Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.
stevie are you falcon ??
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.
stevie are you falcon ??
No, I'm Steve McGarrett, a natural born Citizen patriot..
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.
stevie are you falcon ??
No, I'm Steve McGarrett, a natural born Citizen patriot..
self proclaimed racist ? do you hate anyone that's not "like you" ??
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.
stevie are you falcon ??
No, I'm Steve McGarrett, a natural born Citizen patriot..
self proclaimed racist ? do you hate anyone that's not "like you" ??
Not a self proclaimed racist but I am proud of my race and it's accomplishments. How about you? Are you proud of your race? Or does political correctness prevent you from answering?
i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.
stevie are you falcon ??
No, I'm Steve McGarrett, a natural born Citizen patriot..
self proclaimed racist ? do you hate anyone that's not "like you" ??
Not a self proclaimed racist but I am proud of my race and it's accomplishments. How about you? Are you proud of your race? Or does political correctness prevent you from answering?

it blows my mind that anyone can think they are better than anyone else. or that they could have been born as those they despise or treat differently.

so no, i am not proud of my race... it's creepy, apparently so are you...

quit fucking it up for those of us nice birthers... that's not what we are about...

it's about the constitution and the cover up for me... nothing else

people like you are the reason i work alone.

i think i don't remember you now.... from years ago... yuk

hey are you that creepy guy at oryr ?? get your shit together man... sometimes the obots are right.. you knew right away who falcon was ... ??
Last edited:
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.
stevie are you falcon ??
No, I'm Steve McGarrett, a natural born Citizen patriot..
self proclaimed racist ? do you hate anyone that's not "like you" ??
Not a self proclaimed racist but I am proud of my race and it's accomplishments. How about you? Are you proud of your race? Or does political correctness prevent you from answering?

it blows my mind that anyone can think they are better than anyone else. or that they could have been born as those they despise or treat differently.

so no, i am not proud of my race... it's creepy, apparently so are you...

quit fucking it up for those of us nice birthers... that's not what we are about...

it's about the constitution and the cover up for me... nothing else

people like you are the reason i work alone.

i think i don't remember you now.... from years ago... yuk

hey are you that creepy guy at oryr ?? get your shit together man... sometimes the obots are right..
I'm not fucking anything up. As I stated, I'm a patriot. I want Article 2 Section 1 upheld, not subverted. But again, you need to be racially aware. You need to be awakened. I suggest you read this authored by a true American patriot.

donnie (let me file bankruptcy to screw my creditors and others) trump! Who cares!

Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Exclusive Donald Trump MSM Investigation Into Scott Walker s College A Double Standard - Breitbart

feb 12 2015
Real estate magnate and reality television star Donald Trump, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, tells Breitbart News it’s a “double standard” for the Washington Post to spend as much time and effort as it did investigating Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s college days, when reporters haven’t put much effort into investigating President Barack Obama’s background.

“Why didn’t they send a reporter over to Occidental and to Columbia and to the various Obama schools?” Trump said in a phone interview. “There’s never been a reporter over there. Nobody’s ever found anything. There’s no records available. Why didn’t send a reporter over to talk to the people from the schools he went to? It seems like a terrible double standard.”

When asked about how, six years deep now into the Obama administration, the president has been able to keep his college transcripts and records hidden from the American people, Trump said it’s largely because Obama spent millions in legal fees aiming to keep them hidden.

“They have nothing. They have nothing,” Trump said. “They don’t even have any records at all. They have no record of names. They have no record he went there. And of course the president spent $3.2 million to make sure they don’t have any records.”
Did the 'media' even actually 'investigate' Walker's college record?

Wasn't it common public knowledge that he dropped out?
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.
What...... Walker didn't complete college...
And he wants to be President....
I guess he doesn't meet the requirement needed to run for President....
Too bad....

