Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass

That asshole Hussein Obama won't release his college transcripts like everybody else has.

'like everybody else has'- who is this 'everybody else' you speak of Flash?

Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Gore and even that turdbrain Kerry.

What is Obama hiding?
Carter- no
Reagan- no
Bush 2- Yale records- leaked by someone else, Harvard records never released
Gore- never a Preisdent- leaked
Kerry- never a Prsident- leaked

What about Romney- remember him? Republican candidate who lost to Obama? He didn't release his college transcripts.

Fact is- nobody voluntarily releases his college transcripts.

Why won't Obama release his? Because he is like every other President.

Reference because I saw the list and it included the Presidents I mentioned.

Stop trying to lie and cover up for the shithead. It just makes you look like a fool.

If he graduated with honors then there is no reason for him not to release his records like other Presidents, He is hiding something. What do you think he is hiding?

Sure, Columbia and Harvard are such easy colleges to graduate from..........Idiot.

Actually we don't even really know if he graduated because he won't release his transcripts.

We don't know if he graduated because of an affirmative action quota for Blacks or if actually did earn his degree.

I suspect he didn't earn his degree because he has really been a dumbshit and incompetent as Senator and President. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground on any subject except maybe basketball. Fort instance, his knowledge of economics doesn't even meet the the level of understanding that a college freshman would get after attending the first couple of classes of Econ 101. He proved the other day he doesn't know anything about the Crusades or history with his dumbass comments so we know he didn't pass any history classes. He didn't learn much in college so that lends authority to the idea that he is nothing more than an Affirmation Action piece of shit. Just think how many dumbass Moon Bats voted for him just because the asshole was Black?

Even though the claim is often made that he received a lot of his support simply because he is black, I have never met anyone who said that is why they voted for him. I do know lots of people who were reticent to vote for him the first time because he was black, but had to because the thought of McCain and Palin was just too terrifying. It was much easier to vote for him the second time though.

Sure, Columbia and Harvard are such easy colleges to graduate from..........Idiot.

Actually we don't even really know if he graduated because he won't release his transcripts.

We don't know if he graduated because of an affirmative action quota for Blacks or if actually did earn his degree.

I suspect he didn't earn his degree because he has really been a dumbshit and incompetent as Senator and President. He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground on any subject except maybe basketball. Fort instance, his knowledge of economics doesn't even meet the the level of understanding that a college freshman would get after attending the first couple of classes of Econ 101. He proved the other day he doesn't know anything about the Crusades or history with his dumbass comments so we know he didn't pass any history classes. He didn't learn much in college so that lends authority to the idea that he is nothing more than an Affirmation Action piece of shit. Just think how many dumbass Moon Bats voted for him just because the asshole was Black?
Your post is spot on.
That asshole Hussein Obama won't release his college transcripts like everybody else has.

'like everybody else has'- who is this 'everybody else' you speak of Flash?

Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Gore and even that turdbrain Kerry.

What is Obama hiding?
Carter- no
Reagan- no
Bush 2- Yale records- leaked by someone else, Harvard records never released
Gore- never a Preisdent- leaked
Kerry- never a Prsident- leaked

What about Romney- remember him? Republican candidate who lost to Obama? He didn't release his college transcripts.

Fact is- nobody voluntarily releases his college transcripts.

Why won't Obama release his? Because he is like every other President.

Reference because I saw the list and it included the Presidents I mentioned.

Stop trying to lie and cover up for the shithead. It just makes you look like a fool.

If he graduated with honors then there is no reason for him not to release his records like other Presidents, He is hiding something. What do you think he is hiding?

I guess if anyone was an expert in looking like a fool, it would be you.
That asshole Hussein Obama won't release his college transcripts like everybody else has.

'like everybody else has'- who is this 'everybody else' you speak of Flash?

Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Gore and even that turdbrain Kerry.

What is Obama hiding?
Carter- no
Reagan- no
Bush 2- Yale records- leaked by someone else, Harvard records never released
Gore- never a Preisdent- leaked
Kerry- never a Prsident- leaked

What about Romney- remember him? Republican candidate who lost to Obama? He didn't release his college transcripts.

Fact is- nobody voluntarily releases his college transcripts.

Why won't Obama release his? Because he is like every other President.

Reference because I saw the list and it included the Presidents I mentioned.

Stop trying to lie and cover up for the shithead. It just makes you look like a fool.

If he graduated with honors then there is no reason for him not to release his records like other Presidents, He is hiding something. What do you think he is hiding?

What list? 'the list'- what the hell is that?

Feel free to prove that I have lied- I would welcome watching you struggle with that mental challenge.

You claimed that 'everyone else' had released their college records and no- no one else released their college records.

Bush, Kerry and Gore had their undergrad records leaked- so did Rick Perry. None of them released their records voluntarily- or completely.

Romney, McCain- never released.
Bush never released his Harvard records.
Clinton never released his college records except maybe after he left the office.
Same with Reagan.

So why are you demanding President Obama's college records when you never saw any other President's- except Bush's undergrad grades?

Sure, Columbia and Harvard are such easy colleges to graduate from..........Idiot.

Actually we don't even really know if he graduated because he won't release his transcripts.

'we' being yourself and fellow idiots who are incapable of reading?


Columbia College, Columbia University web site

Barack Obama '83 became the first College alumnus to be elected President of the United States. On November 4, Obama defeated his Republican challenger, Sen. John McCain P'07, ending a marathon campaign that saw Obama rise from a first-term senator to the nation's first African-American president.

