guy.
me too !

he will be our next president, so long as the libercrats do not fuck over the results as they did in 2012AD by having dead demoscum, illegals and the muslime brotherhood vote for him plus the dumping of ballot boxes from conservative districts.

Obabble is a muslime commie shit-for-brains when it comes to doing the job he took an oath to.

LOL....well you are the person that Walker is looking for votes from- foul mouthed, ignorant and uneducated.
Yup - the press did it's job and found bush's college records and released them. With obozo, they haven't even tried.

Nope- someone broke the law and illegally leaked Bush's Yale records to the press.

No one ever leaked Bush's Harvard records, Bush never voluntarily released his Harvard records, and none of you ever cared that Bush never released his Harvard records.

And we know that you didn't care because Bush was not black.
Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
Bush Sr. -both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Bill Clinton-both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Jimmy Carter- both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka= British Subject due to British Act of 1948 due to father being Kenyan British Subject

Edit: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah birth unknown due to 100% fraudulent birth certificate.

So you are saying that if a candidate has a foreign born father- then you expect that candidate to show his college records?

Come on Stevie- you know its just because you hate blacks.

And you just can't stand that an African American is your president- probably makes your stomach turn every time you are reminded that a black man is in the White House.
Cotton pickin race has nothing to do with that boy in the white house. It's all about Article 2 Section 1 being subverted.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?

I do believe every other POTUS has released his college transcripsts. Why doesn't Obama??

What makes you believe that? Seriously you have drunk the Obama haters kool aid.

List of Presidents:
Obama- never released transcripts of Columbia or Harvard
Bush- Yale records illegally leaked, Harvard records never released
Clinton- college records never released
Bush sr.- College records never released
Reagan- College records never released
Carter- college records never released.

So why do you think that Obama should be doing what every previous President refused to do?
Nope- someone broke the law and illegally leaked Bush's Yale records to the press.

No one ever leaked Bush's Harvard records, Bush never voluntarily released his Harvard records, and none of you ever cared that Bush never released his Harvard records.

And we know that you didn't care because Bush was not black.
Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
Bush Sr. -both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Bill Clinton-both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Jimmy Carter- both parents U.S. citizens=natural born Citizen
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka= British Subject due to British Act of 1948 due to father being Kenyan British Subject

Edit: Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarkah birth unknown due to 100% fraudulent birth certificate.

So you are saying that if a candidate has a foreign born father- then you expect that candidate to show his college records?

Come on Stevie- you know its just because you hate blacks.

And you just can't stand that an African American is your president- probably makes your stomach turn every time you are reminded that a black man is in the White House.
Cotton pickin race has nothing to do with that boy in the white house.

Thanks for that Racist Stevie.
Virtually no president has ever released their college records. Even GW who 'released' his transcript from Yale did so only after someone else already leaked it.

Yup - the press did it's job and found bush's college records and released them. With obozo, they haven't even tried.

Nope- someone broke the law and illegally leaked Bush's Yale records to the press.

No one ever leaked Bush's Harvard records, Bush never voluntarily released his Harvard records, and none of you ever cared that Bush never released his Harvard records.

And we know that you didn't care because Bush was not black.
Dude we didn't care because Bush was not Democrat. Nobody gives a fuck what color Obama is.

Additionally, Only Obama, to my knowledge, has evidence leading us to believe he either wasn't born on US soil, or he used people's belief that he was to get special dispensation while in college.

I was speaking to Shootspeeder- who is a racist who constantly says its all about 'affirmative action'. And Stevie the racist cares for the same reason- there are plenty of the Obama haters who are pretty open about it.

There is no evidence that would lead any rational person to believe that he wasn't born on U.S. soil- the evidence- his birth certificate, confirmed multiple times by the state of Hawaii shows he was born in the U.S.

And there is no evidence that he got into college any differently than Bush did.

There is only one candidate or President that you folks have demanded he produce his college records- and that is Barack Obama.

Maybe its not about race for you- but excuse me for being suspicious- when you look at the line up:
Barack Obama- black- demand release all college records
Bush- white- no demand to release all college records
Clinton- white- no demand to release all college records
Bush sr.- white- no demand to release all college records
Reagan- white- no demand to release all college records
Carter- white- no demand to release all college records

There does seem to be a pattern here......
The reason is because of that pamphlet that said he was fromkenya. Why did she think he was from kenya unless he told them so. Also his ssn is misnumbered and other factors exist which makes his place of birth suspect.

What do any of those Birther lies, speculation and innuendo have to do with demanding Barack Obama's college transcripts- and no one elses?

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