I like the guy.
At Least Walker can tell us how many states there are, Walker knows how to pronounce "Corpseman", Walker also doesn't acknowledge seeing dead people during speeches, and Walker doesn't ask handicapped people to "Stand Up Chuck". oh, and Walker actually knows what language they speak in Austria.

And what language they speak in Afghanistan. :)
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

so lets see their records.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

so lets see their records.

Well I don't have them. If you're interested you might ask for them. Obviously Scott Walker has not hidden his college transcripts or anything else about his college years in any way. I'm pretty sure Trump would make his transcripts etc. available for public scrutiny at such time as he seriously declared a candidacy.

But we have zero access to ANY of Barack Barry Hussein Sotero Obama's academic records anywhere don't we. No information on his grade point average. No information on what name he applied for admission and/or government aid or what he showed as his native country. Not a single paper that he wrote even though he was made head of the Law Review at Harvard--no information on what qualified him for that. No friends to interview to tell us what he was like back then. We know less about Barack Obama's past or credentials than any President in the history of this country.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.

LOL- listening to all of the racist voices in your head again Stevie?

No- I am the black man you cower from each time you go into the store, I am the Jew that you tremble in fear from, convinced that I am about to cheat you out of your rusty 1968 Buick, I am the homosexual who you cringe from convinced that being near me will 'turn' you gay.

I am everyone and everything you hate- and fear- in other words- I am an American.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

so lets see their records.

Well I don't have them. If you're interested you might ask for them. Obviously Scott Walker has not hidden his college transcripts or anything else about his college years in any way. .


Have you seen Scott Walker's college transcripts? Or any other college records of his?

No- i don't think Walker is hiding anything- Walker- like Obama, Romney, McCain, Bush, Clinton, etc- simply is not providing his college records for his opponents to try to use against him.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?
You're not bothered that the press is pushing to see Walker's records but didnt care about Obama's?
I still haven't seen Walker's birth certificate.

i predict you will faun... in fact i'll bet we see them all from now on, including the chief.

there will be a sea of birth certificates, grades, financial aid college records, stuff like that.
So Syriusly is Surannis, the nutcase homosexual fogbower who has a fetish for R.C.? It all makes sense now.

LOL- listening to all of the racist voices in your head again Stevie?

No- I am the black man you cower from each time you go into the store, I am the Jew that you tremble in fear from, convinced that I am about to cheat you out of your rusty 1968 Buick, I am the homosexual who you cringe from convinced that being near me will 'turn' you gay.

I am everyone and everything you hate- and fear- in other words- I am an American.
No, you're nothing. Thanks for clarifying.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

so lets see their records.

Well I don't have them. If you're interested you might ask for them. Obviously Scott Walker has not hidden his college transcripts or anything else about his college years in any way. I'm pretty sure Trump would make his transcripts etc. available for public scrutiny at such time as he seriously declared a candidacy.

But we have zero access to ANY of Barack Barry Hussein Sotero Obama's academic records anywhere don't we. No information on his grade point average. No information on what name he applied for admission and/or government aid or what he showed as his native country. Not a single paper that he wrote even though he was made head of the Law Review at Harvard--no information on what qualified him for that. No friends to interview to tell us what he was like back then. We know less about Barack Obama's past or credentials than any President in the history of this country.

Pretend you'd have reconsidered voting for him if you saw his college records.
That's funny.

Trump has no education and Walker flunked out.

So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Walker did not flunk out. The folks at Marquette said he was in good standing at the time he left and he would be eligible to return there any time he wished. He is 34 credits shy of graduation.

Donald Trump has a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

so lets see their records.
. No friends to interview to tell us what he was like back then. We know less about Barack Obama's past or credentials than any President in the history of this country.

Wow- you are really ignorant- I mean and seem determined to be ignorant;

Here is a very small sampling of official confirmations by his colleges- and quotes by persons who knew him

OFFICIAL SOURCES: Occidental College

Barack Obama attended Occidental College from fall 1979 through spring 1981 and then transferred to Columbia University in New York. He is not a graduate of Occidental; however, the Occidental College Alumni Association bylaws state that anyone who completes at least eight courses of undergraduate work (or a year of graduate studies) is eligible for alumni status when their class graduates. From the Occidental College Web Site.