Obama, who was profiled in Columbia College Today in January 2005 when he burst upon the national political scene, transferred to Columbia from Occidental prior to his junior year.

The truth is out there- if you are just not so scared to actually accept it.

Feel free to compare this with the proof that Romney graduated
Here is a list of College Dropouts who somehow managed to become successful

The College Drop-Outs Hall of Fame Famous college dropouts successful college dropouts and rich college dropouts

Among them are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington (THE two best Presidents EVAH), Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and a few other 'failures'

I hired College Graduates. Plenty of them. It was funny watching the looks on their faces when they discovered that their Boss (me) who could hire and fire them at will, didn't bother with College...... And made ten times the money they did.


Remember something dimocrap scum.....

A College Degree is a wonderful Servant but a Terrible Master.


That's above your heads so I won't count on you getting it.

Of course, anything much more complicated than Dr Seuss is over the average dimocrap head
Wow, the Right will let Mark Twain tell them education isn't important. Ignorance is bliss.
Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Exclusive Donald Trump MSM Investigation Into Scott Walker s College A Double Standard - Breitbart

feb 12 2015
Real estate magnate and reality television star Donald Trump, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, tells Breitbart News it’s a “double standard” for the Washington Post to spend as much time and effort as it did investigating Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s college days, when reporters haven’t put much effort into investigating President Barack Obama’s background.

“Why didn’t they send a reporter over to Occidental and to Columbia and to the various Obama schools?” Trump said in a phone interview. “There’s never been a reporter over there. Nobody’s ever found anything. There’s no records available. Why didn’t send a reporter over to talk to the people from the schools he went to? It seems like a terrible double standard.”

When asked about how, six years deep now into the Obama administration, the president has been able to keep his college transcripts and records hidden from the American people, Trump said it’s largely because Obama spent millions in legal fees aiming to keep them hidden.

“They have nothing. They have nothing,” Trump said. “They don’t even have any records at all. They have no record of names. They have no record he went there. And of course the president spent $3.2 million to make sure they don’t have any records.”

Great points. Until the left digs into Obama's college records with the same enthusiasm, they don't have a right to criticize any Republican.
Damn, you know they hate facts!!


Sure, Columbia and Harvard are such easy colleges to graduate from..........Idiot.

Actually we don't even really know if he graduated because he won't release his transcripts.

'we' being yourself and fellow idiots who are incapable of reading?


Columbia College, Columbia University web site

Barack Obama '83 became the first College alumnus to be elected President of the United States. On November 4, Obama defeated his Republican challenger, Sen. John McCain P'07, ending a marathon campaign that saw Obama rise from a first-term senator to the nation's first African-American president.

Obama, who was profiled in Columbia College Today in January 2005 when he burst upon the national political scene, transferred to Columbia from Occidental prior to his junior year.

The truth is out there- if you are just not so scared to actually accept it.

Feel free to compare this with the proof that Romney graduated

Sure, Columbia and Harvard are such easy colleges to graduate from..........Idiot.

Actually we don't even really know if he graduated because he won't release his transcripts.

'we' being yourself and fellow idiots who are incapable of reading?


Columbia College, Columbia University web site

Barack Obama '83 became the first College alumnus to be elected President of the United States. On November 4, Obama defeated his Republican challenger, Sen. John McCain P'07, ending a marathon campaign that saw Obama rise from a first-term senator to the nation's first African-American president.

Obama, who was profiled in Columbia College Today in January 2005 when he burst upon the national political scene, transferred to Columbia from Occidental prior to his junior year.

The truth is out there- if you are just not so scared to actually accept it.

Feel free to compare this with the proof that Romney graduated

you can't make a dent in the thick skulls of Birfers. Life never existed for them before Obama entered the picture.
So when is Trump gonna give us that proof he has that Obama was born in Kenya?

Breitbart gave us that 3 years ago when he showed that obama's own literary agency had published a brochure saying O was born in kenya. Next thing you know breitbart was dead.
And his coroner died too...

In that case, you better put that tinfoil hat back on and head for the compound. The black helicopters will probably be after you next.
Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Exclusive Donald Trump MSM Investigation Into Scott Walker s College A Double Standard - Breitbart

feb 12 2015
Real estate magnate and reality television star Donald Trump, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, tells Breitbart News it’s a “double standard” for the Washington Post to spend as much time and effort as it did investigating Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s college days, when reporters haven’t put much effort into investigating President Barack Obama’s background.

“Why didn’t they send a reporter over to Occidental and to Columbia and to the various Obama schools?” Trump said in a phone interview. “There’s never been a reporter over there. Nobody’s ever found anything. There’s no records available. Why didn’t send a reporter over to talk to the people from the schools he went to? It seems like a terrible double standard.”

When asked about how, six years deep now into the Obama administration, the president has been able to keep his college transcripts and records hidden from the American people, Trump said it’s largely because Obama spent millions in legal fees aiming to keep them hidden.

“They have nothing. They have nothing,” Trump said. “They don’t even have any records at all. They have no record of names. They have no record he went there. And of course the president spent $3.2 million to make sure they don’t have any records.”

Great points. Until the left digs into Obama's college records with the same enthusiasm, they don't have a right to criticize any Republican.

Um, Walker released his college records.
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.
He sure did.

Whats the big deal about Obama's college transcripts?

Whatever it is Obama doesn't want anyone to know about his college time.

Kinda funny since all the other men who have been president have released college transcripts.

Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Very likely according to who? You do realize that you've got exactly jack shit to back up any claim you just made about Obama, right?

So why won't obozo release his records? THINK

What president has? Why should Obama do jack shit that no other president has, much less BEEN ASKED?

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