Lisa Jack, Classmate and Photographer
Photos show President Barack Obama as Barry the freshman - LA Times

Her life and Obama's intersected at the Cooler, a campus snack shop.

The young woman from Rye, N.Y., loved her psychology courses but cared enough about photography to find mentors on the faculty who tutored her in independent study courses. With a blanket thrown over the couch she recalls as "a plaid horrible thing," the living room of the apartment she shared in a nondescript quadruplex near the campus in Eagle Rock became Jack's makeshift photo studio. Students from her circle of friends and acquaintances would pose for portraits that she would hand in as her weekly assignments.

That day a friend was telling her about a student named Barry she ought to photograph "because he's so cute." Moments later, the man himself walked in. He agreed to the shoot.

There was nothing out of the ordinary about the session, Jack says, although it impressed her that Obama had taken the initiative to bring the big, banded hat, a leather, bomber-style jacket with a fur collar and cigarettes as grist for her lens. "He obviously thought about how he wanted to have his picture taken." Obama shared at least one characteristic with the other students who sat for her portraits: "I think the thing that everybody was trying to portray the most was how cool they were."

It's exciting to see someone I went to college with become President of the United States of America, especially someone who was so genuinely nice and sincere. I would be lying if I were to say I knew him well; but like so many of us in this country, he has had a profound impact on me. I feel honored to have known him and to have been the "keeper of the photos from such a long time ago".

Robert Hornsby, Columbia Spokesman

School spokesman Robert Hornsby told WND that federal law limits the release of information about a student, but he could confirm that "Barack Obama applied for and was granted admission to Columbia College as a transfer student in 1981. He enrolled for the fall term of that year as a political science major. With the conclusion of the spring semester of 1983, Obama completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and graduated with his class."

Jim Davidson, Classmate

... I met Barack Obama at Columbia University when we were both students there in Spring 1983... I was a student at Columbia University 1981-1985.

Not only did I meet and talk with Barack Obama at some length, he wrote an essay that was published in The Sundial magazine on campus in 1983. Over the byline “Barack Obama” is a discussion of the anti-war groups on campus, including Students Against Militarism, a group I was a member of. (I was also a member of Young Americans for Freedom.)...

So, in summary, I was a student at Columbia, I met Barack Obama, I knew he was a student, and he and I talked, among other things, about my involvement in Students Against Militarism, my discomfort with its connection to Maoists and Stalinists on campus, and my favourite hat with political buttons all over it.


Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, Contributor, Harvard Law Review
Article: The origins and historical understanding of free exercise of religion; McConnell, Michael W. 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1409 (1989-1990)
Once a piece is set, the president also sends a letter or fax and makes a follow-up phone call to each author. Federal Judge Michael W. McConnell, who was nominated by George W. Bush and has frequently been mentioned as one of Bush's potential Supreme Court nominees, recalls receiving one such letter and call in early 1990 for his article "The Origins and Historical Understanding of Free Exercise of Religion."

McConnell told Politico, "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view." McConnell was impressed enough to urge the University of Chicago Law School to seek Obama out as an academic prospect.
That asshole Hussein Obama won't release his college transcripts like everybody else has.

That means he is hiding something he doesn't want the American people to find out about.

Is it the fact that he registered as a foreign student or that he was passed in his classes because affirmative action or both?

Because of his record of incompetency as President I know that he could not have learned anything in college so he has to be an affirmative action. You know, pass the Black no matter what he learned just to meet a quota. For instance, I doubt he ever passed a course in either history or economics. He sure as hell would have flunked ethics given his record of lying to the American people.

Sure, Columbia and Harvard are such easy colleges to graduate from..........Idiot.

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